A school bus carrying students was involved in a fatal collision with a dump truck. The officer observed several injured children on top of one another inside the bus. Multiple agencies responded to provide medical assistance. The officer transported the driver of the dump truck to the hospital for a blood sample collection and later brought the sample to the police station for evidence. An investigation into the crash is ongoing.
1) Violet trips and rips her legendary fringe, breaking the curse protection. She transforms into a scaly creature unable to breathe on land.
2) Violet slithers into the water and swims to Africa to find a replacement fringe. She is bombed by planes but escapes unharmed. A map lands on her head.
3) On the return swim, Violet is attacked by sharks but breaks free. The largest shark charges at her but hits a rock and dies with a pink fringe exposed.
The document contains links to audio files and webpages about an Israeli musical group called Hypersonic. It also includes contact information for booking the band. The links suggest the group performs electronic music and has released songs titled "lu roux rmx" and "game boy".
The document contains links to audio files and webpages about an Israeli musical group called Hypersonic. It also includes contact information for booking the band. The links suggest the group performs electronic music and has released songs titled "lu roux rmx" and "game boy".
1) Amar Chitra Katha is a popular Indian comic book series that retells stories from Indian mythology, history and folklore. It has sold over 86 million copies worldwide.
2) The comics use illustrations and simple language to make complex topics accessible to children. They aim to introduce young readers to India's rich cultural heritage.
3) The comic book being summarized is about the legend of Ayyappan, a Hindu god who was born to destroy an evil demon named Mahishi.
Major military authorities regard the Twin Cities area as the nation's major center for the spread of Communism. A military officer from the University of Minnesota claims Communism is rampant at the university and that the student newspaper, the Minnesota Daily, has communist influences. He calls for public support of the ROTC program at the university. Another military officer has returned from investigating claims of Communism being taught at a local high school.
Debran Rowland -- "Du Page minorities quiet on political front." (Chicago Tri...Debran Rowland
- Minorities make up a growing portion of Du Page County's population but remain politically underrepresented as candidates. Only one black candidate is seeking a city council seat out of 380 total candidates.
- Reasons cited for lack of minority political involvement include concerns about racism, lack of time/skills, and preferences to work within community organizations instead of seeking office.
- Some minorities also move to Du Page for the same reasons as whites - good schools, housing, and stability. This can decrease emphasis on racial identity and minority political organizations.
- Increasingly, class may become a more defining factor than race for some middle- and upper-class minorities. Large minority populations in some areas may increase political cl
The document provides travel recommendations and descriptions for visiting several places in Vietnam, including Hanoi, Halong Bay, and Tam Coc. It summarizes the Old Quarter of Hanoi as being located between Hoan Kiem Lake, the ancient Citadel walls, and the levees protecting the city from the Red River. It recommends booking overnight boat tours to fully experience the beauty of Halong Bay and describes the scenic boat ride through the Three Gaves at Tam Coc.
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman et al.. (2012). Major Problems in AmerMerrileeDelvalle969
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman et al.. (2012). Major Problems in American History Volume II: Since 1865. : 3rd
ed.. (pp. 341-343).
This reading is being made available to you under fair dealing for the purpose of education in your
Ryerson University class. This is considered a reasonable amount of a work and is being delivered to you
for the purpose of instruction by Ryerson University. Please do not redistribute.
1111 l'o,rWAR 1100.\\" AFFlUFNU' ANI) ANXIII Y 34 1
{lJ/lrl'mp(Jrtlrif~ dn' tlu' $1111(((' I~r d;rurit>ll Ivr ,Ill' illdil'idlhl1---t-rrlla tlwsl' ktltlU~1 iii 1,,111 or
{/uHf willi 111"ml Itt' is 1m/i,m!)' IUqll<lUlIl'd, Ih""~1!11 frirtlds mId tllflllIg/r ,11/: 111</$$ 1IU'lfitl.
-nlis source is t{ fl'lIne "illlcn1<lIi::I'/f" ill lire St'llSl' /11<1/ dcpcmlt¡¤//cl' Oil il ,(tIT .I!tlld,mcr ItI
fife is Imp/,m/rtf (',/r/),_ n,l' .\!'h,ls ldll'll,d which rll(' olher-tlirffu¡¤J //t'rsOIl Sfnl't'S sl,!{t 1.111,
,1,,1/ guidallce: if i_' 011/)' ,Ill' prtl(l'SS 4srnl'UlJ~ iw'!f ami 1111' prOll'SS 'YJl,I),ill.l! dt.'$l' III/tlllitm
WI/,e SI.'?IUII ?. (rOllllllltel'S ,h,1I 't'lllIIi" Ulwilcmll/twlI.l!/Wlit life. ThiS lIlod~ ofkccplllg III
(Ouch wIth mitcN pl'nmh ;l dos(' bchl\;Ora! confonlllty. not through drill III
beha"ior n~elf. J.~ in till" lrndltlon-dircctcd character, but ralher through .111 ex-
ceptioll:l.1 \emlll\'iry to Ih,¡¤ JCtlOllS and \\!Shcs of othcr'\ ....
In tillS change of p.lrelltJl attitude the Illass Illedia of CO!llm uni c.lUon p!:l.y a
dual role. Froll1 the m:l.'~ media-radio. 1I10\'les. comics-as well J~ from tht"ir
0\\ n peers. chlldrt'n can ea5i ly leam whal the nom) of parelUJI behavior is .. lIld
hold it over theLf parcllt.~¡¤ he:uk ...
Despite ,he dinnnulion of thl'lrauthonty. the parcms still try [Q con trollllattl'rs; but
with the lo<;!, of sdf-assurance their techlllqucs change. They can neither hold lhem-
5Clves up as a l'xel1lp la r;--wh"n both they and the child know better--nor fCSOrt. III
good conscience. to ~~'\'erc corporal pLl!li~lllnent and deprivations. At L1I0<;t du:re
afe tOken spankHlb'S, wLth open phy~ical wan-1fc confined to the lower classes.
The parl'nt..~¡¤ recour'\c, c)pccially in the upper middle class. is to "pcf'lollnel"
Illethods-IO manipui:ltIoll in the fonll of reasoning. or, more accurately. of r.l-
tionali7..lIlg. The child r~'Spond~ III the $.11lle manner. One might sU lllman"e the
hislOncal sequencc by saying !lut the tradition-directed ch ild propitiates hi~ parenb;
the IIll1er-dm:Cled child fights or ~uccllmbs 10 them; the other-direCl(."(\ chi ld
malllpuiat(.'S them .1I1d I~ III tum mampulatcd ....
8 . Mi c hae l Harring t o n U n v eils "The Other Americ a"
Outside Suburbia , 1961
There IS .1 falllili.lr Americ.l. [t i$ celebrated in speeches and advertised on televi -
sion and 111 the lllahr.lZllle~. It ha\ thl' highest mass s[:lIldard oflivmg the world has
ever kllo\\ n.
In ,he 1950'~ thi~ America worried abom Itself, yet even Its anXleti ...
This document provides a summary of international news from newspapers in England arriving on September 18, 1851. Politically, things were quiet in England as the Queen visited Scotland. In France, attention was on the upcoming presidential election. Small disturbances continued in Austria and Portugal. The document also discusses the ongoing Great Exhibition in London and notes of emigration from Ireland to Canada.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1860, Nov 17S7w5Xb
This document appears to be from an American anti-slavery newspaper from 1860. It contains several short articles and summaries of speeches on the topics of slavery, the upcoming presidential election, and the divisions between pro and anti-slavery factions in America at the time.
This document provides a 3-paragraph notice about revising the use of certain verbs and phrases when talking about natural disasters and extreme weather. It introduces key vocabulary related to landscapes and natural hazards. It also includes a photo showing a resort built in the desert and prompts the reader to consider how humans have changed natural landscapes.
This document provides a philosophical analysis of terrorism and globalization in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. It argues that the attacks represented a major symbolic event that disrupted global power structures and revealed vulnerabilities within increasingly centralized systems. The author posits that terrorism arises from a desire to destroy hegemonic power and reassert singularities against homogenizing forces. Overall, the summary analyzes the attacks as the product of deep contradictions within the global order and modern power networks.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1861, Jan 19S7w5Xb
This document is a newspaper article from January 19, 1861 discussing slavery and abolitionism. It argues that abolitionists misrepresent slavery by only presenting the worst abuses while ignoring the biblical support for slavery. It claims Jesus and the apostles did not condemn slavery despite its prevalence in their society. The document also contains a letter from Rev. H.J. Van Dyke defending his criticism of abolitionism, saying he is urging conscience toward the flock he shepherds and must warn of coming wolves. In under 3 sentences, this summary outlines the main argument about biblical support for slavery and response to potential criticism.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames near the Tower of London. It has become an iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that is 135 meters tall and has a diameter of 120 meters, making it the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence and office of the British monarch.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
1. So Low began as a line of comfortable underwear created by entrepreneur Sarah Siegel-Magness that expanded into a full contemporary women's brand.
2. Siegel-Magness has grown So Low from $75,000 in initial underwear sales to a global fashion brand selling various clothing items made primarily of jersey knit fabric.
3. Siegel-Magness aims to continue growing So Low long-term by building a strong foundation and expanding into new fabrics, collections, and markets globally.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1860, Nov 10S7w5Xb
This document contains a summary of a speech given by John Rossack defending himself against charges of violating slave laws. In his speech, Rossack argues that slave laws violate moral and religious principles by denying basic human rights. He acknowledges that he cannot obey laws that require oppressing others or go against his duty to God. While he is willing to suffer consequences, he cannot endorse injustice by joining those who make and enforce wicked slave laws.
This document provides an introduction to the book "Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas" edited by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano. It discusses how feminicide, or the murder of women, has become a widespread issue across Latin America. The introduction notes how the international community has been slow to recognize gender-based violence as a tool of war and conflict. It aims to have a transdisciplinary dialogue on feminicide as elaborated by feminist researchers and advocates working in Latin America to better understand and frame this phenomenon.
Little Lucky Wednesday was buried alive by her father in Cambodia shortly after birth because she was born with a cleft lip. She was discovered and rescued, and is now awaiting life-changing surgery by a team of volunteer surgeons from Operation Smile. The story of Lucky Wednesday highlights the stigma and hardship faced by children with cleft lips in developing countries. The volunteer surgical mission aims to provide free cleft lip and palate surgery to over 100 Cambodian children, as well as training local medical professionals.
This document contains traffic data collected after a fatal school bus and truck collision at the intersection of CR 528 & CR 660 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, NJ on February 16, 2012. It includes speed and volume counts, turning movement counts, and a signal warrant analysis with the conclusion that a traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection based on the data collected.
A fatal school bus and truck collision occurred on February 16, 2012 at 8:15am on Highway 12 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. The collision involved a school bus transporting children and a truck. It resulted in multiple injuries and at least one fatality. A 45-page accident investigation report was compiled containing diagrams of the collision scene, summaries of vehicle and road conditions, and other details of the incident.
The attached documents from Burlington County Engineering provide information regarding a fatal school bus and truck collision that occurred on February 16, 2012 at 8:15am at the intersection of CR 528 and CR 660 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, NJ. The documents include 51 pages with details such as roadway resurfacing plans, design plans for a flashing beacon installed at the intersection, traffic count data, speed surveys, development impact analyses, and accident reports. The documents were requested by an NTSB investigator as part of the investigation into the fatal collision.
This document appears to be a diagram or schematic showing various components connected by lines. It includes labels for different parts but is difficult to interpret without more context. The diagram shows interconnected rectangular boxes, ovals, and other shapes linked by lines. Additional information would be needed to provide a more detailed summary.
This document provides post-incident dimensions and locations of a school bus and truck involved in a collision based on measurements from the National Transportation Safety Board report and police reports. The school bus measurements are shown before and after the incident in inches. The truck's pre-incident measurements are based on an incomplete vehicle chassis without a lift axle. Diagrams show the final rest positions of the vehicles, utility poles, and other landmarks referenced in the investigation.
The document provides travel recommendations and descriptions for visiting several places in Vietnam, including Hanoi, Halong Bay, and Tam Coc. It summarizes the Old Quarter of Hanoi as being located between Hoan Kiem Lake, the ancient Citadel walls, and the levees protecting the city from the Red River. It recommends booking overnight boat tours to fully experience the beauty of Halong Bay and describes the scenic boat ride through the Three Gaves at Tam Coc.
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman et al.. (2012). Major Problems in AmerMerrileeDelvalle969
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman et al.. (2012). Major Problems in American History Volume II: Since 1865. : 3rd
ed.. (pp. 341-343).
This reading is being made available to you under fair dealing for the purpose of education in your
Ryerson University class. This is considered a reasonable amount of a work and is being delivered to you
for the purpose of instruction by Ryerson University. Please do not redistribute.
1111 l'o,rWAR 1100.\\" AFFlUFNU' ANI) ANXIII Y 34 1
{lJ/lrl'mp(Jrtlrif~ dn' tlu' $1111(((' I~r d;rurit>ll Ivr ,Ill' illdil'idlhl1---t-rrlla tlwsl' ktltlU~1 iii 1,,111 or
{/uHf willi 111"ml Itt' is 1m/i,m!)' IUqll<lUlIl'd, Ih""~1!11 frirtlds mId tllflllIg/r ,11/: 111</$$ 1IU'lfitl.
-nlis source is t{ fl'lIne "illlcn1<lIi::I'/f" ill lire St'llSl' /11<1/ dcpcmlt¡¤//cl' Oil il ,(tIT .I!tlld,mcr ItI
fife is Imp/,m/rtf (',/r/),_ n,l' .\!'h,ls ldll'll,d which rll(' olher-tlirffu¡¤J //t'rsOIl Sfnl't'S sl,!{t 1.111,
,1,,1/ guidallce: if i_' 011/)' ,Ill' prtl(l'SS 4srnl'UlJ~ iw'!f ami 1111' prOll'SS 'YJl,I),ill.l! dt.'$l' III/tlllitm
WI/,e SI.'?IUII ?. (rOllllllltel'S ,h,1I 't'lllIIi" Ulwilcmll/twlI.l!/Wlit life. ThiS lIlod~ ofkccplllg III
(Ouch wIth mitcN pl'nmh ;l dos(' bchl\;Ora! confonlllty. not through drill III
beha"ior n~elf. J.~ in till" lrndltlon-dircctcd character, but ralher through .111 ex-
ceptioll:l.1 \emlll\'iry to Ih,¡¤ JCtlOllS and \\!Shcs of othcr'\ ....
In tillS change of p.lrelltJl attitude the Illass Illedia of CO!llm uni c.lUon p!:l.y a
dual role. Froll1 the m:l.'~ media-radio. 1I10\'les. comics-as well J~ from tht"ir
0\\ n peers. chlldrt'n can ea5i ly leam whal the nom) of parelUJI behavior is .. lIld
hold it over theLf parcllt.~¡¤ he:uk ...
Despite ,he dinnnulion of thl'lrauthonty. the parcms still try [Q con trollllattl'rs; but
with the lo<;!, of sdf-assurance their techlllqucs change. They can neither hold lhem-
5Clves up as a l'xel1lp la r;--wh"n both they and the child know better--nor fCSOrt. III
good conscience. to ~~'\'erc corporal pLl!li~lllnent and deprivations. At L1I0<;t du:re
afe tOken spankHlb'S, wLth open phy~ical wan-1fc confined to the lower classes.
The parl'nt..~¡¤ recour'\c, c)pccially in the upper middle class. is to "pcf'lollnel"
Illethods-IO manipui:ltIoll in the fonll of reasoning. or, more accurately. of r.l-
tionali7..lIlg. The child r~'Spond~ III the $.11lle manner. One might sU lllman"e the
hislOncal sequencc by saying !lut the tradition-directed ch ild propitiates hi~ parenb;
the IIll1er-dm:Cled child fights or ~uccllmbs 10 them; the other-direCl(."(\ chi ld
malllpuiat(.'S them .1I1d I~ III tum mampulatcd ....
8 . Mi c hae l Harring t o n U n v eils "The Other Americ a"
Outside Suburbia , 1961
There IS .1 falllili.lr Americ.l. [t i$ celebrated in speeches and advertised on televi -
sion and 111 the lllahr.lZllle~. It ha\ thl' highest mass s[:lIldard oflivmg the world has
ever kllo\\ n.
In ,he 1950'~ thi~ America worried abom Itself, yet even Its anXleti ...
This document provides a summary of international news from newspapers in England arriving on September 18, 1851. Politically, things were quiet in England as the Queen visited Scotland. In France, attention was on the upcoming presidential election. Small disturbances continued in Austria and Portugal. The document also discusses the ongoing Great Exhibition in London and notes of emigration from Ireland to Canada.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1860, Nov 17S7w5Xb
This document appears to be from an American anti-slavery newspaper from 1860. It contains several short articles and summaries of speeches on the topics of slavery, the upcoming presidential election, and the divisions between pro and anti-slavery factions in America at the time.
This document provides a 3-paragraph notice about revising the use of certain verbs and phrases when talking about natural disasters and extreme weather. It introduces key vocabulary related to landscapes and natural hazards. It also includes a photo showing a resort built in the desert and prompts the reader to consider how humans have changed natural landscapes.
This document provides a philosophical analysis of terrorism and globalization in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. It argues that the attacks represented a major symbolic event that disrupted global power structures and revealed vulnerabilities within increasingly centralized systems. The author posits that terrorism arises from a desire to destroy hegemonic power and reassert singularities against homogenizing forces. Overall, the summary analyzes the attacks as the product of deep contradictions within the global order and modern power networks.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1861, Jan 19S7w5Xb
This document is a newspaper article from January 19, 1861 discussing slavery and abolitionism. It argues that abolitionists misrepresent slavery by only presenting the worst abuses while ignoring the biblical support for slavery. It claims Jesus and the apostles did not condemn slavery despite its prevalence in their society. The document also contains a letter from Rev. H.J. Van Dyke defending his criticism of abolitionism, saying he is urging conscience toward the flock he shepherds and must warn of coming wolves. In under 3 sentences, this summary outlines the main argument about biblical support for slavery and response to potential criticism.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames near the Tower of London. It has become an iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that is 135 meters tall and has a diameter of 120 meters, making it the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence and office of the British monarch.
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major tourist destination known for iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames that has become a iconic symbol of London. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the River Thames that was once the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Buckingham Palace in London is the official residence of the British monarch and a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
1. So Low began as a line of comfortable underwear created by entrepreneur Sarah Siegel-Magness that expanded into a full contemporary women's brand.
2. Siegel-Magness has grown So Low from $75,000 in initial underwear sales to a global fashion brand selling various clothing items made primarily of jersey knit fabric.
3. Siegel-Magness aims to continue growing So Low long-term by building a strong foundation and expanding into new fabrics, collections, and markets globally.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1860, Nov 10S7w5Xb
This document contains a summary of a speech given by John Rossack defending himself against charges of violating slave laws. In his speech, Rossack argues that slave laws violate moral and religious principles by denying basic human rights. He acknowledges that he cannot obey laws that require oppressing others or go against his duty to God. While he is willing to suffer consequences, he cannot endorse injustice by joining those who make and enforce wicked slave laws.
This document provides an introduction to the book "Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas" edited by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano. It discusses how feminicide, or the murder of women, has become a widespread issue across Latin America. The introduction notes how the international community has been slow to recognize gender-based violence as a tool of war and conflict. It aims to have a transdisciplinary dialogue on feminicide as elaborated by feminist researchers and advocates working in Latin America to better understand and frame this phenomenon.
Little Lucky Wednesday was buried alive by her father in Cambodia shortly after birth because she was born with a cleft lip. She was discovered and rescued, and is now awaiting life-changing surgery by a team of volunteer surgeons from Operation Smile. The story of Lucky Wednesday highlights the stigma and hardship faced by children with cleft lips in developing countries. The volunteer surgical mission aims to provide free cleft lip and palate surgery to over 100 Cambodian children, as well as training local medical professionals.
This document contains traffic data collected after a fatal school bus and truck collision at the intersection of CR 528 & CR 660 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, NJ on February 16, 2012. It includes speed and volume counts, turning movement counts, and a signal warrant analysis with the conclusion that a traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection based on the data collected.
A fatal school bus and truck collision occurred on February 16, 2012 at 8:15am on Highway 12 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. The collision involved a school bus transporting children and a truck. It resulted in multiple injuries and at least one fatality. A 45-page accident investigation report was compiled containing diagrams of the collision scene, summaries of vehicle and road conditions, and other details of the incident.
The attached documents from Burlington County Engineering provide information regarding a fatal school bus and truck collision that occurred on February 16, 2012 at 8:15am at the intersection of CR 528 and CR 660 in Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, NJ. The documents include 51 pages with details such as roadway resurfacing plans, design plans for a flashing beacon installed at the intersection, traffic count data, speed surveys, development impact analyses, and accident reports. The documents were requested by an NTSB investigator as part of the investigation into the fatal collision.
This document appears to be a diagram or schematic showing various components connected by lines. It includes labels for different parts but is difficult to interpret without more context. The diagram shows interconnected rectangular boxes, ovals, and other shapes linked by lines. Additional information would be needed to provide a more detailed summary.
This document provides post-incident dimensions and locations of a school bus and truck involved in a collision based on measurements from the National Transportation Safety Board report and police reports. The school bus measurements are shown before and after the incident in inches. The truck's pre-incident measurements are based on an incomplete vehicle chassis without a lift axle. Diagrams show the final rest positions of the vehicles, utility poles, and other landmarks referenced in the investigation.
This document appears to be a technical drawing or engineering diagram containing dimensions, measurements, and technical specifications. However, as it is completely in figures and technical notation without any accompanying text, the core content and purpose of the document cannot be determined from the visual information alone.
The document summarizes a school bus and roll-off truck accident that occurred on February 16, 2012 at 8:15 AM at the intersection of Bordentown-Chesterfield Rd and Old York, Rd in Chesterfield Township, New Jersey. A school bus with 25 student passengers was struck by a roll-off truck, causing the bus to rotate and strike a pole. One student fatality and 16 total injuries resulted from the accident. The National Transportation Safety Board investigation number for the accident is HWY-12-MH-007.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012; 8:15A.M.
3. OF J
STATE OF NEW JERSEY 1 PolicnAnancy Chesterfield Township
l Station 260
No. 12-380
135 CmSh Ocsetlpllon
tRafor to "ehll:la by number)
t.1 J
.... ~ . I
., ?? J
.. I fl:. 1?>1
;>) J
I "' ... ! ? I AioCMU~~.UCfN~-Ifi.IKCit.utO~t(CfrurfVat;.Cfn
' f I
? "
I I I I I i
. ?I
" I
' I i I I I I
'c I '
I l I I I _l I
On Thursdey Fohru11ry 16, 2012 at upproxlmalely 08:18 hrs, lha Ills wn on patrol, lrnv<>llng East
an Stndontown¡¤Ch Dslorfiold
Rood (County RcutD 5281 :.nd as the Ws approochod UslncGrsoc:llc:.n wllh Old York Road (Cuunl)'
Routo 660), tho Ws 11bservcd
savoral v<~hlcles stoppad on bath roodw3ys and "school bus lacing Soutllwost wllh Us roar
at rust aglllnst 11ilghl sland:>r!L
Tho u/s nolinod Control Communicatio ns P7 of IH!ing on location with a motor vohlclo collision.
The Ws approached tho bus
and obsarvad II~: drivor to bo soOJtod In tho drlvor'li soat facinG tho doorway. Tho uts observed
tho bus cloors to bo open "ncl
oskad lh~> drlvor, ldonUfiod a:; John Tillman, If ho was ok and ho did not raspond verbally as
ha molfonod his right mumb to
tho roar of lhc bl.lS. Tho v/s dfd not antar tho bus and pro~ol>llod teo lho rODr, where the u/s obll~>rvod
5ovarul subjocts
rnollonlng and calling far tho u/s. Cn.:e Dt lho rullr of lho bus, tho u/s obsorvod lho rour door
to bo partllllly opon and upon
fully opnnlng th11 roar door, observed Uta sariaus nohrro of lho CMISh. The uls cbsarvod sovoral
chlldnm "" top or ano
ano!hor In th11 aisle "I lho roar of tho bus. Tho ufs ~agan palll!nl assoasrnont and odvlsod Conttlll
P7 to hava modlcs
dlspatchod as thoro appoarod to ba savor;aJ uncansclous patients. Tho vis asslstod sovorat
child ron out ol Uta roar or tho bus
as lltoy bog11n to jump out of tlta roar door. Patrolrn:tn Edw:trd Vlncont, Chief Kyle Wilson and
Sllltlon 269 soon arrived on
roeaUon and lfto ufs along wllh POJtrolman Vlncenlanlared tho bus to fW1bor :msoss patlants.
Tho Ws 3Stilsfarl Patrofm:>n
VlnC!Inl wllh sucllonlng a patient. ldoniiRod DS JanDIIIOJn Zclybal"'' othar responding units wore
altha outside roar of tho bus.
Tho uls ~fled tho bus and bogan lo dlroctlnc:omlng units In addldon to provrcllng lmfllc control.
Tho uls did 50 until dlreclod
by Chief l<ylo Wilson :tt 09:43 ltrs to transpert lhe drlva~af lho duntp lruck,ldantlfio das Mlchaol Capor.lla,
co Robart Wood
Johnson Hospital In Hamilton to 11btaln a blood s;unp!o. Upon lltrlvalat 10:!10 hrs, tho urs stood
by with Mr. Caporolo In room
P5 while Lori Kelly R.N. obtDinDd a blood samplo (so" consont fonn}. Tho ufs rosoalod th11 sDmplo using
tho sUckor prDVIdOd
In lha l!llmplo klt and transported It along wJth Mr. Caporalo to Stallon 260 at 1,:54 hrs. Upon
arrival at Station 260 at 12:09
bra, tho uls oscartcd Mr. Coporalo ll'lta tho walling room and placad his blood llllmplo Into llto
ovldonco rofrlgorator. EYidonc:o
Technician Sgt. IWd1aal Davison of lhls dupartmont was noi!Pad of sama. Tho uts nmmlnad
ill Station 260 and complolod u
NJTR1 form and lumod II over to Sgt. John Stalanl of this dapllrtmanl. wha Is handling this lnli115Ugllllon.
Tho u/s daored
wtih nothlna furthor.
PU. G;my Church 2614
NJTR-1A O!llcer's Si!!llalllro Badge Number
4. ;>A(;I;_l_ OF_l_
STATE OF NEW JERSEY Pollee Agancy_ _ _ _..:C;.:;h..:e;;;s;;;te"'rfl=e..:ld;..T;...ow;;.,;o;;.;n.;;.s;.;.hi""p'------
1J!i Cmsh Do:;criplicm
(Reier 10 vehicle by number)
Hare Is " list of studants lhDI wara on ""' b&JS allhe Uma altho cr.~sh, howovor lho o>Cact locnUon, so~lballusuga and oxlcml
or lnjurios has yet to bo da!Grminad.
P!l. Gany Church 2614
NJTR¡¤1A Officer's Sienaturc Badge Number