Modellare la conoscenza nell¡¯era del web 2Marina Fiori
Estadisticas de patologia oculares en el periodo 1993JESSICAMARIADUQUE
Las estad¨ªsticas de patolog¨ªa ocular en el per¨ªodo 1993 a 2004 mostraron casos por per¨ªodo, una gr¨¢fica para el an¨¢lisis de la evoluci¨®n por per¨ªodo y los diagn¨®sticos encontrados.
Este documento presenta un libro sobre l¨®gica matem¨¢tica escrito por Georgios Koletzos y otros coautores. El libro cubre temas como sistemas formales, los teoremas de G?del y la teor¨ªa de demostraciones. Fue publicado en 2015 por la Asociaci¨®n de Bibliotecas Acad¨¦micas Griegas bajo una licencia Creative Commons.
A apresenta??o discute os benef¨ªcios do Google App Engine para hospedar aplicativos, incluindo escalabilidade, confiabilidade e facilidade de desenvolvimento. Dois aplicativos s?o apresentados - O Critica A¨º e O Critique o Professor - juntamente com as tecnologias utilizadas como handlers, modelos, banco de dados e templates HTML/CSS. Contatos para a empresa @criticaae e seu blog s?o fornecidos no final.
The document discusses encapsulation in PowerBuilder. Encapsulation is the process of incorporating properties and methods together in an object and limiting access to an object's properties and implementation of its behavior through information hiding. PowerBuilder allows assigning access rights to user functions and instance variables to restrict access. Events are always public while operational access rights can fine-tune access to instance variables, such as making variables public but read-only.
Meet the Jury of the 2016 SkinPact Awards ProgrammeSkinPact Awards
This slideshow presents the Jury Panel of the 2016 SkinPact Awards programme. The jury is composed of distinguished leaders in dermatology in Latin America, this year's focus region.
Graduate Students¡¯ Perceptions of Work and Family: Gender and Program Compari...ADVANCE-Purdue
Recent political debates have suggested that the United States is on the verge of a crisis and their position as a leader in producing talented and ambitious individuals in technical professions, such as engineering, is in jeopardy. A National Academy of Sciences 2006 report stated, ¡°the United States can no longer afford the underperformance of our academic institutions in attracting the best and brightest minds to the science and engineering enterprise. Nor can it afford to devalue the contributions of some members of that workforce through gender inequities and discrimination¡± (2006).
Recent years have seen the movement of women into male-predominated programs and the movement of some programs toward gender-neutral compositions. However, a study of undergraduate college women revealed that women in male-predominated programs were more likely than those in female-predominated programs to report thinking about changing their major (Steele, James, & Bartnett, 2002) indicating that there is a problem in retaining these women recruited into male-predominated programs.
This study assessed perceptions of family supportiveness in academic program and anticipated career, anticipated career barriers, gender ideology and strategies for combining career and family among 181 graduate students from male-predominated, female-predominated, and gender-neutral programs at 11 research-extensive universities in the United States. Gender and program comparisons in perceptions of family supportiveness and anticipated career barriers were examined.
Unexpectedly, students in female-predominated programs perceived their programs and future careers to be less supportive of families than students in other programs. Women also anticipated more barriers to their chosen careers than men, with a significant gender by program interaction with women in male-predominated programs anticipating the most severe career barriers. While an egalitarian gender ideology was found to be a significant predictor of career scaling back for women it was not associated with career scaling back for men.
O documento fornece informa??es sobre tr¨ºs softwares de seguran?a: Avast (desenvolvido desde 1998 em 44 idiomas), Panda Security (fundada na Espanha em 1990 focada em antiv¨ªrus e firewall) e AVG (desenvolvido pela AVG Technologies desde v¨¢rios sistemas operacionais e focado em antiv¨ªrus).
McKinsey case study - innovation in pharma Michel DM
This case presents innovation and other research considerations in the Pharma industry, probably one of the most competitive sector. Indeed, billion are spent yearly by the MNC¡¯s for creating new drugs and medicines, making a worldwide promotion and to fight fiercely the other competitors for the market shares. It also shows that innovation is a certain advantage but that it is not given to everyone to master the process and the skills that such an activity requires. Issues related to innovation depend then of general facts, such as culture, business area, or team management consideration and also of others that are specific to each market
Meet the Jury of the 2016 SkinPact Awards ProgrammeSkinPact Awards
This slideshow presents the Jury Panel of the 2016 SkinPact Awards programme. The jury is composed of distinguished leaders in dermatology in Latin America, this year's focus region.
Graduate Students¡¯ Perceptions of Work and Family: Gender and Program Compari...ADVANCE-Purdue
Recent political debates have suggested that the United States is on the verge of a crisis and their position as a leader in producing talented and ambitious individuals in technical professions, such as engineering, is in jeopardy. A National Academy of Sciences 2006 report stated, ¡°the United States can no longer afford the underperformance of our academic institutions in attracting the best and brightest minds to the science and engineering enterprise. Nor can it afford to devalue the contributions of some members of that workforce through gender inequities and discrimination¡± (2006).
Recent years have seen the movement of women into male-predominated programs and the movement of some programs toward gender-neutral compositions. However, a study of undergraduate college women revealed that women in male-predominated programs were more likely than those in female-predominated programs to report thinking about changing their major (Steele, James, & Bartnett, 2002) indicating that there is a problem in retaining these women recruited into male-predominated programs.
This study assessed perceptions of family supportiveness in academic program and anticipated career, anticipated career barriers, gender ideology and strategies for combining career and family among 181 graduate students from male-predominated, female-predominated, and gender-neutral programs at 11 research-extensive universities in the United States. Gender and program comparisons in perceptions of family supportiveness and anticipated career barriers were examined.
Unexpectedly, students in female-predominated programs perceived their programs and future careers to be less supportive of families than students in other programs. Women also anticipated more barriers to their chosen careers than men, with a significant gender by program interaction with women in male-predominated programs anticipating the most severe career barriers. While an egalitarian gender ideology was found to be a significant predictor of career scaling back for women it was not associated with career scaling back for men.
O documento fornece informa??es sobre tr¨ºs softwares de seguran?a: Avast (desenvolvido desde 1998 em 44 idiomas), Panda Security (fundada na Espanha em 1990 focada em antiv¨ªrus e firewall) e AVG (desenvolvido pela AVG Technologies desde v¨¢rios sistemas operacionais e focado em antiv¨ªrus).
McKinsey case study - innovation in pharma Michel DM
This case presents innovation and other research considerations in the Pharma industry, probably one of the most competitive sector. Indeed, billion are spent yearly by the MNC¡¯s for creating new drugs and medicines, making a worldwide promotion and to fight fiercely the other competitors for the market shares. It also shows that innovation is a certain advantage but that it is not given to everyone to master the process and the skills that such an activity requires. Issues related to innovation depend then of general facts, such as culture, business area, or team management consideration and also of others that are specific to each market