Hogyan csináljunk sikeres Kickstarter kampányt?Beachegg
A prezentáció a K?RT Akadémia Data Science képzéséhez kapcsolódóan készült, az adatok forrása a Kickstarter, az eadattisztításhoz Pythont, az elemzéshez Tableu-t használtunk.
Obsuszt Norbert vállalta a technikai, én pedig az elemz?s, értelmez?s részeket.
The document is a collection of images and text on the topic of data visualization. It discusses the history of visualization tools like pie charts and scatterplot matrices. It also covers modern visualization techniques for different data types such as trees, networks, text, and trajectories. Challenges in the field like dealing with large datasets and visualizing on mobile devices are mentioned. Applications discussed include sensemaking for intelligence analysis, detecting financial crimes, understanding social networks, and visualizing seismic and traffic data.
This resource guide provides information to help entrepreneurs understand the steps and resources needed at different stages of starting and operating a business. It outlines key activities in the planning, building, running, and future stages. These include developing a business strategy and structure, obtaining financing and accounting, managing human resources and legal compliance, and strategies for sales, marketing, and operations. The guide also provides action steps and links to online resources in each area to assist entrepreneurs.