This document provides guidelines from The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine on the use of galactogogues, or substances used to increase milk production. It finds that while galactogogues can increase prolactin levels, there is no evidence they directly increase milk volumes. Studies of pharmaceutical galactogogues are inconclusive due to poor study quality. Herbal galactogogues also lack high-quality evidence. The guidelines emphasize optimizing breastfeeding practices through frequent feeding before considering galactogogues, which should only be used after discussing risks and benefits with a healthcare provider.
This document provides an overview of a presentation arguing that most of what governments do that is immoral would be impossible without fiat currency and public debt. It outlines the main thesis and sub-thesis, and then explores three parts of the argument: 1) What would happen without public debt, concluding government aspects would need to shrink by 1/3 on average; 2) Who holds the public debt, with over half held by central banks; and 3) Why sustained government growth would be much more difficult without taking on debt, as people would riot if taxes increased substantially to cover additional spending.
O documento fornece dicas para escrever artigos científicos, abordando tópicos como planejamento, organiza??o, estrutura de se??es, estilo e formato. ? destacado que a reda??o de artigos exige inspira??o, conhecimento técnico e meios de divulga??o, assim como o trabalho de um artista.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai isu moral seperti lingkungan hidup, euthanasia, hukuman mati, aborsi, etika bisnis, tinggal bersama di luar nikah, dan diskriminasi gender. Isu-isu tersebut dianalisis dari berbagai perspektif seperti agama, moral, dan pandangan filosofis.
This document provides guidelines from The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine on the use of galactogogues, or substances used to increase milk production. It finds that while galactogogues can increase prolactin levels, there is no evidence they directly increase milk volumes. Studies of pharmaceutical galactogogues are inconclusive due to poor study quality. Herbal galactogogues also lack high-quality evidence. The guidelines emphasize optimizing breastfeeding practices through frequent feeding before considering galactogogues, which should only be used after discussing risks and benefits with a healthcare provider.
This document provides an overview of a presentation arguing that most of what governments do that is immoral would be impossible without fiat currency and public debt. It outlines the main thesis and sub-thesis, and then explores three parts of the argument: 1) What would happen without public debt, concluding government aspects would need to shrink by 1/3 on average; 2) Who holds the public debt, with over half held by central banks; and 3) Why sustained government growth would be much more difficult without taking on debt, as people would riot if taxes increased substantially to cover additional spending.
O documento fornece dicas para escrever artigos científicos, abordando tópicos como planejamento, organiza??o, estrutura de se??es, estilo e formato. ? destacado que a reda??o de artigos exige inspira??o, conhecimento técnico e meios de divulga??o, assim como o trabalho de um artista.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai isu moral seperti lingkungan hidup, euthanasia, hukuman mati, aborsi, etika bisnis, tinggal bersama di luar nikah, dan diskriminasi gender. Isu-isu tersebut dianalisis dari berbagai perspektif seperti agama, moral, dan pandangan filosofis.