The document summarizes the results of a tapas contest held at a school. It lists the winning groups in different categories, including best design and originality, most variety in food, best presentation, most refined tapas, and most relaxed tapas. It thanks all the students for participating and hopes those remaining next year will use their imagination.
The document summarizes the results of a "Pica-Pica" cooking competition held at a school. It lists the winning groups in four categories: most original design, most variety in food, best presentation, and most refined/elegant minimalist. It thanks all participants for taking part and hopes those returning next year will continue exercising their imagination.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as the new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating all people as friends and brothers, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as the new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating all people as friends and brothers, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as a new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating friends and neighbors like family, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
Este documento narra en 3 oraciones o menos el nacimiento de Jes¨²s. Describe a la gente descansando en la cama mientras un lobo no se atreve a moverse. Luego habla de un establo viejo y mal ajustado de donde sal¨ªa luz y del diablo huyendo. Finalmente menciona que la noche es d¨ªa porque Jes¨²s ha nacido.
els meus webs, blocs i picasa imprescindibles!Carme Mestra
Este documento proporciona una lista de enlaces a recursos educativos en l¨ªnea de diferentes ¨¢reas tem¨¢ticas. Incluye sitios web con materiales de lengua catalana, castellana y matem¨¢ticas para diferentes niveles educativos, as¨ª como ¨¢lbumes de Picasa con dibujos, fichas y otros recursos imprimibles. Tambi¨¦n menciona recursos para educaci¨®n especial, incluyendo materiales para trabajar con alumnos con d¨¦ficit auditivo o autismo.
Este documento presenta una lista de pictogramas que representan diferentes oficios como camarero, m¨¦dico, veterinario, peluquero, electricista, carpintero, cocinero, agricultor, mec¨¢nico, profesor de autoescuela, jardinero, polic¨ªa, bombero, taxista, aviador, m¨²sico, pescador, dentista, fot¨®grafo, alba?il, arquitecto, pintor y otros. Los pictogramas est¨¢n licenciados bajo CC BY-NC y fueron creados por Sergio Palao para su uso en comunic
This poem describes the different parts of the human body and their functions. It lists each part of the body from head to toe, including eyes for seeing, hands for grabbing, head for thinking, heart for loving, fingers for touching, feet for walking, nose for smelling, mouth for talking, tongue for tasting, teeth for chewing, and ears for hearing. The poem repeats that it is describing the different parts of the human body and what each is used for.
The document summarizes the results of a "Pica-Pica" cooking competition held at a school. It lists the winning groups in four categories: most original design, most variety in food, best presentation, and most refined/elegant minimalist. It thanks all participants for taking part and hopes those returning next year will continue exercising their imagination.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as the new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating all people as friends and brothers, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as the new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating all people as friends and brothers, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
This poem discusses embracing love and forgiveness as a new year begins. It encourages putting aside past grievances, treating friends and neighbors like family, and keeping the commandment of love always in your heart. The author wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hopes the coming year will be filled with love.
Este documento narra en 3 oraciones o menos el nacimiento de Jes¨²s. Describe a la gente descansando en la cama mientras un lobo no se atreve a moverse. Luego habla de un establo viejo y mal ajustado de donde sal¨ªa luz y del diablo huyendo. Finalmente menciona que la noche es d¨ªa porque Jes¨²s ha nacido.
els meus webs, blocs i picasa imprescindibles!Carme Mestra
Este documento proporciona una lista de enlaces a recursos educativos en l¨ªnea de diferentes ¨¢reas tem¨¢ticas. Incluye sitios web con materiales de lengua catalana, castellana y matem¨¢ticas para diferentes niveles educativos, as¨ª como ¨¢lbumes de Picasa con dibujos, fichas y otros recursos imprimibles. Tambi¨¦n menciona recursos para educaci¨®n especial, incluyendo materiales para trabajar con alumnos con d¨¦ficit auditivo o autismo.
Este documento presenta una lista de pictogramas que representan diferentes oficios como camarero, m¨¦dico, veterinario, peluquero, electricista, carpintero, cocinero, agricultor, mec¨¢nico, profesor de autoescuela, jardinero, polic¨ªa, bombero, taxista, aviador, m¨²sico, pescador, dentista, fot¨®grafo, alba?il, arquitecto, pintor y otros. Los pictogramas est¨¢n licenciados bajo CC BY-NC y fueron creados por Sergio Palao para su uso en comunic
This poem describes the different parts of the human body and their functions. It lists each part of the body from head to toe, including eyes for seeing, hands for grabbing, head for thinking, heart for loving, fingers for touching, feet for walking, nose for smelling, mouth for talking, tongue for tasting, teeth for chewing, and ears for hearing. The poem repeats that it is describing the different parts of the human body and what each is used for.
A sis¨¨ hem participat en un taller per aprendre a evitar
agressions de qualsevol tipus. No ens n¡¯adonem, i un insult,
una amena?a, el fet que un nen/a es senti sol/a, pot convertir-
se en una agressi¨®. L¡¯activitat va ser molt participativa, fins i
tot varem teatralitzar casos imaginaris. Aqu¨ª en teniu les