Kohti avoimuutta ja parempaa yrityskulttuuria - Storytelling HR:n työkalunaMervi RauhalaTulevaisuuden työpaikat -foorumilla 20.5.2015 pidetty esitys tarinoista HR:n työkaluna. Foorumin teemana oli avoimuus ja sisäinen viestintä.
Vaikuta tarinoilla bisneksessäMervi RauhalaTalentumin aamiaistilaisuudessa 20.3. pidetty esitys. Teemoina miksi tarina tehoaa, tarina brändinrakentamisen työkaluna ja vaikuttavan tarinan elementit.
Sponsorointi 2.0 - Sponsorship 2.0Jarno KukilaJalkapalloseura JJK Jyväskylän Business Poolille 17.12.2013 pidetty esitys näkemyksestäni sponsoroinnin tilasta ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksista. Tulevasta puhuttaessa nostettu esiin muutamia kulmia, mitkä koen tärkeiksi rakennettaessa entistä parempia sponsorointi-yhteistöitä urheilun kontekstissa. #sponsorointi #sponsorship #sportsbiz #Valo
#sponsorointi 2020 - sponsoroinnin trendejäJarno KukilaSponsorointi-presentaatio, joka pidetty 10.6.2015 Valon, Olympiakomitean ja Paralympiakomitean kumppaanuusworkshopissa Uunisaaressa, Helsingissä. Risut & ruusut #sponsorointi-kanavalle tai suoraan minulle Twitterissä @jarnokukila. KIITOS!
Tarinavilloja_Avoine Oy_ Tarinallistamisen Startti_Tarinakone 2017_Asiakaskok...Tarinakone (TarinakoneStoryDesign)Keskustelin Avoine Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Tuomo Heikkilän kanssa heille toteuttamastani tarinallistamisen startista: tarinatyöpajasta, ydintarinasta ja tarinallistamisen lähtökohdista. Toteutan yhdessä Viestintä-Pirittan kanssa järjestöille tarinallistamiseen liittyvän tehopäivän 9.5.2017 Helsingissä. Lue lisää: bit.ly/tarinapaivaK17
From Storytelling to Storydoing - IxDA Helsinki meetup 19.11.2015Mervi RauhalaFrom storytelling to storydoing - can the universal language of stories help you in creating truly engaging experiences?
Wired for Stories. Why and then what?Mervi RauhalaThis document discusses how humans are wired for storytelling and its benefits. It provides definitions of storytelling and notes how stories allow us to make sense of the world, change attitudes, create connections, remember information, and feel empathy. Examples are given of how storytelling can be used for social good and organizational development. The document encourages choosing the right story and telling it in the right way to achieve one's goals and know one's audience. Sources of story inspiration are also provided.
CustomerExperienceMapTemplateMervi RauhalaI created a customer experience map and thought someone else might find it usefull too. Please feel free to use it and share it, if it helps you anyway.
StakeholdermapTemplate (Service Design)Mervi RauhalaI created a stakeholder/service ecosystemmap template and thought someone else might want to use it too so if you find it usefull please use and share.
Inspiring storytelling quotesMervi RauhalaThis document contains quotes from various people about the power of storytelling. It discusses how stories can transport people into other worlds and change brain chemistry. Stories are seen as a way for humans to teach, unite, motivate and bring brands to life by emotionally engaging audiences. Several quotes note that stories act as "software for the mind" and are how humans share memories and lessons with each other. Overall, the document highlights the impact that stories can have by changing perspectives and being an effective form of communication and marketing.
Wired for Stories. Why and then what?Mervi RauhalaThis document discusses how humans are wired for storytelling and its benefits. It provides definitions of storytelling and notes how stories allow us to make sense of the world, change attitudes, create connections, remember information, and feel empathy. Examples are given of how storytelling can be used for social good and organizational development. The document encourages choosing the right story and telling it in the right way to achieve one's goals and know one's audience. Sources of story inspiration are also provided.
CustomerExperienceMapTemplateMervi RauhalaI created a customer experience map and thought someone else might find it usefull too. Please feel free to use it and share it, if it helps you anyway.
StakeholdermapTemplate (Service Design)Mervi RauhalaI created a stakeholder/service ecosystemmap template and thought someone else might want to use it too so if you find it usefull please use and share.
Inspiring storytelling quotesMervi RauhalaThis document contains quotes from various people about the power of storytelling. It discusses how stories can transport people into other worlds and change brain chemistry. Stories are seen as a way for humans to teach, unite, motivate and bring brands to life by emotionally engaging audiences. Several quotes note that stories act as "software for the mind" and are how humans share memories and lessons with each other. Overall, the document highlights the impact that stories can have by changing perspectives and being an effective form of communication and marketing.
3. ”Tarinat ovat erityinen inhimillisen kommunikaation
muoto, jonka tavoitteena on suostutella yleisö
omaksumaan tarinankertojan maailmankuva.
Tarinankertoja hyödyntää hahmoja, todellisia tai
kuvitteellisia kertoen/näyttäen mitä heille tapahtuu
tietyn ajanjakson aikana. Jokaisella hahmolla on
arvojensa mukaisia pyrkimyksiä, joita
tavoitellessaan he kohtaavat vaikeuksia ja joko
onnistuvat tai epäonnistuvat riippuen
tarinankertojan omasta maailmankuvasta. ”
- Jonah Sachs, Free Range –studion perustaja, Storywars-kirjan