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History of film
and neo noir
Maltsese Falcon (1941)
 Directed by: John Huston
 Based on the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett it depicts the mystery of the
murder of Archer (private investigator) and a suspect Thursby and also of the black figure
of a bird (Maltsese Falcon).
 Before the murder a women of the name Ruth Wonderly claims that her sister is missing and
was involved with Thursby. Archer agrees to help her get her sister back but is later found
murdered and so is Thursby.
 Archers partner Sam Spade is framed for the murder of Thursby and it is suspected that
Thursby killed archer.
 Spade then meets up with Wonderly who is now calling herself Brigid Oshaughnessy, she
claims that Thursby was her partner who killed Archer but she has no idea who killed
 Back at his office Spade is confronted and offered $5,000 to find the Maltsese Falcon.
 He finds the Falcon and is offered $10,000 for it by someone else, Spade agrees but
demands that part of the price is to have someone to turn in for the murders.
 A man named Wilmer is turned in for the murders but Spade soon realises the Falcon he has
is a fake - during the tumult, Wilmer flees.
 Spade then confronts OShaughnessy angrily declaring that he knows that she killed Archer
to implicate Thursby. She confesses but emphasizing their love for one another pleads that
Spade doesnt hand her over. But he does.
Murder My Sweet (1944)
Directed by: Edward Dmytryk
Gumshoe Philip Marlowe is hired by Moose Malloy to
track down his former girlfriend. He is also hired to
accompany an playboy buy back some jewels. When
the exchange ends in the playboys murder, Marlowe
cant leave the case alone. Marlowe soon finds out its
related to Malloys. He then gets drawn into a complex
web of intrigue by a mysterious blonde. The
detective then finds his own life in jeopardy.
Double indemnity (1944)
Directed by: Billy Wilder
Walter Neff (Insurance salesman) gets roped into a
murderous scheme when he falls in love with Phyllis
Dietrichson. Phyllis has the intention of killing her
husband and making a living off the fraudulent
accidental death claim. Prompted by Lola (the late Mr
Dietrichsons daughter), Barton Keyes (insurance
investigator) looks into the case and gradually begins
to uncover the sinister truth.
Detour 1945
Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer
Based on the 1939 novel Detour: An Extraordinary Tale by Martin Goldsmith
Synopsis - Al Roberts (character) has to work in a New York nightclub, his
girlfriend Sue Harvey (character) leaves to seek fame in Hollywood, he doesn't
like it so he has to hitchhike his way there.
(character) Charles Haskell Jr gives him a lift, on a rainy night, the sleazy
gambler hes with mysteriously dies, Al Roberts is scared of the police, so he
takes the mans identity, and dumps his body on the side of the road.
Al picks up another hitchhiker, Vera, at a gas station. It turns out that the
femme fatale had also been picked up by Haskell earlier, she scratched him
deeply in the arm and got out after he tried to become too friendly. When Al
identifies himself as Haskell, she blackmails him by threatening to turn him
in. Al accidently strangles Vera, he goes hitchhiking again but it picked up by
the police.
Spellbound - 1945
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
The head of the Green Manors mental asylum Dr. Murchison is retiring to
be replaced by Dr. Edwardes, a famous psychiatrist. Edwardes arrives and
is immediately attracted to be the beautiful but cold Dr. Constance
Petersen. However, it soon becomes apparent that Dr. Edwardes is in fact
a paranoid amnesiac impostor. He goes on the run with Constance who
tries to help his condition and solve the mystery of what happened to the
real Dr. Edwardes.
Postman always rings twice- 1946
Director- Tay Garnett
Synopsis: A married woman and a
drifter fall in love, then plot to
murder her husband but even
once the deed is done, they must
live with the consequences of
their actions.
The Killers - 1946
Director: Robert Siodmak
Synopsis: Hit man kills an unresisting victim
(The Swede), an investigator by the name of
Reardon uncovers the victim's past
involvement with a deadly women named
Kitty Collins.
The Big Sleep - 1946
Director: Howard Hawks
Synopsis: Private detective Philip Marlowe is
hired by rich family. Before the complex case
is over, hes seen a murder, blackmail and
what might be love.
Out of the past
Date: 1947
Director: Jacques Tourneur
Synopsis: A private eye escapes his past to run a gas station in a small town, but his past catches up with him.
Now he must return to the big city world of danger.
In a lonely place.
Date: 1950
Director: Nicolas Ray
Synobsis: Hollywood screenwriter Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart)
and his neighbor Laurel (Gloria Grahame) are just getting to know each
other romantically when the police begin questioning Dixon about his
involvement in the murder of a girl he met once. Certain her new love
interest is innocent, Laurel stands by Dixon, but as the police continue
pressing him, Dixon begins to act increasingly erratically. The blossoming
love affair suffers as Laurel begins to wonder if Dixon really might be a
The Big Heat
A brutal crime drama centers on a street-toughened
detective's quest for vengeance after his wife is
accidentally killed by the gangsters who have been
assigned to murder him. Working outside the law's
confines, the detective's obsessive search for the
culprits leads him into the labyrinthine bowels of
mob-corrupted city politics.
Director - Fritz Lang
Date - 1953
Kiss me deadly
unrelentingly brutal crime drama centers on a street-toughened detective's quest for
One evening, private detective Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker)
picks up a strange woman, Christina (Cloris Leachman), who's
standing on the highway wearing only a trench coat. They're
stopped farther on by strangers who knock out Mike and
murder Christina. Although warned not to investigate by the
police, Mike and his girlfriend and assistant, Velda (Maxine
Cooper), become ensnared in a dark plot involving scientist Dr.
Soberin (Albert Dekker) and Christina's terrified roommate, Lily
(Gaby Rodgers).
(Arguably one of the best L.A. Noir films ever created)
Director - Robert
Date: 1955
Sweet Smell of Success
Director: Alexander Mackendrick
Synopsis: A New York newspaper columnist
tries desperately to split up his sister with an
aspiring Jazz guitarist with any means possible
Touch of the evil
Director: Orson Welles
Synopsis: A car bomb blowing up on the wrong
side of the border gets two cops involved with
the suspicion of a shady partner, leading to
the protagonist being put in danger as an
innocent man is being framed.

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Task 1 Noir

  • 1. History of film and neo noir timeline.
  • 2. Maltsese Falcon (1941) Directed by: John Huston Based on the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett it depicts the mystery of the murder of Archer (private investigator) and a suspect Thursby and also of the black figure of a bird (Maltsese Falcon). Before the murder a women of the name Ruth Wonderly claims that her sister is missing and was involved with Thursby. Archer agrees to help her get her sister back but is later found murdered and so is Thursby. Archers partner Sam Spade is framed for the murder of Thursby and it is suspected that Thursby killed archer. Spade then meets up with Wonderly who is now calling herself Brigid Oshaughnessy, she claims that Thursby was her partner who killed Archer but she has no idea who killed Thursby. Back at his office Spade is confronted and offered $5,000 to find the Maltsese Falcon. He finds the Falcon and is offered $10,000 for it by someone else, Spade agrees but demands that part of the price is to have someone to turn in for the murders. A man named Wilmer is turned in for the murders but Spade soon realises the Falcon he has is a fake - during the tumult, Wilmer flees. Spade then confronts OShaughnessy angrily declaring that he knows that she killed Archer to implicate Thursby. She confesses but emphasizing their love for one another pleads that Spade doesnt hand her over. But he does.
  • 3. Murder My Sweet (1944) Directed by: Edward Dmytryk Gumshoe Philip Marlowe is hired by Moose Malloy to track down his former girlfriend. He is also hired to accompany an playboy buy back some jewels. When the exchange ends in the playboys murder, Marlowe cant leave the case alone. Marlowe soon finds out its related to Malloys. He then gets drawn into a complex web of intrigue by a mysterious blonde. The detective then finds his own life in jeopardy.
  • 4. Double indemnity (1944) Directed by: Billy Wilder Walter Neff (Insurance salesman) gets roped into a murderous scheme when he falls in love with Phyllis Dietrichson. Phyllis has the intention of killing her husband and making a living off the fraudulent accidental death claim. Prompted by Lola (the late Mr Dietrichsons daughter), Barton Keyes (insurance investigator) looks into the case and gradually begins to uncover the sinister truth.
  • 5. Detour 1945 Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer Based on the 1939 novel Detour: An Extraordinary Tale by Martin Goldsmith Synopsis - Al Roberts (character) has to work in a New York nightclub, his girlfriend Sue Harvey (character) leaves to seek fame in Hollywood, he doesn't like it so he has to hitchhike his way there. (character) Charles Haskell Jr gives him a lift, on a rainy night, the sleazy gambler hes with mysteriously dies, Al Roberts is scared of the police, so he takes the mans identity, and dumps his body on the side of the road. Al picks up another hitchhiker, Vera, at a gas station. It turns out that the femme fatale had also been picked up by Haskell earlier, she scratched him deeply in the arm and got out after he tried to become too friendly. When Al identifies himself as Haskell, she blackmails him by threatening to turn him in. Al accidently strangles Vera, he goes hitchhiking again but it picked up by the police.
  • 6. Spellbound - 1945 Directed by Alfred Hitchcock The head of the Green Manors mental asylum Dr. Murchison is retiring to be replaced by Dr. Edwardes, a famous psychiatrist. Edwardes arrives and is immediately attracted to be the beautiful but cold Dr. Constance Petersen. However, it soon becomes apparent that Dr. Edwardes is in fact a paranoid amnesiac impostor. He goes on the run with Constance who tries to help his condition and solve the mystery of what happened to the real Dr. Edwardes.
  • 7. Postman always rings twice- 1946 Director- Tay Garnett Synopsis: A married woman and a drifter fall in love, then plot to murder her husband but even once the deed is done, they must live with the consequences of their actions.
  • 8. The Killers - 1946 Director: Robert Siodmak Synopsis: Hit man kills an unresisting victim (The Swede), an investigator by the name of Reardon uncovers the victim's past involvement with a deadly women named Kitty Collins.
  • 9. The Big Sleep - 1946 Director: Howard Hawks Synopsis: Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by rich family. Before the complex case is over, hes seen a murder, blackmail and what might be love.
  • 10. Out of the past Date: 1947 Director: Jacques Tourneur Synopsis: A private eye escapes his past to run a gas station in a small town, but his past catches up with him. Now he must return to the big city world of danger.
  • 11. In a lonely place. Date: 1950 Director: Nicolas Ray Synobsis: Hollywood screenwriter Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart) and his neighbor Laurel (Gloria Grahame) are just getting to know each other romantically when the police begin questioning Dixon about his involvement in the murder of a girl he met once. Certain her new love interest is innocent, Laurel stands by Dixon, but as the police continue pressing him, Dixon begins to act increasingly erratically. The blossoming love affair suffers as Laurel begins to wonder if Dixon really might be a killer.
  • 12. The Big Heat Synopsis: A brutal crime drama centers on a street-toughened detective's quest for vengeance after his wife is accidentally killed by the gangsters who have been assigned to murder him. Working outside the law's confines, the detective's obsessive search for the culprits leads him into the labyrinthine bowels of mob-corrupted city politics. Director - Fritz Lang Date - 1953
  • 13. Kiss me deadly Synopsis: unrelentingly brutal crime drama centers on a street-toughened detective's quest for vengeance One evening, private detective Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker) picks up a strange woman, Christina (Cloris Leachman), who's standing on the highway wearing only a trench coat. They're stopped farther on by strangers who knock out Mike and murder Christina. Although warned not to investigate by the police, Mike and his girlfriend and assistant, Velda (Maxine Cooper), become ensnared in a dark plot involving scientist Dr. Soberin (Albert Dekker) and Christina's terrified roommate, Lily (Gaby Rodgers). (Arguably one of the best L.A. Noir films ever created) Director - Robert Aldrich Date: 1955
  • 14. Sweet Smell of Success Director: Alexander Mackendrick Date:1957 Synopsis: A New York newspaper columnist tries desperately to split up his sister with an aspiring Jazz guitarist with any means possible
  • 15. Touch of the evil Director: Orson Welles Date:1958 Synopsis: A car bomb blowing up on the wrong side of the border gets two cops involved with the suspicion of a shady partner, leading to the protagonist being put in danger as an innocent man is being framed.