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Team Meetings Made Easy Courtesy of the California Youth Soccer Association-North Recreation Committee July 2007
EARTHQUAKES Team Meeting GO QUAKES! August 2007
Agenda Welcome and Introduction About the Coach Philosophy Assistant Coach Parents Players Practice Game Day Spectators  Volunteers Dates Paperwork Teamwork Questions?
Welcome & Intros Welcome to the team Purpose of tonights meeting Everyone say hi and give your name and your childs name Parent/Coach Promise:  Kids First!
About the Coach My name is << insert name >> Why I want to coach this team Experience Coaching history Player experience Responsibilities Teach players the game, skills, team work Set positive sportsmanship example Provide fun and supportive environment
Philosophy Sportsmanship Attitude on winning and losing Display true sportsmanship on and off the field Mutual Respect Of and from ourselves, teammates, opponents, officials, coaches, parents Dedication and Commitment Being on time to practice, working hard to improve and support the team, respecting everyones time and skill that they give to the team Teamwork over Individualism Each player/coach/parent is an important and unique person that should be ready to contribute to the achievements of the team.
Philosophy (cont.) Goals for the Season Personal Development People grow over time at different intervals. The team is a changing dynamic of abilities and skills. Soccer offers recreation, personal growth, opportunities in teamwork KEEP IT FUN!
Assistant Coach My name is << insert name >> Why I want to participate on this team Experience Coaching history Player experience Responsibilities Assist the head coach Oversee Goalkeeper training Reinforce the goals of the Coach
Parents Volunteer to help the team Help with practices when needed Learn the Laws of The Game (www.fifa.org)
Players Appropriate gear Equipment No jewelry Water/Snacks Positive Attitude Willingness to try Playing time
Volunteers Needed Assistant Coach Help coach with team management Support coachs model Deputized as coach (as needed) Team Parent Facilitate communication between parents and coach Help parents understand their role and the expectations of them Arrange season-end team party Oversee photo day
Volunteers Needed  (cont.) Goal Setup/Tear Down Orchestrate the goal setup/storage Snacks Coordinator Schedule families to bring snack to games Pickup Patrol After game clean up Fundraising Organize fundraising efforts Banner Create team banner Bring to games
Practice <<< insert day, time, location >> It is important that everyone come to practice prepared: water, equipment, positive attitude and ready to fully participate Come to practice on time Pick up players on time Practice at home (parents and kids)
Game Day Arrive 30 minutes early Arrive with proper gear, water and ready to play (no jewelry) When injuries occur <<< insert rainy day options >> Safety first!  Goals MUST be staked down or no game.
Spectators  (anyone watching) Respect the game and the players at all times Provide a positive attitude and actions towards the game, players, coaches, and referees at all times Respect opponents and celebrate both teams for their efforts No alcohol, smoking, or foul language or gestures are permitted. Remember that the game belongs to the players and the spectators are guests
Dates Season Tournaments Photo Day Season End Party
Paperwork Player passes Player photo Paperwork USYS form 1601 completed and signed Form 1628 completed, signed, and approved Parent-League agreement signed CYSA Parent Guide received and read
Team work << Enter thoughts of how the parents and coaches work together towards the success of the team goals, just as the players work together on the field as a team .>>
Contacts Coach <<insert name>> <<insert email/phone>> Best ways/times to get a hold of me Age Group Coordinator <<insert name>> <<insert email/phone>> League www.leaguename.com <<insert phone>> Field Conditions <<insert phone/info>>
Questions? Thanks for coming to the team meeting today. Everyones enthusiasm will make this a great season!

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Team Meeting

  • 1. Team Meetings Made Easy Courtesy of the California Youth Soccer Association-North Recreation Committee July 2007
  • 2. EARTHQUAKES Team Meeting GO QUAKES! August 2007
  • 3. Agenda Welcome and Introduction About the Coach Philosophy Assistant Coach Parents Players Practice Game Day Spectators Volunteers Dates Paperwork Teamwork Questions?
  • 4. Welcome & Intros Welcome to the team Purpose of tonights meeting Everyone say hi and give your name and your childs name Parent/Coach Promise: Kids First!
  • 5. About the Coach My name is << insert name >> Why I want to coach this team Experience Coaching history Player experience Responsibilities Teach players the game, skills, team work Set positive sportsmanship example Provide fun and supportive environment
  • 6. Philosophy Sportsmanship Attitude on winning and losing Display true sportsmanship on and off the field Mutual Respect Of and from ourselves, teammates, opponents, officials, coaches, parents Dedication and Commitment Being on time to practice, working hard to improve and support the team, respecting everyones time and skill that they give to the team Teamwork over Individualism Each player/coach/parent is an important and unique person that should be ready to contribute to the achievements of the team.
  • 7. Philosophy (cont.) Goals for the Season Personal Development People grow over time at different intervals. The team is a changing dynamic of abilities and skills. Soccer offers recreation, personal growth, opportunities in teamwork KEEP IT FUN!
  • 8. Assistant Coach My name is << insert name >> Why I want to participate on this team Experience Coaching history Player experience Responsibilities Assist the head coach Oversee Goalkeeper training Reinforce the goals of the Coach
  • 9. Parents Volunteer to help the team Help with practices when needed Learn the Laws of The Game (www.fifa.org)
  • 10. Players Appropriate gear Equipment No jewelry Water/Snacks Positive Attitude Willingness to try Playing time
  • 11. Volunteers Needed Assistant Coach Help coach with team management Support coachs model Deputized as coach (as needed) Team Parent Facilitate communication between parents and coach Help parents understand their role and the expectations of them Arrange season-end team party Oversee photo day
  • 12. Volunteers Needed (cont.) Goal Setup/Tear Down Orchestrate the goal setup/storage Snacks Coordinator Schedule families to bring snack to games Pickup Patrol After game clean up Fundraising Organize fundraising efforts Banner Create team banner Bring to games
  • 13. Practice <<< insert day, time, location >> It is important that everyone come to practice prepared: water, equipment, positive attitude and ready to fully participate Come to practice on time Pick up players on time Practice at home (parents and kids)
  • 14. Game Day Arrive 30 minutes early Arrive with proper gear, water and ready to play (no jewelry) When injuries occur <<< insert rainy day options >> Safety first! Goals MUST be staked down or no game.
  • 15. Spectators (anyone watching) Respect the game and the players at all times Provide a positive attitude and actions towards the game, players, coaches, and referees at all times Respect opponents and celebrate both teams for their efforts No alcohol, smoking, or foul language or gestures are permitted. Remember that the game belongs to the players and the spectators are guests
  • 16. Dates Season Tournaments Photo Day Season End Party
  • 17. Paperwork Player passes Player photo Paperwork USYS form 1601 completed and signed Form 1628 completed, signed, and approved Parent-League agreement signed CYSA Parent Guide received and read
  • 18. Team work << Enter thoughts of how the parents and coaches work together towards the success of the team goals, just as the players work together on the field as a team .>>
  • 19. Contacts Coach <<insert name>> <<insert email/phone>> Best ways/times to get a hold of me Age Group Coordinator <<insert name>> <<insert email/phone>> League www.leaguename.com <<insert phone>> Field Conditions <<insert phone/info>>
  • 20. Questions? Thanks for coming to the team meeting today. Everyones enthusiasm will make this a great season!

Editor's Notes

  • #2: This presentation is a tool to help coaches make their team parent meeting a positive and informative experience for everyone. The outline will offer some general items that most coaches will want to cover so the season starts with a shared understanding of what to expect. Please feel free to use what is helpful or modify the slides in a manner that works for you. THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS TOOL : California North Youth Soccer (Board of Directors) Chris Hayes (Recreation Representative, District III) Corey L. Nelson (Recreation Committee Chairperson) Karl Dewazien (CYSA-N Director of Coaching) Sandy Movahed (Recreation Representative, District III) Scott McDougal (Mustang League President, District III)