Technologia Beacon znajduje coraz szersze zastosowanie w handlu i marketingu, a nawet podczas wydarze sportowych i muzycznych. W Stanach Zjednoczonych mo甜na si spotka z opini, 甜e 2014 to rok Beacon坦w.
6 najwa甜niejszych trend坦w w marketingu dla retail na 2017 rok Cluify
Jakie trendy czekaj nas w marketingu dla retail w roku 2017? Wg ekspert坦w to dalszy rozw坦j mobilnego kanau komunikacji z konsumentem czy zwr坦cenie si bran甜y w stron analityki dla jeszcze lepszego poznania potrzeb konsumenta.
Zapraszamy do lektury!
Wicej informacji na
5 najwa甜niejszych trend坦w w Big Data na 2017 rokDatarino
Jakie trendy w Big Data rozwin si w 2017 roku? Badania i raporty wskazuj, 甜e bdzie to m. in. wzmo甜ony rozw坦j artificial intelligence, deep learning czy wykorzystanie Big Data w optymalizacji dziaa marketingowych.
Zachcamy do lektury!
Wicej na
Artyku dotyczcy analizie zachowa mobilnych konsument坦w - badanie na 2014 przeprowadzone przez Tradedoubler a obejmujce 8 kraj坦w eurpoejskich w tym Polsk. Artyku ukaza si z listopadowym magazynie Online Marketing Polska
Polacy na zakupach 5 filar坦w nowoczesnego handluPwC Polska
Na naszych oczach handel dynamicznie si rozwija. Zmienia si spos坦b robienia zakup坦w oraz podejcie sprzedawc坦w do obsugi klienta. Ronie rola nowych technologii w handlu, a marketerzy rywalizuj z influencerami w zdobywaniu uwagi konsument坦w.
Zobacz pierwszy w Polsce raport na temat m-commerce. Znajdziesz w nim szczeg坦owe analizy i komentarze ekspert坦w. Mo甜esz te甜 pobra go na stronie
Wracamy po kr坦tkiej przerwie z prawdziw gratk dla strategicznych tygrys坦w :)
Dzisiaj omawiamy najciekawsze zagadnienia z niedawno opublikowanego Raportu Strategicznego IAB, zwizane z kluczowymi kategoriami reklamy internetowej - od
Wideo po gaming. Pomidzy rozkminami czy e-delikatesty przywo甜 wie甜 saat, a raportami podgldaczy z berliskiego metra, tradycyjnie znalazo si miejsca na odrobin konkret坦w. Jeli nabierzecie apetytu na peen raport, pobierzecie go tu ale obowizkowo po odsuchaniu odcinka, kt坦ry znajdziecie o tutaj:
Angazujaca reklama mobilna Grzegorz Chylinski adrino Forum IAB Polska 11.06.2015adrino_mobile_ad_network
Anga甜ujca reklama mobilna mroczny przedmiot po甜dania klienta i marketingowca, ale czy u甜ytkownika?
Prezentacja na Forum IAB 2015. Autor: Grzegorz Chyliski, CEO adrino
Raport Digitalizacja rynku B2B. Cyfrowe platformy zakupowe przygotowany prz...CEO Magazyn Polska
Firmy, kt坦re wdro甜yy systemy zakupowe, mog liczy nawet na 15% oszczdnoci. Tymczasem tylko 35% firm w Polsce korzysta z takich narzdzi - wynika z raportu Digitalizacja rynku B2B. Cyfrowe platformy zakupowe przygotowanego przez Deloitte oraz Aleo.
Uzupenienie raportu "Mobile w biznesie", przedstawiajcego najwa甜niejsze trendy i inspiracje w zakresie mobile.
W Polsce ruch mobilny stanowi ju甜 ponad 50% caego ruchu w Internecie. Nic dziwnego, skoro 13 mln Polak坦w posiada smartfona. Coraz wiksza powszechno urzdze mobilnych zmienia nasze codzienne zwyczaje i zachowania, tak甜e te zakupowe.
The document summarizes media in Pakistan, including print, television, radio and internet. It discusses how private media expanded under Musharraf but faced increased restrictions in 2007. Print media remains relatively free while censorship of television, radio and internet is more common. Major newspapers, TV channels and radio stations are outlined. Violations against journalists from 2003-2004 are also chronicled.
This document discusses the key elements that make up societies. It identifies language, religion, culture, social classes, politics, and economics as the main components. Language is the system of communication. Religion involves beliefs about the divine. Culture consists of a group's customs, traditions, and knowledge. Social classes organize people by factors like heritage and income. Politics refers to how people govern themselves and relate to the state. Economics examines how societies satisfy needs through production, wealth creation, and trade.
This document announces a mega incentive for direct sales and web leases by Silver S.A Shamim for an SSBS and FBS team. The incentive includes getting a 4GB pen drive for 2 direct sales, an 8GB pen drive for 3 direct sales, a Samsung mobile for 5 direct sales or $500 web lease, a Nokia mobile for 8 direct sales or $1000 lease. The incentive period runs from May 14th to May 23rd and is only for specific teams listed in the notice.
The first settlers arrived in America during the last ice age when glaciers covered much of the planet. Lower sea levels exposed the Bering Strait, which early humans and animals crossed into North America. These first settlers lived nomadic lifestyles in small bands, hunting gigantic animals and gathering food. They used simple stone tools and constructed shelters from animal skins and branches. Over time, they began farming and domesticating animals, transitioning to more sedentary lifestyles in villages. The earliest settlers left behind cave paintings depicting their lives and communities.
This document discusses Willa Cather's short story "Double Birthday" and analyzes its influences from Edgar Allan Poe's theories of short fiction. It notes that Cather uses the characters of Judge Hammersly and Mrs. Parmenter to observe the main characters, references Poe's frequent use of a beautiful young woman's death, and discusses Poe's ideas about the short story form emphasizing unity of effect, brevity to be read in one sitting, and use of melancholy tones.
Engineers follow a design process to solve problems and meet human needs. The process involves identifying needs, brainstorming solutions, building prototypes, testing and improving designs based on criteria, and communicating results. Technologies are designed to improve lives, and the design process is iterative - prototypes may fail initially, requiring redesign and testing until an effective solution is found. Engineering helps develop useful products through application of science and math.
Smartphones keep getting larger and tablets are getting smaller, beginning to totally blur what was just a few years ago considered a group of distinct form factors. The platforms that power these blocks of glass, plastic, and silicon have also seen improvements, with iOS7 appearing to be able to keep the iPhone growth alive and Android utterly dominating countries such as China in its path to 1 billion activations. New operating systems such as Firefox are in the wild as companies such as Microsoft frantically try to right the ship and save their platforms and devices from obscurity.
Across Europe 4G LTE is beginning to see deployments that will allow its users to see the speed and latency benefits that those in parts of Asia, the US, and others have over the past years. This in turn will begin to accelerate mobile data consumption and creation across a greater global footprint. Live and high quality video from mobile devices will become amazingly commonplace.
Today we are also seeing new products from Google, Samsung and even possibly Apple that are serious entrants to the wearable technology arena and all of them are running mobile operating systems. Apple has thrown down the gauntlet against NFC technology with its new iBeacon service which means that all parties involved are taking mobile payments and other types of direct interactions over secure mobile channels very seriously.
Organizations who are late to the mobile game are hurrying to catch up. Many who have focused more on the consumer aspect of mobility are starting to put serious efforts into B2E mobile initiatives. Those who are already mobilizing their workforce are looking for ways to improve, standardize, and focus their efforts.
Also, the Web isnt going anywhere.
So what does this all mean to you?
Wracamy po kr坦tkiej przerwie z prawdziw gratk dla strategicznych tygrys坦w :)
Dzisiaj omawiamy najciekawsze zagadnienia z niedawno opublikowanego Raportu Strategicznego IAB, zwizane z kluczowymi kategoriami reklamy internetowej - od
Wideo po gaming. Pomidzy rozkminami czy e-delikatesty przywo甜 wie甜 saat, a raportami podgldaczy z berliskiego metra, tradycyjnie znalazo si miejsca na odrobin konkret坦w. Jeli nabierzecie apetytu na peen raport, pobierzecie go tu ale obowizkowo po odsuchaniu odcinka, kt坦ry znajdziecie o tutaj:
Angazujaca reklama mobilna Grzegorz Chylinski adrino Forum IAB Polska 11.06.2015adrino_mobile_ad_network
Anga甜ujca reklama mobilna mroczny przedmiot po甜dania klienta i marketingowca, ale czy u甜ytkownika?
Prezentacja na Forum IAB 2015. Autor: Grzegorz Chyliski, CEO adrino
Raport Digitalizacja rynku B2B. Cyfrowe platformy zakupowe przygotowany prz...CEO Magazyn Polska
Firmy, kt坦re wdro甜yy systemy zakupowe, mog liczy nawet na 15% oszczdnoci. Tymczasem tylko 35% firm w Polsce korzysta z takich narzdzi - wynika z raportu Digitalizacja rynku B2B. Cyfrowe platformy zakupowe przygotowanego przez Deloitte oraz Aleo.
Uzupenienie raportu "Mobile w biznesie", przedstawiajcego najwa甜niejsze trendy i inspiracje w zakresie mobile.
W Polsce ruch mobilny stanowi ju甜 ponad 50% caego ruchu w Internecie. Nic dziwnego, skoro 13 mln Polak坦w posiada smartfona. Coraz wiksza powszechno urzdze mobilnych zmienia nasze codzienne zwyczaje i zachowania, tak甜e te zakupowe.
The document summarizes media in Pakistan, including print, television, radio and internet. It discusses how private media expanded under Musharraf but faced increased restrictions in 2007. Print media remains relatively free while censorship of television, radio and internet is more common. Major newspapers, TV channels and radio stations are outlined. Violations against journalists from 2003-2004 are also chronicled.
This document discusses the key elements that make up societies. It identifies language, religion, culture, social classes, politics, and economics as the main components. Language is the system of communication. Religion involves beliefs about the divine. Culture consists of a group's customs, traditions, and knowledge. Social classes organize people by factors like heritage and income. Politics refers to how people govern themselves and relate to the state. Economics examines how societies satisfy needs through production, wealth creation, and trade.
This document announces a mega incentive for direct sales and web leases by Silver S.A Shamim for an SSBS and FBS team. The incentive includes getting a 4GB pen drive for 2 direct sales, an 8GB pen drive for 3 direct sales, a Samsung mobile for 5 direct sales or $500 web lease, a Nokia mobile for 8 direct sales or $1000 lease. The incentive period runs from May 14th to May 23rd and is only for specific teams listed in the notice.
The first settlers arrived in America during the last ice age when glaciers covered much of the planet. Lower sea levels exposed the Bering Strait, which early humans and animals crossed into North America. These first settlers lived nomadic lifestyles in small bands, hunting gigantic animals and gathering food. They used simple stone tools and constructed shelters from animal skins and branches. Over time, they began farming and domesticating animals, transitioning to more sedentary lifestyles in villages. The earliest settlers left behind cave paintings depicting their lives and communities.
This document discusses Willa Cather's short story "Double Birthday" and analyzes its influences from Edgar Allan Poe's theories of short fiction. It notes that Cather uses the characters of Judge Hammersly and Mrs. Parmenter to observe the main characters, references Poe's frequent use of a beautiful young woman's death, and discusses Poe's ideas about the short story form emphasizing unity of effect, brevity to be read in one sitting, and use of melancholy tones.
Engineers follow a design process to solve problems and meet human needs. The process involves identifying needs, brainstorming solutions, building prototypes, testing and improving designs based on criteria, and communicating results. Technologies are designed to improve lives, and the design process is iterative - prototypes may fail initially, requiring redesign and testing until an effective solution is found. Engineering helps develop useful products through application of science and math.
Smartphones keep getting larger and tablets are getting smaller, beginning to totally blur what was just a few years ago considered a group of distinct form factors. The platforms that power these blocks of glass, plastic, and silicon have also seen improvements, with iOS7 appearing to be able to keep the iPhone growth alive and Android utterly dominating countries such as China in its path to 1 billion activations. New operating systems such as Firefox are in the wild as companies such as Microsoft frantically try to right the ship and save their platforms and devices from obscurity.
Across Europe 4G LTE is beginning to see deployments that will allow its users to see the speed and latency benefits that those in parts of Asia, the US, and others have over the past years. This in turn will begin to accelerate mobile data consumption and creation across a greater global footprint. Live and high quality video from mobile devices will become amazingly commonplace.
Today we are also seeing new products from Google, Samsung and even possibly Apple that are serious entrants to the wearable technology arena and all of them are running mobile operating systems. Apple has thrown down the gauntlet against NFC technology with its new iBeacon service which means that all parties involved are taking mobile payments and other types of direct interactions over secure mobile channels very seriously.
Organizations who are late to the mobile game are hurrying to catch up. Many who have focused more on the consumer aspect of mobility are starting to put serious efforts into B2E mobile initiatives. Those who are already mobilizing their workforce are looking for ways to improve, standardize, and focus their efforts.
Also, the Web isnt going anywhere.
So what does this all mean to you?
If "mobile" is everything, then it is nothing | Monika MikowskaMobee Dick
Why mobile is a strongly transforming medium? How mobile devices and social media changed our lives? How machine learning, exploiting the data we generate through our smartphones, will change the way we work, shop, bank and socialize with other people and what can your company do to help future-proof its business towards 2019 and beyond?
Jak content marketing zmienia oblicze marketingu mobilnego - Netsprint na Gen...Przemyslaw Jurgiel-Zyla
W cigu roku bud甜ety na reklam mobiln w Polsce urosy o ponad 120 procent. Coraz silniejszym filarem kanau mobile staje si reklama natywna. Poka甜emy r坦甜norodne, polskie przykady reklamy natywnej na urzdzeniach mobilnych.
Prezentacja do raportu PwC Total Retail 2017 Jak przetrwa w cyfrowym wiecie handlu
Wicej o raporcie:
Konsumenci coraz czciej kupuj w internecie, zakupom towarzysz r坦wnie甜 urzdzenia mobilne. Jakie zatem inwestycje powinny podj firmy z sektora handlowego, by sprawnie funkcjonowa w zmieniajcym si wiatowym rynku?
Na podstawie wynik坦w badania przeprowadzonego w 32 pastwach wr坦d 24 471 ankietowanych oraz 357 polskich respondent坦w, przygotowalimy rekomendacje dla 10 obszar坦w istotnych pod ktem inwestycji dla sektora handlowego.
Handel mobilny w praktyce 2014 -
Zobacz drug edycj raportu "Handel Mobilny w Praktyce 2014". Znajdziesz w nim szczeg坦owe analizy i komentarze ekspert坦w. Pobierz go ze strony
Dlaczego Twoja firma potrzebuje strony mobilnej?e-point SA
Czy firmowa strona www na smartfony i tablety to konieczno? Sprawd添 kim s prosumenci i jakie s ich oczekiwania. Dowiedz si jak zwikszy zasig firmy oraz zachci potencjalnego klienta do kontaktu z ni. Zobacz dlaczego firmowa strona mobilna jest wa甜na.
PR, social media, mobile, ambush, event jak tworzy i zarzdza zintegrowa...Lukasz Majewski
Z prezentacji dowiesz si
- jakie s wiatowe trendy w zintegrowanej komunikacji marketingowej?
- jakie narzdzia wykorzystywa w komunikacji marketingowej?
- co decyduje o skutecznoci poszczeg坦lnych dziaa?
- jak poprzez narzdzia zintegrowanej komunikacji budowa wizerunek i zaanga甜owanie wr坦d odbiorc坦w?
SPORTBIZ. Forum Sportu i Biznesu 2017.
2013 Raport IAB Polska Mobile 2012 Q4 u甜ytkownicy smartfon坦wMEC_Interaction
Wedug IAB Polska na koniec roku 2012 liczba u甜ytkownik坦w smartfon坦w wr坦d aktywnych internaut坦w osigna 54% i bdzie nadal dynamicznie rosnc, utrzymujc dwucyfrow dynamik. Oczekiwane s wzrosty nakad坦w na reklam produkt坦w i usug mobilnych, a tak甜e rozw坦j samego rodowiska mobilnego, kt坦re jest dobrym rodowiskiem reklamowym, mao nasyconym reklamami i cieszcym si wysok skutecznoci. Spodziewany jest tak甜e dynamiczny rozw坦j rynku wielu produkt坦w i usug mobilnych, takich jak aplikacje, m-commerce i wiele innych.
Performance Marketing od pierwszego impression do ostatniego klikniciaTradedoubler Polska
Prezentacja przedstawia wyniki badania przeprowadzonego przez Tradedoubler, z kt坦rego to wynika, 甜e upowszechnianie si smartfon坦w i trudniejsza sytuacja materialna wielu os坦b powoduj gbokie zmiany w zachowaniach konsument坦w w caej Europie. Badaniem objtych zostao 8 kraj坦w europejskich w tym Polska.
Wystarczy dostp do mobilnego Internetu i mo甜emy dokonywa zakup坦w, zamawia jedzenie, czyta i konsumowa media, rozmawia ze znajomymi. Firmy powinny i w kierunku natychmiastowego zaspokajania potrzeb swoich konsument坦w. Klienci chc mie mo甜liwo przejrzenia oferty czy dokonania zakupu tu i teraz tym jest mobile! Warto mie na uwadze, 甜e tego trendu w kierunku coraz wikszej mobilnoci ju甜 si nie zatrzyma, a firmy zwyczajnie musz za tym nad甜a. Najwa甜niejsze trendy i inspiracje w tym zakresie przedstawia agencja Bluerank w raporcie ,,Mobile w biznesie.
Raport dostpny tak甜e tutaj:
Lojalno Klienta: Customer Journey, Personalizacja, Big Data, Mobile Loyalty...Zbigniew Nowicki
Dzi lojalno klient坦w budowana jest w oparciu o szereg punkt坦w styku z mark podczas Customer Journey. Za Internet ma znaczc rol w budowaniu grona lojalnych klient坦w.
10 key marketing trends are summarized from the document:
1) Mobile will continue growing as the primary marketing channel as smartphone ownership increases.
2) Online video is gaining more attention as the preferred format, with over 500 million users viewing 8 billion daily videos on Facebook alone.
3) Personalization leads to more conversions according to 43% of marketers.
4) Content budgets will continue rising as 43% of respondents plan to increase spending 10-30% on development and promotion.
5) Social media is becoming a mainstream marketing channel as 65% of adults used it in 2015.
59% of companies currently use marketing automation and 34% plan to adopt it soon. The top objectives of marketing automation are increasing sales revenue, lead generation, and lead nurturing. Lead nurturing and comprehensive analytics are seen as the most valuable features. Over half of companies expect to increase their marketing automation budget in the coming year.
Prawie 60% marketer坦w korzysta w jakim stopniu z automatyzacji marketingu, a niemal 90% z nich twierdzi, 甜e rozwizanie to pozwolio im zrealizowa wa甜ne cele wynika z ankiety Ascend2 przeprowadzonej wr坦d profesjonalist坦w z caego wiata.
Internet Przedmiot坦w (lub Internet Rzeczy, ang. Internet of Things, IoT) zakada poczenie w sie wszelkich rodzaj坦w urzdze okular坦w, samochod坦w, sprzt坦w RTV i AGD, a nawet ubra i pozwala na komunikacj midzy nimi.
The document discusses proximity marketing and beacon technology usage statistics. By the end of 2018, there will be over 4.5 million active beacon units installed in the US, with 60 million beacon units expected to ship worldwide by 2019. Currently, less than 3% of American retailers can identify customers entering their stores, but 72% plan to have that capability within 5 years. Half of the top 100 US retailers are testing beacons this year.
Why to focus on visual content? in 12 numbersiPresso
Visual content is important to focus on for several key reasons: (1) the average time users spend viewing content has decreased significantly from 12 seconds in 2000 to only 8 seconds in 2013, so visuals help engage users; (2) users only read about 28% of the words on medium-sized websites, so visuals improve comprehension; (3) almost two-thirds of people learn best through visual content. Properly utilizing visual content like images, videos and infographics can significantly increase user engagement, conversions and traffic. The amount of visual content online has grown enormously over the past decade.
The document discusses key statistics about marketing automation in 2014. Some of the main points include:
- 88% of marketers were either currently using or considering implementing marketing automation tools in 2014.
- The most important features for marketers were email marketing (89%), lead nurturing (84%), and campaign management (82%).
- The greatest benefits of marketing automation were improved lead management and nurturing (86%), gaining measurable results (73%), and enhanced targeting and personalization (66%).
Marketing Automation jest najszybciej rozwijajcym si rozwizaniem marketingowym w ostatnich piciu latach. Sprawd添 najnowsze statystyki dotyczce tego rozwizania (添r坦do: Regalix State of Marketing Automation Report 2014).
Nakady przeznaczane na Performance Marketing stanowi a甜 67% wydatk坦w na reklam interaktywn w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Czym dokadnie jest Performance Marketing i jakie przynosi korzyci?
Dziki rozwojowi technologicznemu du甜a cz konsument坦w niemal bez przerwy korzysta z mo甜liwoci komunikacji online. Always On Marketing to idea staego pozostawania w kontakcie z odbiorcami, kt坦rzy przez du甜 cz czasu s "podpici" do technologii.
This document provides 14 statistics about email marketing. It finds that 44% of email recipients make purchases from promotional emails, and that there will be over 4 billion email accounts by 2016. Personalized subject lines and including social sharing buttons increase open and click-through rates. While email usage is decreasing among younger users, the majority of decision-makers still read emails on mobile devices, and email marketing provides a high ROI.
The document provides 15 statistics about the use and benefits of marketing automation. Some key findings include: 84% of top companies plan to use marketing automation by 2015, 81% of best-in-class companies see faster sales as the top benefit, and companies see a 70% faster sales cycle and 50% more sales-ready leads by using marketing automation. The market for marketing automation is also growing substantially and expected to increase by 50% by 2015.
Co to jest Content Marketing? Jakie przynosi korzyci? Dlaczego staje si coraz popularniejsz form marketingu na caym wiecie? Zapraszamy do obejrzenia naszej prezentacji.
2. Do koca roku 2014 w samych tylko Stanach Zjednoczonych w u甜yciu bdzie
30 000 Beacon坦w.
添r坦do: Business Insider Intelligence
3. Do roku 2018 liczba aktywnych urzdze tego typu ma wynie ju甜 4,5 miliona.
添r坦do: Business Insider Intelligence
4. A do 2019 r. na wiecie ma ich powsta a甜 60 milion坦w!
添r坦do: ABI Research
5. Obecnie w USA mniej ni甜 3% sprzedawc坦w detalicznych posiada narzdzia do komunikacji z konsumentami wchodzcymi do ich sklep坦w
添r坦do: 2014 CRM/Unified Commerce Benchmark Survey
6. ale a甜 72% planuje wprowadzi to rozwizanie do roku 2019.
添r坦do: 2014 CRM/Unified Commerce Benchmark Survey
7. W bie甜cym roku 50% spor坦d 100 czoowych amerykaskich sprzedawc坦w detalicznych testuje dziaanie Beacon坦w.
添r坦do: Business Insider Intelligence
8. Ponad 40% konsument坦w sprawdza oferty na swoich urzdzeniach mobilnych podczas pobytu w sklepie.
添r坦do: Millennial Media and comScore
9. Do roku 2017 okoo 50% transakcji detalicznych dokonywanych bdzie za porednictwem urzdze mobilnych.
添r坦do: Motorola
10. Otrzymywane podczas pobytu w sklepie informacje dotyczce produkt坦w prowadz nawet do
20-krotnego wzrostu zainteresowania zakupem.
添r坦do: inMarket
11. Przewiduje si, 甜e 85% punkt坦w sprzeda甜y nale甜cych do 100 najlepszych amerykaskich firm prowadzcych sprzeda甜 detaliczn, bdzie do roku 2016 wyposa甜onych w Beacony.
店r坦do: Business Insider Intelligence