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Technologies slide show
I like this technology because: 
 I can keep in contact with old friends and 
family who live in different states. 
 I can see pictures my friends and family post. 
 I can let others have a glimpse of my life.
I like this technology because: 
 It is entertaining. 
 I can look up lyrics to songs and watch 
the music video at the same time. 
 If I need help making something I can find 
many diy videos
I like this technology because: 
 It simplifies searches 
 It is easy to use 
 It can be used as an email (gmail)
 Tweets are short 
and simple 
 It can be a stress 
 It is simple to use
I like this technology 
 It helps make professional 
networking easier 
 Its interesting to me 
 I think it would be useful 
in the future
I didnt like this technology because: 
 It didnt interest me 
 I probably will not use it in the future 
 It was hard to navigate
I didnt like this technology because: 
 Im not a news kind of person 
 I didnt think it was interesting 
 I dont think its useful to me
I didnt like Flickr because: 
 Flickr reminds me a lot of Facebook 
and I dont need to be on both 
 Not many people I know gets on 
 I think it is boring
I didnt like this technology because: 
 The information can be edited by anyone 
 I have found false information on the site before 
 This website is not useful to me
I didnt like this technology because: 
 I feel like everyone on the site isnt properly 
using the site 
 It could be taking away from hospice and other 
related organizations 
 I dont see myself using this in the future

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Technologies slide show

  • 2. I like this technology because: I can keep in contact with old friends and family who live in different states. I can see pictures my friends and family post. I can let others have a glimpse of my life.
  • 3. You I like this technology because: It is entertaining. I can look up lyrics to songs and watch the music video at the same time. If I need help making something I can find many diy videos
  • 4. I like this technology because: It simplifies searches It is easy to use It can be used as an email (gmail)
  • 5. Tweets are short and simple It can be a stress reliever It is simple to use
  • 6. I like this technology because: It helps make professional networking easier Its interesting to me I think it would be useful in the future
  • 7. I didnt like this technology because: It didnt interest me I probably will not use it in the future It was hard to navigate
  • 8. I didnt like this technology because: Im not a news kind of person I didnt think it was interesting I dont think its useful to me
  • 9. I didnt like Flickr because: Flickr reminds me a lot of Facebook and I dont need to be on both Not many people I know gets on Flickr I think it is boring
  • 10. I didnt like this technology because: The information can be edited by anyone I have found false information on the site before This website is not useful to me
  • 11. I didnt like this technology because: I feel like everyone on the site isnt properly using the site It could be taking away from hospice and other related organizations I dont see myself using this in the future