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Karen Fowler
OST 284 Emerging Technologies Final Exam
 I like the fact that you can keep up with
friends from anywhere.
 I like that you can share pictures and
status updates.
 Love the fact it is free and easy to
 I enjoy the fact it is easy to use
 Groups of people can complete a project
 Enjoyed the fact that it was accessible
and viewable by everyone in the group
 Really liked the fact there was not a lot of
papers being passed around
Google Translate
 It makes communication with others so
much easier.
 Love that there is no more reason for a
language barrier (or at least not as big of
 I like the fact that instead of asking
someone to translate for me and feeling
stupid, there is another way to get the
 I kind of like the idea of being able to blog
about the things that interest me.
 I really enjoy reading other peoples
 Blogging can be fun as long as you
understand what your doing and your
blogging about what really interests you.
Google Docs
 I like the fact that several different people
can work on it at the same time.
 In the future it could be useful if I work
on any projects with two or more people.
 The fact that the owner of it could edit
everyone elses work really stood out.
 I dont see much of a point in sending
little text like messages out to complete
 The fact that anyone can follow you or
see what you say is unsettling.
 I dont understand why people want
everyone to know what is going on with
 There was nothing really wrong with this
kind of technology, it just wasnt for me.
 I thought it was slightly complicated.
 I didnt really like the idea of putting my
pictures on the Internet like that.
 For me I found this to be a little
 Quizlet may be good for people to study
from, however I dont like it because it
could be full of misinformation.
 Quizlet is changeable by many people
Semantic Search
 I dont like the fact the technology is
becoming so smart.
 I dont believe that any browser should
be as a personal assistant
 I dont like the fact this is supposed to
better enable computers and people to
work in cooperation
 Personally I found it a little difficult to use
the geotag.
 I dont like the fact that this is used in
 Geotags could very well get mixed up or a
place could change

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  • 1. Karen Fowler OST 284 Emerging Technologies Final Exam
  • 2. Facebook I like the fact that you can keep up with friends from anywhere. I like that you can share pictures and status updates. Love the fact it is free and easy to understand.
  • 3. Wiki I enjoy the fact it is easy to use Groups of people can complete a project together Enjoyed the fact that it was accessible and viewable by everyone in the group Really liked the fact there was not a lot of papers being passed around
  • 4. Google Translate It makes communication with others so much easier. Love that there is no more reason for a language barrier (or at least not as big of one) I like the fact that instead of asking someone to translate for me and feeling stupid, there is another way to get the translation.
  • 5. Blogger I kind of like the idea of being able to blog about the things that interest me. I really enjoy reading other peoples blogs. Blogging can be fun as long as you understand what your doing and your blogging about what really interests you.
  • 6. Google Docs I like the fact that several different people can work on it at the same time. In the future it could be useful if I work on any projects with two or more people. The fact that the owner of it could edit everyone elses work really stood out.
  • 7. Twitter I dont see much of a point in sending little text like messages out to complete strangers. The fact that anyone can follow you or see what you say is unsettling. I dont understand why people want everyone to know what is going on with them
  • 8. Flickr There was nothing really wrong with this kind of technology, it just wasnt for me. I thought it was slightly complicated. I didnt really like the idea of putting my pictures on the Internet like that.
  • 9. Quizlet For me I found this to be a little complicated. Quizlet may be good for people to study from, however I dont like it because it could be full of misinformation. Quizlet is changeable by many people
  • 10. Semantic Search Engine I dont like the fact the technology is becoming so smart. I dont believe that any browser should be as a personal assistant I dont like the fact this is supposed to better enable computers and people to work in cooperation
  • 11. Geotag Personally I found it a little difficult to use the geotag. I dont like the fact that this is used in Flickr. Geotags could very well get mixed up or a place could change