The document appears to be lyrics from a song discussing a relationship conflict. The singer asks their partner "Is that alright with you?" several times regarding giving away their gun when it's loaded and how to hold it if not shooting it. Their partner responds that those things are not alright, indicating disagreement in the relationship.
The document appears to be song lyrics performed by an artist named Lisa. The lyrics describe leaving behind a past relationship and moving on, acknowledging that it's the wrong time to be thinking of someone new and having no excuse for lingering feelings. The singer asks if it's alright with the other person to give away their gun when it's loaded, suggesting letting go of emotional attachment, and if they don't shoot it how can they be expected to hold on to it, further reinforcing moving past the relationship.
This song celebrates perseverance and triumph over adversity. The singer has faced challenges and mistakes but has emerged stronger, gaining fame and success through hard work. He and his friends will continue fighting until the end to prove they are champions, with no time for those who lose or give up. They are champions who have won against all odds.
The document appears to be song lyrics performed by an artist named Lisa. The lyrics describe leaving behind a past relationship and moving on, acknowledging that it's the wrong time to be thinking of someone new and having no excuse for lingering feelings. The artist asks if it's alright with the person to give away their gun when it's loaded and hold on to feelings without acting on them, repeatedly asking "Is that alright with you?". The summary focuses on the key themes and questions within the short lyrics.
The document is lyrics for a song that describes a secret romantic relationship. It discusses how the two people in the relationship are hidden from others and only uncover their true feelings when alone together away from others. They suggest they could build their own universe together and wouldn't care if the outside world disappeared so long as they have each other. The lyrics repeat that nobody knows about their secret relationship except when they are alone and able to express their feelings freely.
This document contains the lyrics to a song composed by Gil and Arnaud. The song expresses a desire to fly or get high with a lover and have a good time together for the night, while acknowledging that tomorrow they will go their separate ways. It repeats refrains about waiting a long time for this night and wanting the lover to cry or fly with them tonight.
The document describes a secret romantic relationship, with the narrator and their partner hiding their feelings from others and finding solace only when alone together. They suggest their bond is strong enough to withstand any challenges and that they do not need anything beyond each other for happiness.
The song is about learning to let go of a past love and move on with your life. It discusses how you only realize how much you cared for someone after the relationship has ended. Reflecting on the good times makes it difficult to accept that it's over. But eventually, with time and distance, the pain subsides and a new perspective emerges on why things had to end.
This song celebrates perseverance and triumph over adversity. The singer has faced challenges and mistakes but has emerged stronger, gaining fame and success through hard work. He and his friends will continue fighting until the end to prove they are champions, with no time for those who lose or give up. They are champions who have won against all odds.
The document appears to be song lyrics performed by an artist named Lisa. The lyrics describe leaving behind a past relationship and moving on, acknowledging that it's the wrong time to be thinking of someone new and having no excuse for lingering feelings. The artist asks if it's alright with the person to give away their gun when it's loaded and hold on to feelings without acting on them, repeatedly asking "Is that alright with you?". The summary focuses on the key themes and questions within the short lyrics.
The document is lyrics for a song that describes a secret romantic relationship. It discusses how the two people in the relationship are hidden from others and only uncover their true feelings when alone together away from others. They suggest they could build their own universe together and wouldn't care if the outside world disappeared so long as they have each other. The lyrics repeat that nobody knows about their secret relationship except when they are alone and able to express their feelings freely.
This document contains the lyrics to a song composed by Gil and Arnaud. The song expresses a desire to fly or get high with a lover and have a good time together for the night, while acknowledging that tomorrow they will go their separate ways. It repeats refrains about waiting a long time for this night and wanting the lover to cry or fly with them tonight.
The document describes a secret romantic relationship, with the narrator and their partner hiding their feelings from others and finding solace only when alone together. They suggest their bond is strong enough to withstand any challenges and that they do not need anything beyond each other for happiness.
The song is about learning to let go of a past love and move on with your life. It discusses how you only realize how much you cared for someone after the relationship has ended. Reflecting on the good times makes it difficult to accept that it's over. But eventually, with time and distance, the pain subsides and a new perspective emerges on why things had to end.
The document contains lyrics celebrating dancing, letting go of inhibitions, and partying all night long. It encourages putting hands in the air and rocking the club like it's dynamite. The lyrics are repeated throughout and describe dancing, wearing favorite brands, and celebrating without limits.
The document is a short song lyric expressing that the singer does not want to think about a past relationship ("you") while in a negative environment ("out with the waste"). The singer acknowledges this is "the wrong kind of place" and "wrong time" to contemplate a new romance, calling it a "small crime" for which they have "no excuse".
The document discusses an unboxing and review of the second generation iPod Touch. It contains an overview of the iPod Touch device and what is included in the box. The review provides details about the iPod Touch and Apple.
2. Ik kijk graag s avonds laat nog TV
En de volgende dag lekker slapen tot twee
Werken dat komt later wel mn leven is fun
Ja de wereld aan mijn voeten er is niets wat kan
3. Ik ben een teenager, ik doe wat ik wil
Mij krijg je niet meer stil, no wa-ay
Ik ben een teenager, elke dag heb ik lol
Denk even niet aan school, nee heb wat anders aan mijn bol
We zeggen eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
4. Bellen met vriendinnen, shoppen in de stad
Mijn huiswerk stel ik uit, ik heb het even gehad
Zie die leuke jongen, word een beetje verliefd
Vertel het de politie, hij is een hartendief
5. Ik ben een teenager, ik doe wat ik wil
Mij krijg je niet meer stil, no wa-ay
Ik ben een teenager, elke dag heb ik
Denk even niet aan school, nee heb
wat anders aan mijn bol
We zeggen eh eh eh, we zeggen no-
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
6. Het is zo leuk
Om een teenager te zijn
Ik weet wat ik wil
Its my time to shine
7. Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh
Ik ben een...
Ik ben een teenager, ik doe wat ik wil
Mij krijg je niet meer stil, no wa-ay
Ik ben een teenager, elke dag heb ik lol
Denk even niet aan school, nee heb wat
anders aan mijn bol
8. Ik ben een teenager, ik doe wat ik wil
Mij krijg je niet meer stil, no wa-ay
Ik ben een teenager, elke dag heb ik lol
Denk even niet aan school, nee heb wat
anders aan mijn bol
We zeggen eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen no-oh-way
Eh eh eh, we zeggen nee