The document describes different animals that were seen at the zoo on Animal's Day, including an Arctic wolf, grey wolf, red fox, toucan, ducks, tiger, and elephants. Each animal is given a short paragraph describing characteristics or behaviors.
The document summarizes aspects of Argentinian culture including music, architecture, and dance. It notes that the tango is Argentina's musical symbol and that Argentine rock emerged as a prominent style in 1960. It describes influential Italian architects in Buenos Aires in the early 20th century and the later adoption of French neoclassical styles. It also explains that the authentic tango dance form emerged from lower-class districts in Buenos Aires, influenced by crowding and attire.
This document describes a game where the player must choose the correct article (a, an, the) to complete each sentence. It provides 10 sentences missing articles for the player to fill in.
This document outlines a marketing strategy to target 13-35 year olds who enjoy an active lifestyle with interests in extreme sports, music, and college life. The strategy focuses on an energy drink that provides instant energy as well as being a healthy substitute to other beverages. To promote the product, the strategy employs a push strategy using TV, radio, magazines and websites to create strong brand awareness. It also uses promotions like contests and events as well as cooperative advertising with retailers. The product will be distributed indirectly through supermarkets, food stores, vending machines, clubs and restaurants, dividing the country into zones. Personal selling to retailers and free customer samples seek to avoid product resistance.
Skycrest Elementary is introducing a blogging feature on their internal Moodle site to allow teachers to post questions and concerns about curriculum and coordinating lessons between grade levels. The blogging is intended to help teachers communicate when they have limited time. It will not be used for issues involving students or personal messages, as all posts are public records. To participate, teachers log into Moodle with their Pinellas County username and password, navigate to the Skycrest Elementary site, and enter the enrollment key to subscribe and begin blogging.
The document contains a series of sentences describing common daily activities using verbs in the present progressive (gerund) form or simple present tense. It explores whether these activities are currently happening, have already happened, or have been happening for a period of time through a series of yes/no questions.
This document provides an overview of Pescado's journey from 2006 to 2016, starting as a small team selling mobile contracts and growing to a team of 63 people offering a range of business telecom and IT services. It also provides guidance on selecting business telecoms, including choosing between networks and suppliers, different mobile, internet, and phone system options, and tips for negotiating the best deals. Key terms are defined to help understand technical options and packages.
The document describes the fabrication of highly stable silver nanoparticles encapsulated within generation 3 polypropyleneimine dendrimers. This was done using a one-step method where aqueous solutions of the dendrimer and silver nitrate were heated, yielding silver nanoparticles without needing additional reagents. The nanoparticles were then characterized using techniques like UV-vis spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Future work will study using these nanoparticles to compact DNA into multifunctional delivery agents.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader who fought against racial segregation and discrimination through nonviolent civil disobedience. He led many protests including the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, and gave iconic speeches promoting his message of racial equality and justice such as his "I Have a Dream" speech. Though he faced much opposition, his leadership and advocacy helped advance civil rights and he remains an inspirational figure today for his message of peace, justice, and unity.
The Red Swastika Society of India Pune Branch organizes several medical outreach activities, including pilgrimages to Pandharpur, multi-diagnostic camps in remote tribal areas, free cataract surgery camps in urban slums, emergency services during festivals, camps for prosthetic limbs, and services during public safety training exercises and floods. Upcoming activities include multi-diagnostic camps providing free medicine, spectacles, and clothes to tribal people.
Mommy cat was born under a church where a human fed her through a grating. Mommy met Daddy cat who visited her, and they had kittens including the narrator. One day Mommy went into a drainage hole during heavy rain, but the human rescued her and brought her home where the kittens were born. Now the kittens need homes of their own and ask people to share their story so they can find homes.
The document is a July 2014 catalogue from The Schuster Lane Association that features new smocking designs for various home and clothing items, including details on different smocking stitches and techniques. The catalogue provides images and descriptions of over 20 new smocking designs, showing what each design looks like and what types of items it can be applied to. Contact information is also included for ordering designs from The Schuster Lane Association.
A house lot in Mahogany Place, Lipa is for sale. For more information about the property, interested buyers can call Heidi Mingao at 0919-9572-954 or 0927-506-9548.
David Weller provides tips for schools to use social media like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr to help increase teacher recruitment. Schools should join discussions on these platforms, create groups for their city, link other accounts, and post job ads to find candidates. They can also search for potential teachers on LinkedIn and invite them to connect without spamming. The document outlines setting up profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr for schools and following checklists to guide use of social media for finding quality teachers.
The document proposes an Avonmore Super Milk carton game where players control a flying milk carton collecting bowls of milk to gain points while dodging clouds. Tilting the carton controls its movement. The game aims to entertain children while they eat and encourage parents to buy more Avonmore milk by offering a buy one get one free voucher for high scores. It also allows sharing scores online to promote the Avonmore brand and increase sales.
The document lists various responsibilities and healthy habits that one should follow, including respecting parents, maintaining personal hygiene like brushing teeth and showering, getting enough sleep, doing homework and chores, eating healthy, exercising, drinking water, reading books, and studying to do well.
This document discusses the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible events or situations in the future. It indicates that the first conditional uses "if" to refer to a possible present condition and "will" followed by the base verb to refer to a possible future result. Examples are given such as "If you buy a Claro cell phone, you will have more benefits" and common uses of the first conditional include predictions, offers, warnings, and threats. Readers are then instructed to write sample sentences using the first conditional for different images.
FemTalentt/escola └s un programa integral per a fomentar les vocacions cient┴fiques i tecnol┛giques entre les nenes (i els nens) del centres educatius de prim┐ria
Now, if the whole world goes paperless, how many more generations can count on a future with fresh air? Would it not be good for the environment? LET US ALL GO PAPERLESS, SAVE OUR TREES AND DO OUR PARTS TO CONTAIN GLOBAL WARMING!
Santiago B. Cane,Jr. -Provincial Vice Governor, Agusan del Sur
This document outlines topics for Miss Carmen to discuss in four paragraphs about herself. The first paragraph prompts her to give personal details like her name, where she was born, what she looks like, her hobbies and family. The second paragraph asks her to describe her daily routine, school details, and career aspirations. The third paragraph asks her to discuss her last summer holiday by detailing where she went, how she traveled there, where she stayed, and activities. The fourth paragraph provides topics like comparing routines in two Argentine cities, weather in Argentina, and sharing childhood memories.
Discurs sobre igualtat de l'eurodiputada sueca Cecilia Wikstr?m al II fem.tal...fem talent
Discurs sobre igualtat d'oportunitats de l'eurodiputada sueca Cecilia Wikstr?m al II fem.talent f┛rum, celebrat el 22 de febrer de 2013, Equal Pay Day, el Dia contra la Desigualtat Salarial per ra┏ de g┬nere.
This document discusses ensuring integrity for corporate websites. It outlines risks like cyber intrusions, privacy breaches, and copyright issues. Tools for managing web content include content management systems to organize content through its lifecycle. Problems can include downtime, security issues, and defacement. Monitoring tools detect these, testing security, authentication, and checking for changes through content, edit, and domain name system tests. Third parties also provide website integrity services through monitoring. Proper tools and controls are needed to minimize risks to a company's website integrity and reputation.
This document provides information about present simple and present continuous tenses. It discusses using the present simple tense to talk about repeated actions, schedules, facts, and generalizations. It also discusses using the present continuous tense to talk about things happening now or temporary actions. The document provides examples of each tense and discusses using "ing" forms after prepositions, verbs, as subjects, and as part of tense forms.
Here are the corrections:
1. I exercise twice a week.
2. I don't work out because I'm very busy with my work these days.
3. Anna eats junk food every other day.
4. Does she do any exercise these days?
5. A: What kind of exercise does Ann usually do?
B: Well, she plays tennis regularly and she's doing karate these days.
The document appears to be a series of grammar exercises testing the correct use of present progressive verb tenses in English sentences. For each question, the user is presented with a sentence containing a blank and must choose between verb forms like "is working" and "works" to complete the sentence correctly.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader who fought against racial segregation and discrimination through nonviolent civil disobedience. He led many protests including the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, and gave iconic speeches promoting his message of racial equality and justice such as his "I Have a Dream" speech. Though he faced much opposition, his leadership and advocacy helped advance civil rights and he remains an inspirational figure today for his message of peace, justice, and unity.
The Red Swastika Society of India Pune Branch organizes several medical outreach activities, including pilgrimages to Pandharpur, multi-diagnostic camps in remote tribal areas, free cataract surgery camps in urban slums, emergency services during festivals, camps for prosthetic limbs, and services during public safety training exercises and floods. Upcoming activities include multi-diagnostic camps providing free medicine, spectacles, and clothes to tribal people.
Mommy cat was born under a church where a human fed her through a grating. Mommy met Daddy cat who visited her, and they had kittens including the narrator. One day Mommy went into a drainage hole during heavy rain, but the human rescued her and brought her home where the kittens were born. Now the kittens need homes of their own and ask people to share their story so they can find homes.
The document is a July 2014 catalogue from The Schuster Lane Association that features new smocking designs for various home and clothing items, including details on different smocking stitches and techniques. The catalogue provides images and descriptions of over 20 new smocking designs, showing what each design looks like and what types of items it can be applied to. Contact information is also included for ordering designs from The Schuster Lane Association.
A house lot in Mahogany Place, Lipa is for sale. For more information about the property, interested buyers can call Heidi Mingao at 0919-9572-954 or 0927-506-9548.
David Weller provides tips for schools to use social media like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr to help increase teacher recruitment. Schools should join discussions on these platforms, create groups for their city, link other accounts, and post job ads to find candidates. They can also search for potential teachers on LinkedIn and invite them to connect without spamming. The document outlines setting up profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr for schools and following checklists to guide use of social media for finding quality teachers.
The document proposes an Avonmore Super Milk carton game where players control a flying milk carton collecting bowls of milk to gain points while dodging clouds. Tilting the carton controls its movement. The game aims to entertain children while they eat and encourage parents to buy more Avonmore milk by offering a buy one get one free voucher for high scores. It also allows sharing scores online to promote the Avonmore brand and increase sales.
The document lists various responsibilities and healthy habits that one should follow, including respecting parents, maintaining personal hygiene like brushing teeth and showering, getting enough sleep, doing homework and chores, eating healthy, exercising, drinking water, reading books, and studying to do well.
This document discusses the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible events or situations in the future. It indicates that the first conditional uses "if" to refer to a possible present condition and "will" followed by the base verb to refer to a possible future result. Examples are given such as "If you buy a Claro cell phone, you will have more benefits" and common uses of the first conditional include predictions, offers, warnings, and threats. Readers are then instructed to write sample sentences using the first conditional for different images.
FemTalentt/escola └s un programa integral per a fomentar les vocacions cient┴fiques i tecnol┛giques entre les nenes (i els nens) del centres educatius de prim┐ria
Now, if the whole world goes paperless, how many more generations can count on a future with fresh air? Would it not be good for the environment? LET US ALL GO PAPERLESS, SAVE OUR TREES AND DO OUR PARTS TO CONTAIN GLOBAL WARMING!
Santiago B. Cane,Jr. -Provincial Vice Governor, Agusan del Sur
This document outlines topics for Miss Carmen to discuss in four paragraphs about herself. The first paragraph prompts her to give personal details like her name, where she was born, what she looks like, her hobbies and family. The second paragraph asks her to describe her daily routine, school details, and career aspirations. The third paragraph asks her to discuss her last summer holiday by detailing where she went, how she traveled there, where she stayed, and activities. The fourth paragraph provides topics like comparing routines in two Argentine cities, weather in Argentina, and sharing childhood memories.
Discurs sobre igualtat de l'eurodiputada sueca Cecilia Wikstr?m al II fem.tal...fem talent
Discurs sobre igualtat d'oportunitats de l'eurodiputada sueca Cecilia Wikstr?m al II fem.talent f┛rum, celebrat el 22 de febrer de 2013, Equal Pay Day, el Dia contra la Desigualtat Salarial per ra┏ de g┬nere.
This document discusses ensuring integrity for corporate websites. It outlines risks like cyber intrusions, privacy breaches, and copyright issues. Tools for managing web content include content management systems to organize content through its lifecycle. Problems can include downtime, security issues, and defacement. Monitoring tools detect these, testing security, authentication, and checking for changes through content, edit, and domain name system tests. Third parties also provide website integrity services through monitoring. Proper tools and controls are needed to minimize risks to a company's website integrity and reputation.
This document provides information about present simple and present continuous tenses. It discusses using the present simple tense to talk about repeated actions, schedules, facts, and generalizations. It also discusses using the present continuous tense to talk about things happening now or temporary actions. The document provides examples of each tense and discusses using "ing" forms after prepositions, verbs, as subjects, and as part of tense forms.
Here are the corrections:
1. I exercise twice a week.
2. I don't work out because I'm very busy with my work these days.
3. Anna eats junk food every other day.
4. Does she do any exercise these days?
5. A: What kind of exercise does Ann usually do?
B: Well, she plays tennis regularly and she's doing karate these days.
The document appears to be a series of grammar exercises testing the correct use of present progressive verb tenses in English sentences. For each question, the user is presented with a sentence containing a blank and must choose between verb forms like "is working" and "works" to complete the sentence correctly.
The document provides examples of using the simple past tense to describe situations that were not true in the past (with wasn't/weren't) compared to the present tense. It shows pairs of sentences contrasting what wasn't true yesterday with what is true today for various subjects like friends, King Julien, Marty, Alex, Melman, and Gloria and Melman.
The document provides descriptions of physical appearance and personality types. It includes lists of physical traits like hair color, eye color, and build. It also lists different personality types like organized, funny, and stressed. The document instructs that when describing a person, it is often best to mention their age, height, build, hair, eyes, and clothes in that order.
The document provides rules for ordering adjectives in English by categorizing adjectives into 7 types: 1) opinion, 2) shape/size, 3) age, 4) color, 5) origin, 6) material, and 7) purpose. Adjectives are generally ordered from opinion adjectives first to purpose adjectives last, with examples provided for each category.
The document discusses the order of adjectives in English. It lists 7 categories of adjectives from most common to least common order: 1) opinion, 2) size/shape, 3) age, 4) color, 5) origin, 6) material, and 7) purpose. Examples are provided for each category of adjective.
This document categorizes various foods as sources of protein, fat, or sugar. It lists red meat, chicken, and fish as sources of protein. Olive oil, butter, milk, cheese, and ice cream are sources of fat. Melon, apples, chocolate, grapes, cherries, and nuts provide sugar. It then prompts considering which foods to eat or avoid for weight loss.
This document discusses the adverbs of degree "too" and "enough". It explains that too means more than necessary or wanted, while enough means sufficient. Some examples are provided to illustrate the meanings and proper usage of each adverb. The key differences between too and very are also outlined.
This document provides an overview of the units and topics covered in a pre-teens English course for the first period. The starter unit focuses on adjectives, routines, and comparative and superlative forms. Unit 1 vocabulary includes terms related to television and language focuses on discussing opinions and news in the past simple tense. Unit 2 vocabulary covers household goods and the language focus is on using relative clauses and expressing quantities.
My friend's ambition is to become an astronaut for NASA. I remember collecting dinosaur bones at the place where they were discovered. Leaving without a word annoyed her greatly. She is the only one who has always been there for me. The woman whose purse was stolen yesterday. I can't understand the reason they didn't show. I have a friend who knows the place very well. Malibu is famous place which attracts tourists. Do you know the office where he works?
This document contains teaching materials for a health and lifestyle unit and a rules and behavior unit for teens. In the first unit, vocabulary includes various foods and meals as well as parts of the body. Word lists cover related nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The second unit covers vocabulary around rules, domestic tasks, and laws. Grammar points addressed include expressing obligation and permission in the present and past tenses.
This document contains teaching materials for a health and lifestyle unit and a rules and behavior unit for teens. In the first unit, vocabulary focuses on food, drink, and meal times. Grammar covers should/must and articles. The second unit vocabulary includes rules, behaviors, domestic tasks, and laws. Grammar explains obligation and permission in the present and past tenses using modal verbs and expressions like have to, don't have to, could, and was/were allowed to. Word lists provide additional vocabulary related to health, food, daily routines, and social activities.
This document discusses the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible events or situations in the future. It provides examples of conditional sentences using "if" to present a condition and "will" plus the base verb to present the possible future result. It also lists common uses of the first conditional, such as predictions, offers, warnings, and threats, and instructs readers to write sample sentences for images using this grammatical structure.
This document discusses the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible future situations and their consequences. It notes that the first conditional uses the present simple in the if-clause and the future simple in the main clause. Examples are provided to illustrate how the first conditional can be used to make predictions, promises, threats, and warnings. The document also provides notes on punctuation when the if-clause comes first or second in a sentence, and that the future simple can be replaced by a modal verb.
This document discusses the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible future situations and their consequences. It notes that the first conditional has the structure of "if + present simple, future simple" and gives examples of using it to make predictions, promises, threats, and warnings. It also explains that the if clause can come before or after the main clause, and whether a comma is used depends on the order of the clauses.
The document explains the first conditional, which is used to talk about possible situations in the present or future. It provides examples of conditional sentences using "if" clauses and main clauses with "will" to express possibilities. Key points are that the first conditional discusses what may happen, with an "if" clause referring to a possible present or future condition, and a main clause with "will" referring to the possible present or future result.
The group descends into the volcano and finds three tunnels. They wait for the sun to shine on the correct tunnel, which it does on the last day of June. They begin exploring the tunnels, descending over 2,000 feet down. However, Axel becomes separated from the group and falls unconscious down an unknown tunnel.
Dr. Vincenzo Giordano began his medical career 2011 at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Here, he performed complex adult cardiothoracic surgical procedures, significantly enhancing his proficiency in patient critical care, as evidenced by his FCCS certification.
Stability of Dosage Forms as per ICH GuidelinesKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation covers the stability testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms according to ICH guidelines (Q1A-Q1F). It explains the definition of stability, various testing protocols, storage conditions, and evaluation criteria required for regulatory submissions. Key topics include stress testing, container closure systems, stability commitment, and photostability testing. The guidelines ensure that pharmaceutical products maintain their identity, purity, strength, and efficacy throughout their shelf life. This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical professionals, researchers, and regulatory experts.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar C USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar C USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
? Key Topics Covered:
?? Viable air & surface sampling best practices
?? USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
?? How to analyze & trend viable sample data
?? Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
? Watch Now:
? Stay informed!follow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Creatine¨s Untold Story and How 30-Year-Old Lessons Can Shape the FutureSteve Jennings
Creatine burst into the public consciousness in 1992 when an investigative reporter inside the Olympic Village in Barcelona caught wind of British athletes using a product called Ergomax C150. This led to an explosion of interest in C and questions about C the ingredient after high-profile British athletes won multiple gold medals.
I developed Ergomax C150, working closely with the late and great Dr. Roger Harris (1944 ! 2024), and Prof. Erik Hultman (1925 ! 2011), the pioneering scientists behind the landmark studies of creatine and athletic performance in the early 1990s.
Thirty years on, these are the slides I used at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2025 to share the story, the lessons from that time, and how and why creatine will play a pivotal role in tomorrow¨s high-growth active nutrition and healthspan categories.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Chair and Presenters Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, FACP, Carey K. Anders, MD, FASCO, and Vyshak Venur, MD, discuss metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in this CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE activity titled ^Fine-Tuning the Selection and Sequencing of HER2-Targeting Therapies in HER2-Positive MBC With and Without CNS Metastases: Expert Guidance on How to Individualize Therapy Based on Latest Evidence, Disease Features, Treatment Characteristics, and Patient Needs and Preferences. ̄ For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until March 2, 2026.
Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, we¨ll explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education