This document discusses the advantages and uses of social networking. It outlines how social networks allow users to communicate with people, meet new friends, create social groups based on interests, find jobs through commercial postings, and find partners for dating or marriage. The document also explains how social networks work by connecting users to their friends and their friends' friends through adding them as connections on the site.
Social networking allows people to connect and share information online. Popular sites like Facebook, Yonja, and Myspace let users create personal pages to share files, photos, videos, music, and chat with both existing friends and new connections made through the network. Maintaining a blog also provides a way for people in a social network to learn more about each other and find information on topics or people of interest through shared posts and files.
This document discusses the advantages and uses of social networking. It outlines how social networks allow users to communicate with people, meet new friends, create social groups based on interests, find jobs through commercial postings, and find partners for dating or marriage. The document also explains how social networks work by connecting users to their friends and their friends' friends through adding them as connections on the site.
Social networking allows people to connect and share information online. Popular sites like Facebook, Yonja, and Myspace let users create personal pages to share files, photos, videos, music, and chat with both existing friends and new connections made through the network. Maintaining a blog also provides a way for people in a social network to learn more about each other and find information on topics or people of interest through shared posts and files.
4. H旦fu丹borginH旦fu丹borgin heitir Pragar b炭a um 1.216.000H炭n skiptist 鱈 10 hlutaMe丹 s辿rstj坦rn Karlsbr炭inetta h炭s kallast dansandi h炭si丹a丹 er veitingarsta丹ur efst uppi
6. Landi丹 意辿一一鉛温稼糸i er forsetiV叩clav Klaus landinu er t旦lu丹 t辿kkneskaHelstu atvinnuvegirLandb炭na丹ur og i丹na丹urN叩tt炭ruau丹脱fiKol, kaolin og grafitForsetinn V叩clavKlauskaolin
7. I丹na丹ur landinu er i丹na丹urEldsneyti, j叩rnvinnsla, v辿lar, t脱ki, kol, farart脱ki, gler, vopn og fleiraGlerEldsneyti
8. Landb炭na丹ur landinu er landb炭na丹urKorn, kart旦flur, sykurr坦fur, humall, 叩vextir, sv鱈n, nautgripir, alifuglar og timburAlifuglarHumall
10. Fr脱gir sta丹irKarlovyvary er borg vi丹 Ohre 叩na 鱈 nor丹 vestanver丹u 意辿一一鉛温稼糸iH炭n la丹ar til s鱈n marga fer丹amenn vegna heilsulindaTali丹 er a丹 Karl IV, heilagi keisari r坦manska keisarad脱mis hafi fundi丹 heilsulind 叩ri丹 1347H炭n f辿kk borgar r辿ttindi 叩ri丹 1370 綻egar h炭n h辿t
16. A丹ventana丹 er 旦丹ruv鱈si a丹venta 鱈 意辿一一鉛温稼糸ia丹 er miki丹 af frumlegum j坦lagj旦fumTil d脱mis leikf旦ng 炭r tr辿, s辿rhanna丹ir skartgripir, kristall og grasl鱈kj旦r
17. A丹ventanA丹ventan hefst fj坦r丹a sunnudag fyrir j坦l eins og hj叩 okkurEn byrja丹 er a丹 gefa gjafir 5. desember 叩 degi heilags Nikul叩sar b脱num Trebic er h脱gt a丹 hittaSkeggja丹an d箪r丹ling 叩 a丹altorginu Karlovc Square
18. Vatnakarfi fr叩 Su丹ur b脱heimum Vatnakarfinn er einn af t叩knum j坦lanna 鱈 意辿一一鉛温稼糸iVatnakarfar eru aldir 鱈 v旦tnum 鱈 Su丹ur-b脱heimiFisksalarnir velja r辿ttan karfa fyrir 綻ig炭 m叩tt anna丹hvort bor丹a hann e丹a sleppa honum 鱈 anda j坦lannaVatnakarfi
19. Jes炭 鱈 j旦tunniT辿kkar eru snillingar 鱈 a丹 B炭a til eftirl鱈kingar af Jes炭 barninu 鱈 j旦tunni me丹 litlum f鱈g炭rum sem stundum hreyfast脱r eru ger丹ar 炭r pipark旦kum e丹a tr辿St脱rsta eftirl鱈kingin sem hreyfist er 鱈 JindrichuvHradecRegionalMuseum