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CustomerThe Benefits of Having Bottom Line SolutionsManage Your Communications Needs10/22/20101
Our StoryTop Management has over 25 successful years with the top 3 carriers in the US.Leveraging those relationships and the knowledge gained, Bottom Line Solutions is your IT and Telecom Departments single point of contact for:Telecommunications AnalysisWire line moves, adds and changesWireless activations, changes, renewals for multiple carriersInsurance/replacement devicesUpgradesDiscounted wireless accessoriesTechnical supportRecyclingWe dont stop at saving you money.  We show you ways to ADD money to your bottom line with our Hidden Revenue Finder, which is truly unique.So we make you more efficient, your telecom less costly, and actually add new revenue.Its YOUR bottom line that matters at Bottom Line Solutions.10/22/20102
Our Clients (and growing)10/22/20103
Working with a Single CarrierWhen you go direct to a single carrier, you lose objectivity
Ultimately, you are familiar with only a handful of products
The best deals are whatever the carrier is pushing at the time, as opposed to what may be the best solution for your business
A single carrier may be able to meet the needs of the majority of your team, but what about the rest?10/22/20104
Working with Multiple CarriersWhen you go direct to multiple carriers, you lack continuity
Different sales processes for different carriers and services
Varied time frames for day to day equipment requests
Service processes and customer service vary by carrier
Employee turnover and disappearing post-sale support are the norm in the carrier world
Carrier-specific terminologies cause confusion10/22/20105
When you go direct, you lose price flexibility and competitiveness
Carriers always start with highest prices
Carriers always try to tack on unnecessary add-ons because thats what they report to Wall Street.
Carriers only provide discounts and promotions to compete with other carriers  they beat the bid instead of offering their best deals
NO carrier will remind you to upgrade your equipment but they will continue to collect your money as if they are still subsidizing equipment.10/22/20106Working with Carriers Directly

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