Grade 11 ArtlaucizThe document discusses several dying languages:
- The Tsoa language spoken in Botswana is being replaced by Setswana.
- Several languages in Australia such as Martuthunira are now extinct, while others like Nukunu have less than 10 speakers remaining.
- The document also mentions languages such as Livonian (spoken in Latvia), Tibetan, and the ancient English language as examples of dying languages.
Grade 11 Art Dying Languages laucizThe document discusses several dying languages including Tsoa spoken in Botswana, Leonese spoken in Spain, Pitjantjatjara spoken in Australia, Franco-Provencal spoken mainly in Italy, North Frisian spoken in Germany, Nu Shu spoken in China, Irish, and English. Students created artworks representing these dying languages through mediums like pottery, painting, installations, calligraphy, and sculpture. The artworks aimed to showcase elements of the languages' cultures and inspire preservation of their heritage.
Mechanicssoomro82The document discusses the four fundamental forces in the universe: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear forces. It provides details on each force, including their relative strengths and characteristics. The document then discusses applications of these fundamental forces to ordinary mechanical systems, focusing on friction forces. It outlines the laws of static and kinetic friction, defining coefficients of static and kinetic friction as the ratio of frictional force to normal force. In summary, the document provides an overview of fundamental forces and their applications to mechanical systems like friction.
Earth structure 2 m lucenteguest0020abThe Earth is composed of four main layers - the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. The crust is the thinnest layer and comes in two types, oceanic and continental. Below the crust lies the mantle, the largest layer making up over two-thirds of the Earth's mass. The mantle gets denser, hotter, and under greater pressure the deeper you go. At the center is the solid inner core surrounded by the liquid outer core. Alfred Wegener first proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 1900s, that the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea before drifting apart. While his theory was initially rejected due to lack of evidence, technology developed in
Small Business Resources PresentationFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupThis document summarizes resources available at the Free Library of Philadelphia for small businesses and entrepreneurs, including programs, information, networking opportunities, and consultations. It details how the library offers business databases, research assistance, books, and classes on topics such as marketing, bookkeeping, and writing a business plan. The library also connects small businesses to counseling and helps entrepreneurs at all stages of development.
Troubles for Jeffersonmshovlin1725The document summarizes the history of Barbary pirates who operated from North Africa between the 11th and 19th centuries. They attacked ships in western Europe and along the coast of Africa, capturing thousands of European slaves for the slave markets. Notable pirates included Jean Lafitte who established an illegal slave smuggling operation in New Orleans, and Blackbeard who patrolled the Caribbean from 1713 to 1718 when he was killed. To avoid capture, Americans had to pay fees to the Barbary states or avoid pirate-controlled waters in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.
Que Es Cartografacolegio RichmondCartography is the art of making maps to represent the Earth's surface and features. The document defines cartography and provides details about map scale, meridians, parallels, and continents. It explains that cartography involves projecting the spherical Earth onto a flat surface using a grid system of lines of longitude and latitude. It also distinguishes between maps with large scales that show detail of small areas versus small scale maps that show larger regions at a smaller cartographic size.
TelecomsPaul JohnsonTangent International is a global telecommunications consulting firm that specializes in providing expertise across various areas of telecom including wireless/mobile technologies, infrastructure deployment, network planning and more. They have over 30 years of experience helping develop telecom networks and have consultants from over 200 countries that have worked in over 120 countries. They can provide both individual consultants as well as entire project teams with skills ranging from research and development to operations and maintenance.
Life in the year 2070 englishvivekkhushrangThis slide is made by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Sir,.... It shows a day in the year 2070... Be aware ..It may be our future..........
Grade 11 Art Dying Languages laucizThe document discusses several dying languages:
- The Tsoa language spoken in Botswana is being replaced by Setswana.
- Several languages in Australia such as Martuthunira are extinct, while others like Nukunu have less than 10 speakers remaining.
- The document also mentions languages such as Livonian (spoken in Latvia), Tibetan, and the ancient English language as examples of dying languages.
16 3 Storms Andieguest0020abHurricanes form over warm ocean waters and require specific conditions including warm temperatures, low pressure, high humidity, and the Coriolis effect. They can produce dangerous storm surges that are the most damaging part of a hurricane. Thunderstorms form from cumulus clouds and can produce tornadoes, hail, lightning and heavy rain. Flash floods occur when rainwater cannot drain quickly from an area, while river floods happen when a river overflows its banks due to heavy rainfall.
Pmii dalam perang asimetrisLakpesdam NU BantenRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan propaganda dan pengelolaan opini publik di era media sosial saat ini.
2. Metode propaganda yang dibahas antara lain propaganda tersembunyi, terbuka, agitasi, dan integrasi.
3. Dokumen juga membahas tentang perubahan proses pengaruh opini publik di era media sosial 2.0 dan 3.0.
Personal Finances PathfinderFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupUse this pathfinder to learn how to create a manage a budget. Numerous print and online resources are included. Check out the free online courses and sample budget worksheet
Colonizationcolegio RichmondColonization occurs when people populate an uninhabited area. Globalization is the process by which countries communicate and form agreements to help one another. Both colonization and globalization can benefit countries, though they differ in their methods - colonization involves people physically settling in a new area and following the rules of the colonizers, while globalization is about forming international agreements and open communication between nations.
Carlos Arturo7 Ccolegio RichmondThe document discusses the expansion of western civilization and global trade networks from the 15th century onward. It describes how technological developments like the compass and mapmaking enabled longer ocean voyages. Countries like Portugal sought to protect their commercial interests by establishing forts along trade routes. Explorers like Columbus and Magellan opened up sea routes connecting Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, integrating these regions economically. Over time, private companies financed further exploration, expanding trade networks and introducing new crops and technologies around the world. Global trade ultimately connected continents and hemispheres into a single worldwide economic system.
Social Media PathfinderFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupUse this pathfinder to find books and information on social media websites and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and blogging. It also includes general information and information on marketing and job searching.
Website jsp ppGwendolyn SmithJambo is a 501(c)(3) faith-based nonprofit that empowers communities through workshops, speaking engagements, and outreach. Its mission is to help people journey through life well by transforming communities and impacting future generations. It does this through programs that inspire families to live with purpose, mentor youth, motivate seniors, and challenge audiences to journey through life intentionally.
Grade 11 ArtlaucizThe document discusses several dying languages:
- The Tsoa language spoken in Botswana is being replaced by Setswana.
- Several languages in Australia such as Martuthunira are now extinct, while others like Nukunu have less than 10 speakers remaining.
- The document also mentions languages such as Livonian (spoken in Latvia), Tibetan, and the ancient English language as examples of dying languages.
Grade 11 Art Dying Languages laucizThe document discusses several dying languages including Tsoa spoken in Botswana, Leonese spoken in Spain, Pitjantjatjara spoken in Australia, Franco-Provencal spoken mainly in Italy, North Frisian spoken in Germany, Nu Shu spoken in China, Irish, and English. Students created artworks representing these dying languages through mediums like pottery, painting, installations, calligraphy, and sculpture. The artworks aimed to showcase elements of the languages' cultures and inspire preservation of their heritage.
Mechanicssoomro82The document discusses the four fundamental forces in the universe: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear forces. It provides details on each force, including their relative strengths and characteristics. The document then discusses applications of these fundamental forces to ordinary mechanical systems, focusing on friction forces. It outlines the laws of static and kinetic friction, defining coefficients of static and kinetic friction as the ratio of frictional force to normal force. In summary, the document provides an overview of fundamental forces and their applications to mechanical systems like friction.
Earth structure 2 m lucenteguest0020abThe Earth is composed of four main layers - the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. The crust is the thinnest layer and comes in two types, oceanic and continental. Below the crust lies the mantle, the largest layer making up over two-thirds of the Earth's mass. The mantle gets denser, hotter, and under greater pressure the deeper you go. At the center is the solid inner core surrounded by the liquid outer core. Alfred Wegener first proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 1900s, that the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea before drifting apart. While his theory was initially rejected due to lack of evidence, technology developed in
Small Business Resources PresentationFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupThis document summarizes resources available at the Free Library of Philadelphia for small businesses and entrepreneurs, including programs, information, networking opportunities, and consultations. It details how the library offers business databases, research assistance, books, and classes on topics such as marketing, bookkeeping, and writing a business plan. The library also connects small businesses to counseling and helps entrepreneurs at all stages of development.
Troubles for Jeffersonmshovlin1725The document summarizes the history of Barbary pirates who operated from North Africa between the 11th and 19th centuries. They attacked ships in western Europe and along the coast of Africa, capturing thousands of European slaves for the slave markets. Notable pirates included Jean Lafitte who established an illegal slave smuggling operation in New Orleans, and Blackbeard who patrolled the Caribbean from 1713 to 1718 when he was killed. To avoid capture, Americans had to pay fees to the Barbary states or avoid pirate-controlled waters in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.
Que Es Cartografacolegio RichmondCartography is the art of making maps to represent the Earth's surface and features. The document defines cartography and provides details about map scale, meridians, parallels, and continents. It explains that cartography involves projecting the spherical Earth onto a flat surface using a grid system of lines of longitude and latitude. It also distinguishes between maps with large scales that show detail of small areas versus small scale maps that show larger regions at a smaller cartographic size.
TelecomsPaul JohnsonTangent International is a global telecommunications consulting firm that specializes in providing expertise across various areas of telecom including wireless/mobile technologies, infrastructure deployment, network planning and more. They have over 30 years of experience helping develop telecom networks and have consultants from over 200 countries that have worked in over 120 countries. They can provide both individual consultants as well as entire project teams with skills ranging from research and development to operations and maintenance.
Life in the year 2070 englishvivekkhushrangThis slide is made by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Sir,.... It shows a day in the year 2070... Be aware ..It may be our future..........
Grade 11 Art Dying Languages laucizThe document discusses several dying languages:
- The Tsoa language spoken in Botswana is being replaced by Setswana.
- Several languages in Australia such as Martuthunira are extinct, while others like Nukunu have less than 10 speakers remaining.
- The document also mentions languages such as Livonian (spoken in Latvia), Tibetan, and the ancient English language as examples of dying languages.
16 3 Storms Andieguest0020abHurricanes form over warm ocean waters and require specific conditions including warm temperatures, low pressure, high humidity, and the Coriolis effect. They can produce dangerous storm surges that are the most damaging part of a hurricane. Thunderstorms form from cumulus clouds and can produce tornadoes, hail, lightning and heavy rain. Flash floods occur when rainwater cannot drain quickly from an area, while river floods happen when a river overflows its banks due to heavy rainfall.
Pmii dalam perang asimetrisLakpesdam NU BantenRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan propaganda dan pengelolaan opini publik di era media sosial saat ini.
2. Metode propaganda yang dibahas antara lain propaganda tersembunyi, terbuka, agitasi, dan integrasi.
3. Dokumen juga membahas tentang perubahan proses pengaruh opini publik di era media sosial 2.0 dan 3.0.
Personal Finances PathfinderFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupUse this pathfinder to learn how to create a manage a budget. Numerous print and online resources are included. Check out the free online courses and sample budget worksheet
Colonizationcolegio RichmondColonization occurs when people populate an uninhabited area. Globalization is the process by which countries communicate and form agreements to help one another. Both colonization and globalization can benefit countries, though they differ in their methods - colonization involves people physically settling in a new area and following the rules of the colonizers, while globalization is about forming international agreements and open communication between nations.
Carlos Arturo7 Ccolegio RichmondThe document discusses the expansion of western civilization and global trade networks from the 15th century onward. It describes how technological developments like the compass and mapmaking enabled longer ocean voyages. Countries like Portugal sought to protect their commercial interests by establishing forts along trade routes. Explorers like Columbus and Magellan opened up sea routes connecting Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, integrating these regions economically. Over time, private companies financed further exploration, expanding trade networks and introducing new crops and technologies around the world. Global trade ultimately connected continents and hemispheres into a single worldwide economic system.
Social Media PathfinderFree Library of Philadelphia Business & Entrepreneurs GroupUse this pathfinder to find books and information on social media websites and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and blogging. It also includes general information and information on marketing and job searching.
Website jsp ppGwendolyn SmithJambo is a 501(c)(3) faith-based nonprofit that empowers communities through workshops, speaking engagements, and outreach. Its mission is to help people journey through life well by transforming communities and impacting future generations. It does this through programs that inspire families to live with purpose, mentor youth, motivate seniors, and challenge audiences to journey through life intentionally.
Digitális világ vehovszky bernadettBernadett VehovszkyDigitális világ minden napjainkban jelen van. A honlap segít a diákoknak, tanároknak, szülőknek a médiában való tájékozódásban. Segít a kritikus vélemény kialakításában.
Család 2.0 - Webbel több vagy kevesebb?jaszai95Dr. Aczél Petra előadását olvashatjuk Power point formájában. Többet megtanulhatunk a médiumok és a család kapcsolatáról, és arról, hogy ez milyen változásokat eredményezett.
1. Televízió a XXI. században Készítette: Salamon Ferenc Neptun: YOMHXQ 2010. február A televízió hatása a kisiskolás gyerekekre Elektronikus médiumok és tananyagok LMP_PD 110G2
2. „ Az iskola és a család közös felelőssége, hogy a gyermekeket és a fiatalokat előkészítse egy olyan világra, amelyet a kép, a hang és a szó alkot. Gyermekeknek és a felnőtteknek képesnek kell lenniük arra, hogy ezt a három jelrendszert kölcsönös összefonódásukban is megfejtsék.” UNESCO 1982. január 22.
3. Mi a televízió? a televízió „az emberiség jótevője” „ a gyerekek dadája, a fiatalok iskolája, a felnőttek szórakozása, az öregek társasága”, „ tömegek pihentetője és informálója”, „ az emberiség megrontója”, „ a szem, illetve a szellem rágógumija” „idiótadoboz” (ORTT 2002). Az emberek gondolkodását, véleményalkotását olyan mértékben befolyásolja, amilyenre a többi tömegkommunikációs eszköz nem képes. Az általa megteremtett nyilvánosság nagyobb hatású, mint az írott médiumoké (Kósa 1998, 9.), a „függőségnek” nehezen szabhatunk határt. A televízió nemcsak befolyásolja, hanem alakítja is a valóságot.
4. A külvilág belép az otthonunkba. " Az olyan gyermek személyiségére, aki szülei szerető és okos gondoskodásának biztonságában él, szívesen jár iskolába, ahol jól teljesít, és barátaival hasznos és egészséges programokban vesz részt, a képernyőről sugárzó erőszak semmiféle maradandó hatást nem gyakorol. „ Ranschburg Jenő
5. Az iskolás gyerekek médiafogyasztási szokásainak kutatása szinte egyidős az elektronikus tömegkommunikáció megjelenésével. A gyerekek életének, élmény- és ismeretszerzésének egyik, ha nem a legmeghatározóbb eszköze a média, azon belül is a televízió. Az egyik legnagyobb problémát az jelenti, hogy a gyerekek nagy hányadának nincs lehetősége a televízióban látottak megbeszélésére, érzelmi és kognitív feldolgozására. A gyerekek médiahasználatának döntő hányadát sem a szülők, sem a pedagógusok nem kontrollálják, s nem teremtenek lehetőséget a látottak értelmezésére, megbeszélésére.
6. A 4-14 évesek napi átlagos tévénézési ideje 2006-ban és 2007-ben
7. A televízió káros a gyerek számára, kedvet csinál az erőszakhoz, és érzéketlenné teszi a gyerekeket az emberi szenvedés iránt; A televízió jó a gyerekek számára: az eljátszott erőszak segítségükre van abban, hogy megszabaduljanak ellenséges indulataiktól; A televízió kevéssé hat a gyerekekre: személyiségüket és értékrendszerüket szüleik és barátaik alakítják ki, nem pedig a képernyőn látott történetek.
8. Hazánkban 1997 óta működnek kereskedelmi adók. A képernyő reklámozza az erőszakot, hírverést nyújt a bűnnek. A külföldi sorozatok mintáját adják a maffiavezérnek és az egyszemélyes hadseregnek.
9. A gyermekvilág egykoron Gárdonyi és Verne regényein nőtt föl. Hol vannak már a Pom Pom meséi és a Mézga család?
10. A televízió nem egyértelműen „rossz”, nem lehet mindenért a távolbalátó készüléket okolni, a család, a szűkebb-tágabb környezet (az iskola hatásairól sem feledkezve meg) igenis nagy szerepet játszik abban, hogy a kisiskolások miként élik meg az őket ért ingereket, mennyiben kapnak választ kérdéseikre, mennyire tudják pozitívan hasznosítani ezeket.
11. A cél az, hogy a gyerekek személyiségfejlődését pozitív hatások érjék, a médiumok törekedjenek az erkölcsi értékek közvetítésére. Ehhez azonban nemcsak a törvényi szabályzások betartására van szükség, hanem arra is, hogy a különböző érdekeket képviselő médiaszereplők – a műsorszolgáltatók, hirdetők, producerek – és a befogadók „képviselői” – a szülők, a pedagógusok, a pszichológusok – együttesen találják meg a negatív hatásokat csökkentő megoldásokat.
12. Felhasznált irodalom: Csóri Lajos? Tévéerőszak és morális pánik. Új mandátum Kiadó, Budapest. 2003. Jozef Vogrinc? A tévénéző. Pont Kiadó, Budapest. 2001. Országos Rádió és Televízió testület? Az országos csatornákon műsorra tűzött gyermekműsorok főbb jellemzői. 2007.