Blink6 02 consumer_trackyourselfJean-Philippe DOUMENGThe Quantified Self community believes that tracking personal data can help individuals learn more about themselves. Members track a variety of behaviors and activities using tools like wearable sensors and apps. While this data helps some people meet goals or form healthier habits, it also raises issues around privacy and data control as personal information is shared with commercial entities. The Quantified Self movement aims to have more open data standards and give individuals more control over their personal data.
Safeguarding the environment our earth, our homeKedamien RileyEnvironmental education aims to increase awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills and participation regarding environmental issues. It helps students and groups understand how to preserve and sustainably use the environment. Some key benefits of environmental education are that it increases student engagement in science, improves achievement in core subjects, and provides important skills for the 21st century workforce by addressing issues like nature deficit disorder.
Distance Education: Alternative Learning System Beyond bordersKedamien RileyThis document discusses distance education as an alternative mode of learning delivery. It defines distance education as education where teachers and students are separated in place and time but communicate through various technologies. The document outlines the objectives, introduction, concept, definition and characteristics of distance education. It cites advantages like flexibility and accessibility, and discusses key players, types of interactions, and technologies used in distance education delivery.
Blink6 02 consumer_trackyourselfJean-Philippe DOUMENGThe Quantified Self community believes that tracking personal data can help individuals learn more about themselves. Members track a variety of behaviors and activities using tools like wearable sensors and apps. While this data helps some people meet goals or form healthier habits, it also raises issues around privacy and data control as personal information is shared with commercial entities. The Quantified Self movement aims to have more open data standards and give individuals more control over their personal data.
Safeguarding the environment our earth, our homeKedamien RileyEnvironmental education aims to increase awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills and participation regarding environmental issues. It helps students and groups understand how to preserve and sustainably use the environment. Some key benefits of environmental education are that it increases student engagement in science, improves achievement in core subjects, and provides important skills for the 21st century workforce by addressing issues like nature deficit disorder.
Distance Education: Alternative Learning System Beyond bordersKedamien RileyThis document discusses distance education as an alternative mode of learning delivery. It defines distance education as education where teachers and students are separated in place and time but communicate through various technologies. The document outlines the objectives, introduction, concept, definition and characteristics of distance education. It cites advantages like flexibility and accessibility, and discusses key players, types of interactions, and technologies used in distance education delivery.
Authentic assessmentKedamien RileyAuthentic assessment is presented as a holistic approach that evaluates various aspects of a student's learning abilities, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. It involves engaging students in real-world tasks to demonstrate meaningful application of skills. Traditional assessment focuses on testing isolated skills and knowledge, whereas authentic assessment measures students' ability to perform meaningful tasks like those encountered in real life. There are various tools for authentic assessment, including portfolios, rubrics, observations, and constructed responses. Authentic assessment allows for a more valid and learner-specific evaluation approach compared to traditional assessment.
Research Exposure: A Teacher’s Edge in the 21st CenturyKedamien RileyThis document outlines the objectives and content of a module on research for teachers. The objectives are to identify teacher characteristics as researchers, discuss research concepts and methods, and conduct a simple research activity. It defines research and discusses teacher qualities as researchers. It also covers research concepts such as types of research, the research process, and typical chapters in a research paper.
Module 7 behaviorismKedamien Riley1) Behaviorism focuses on observable and measurable behavior and how behavior is learned through conditioning and reinforcement without consideration of internal mental processes.
2) Key figures in the development of behaviorism include Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, John Watson, and B.F. Skinner. Pavlov discovered classical conditioning, Thorndike proposed laws of learning, Watson conducted experiments on conditioning emotional responses, and Skinner developed operant conditioning.
3) Operant conditioning by Skinner built upon Thorndike's law of effect and involves reinforcement to shape behaviors through rewards or removal of unpleasant stimuli.
2. Index
• Que es el telèfon?
• La història del telefon
• Funcions del telèfon
• Inventor
• Característiques dels primers telèfons
• Evolució dels mòbils
• Diferècies entre el telèfon fix i el mòbil
• Els meus opinions sobre el mòbil
3. Que es el telefon?
Un telèfon és un dispositiu
de comunicació utilitzat
entre dues persones en dos
diferents locaciones
(en qualsevol lloc del món,
gràcies als telèfons
satelitales). s'usa perquè
dues persones puguin
parlar entre elles.
4. Història del telefon
L'any de 1857 Antonio Meucci va construir un telefon
intentant de conectar la seva oficina amb el seu dormitori.
Va presentar el projecte a una empressa, però no li varen
donar la importancia ni prestarli els materials que
Després d'un temps,els materials van caure en mans
d'Alexander Graham Bell, que va servir d'ells per
desenvolupar el seu telèfon i el va presentar com a propi.
5. Funcions del telèfon
Ens permet comunicar-nos a grans distàncies.
Es comunica a traves de sons transmesos per un
cable i després són amplificats per uns
auriculars ..
Treballa a partir de polsos o tons enviats a la
centra, aquesta s'encarrega d'ubicar al codi d'àrea
amb què ens volem comunicar.
7. Característiques dels primers telèfons
• Constituït per un emissor,
un receptor i un únic
cable de connexió.
• Formats per un diafragma
metàl · lic flexible i un
imant amb forma de
ferradura a l'interior de la
• Transmetien la veu molt Però els telèfons que utilitzem
ara és més petit, més fàcil
dèbilment. d'emplear i i té una qualitat
9. Diferècies entre el telèfon fix i el mòbil
Mòbil: ձèڴDz fix:
• Sense cable • Amb cable
• Es pot portar a fora de la • No se pot moure de casa
casa • Son mes grans
• Més petit
10. Els meus opinions sobre el mòbil
• A mi m'agrada molt el mòbil que tenim ara
mateix, és molt més fàcil d'utilitzar i tot això.
És molt modern i pot fer moltes coses. No
obstant això, hi ha persones que passen molt de
temps amb el mòbil xatejant o jugant jocs. Això
els fan tenir poca vida social, baixar la nota, etc.