Artikel ini memberikan 15 pertanyaan tentang waktu dalam bahasa Indonesia yang harus diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu mencakup berbagai variasi waktu seperti jam 3, jam 5 kurang 5 menit, jam 9 lebih 7 menit, dan sebagainya.
Okay my Students,
Good morning. How are you doing now?
I hope that you are just fine, well today I want to share you something here.
That is about : Present Continuous Tense Guide
Please learn it more, so that you will understand much in it.
In this Part,
I will send you special Materials about Agree and Disagree and also about Imperative Sentence. You will learn more about them, so please focus to this subject learning.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Possessive Pronoun, Days and Months dalam bahasa Inggris. Terdapat tabel yang menjelaskan jenis-jenis Pronoun (Subject Pronoun, Object Pronoun, Possessive Adjective, Possessive Pronoun) beserta contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat. Juga terdapat tabel yang menunjukkan nama-nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa Inggris beserta contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
My students,
In this event, I want to teach you material: How to Express Gratitude And Its Response, also How to Ask for Apologize And Its Response. Learn it, please!
All students,
In this case I want to share a special Material for Grade IX students. It's about Short Functional Text. There are many kinds of Short Functional Texts you will learn from here.
Okay students, now i will share this material for all grade students at Saint Albert. This is a very simple subject for beginners, learn it well in order to understand completely.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan bagian dari Kitab Kejadian yang menceritakan proses penciptaan alam semesta dan segala isinya oleh Tuhan dalam enam hari, dimulai dari penciptaan langit dan bumi, cahaya, laut, darat, tumbuh-tumbuhan, bintang-bintang, binatang, dan terakhir manusia yang diciptakan menurut gambar Tuhan.
Hello guys, kali ini kami persembahkan lagi teks pasio/ Kisah Sengsara Tuhan dalam Hari Minggu Palma menurut Lukas 22:14-23:56 (panjang)
Bacaan pendek Luk 23:1-49
1) The writer had an appointment for lunch with a friend but got into a car accident on the way. While driving down the main road, a pedestrian suddenly ran in front of the car, causing the writer to brake hard and swerve to avoid hitting them. However, the writer crashed into a parked car.
2) Although the pedestrian was not injured, the writer suffered a bad cut to the face from hitting the windshield and not wearing a seatbelt. An ambulance arrived and took the writer to the hospital for stitches and rest for a few hours. There was significant damage to the writer's car from the crash.
3) Later at the hospital, the writer was interviewed by the police about the
Teman-teman yang terkasih dalam Tuhan Yesus, baiklah untuk memperlancar dalam bertugas, akan saya sharekan apa yang sudah kami dapatkan, yaitu teks Passio untuk Jumat Agung. Ya, meskipun sekarang sudah banyak gereja yang menggunakan teks PASSIO DAMIAN ALMA, tapi gak apalah kita berikan juga yang ini. siapa tahu ini juga bermanfaat bagi kita. Tapi yakinlah bahwa ini juga berguna. Sebab, sebelum ada passio-passio yang lain, inilah passio yang dipakai oleh Gereja manapun di Indonesia. Bahkan teman-teman, gereja di Vatikan pun juga menggunakan teks ini juga, hanya bahasa yang digunakan berbeda, yaitu dalam bahasa Latin.
Two roosters fought for dominance over the farm yard. One rooster gained the advantage and defeated the other. The losing rooster hid in a quiet corner while the winner crowed its victory from atop a high wall. Suddenly, an eagle swooped down and carried off the winning rooster. The losing rooster then emerged from its hiding place and became the new ruler of the farm yard.
John Newton wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace" in 1779. The hymn tells the story of an individual who was once lost but has now been found through God's amazing grace. It describes how grace taught the individual's heart to fear and relieved their fears, and how grace has brought them safely through many dangers and will lead them home. The hymn expresses gratitude that God's grace saved a wretch like the individual and that they were once blind but now see through grace.
Here I serve you again about the remedial test questions for grade VIII students at Saint Albert.
Please access this questions as well as possible you get.It is the same as the last semester test type. Do then submit again!
Beside the grade VII students, I also serve you this exercise to predict the capability of the students of grade VIII, so try it better to get good score.
Here I serve you again about English Even semester Test. You should do this as well as possible to predict the result of your final test whether it is good or less.
Kini kami sampaikan juga panduan tentang tugas misdinar selama pekan suci, sepaya saat berlatih, dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya. Semoga pelayan kitapun dapat memberikan berkat bagi setiap orang dari semua lapisan anggota gereja. Tuhan memberkati. Amin
Saudara-saudara yang terkasih dalam Kristus Yesus, berikut kami sampaikan tentang panduan Misdinar untuk melaksanakan tugas supaya dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Supaya masing-masing petugas mengerti dan memahami tugas pelayanan dengan sepenuh hati. Tuhan Memberkati.
Hi, Guys I always serve you exercise about how to do English Exercise step by step. And now, here is the English exercise for mid in Academic Year 2016-2017.
I believe that it's very useful for you.
This is an exercise of English Even Mid Test for Grade VIII. To Check your capability of your understanding about Recount and Narrative, you can do this task as well as possible. Never give up till you can do it.
This document contains an English examination for 8th grade students consisting of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as translation exercises. The multiple choice questions cover topics like identifying imperative sentences, prohibitions, meanings of words and phrases in dialogues and passages. The fill-in-the-blank questions test completing sentences and dialogues. The translation exercises require translating sentences between English and Indonesian. The document provides context, questions and answer options to assess students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary and translation between the two languages.
This document provides examples and definitions of short functional texts, including memo, short message, announcement, notice, letter, invitation, and advertisement. It defines each type of text and provides its purpose and an example. Short functional texts are useful ways to inform others through messages, notices, letters and more. Key types are memos for internal company communication, short messages for quick mobile notifications, and advertisements to promote products.
Hello guys, kali ini kami persembahkan lagi teks pasio/ Kisah Sengsara Tuhan dalam Hari Minggu Palma menurut Lukas 22:14-23:56 (panjang)
Bacaan pendek Luk 23:1-49
1) The writer had an appointment for lunch with a friend but got into a car accident on the way. While driving down the main road, a pedestrian suddenly ran in front of the car, causing the writer to brake hard and swerve to avoid hitting them. However, the writer crashed into a parked car.
2) Although the pedestrian was not injured, the writer suffered a bad cut to the face from hitting the windshield and not wearing a seatbelt. An ambulance arrived and took the writer to the hospital for stitches and rest for a few hours. There was significant damage to the writer's car from the crash.
3) Later at the hospital, the writer was interviewed by the police about the
Teman-teman yang terkasih dalam Tuhan Yesus, baiklah untuk memperlancar dalam bertugas, akan saya sharekan apa yang sudah kami dapatkan, yaitu teks Passio untuk Jumat Agung. Ya, meskipun sekarang sudah banyak gereja yang menggunakan teks PASSIO DAMIAN ALMA, tapi gak apalah kita berikan juga yang ini. siapa tahu ini juga bermanfaat bagi kita. Tapi yakinlah bahwa ini juga berguna. Sebab, sebelum ada passio-passio yang lain, inilah passio yang dipakai oleh Gereja manapun di Indonesia. Bahkan teman-teman, gereja di Vatikan pun juga menggunakan teks ini juga, hanya bahasa yang digunakan berbeda, yaitu dalam bahasa Latin.
Two roosters fought for dominance over the farm yard. One rooster gained the advantage and defeated the other. The losing rooster hid in a quiet corner while the winner crowed its victory from atop a high wall. Suddenly, an eagle swooped down and carried off the winning rooster. The losing rooster then emerged from its hiding place and became the new ruler of the farm yard.
John Newton wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace" in 1779. The hymn tells the story of an individual who was once lost but has now been found through God's amazing grace. It describes how grace taught the individual's heart to fear and relieved their fears, and how grace has brought them safely through many dangers and will lead them home. The hymn expresses gratitude that God's grace saved a wretch like the individual and that they were once blind but now see through grace.
Here I serve you again about the remedial test questions for grade VIII students at Saint Albert.
Please access this questions as well as possible you get.It is the same as the last semester test type. Do then submit again!
Beside the grade VII students, I also serve you this exercise to predict the capability of the students of grade VIII, so try it better to get good score.
Here I serve you again about English Even semester Test. You should do this as well as possible to predict the result of your final test whether it is good or less.
Kini kami sampaikan juga panduan tentang tugas misdinar selama pekan suci, sepaya saat berlatih, dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya. Semoga pelayan kitapun dapat memberikan berkat bagi setiap orang dari semua lapisan anggota gereja. Tuhan memberkati. Amin
Saudara-saudara yang terkasih dalam Kristus Yesus, berikut kami sampaikan tentang panduan Misdinar untuk melaksanakan tugas supaya dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Supaya masing-masing petugas mengerti dan memahami tugas pelayanan dengan sepenuh hati. Tuhan Memberkati.
Hi, Guys I always serve you exercise about how to do English Exercise step by step. And now, here is the English exercise for mid in Academic Year 2016-2017.
I believe that it's very useful for you.
This is an exercise of English Even Mid Test for Grade VIII. To Check your capability of your understanding about Recount and Narrative, you can do this task as well as possible. Never give up till you can do it.
This document contains an English examination for 8th grade students consisting of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as translation exercises. The multiple choice questions cover topics like identifying imperative sentences, prohibitions, meanings of words and phrases in dialogues and passages. The fill-in-the-blank questions test completing sentences and dialogues. The translation exercises require translating sentences between English and Indonesian. The document provides context, questions and answer options to assess students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary and translation between the two languages.
This document provides examples and definitions of short functional texts, including memo, short message, announcement, notice, letter, invitation, and advertisement. It defines each type of text and provides its purpose and an example. Short functional texts are useful ways to inform others through messages, notices, letters and more. Key types are memos for internal company communication, short messages for quick mobile notifications, and advertisements to promote products.
, 2018
Translate them into English!
1.Sekarang jam 3
2.Sekarang jam 3 lewat 25 menit
3.Sekarang jam 5 kurang 5 menit
4.Sekarang jam 9 lebih 7 menit
5.Sekarang jam 9 kurang 15 menit
6.Sekarang jam 12 lewat 12 menit
7.Sekarang jam 1 kurang 1 menit
16. 8. Sekarang jam 1 lewat 30 menit
9. Sekarang jam 4 lebih 4 menit
10. Sekarang jam 12 kurang 12 menit
11. Sekarang jam 2 lewat 15 menit
12. Sekarang jam 5 lewat 25 menit
13. Sekarang jam 3 lewat 50 menit
14. Sekarang jam 11 kurang 11 menit
15. Sekarang jam 10 lewat 10 menit