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Company name: Verstage Solutions Limited
Address: 233, Clevedon Road,
North Somerset,
BS21 6RX
Tel: 01275 543618 (home)
0789 998 4465 (mobile)
Email: verstage@blueyonder.co.uk
 Highly experienced Programme / Senior Project Manager with a strong track record
of delivering successful front, middle and back office Business Change Programmes
and Projects.
 Confident and experienced in reporting to all levels of senior management.
 Skilled in building, leading, and coaching teams of up to 30 specialists through the
full project lifecycle across IT and Business disciplines.
 Proficient in managing third party suppliers, both on-site and off-site (UK and India).
Core skills include :
 Use of Prince 2, PMP and other bespoke structured methodologies and industry-
standard techniques to deliver fit-for-purpose solutions to defined time, cost and
quality standards.
 Production and ongoing review of business case and benefits.
 Project planning, monitoring and control.
 Risk, Issue, Change, Budget and Quality management.
 Customer relationship, stakeholder and account management.
 Communicating and networking across all business and IT levels.
Previous clients:
Ministry of Defence; Sun Life Assurance Society; Clerical Medical Investment Group;
Bristol & West Building Society; HBOS plc; AXA Life; Lloyds Banking Group; Scottish
Widows; Friends Life.
Page 1 of 5
May 2013  present Lloyds Banking Group
 Senior Business Project Manager from Requirements to Implementation on a large
Programme to develop and launch a new Protection Product into the Wealth and IFA
distribution channels.
 Due to the size of the Programme, two Business Project Managers and two IT Project
Managers were allocated, as well as two Programme Managers (one Business and
one IT). In this complex structure, a key accountability of my role was to ensure that
liaison between IT and the business was unambiguous and effective throughout.
July 2011  April 2013 Friends Life
 As Programme Manager reporting to Head of Business Change, I led the delivery of
the Friends Life Individual Protection product into the Independent Financial Adviser
market, incorporating the best features of the AXA and Friends Provident products
into the Bupa proposition and migrating the AXA and Friends Provident IFA data
across to the Bupa platform.
 Portfolio Manager responsible for delivery of all change projects on the Go Forward
Protection Products. This included the migration of Strategic Bancassurance Partners
(National Australia Group, West Bromwich Building Society, Co-Op Banking Group)
from heritage platforms and the introduction of a new partner, Connells. Scope
ranged from initial negotiation with Partners through to business rollout and training.
 Worked with Pricing Actuaries to define and deliver Gender Neutral Pricing and New
Life Tax Regime changes at the end of 2012.
September 2010  June 2011 AXA Life
 Programme Manager reporting to Head of Business Change, I was initially recruited
to write a Business Case for a Programme of Business Transformation Projects in
AXA Individual Protection. At the point of delivering the Business Case, part of AXA
merged with Friends Provident and Bupa Healthcare to form Friends Life: the
Business Case formed part of the input to the decision to use the Bupa systems as
the chosen Protection platform.
April 2010  September 2010 Scottish Widows
 Senior Project Manager working with the Programme Director and the Retail
Mortgages Division to shape and mobilise the Mortgage Protection Strategic
Programme, delivering a Scottish Widows Protection Product as part of strategic
integrated Mortgage Sales Process.
April 2009  March 2010 Lloyds Banking Group
 Senior Project Manager brought in at the beginning of the Wealth Integration
Programme to work with the Wealth and Insurance Divisions in structuring the
Programme. This was completed in three months, at the end of which I submitted a
Business Case for delivery of the 贈20m Programme within the Insurance Division. I
then took ownership of delivery of the first project within the Programme.
 Senior Project Manager working with colleagues across two Divisions to deliver a
Programme transferring over 400 Lloyds sales advisers to the Scottish Widows
platform. The project for which I was accountable delivered the data migration and
Page 2 of 5
support of the new advisers on the Scottish Widows systems and processes,
including all business readiness activities: a challenging project successfully
delivered in short timescales.
April 2007  March 2009 AXA Life
 Interim Head of the AXA Life Central Programmes Office, which included the
leadership of the Project Management Job Family and risk management of the 贈80m
development budget. Reporting to the Head of Business Change, the role included
liaison, challenge, support and project healthchecking across the seven Business
Units and multiple Shared Service Centres within AXA Life, and creating a new
monthly governance reporting pack for the AXA Life Board.
 Senior Project Manager supporting the Programme Manager on a 贈12m
Bancassurance Programme which delivered a strategic alliance between AXA and
National Australia Group. My role was to share the Programme Management
workload by focusing on the budget and reporting and working closely with the
strategic Partners. In addition to deputising for the Programme Manager, I worked
with HR on the TUPE aspects of the Programme and delivered the Communications
and Management Information workstreams.
September 2003  March 2007 HBOS plc
 Senior Project Manager from initiation through to delivery of a contact management
system and business processes to support desk-based and field- based sales
consultants. This role involved full management of the IT and Business Change
aspects of the project, including training of the consultants and communication
across the company.
April 2002  August 2003 Bristol and West plc
 Reporting to the IT Director, management of a team researching the market for
potential packages to replace Bristol & Wests existing Savings New Business and
Administration systems. Over this period the team also documented the
requirements and current business processes. Having identified a short list, we
produced a Request for Information and analysed the responses, culminating in a
formal Business Case.
 Selecting and working with a 3rd
party to implement a package to replace Bristol and
West Internationals Savings system in Guernsey.
 Production of a Business Case to introduce a Point of Sale system to support Bristol
and Wests appointed representatives.
January 1998  March 2002 Clerical Medical Investment
 In the role of Senior Project Manager reporting to the Head of Business Change,
implementation of a life and pensions quotations and illustrations system to be used
by the front office to answer telephone queries. The project included management
of Actuarial, IT and Operational teams in Bristol and Halifax to integrate the
quotations system with the print and output distribution solution.
 Management of the customisation and implementation of a Life and Pensions
administration package, via a third party software supplier. The scope of the project
Page 3 of 5
covered delivery of the administration and management information requirements.
 Management of a small team, located in Bristol, Cheltenham and Halifax, who were
troubleshooting technical issues with rolling out a web-enabled front end to
Independent Financial Advisers.
Pre-January 1998 Sun Life Assurance Society plc
A permanent role covering management of a wide variety of Portfolios, Programmes and
Page 4 of 5
Positions held: Portfolio Manager
Programme Manager
Senior Project Manager
Departmental Manager
Head of Central Programmes Office
Methodologies: PMP
Quality standards: CMMI
Relevant training and
COBOL programming course
NCC systems analysis
Leadership Trust
ISEB Certificate of Project
Programme Management
Page 5 of 5
Positions held: Portfolio Manager
Programme Manager
Senior Project Manager
Departmental Manager
Head of Central Programmes Office
Methodologies: PMP
Quality standards: CMMI
Relevant training and
COBOL programming course
NCC systems analysis
Leadership Trust
ISEB Certificate of Project
Programme Management
Page 5 of 5

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TERRI MAZUR CV December 2015

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE TERRI MAZUR PERSONAL DETAILS Company name: Verstage Solutions Limited Address: 233, Clevedon Road, Tickenham, North Somerset, BS21 6RX Tel: 01275 543618 (home) 0789 998 4465 (mobile) Email: verstage@blueyonder.co.uk PROFILE Highly experienced Programme / Senior Project Manager with a strong track record of delivering successful front, middle and back office Business Change Programmes and Projects. Confident and experienced in reporting to all levels of senior management. Skilled in building, leading, and coaching teams of up to 30 specialists through the full project lifecycle across IT and Business disciplines. Proficient in managing third party suppliers, both on-site and off-site (UK and India). Core skills include : Use of Prince 2, PMP and other bespoke structured methodologies and industry- standard techniques to deliver fit-for-purpose solutions to defined time, cost and quality standards. Production and ongoing review of business case and benefits. Project planning, monitoring and control. Risk, Issue, Change, Budget and Quality management. Customer relationship, stakeholder and account management. Communicating and networking across all business and IT levels. Previous clients: Ministry of Defence; Sun Life Assurance Society; Clerical Medical Investment Group; Bristol & West Building Society; HBOS plc; AXA Life; Lloyds Banking Group; Scottish Widows; Friends Life. Page 1 of 5
  • 2. CAREER DETAIL May 2013 present Lloyds Banking Group Senior Business Project Manager from Requirements to Implementation on a large Programme to develop and launch a new Protection Product into the Wealth and IFA distribution channels. Due to the size of the Programme, two Business Project Managers and two IT Project Managers were allocated, as well as two Programme Managers (one Business and one IT). In this complex structure, a key accountability of my role was to ensure that liaison between IT and the business was unambiguous and effective throughout. July 2011 April 2013 Friends Life As Programme Manager reporting to Head of Business Change, I led the delivery of the Friends Life Individual Protection product into the Independent Financial Adviser market, incorporating the best features of the AXA and Friends Provident products into the Bupa proposition and migrating the AXA and Friends Provident IFA data across to the Bupa platform. Portfolio Manager responsible for delivery of all change projects on the Go Forward Protection Products. This included the migration of Strategic Bancassurance Partners (National Australia Group, West Bromwich Building Society, Co-Op Banking Group) from heritage platforms and the introduction of a new partner, Connells. Scope ranged from initial negotiation with Partners through to business rollout and training. Worked with Pricing Actuaries to define and deliver Gender Neutral Pricing and New Life Tax Regime changes at the end of 2012. September 2010 June 2011 AXA Life Programme Manager reporting to Head of Business Change, I was initially recruited to write a Business Case for a Programme of Business Transformation Projects in AXA Individual Protection. At the point of delivering the Business Case, part of AXA merged with Friends Provident and Bupa Healthcare to form Friends Life: the Business Case formed part of the input to the decision to use the Bupa systems as the chosen Protection platform. April 2010 September 2010 Scottish Widows Senior Project Manager working with the Programme Director and the Retail Mortgages Division to shape and mobilise the Mortgage Protection Strategic Programme, delivering a Scottish Widows Protection Product as part of strategic integrated Mortgage Sales Process. April 2009 March 2010 Lloyds Banking Group Senior Project Manager brought in at the beginning of the Wealth Integration Programme to work with the Wealth and Insurance Divisions in structuring the Programme. This was completed in three months, at the end of which I submitted a Business Case for delivery of the 贈20m Programme within the Insurance Division. I then took ownership of delivery of the first project within the Programme. Senior Project Manager working with colleagues across two Divisions to deliver a Programme transferring over 400 Lloyds sales advisers to the Scottish Widows platform. The project for which I was accountable delivered the data migration and Page 2 of 5
  • 3. support of the new advisers on the Scottish Widows systems and processes, including all business readiness activities: a challenging project successfully delivered in short timescales. April 2007 March 2009 AXA Life Interim Head of the AXA Life Central Programmes Office, which included the leadership of the Project Management Job Family and risk management of the 贈80m development budget. Reporting to the Head of Business Change, the role included liaison, challenge, support and project healthchecking across the seven Business Units and multiple Shared Service Centres within AXA Life, and creating a new monthly governance reporting pack for the AXA Life Board. Senior Project Manager supporting the Programme Manager on a 贈12m Bancassurance Programme which delivered a strategic alliance between AXA and National Australia Group. My role was to share the Programme Management workload by focusing on the budget and reporting and working closely with the strategic Partners. In addition to deputising for the Programme Manager, I worked with HR on the TUPE aspects of the Programme and delivered the Communications and Management Information workstreams. September 2003 March 2007 HBOS plc Senior Project Manager from initiation through to delivery of a contact management system and business processes to support desk-based and field- based sales consultants. This role involved full management of the IT and Business Change aspects of the project, including training of the consultants and communication across the company. April 2002 August 2003 Bristol and West plc Reporting to the IT Director, management of a team researching the market for potential packages to replace Bristol & Wests existing Savings New Business and Administration systems. Over this period the team also documented the requirements and current business processes. Having identified a short list, we produced a Request for Information and analysed the responses, culminating in a formal Business Case. Selecting and working with a 3rd party to implement a package to replace Bristol and West Internationals Savings system in Guernsey. Production of a Business Case to introduce a Point of Sale system to support Bristol and Wests appointed representatives. January 1998 March 2002 Clerical Medical Investment Group In the role of Senior Project Manager reporting to the Head of Business Change, implementation of a life and pensions quotations and illustrations system to be used by the front office to answer telephone queries. The project included management of Actuarial, IT and Operational teams in Bristol and Halifax to integrate the quotations system with the print and output distribution solution. Management of the customisation and implementation of a Life and Pensions administration package, via a third party software supplier. The scope of the project Page 3 of 5
  • 4. covered delivery of the administration and management information requirements. Management of a small team, located in Bristol, Cheltenham and Halifax, who were troubleshooting technical issues with rolling out a web-enabled front end to Independent Financial Advisers. Pre-January 1998 Sun Life Assurance Society plc A permanent role covering management of a wide variety of Portfolios, Programmes and Projects. Page 4 of 5
  • 5. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Positions held: Portfolio Manager Programme Manager Senior Project Manager Departmental Manager Head of Central Programmes Office Methodologies: PMP PRINCE PRINCE II Quality standards: CMMI BS5750, TickIT Relevant training and qualifications: COBOL programming course NCC systems analysis Leadership Trust ISEB Certificate of Project Management Programme Management Page 5 of 5
  • 6. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Positions held: Portfolio Manager Programme Manager Senior Project Manager Departmental Manager Head of Central Programmes Office Methodologies: PMP PRINCE PRINCE II Quality standards: CMMI BS5750, TickIT Relevant training and qualifications: COBOL programming course NCC systems analysis Leadership Trust ISEB Certificate of Project Management Programme Management Page 5 of 5