John is planning a trip to visit an island he has been to before. He uses the Travelr website to research places, register for an account, and plan the trip with other travelers. During the trip, John collects photos, notes, and videos that are geotagged. After returning, he syncs all this collected information to the Travelr website. Other travelers can now view the archived trip page and be inspired to visit the same locations. Travelr allows users to share their travel experiences to help plan future trips.
As China's newest travel website, serves the new and socially engaged Chinese tourists.油With, travel brands have the ability to engage visually with Chinese travelers to build brand awareness, while travelers can engage with brands to get inspired about destinations and experiences and plan their trips.
- Inspirational Trip Planning Tool
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The echo-effect of social media with a nod to Nestle' & GreenpeaceDr Mariann Hardey
This document discusses how social media has created an "echo effect" for marketing communications and PR in the digital age. It focuses on social network sites like Facebook and Twitter and how consumer content on these platforms can be "mashed up" and analyzed. A case study of Nestle's response to a Greenpeace report is presented, showing how consumer feedback on social media can both amplify brand messages and create public relations challenges that require an agile response. The implications discussed are that marketing must be prepared to respond appropriately to dynamic information flows and analytical challenges in various online contexts.
The document proposes a service to support travelers throughout their entire travel experience cycle in a uniform way using opportunities from the internet and new technologies. It discusses planning a trip in collaboration with other users, having travel plans available on a mobile device and sharing experiences in real time. It addresses researching, planning, booking, traveling, returning, remembering and sharing different stages of the travel experience cycle. It also outlines necessary competencies and resources like tourism economics experts, communication experts, developers and potential partnership with travel agencies and local associations. Revenue structures include affiliate marketing, advertising and subscription models. Cost structures and a break-even analysis projecting revenues and costs over four years are presented.
Human: Thank you for the concise summary. Can you
This document discusses how emojis, emoticons, and text speak can be used to teach students. It provides background on the origins of emoticons in 1982 as ways to convey tone and feelings in text communications. It then suggests that with text speak and emojis, students can translate, decode, summarize, play with language, and add emotion to language. A number of websites and apps that can be used for emoji-related activities, lessons, and discussions are also listed.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, promising self-driving cars, medical breakthroughs, and new ways of working. But how do you separate hype from reality? How can your company apply AI to solve real business problems?
Heres what AI learnings your business should keep in mind for 2017.
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsLinkedIn
We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether theyre using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating and in many cases, surprising.
This 際際滷Share explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If youre marketing a tech brand or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience then these are insights you wont want to miss.
Travelr! Sharing knowledge through travelersAngelo Penone
The project aims to realize a service that follows and supports travelers during the entire experience cycle in an uniform way, through opportunities that Internet and new tecnology provide.
... or how the digital natives are reshaping the online travel industry. A presentation by Treovi - the no-commission hotel booking startup from Geneva, Switzerland. -for the WHR 2012 conference
The document discusses online communication and social media. It provides an overview of how organizations can establish an online presence through their website and then progress to engaging online influencers, enriching content, and online monitoring. It also discusses how journalists perform online research using tools like Google, blogs, and social media before writing articles. Finally, it addresses how non-profits have adopted social media and some best practices for social media use by organizations.
Den Digitale Storbyrejsende - Strategier for involvering og communityskabelseSocialsquare
Pr脱sentation afholdt under Social Media Week
P奪 de sociale medier bliver sm奪 tal hurtigt store og ud fra m脱ngden af facebook likes, instagram billeder og tweets kan vi se, at det digitale og sociale spiller en stigende rolle for de rejsende b奪de f淡r, under og efter rejsen. Men m脱ngden af indhold og interaktioner siger meget lidt om, hvad sociale medier egentligt bruges til, og hvilken rollle det digitale egentligt spiller for den enkelte rejsende. Det har Wonderful Copenhagen og Socialsquare unders淡gt. Kom og h淡r de interessante findings fra en nylig gennemf淡rt analyse af storbyrejsendes brug af sociale medier og digitale platforme.
P奪 baggrund af unders淡gelsen kigger vi ogs奪 fremad p奪, hvilke platforme og tendenser, som vil komme i spil. Hvordan og hvad skal der til for at arbejde strategisk i forhold til det digitale, og hvordan skal man som akt淡r p奪 turist-, kultur- eller oplevelsesomr奪det fokusere for at im淡dekomme den digitale storbyrejsende?
H淡r ogs奪 om de kvalitative metoder, der ligger bag analysen og f奪 et indblik i, hvordan Wonderful Copenhagen strategisk arbejder med communities som en central strategi.
Analysen Digitale storbyrejsende er et s脱rskilt analyseprojekt under viden- og innovationsprojektet Copenhagen Communities, der st淡ttes af EUs Regionalfond, der gennem sine programmer skal styrke regionens besk脱ftigelse og konkurrenceevne.
Analysen kommer p奪 baggrund af en r脱kke interviews og observationer med viden omkring, hvorledes storbyrejsende benytter sociale digitale platforme i forbindelse med rejsen og kommer med anbefalinger til, hvordan man med denne viden kan underst淡tte de rejsendes behov i henhold til sociale digitale medier og s奪ledes som destination styrke relationen til de rejsende.
Martin S淡nderlev Christensen, PhD, Partner Socialsquare
Emil Spangenberg, Head of Communication, Wonderful Copenhagen
Mille Marcussen, Senior konsulent, Research & Development, Wonderful Copenhagen. - digital innovation og strategi konsulenter som hj脱lper organisationer med at gent脱nke forretning, produkter, processer, kompetencer og platforme s奪 det passer til en digital verden.
Wonderful Copenhagen - netv脱rksorganisation der arbejder for at fremme og udvikle erhvervs- og ferieturismen i Region Hovedstaden til gavn for almennyttige interesser.
Tripwolf is a travel website and social network with 50,000 destinations, 2,000,000 photos/videos, and 18,000 active members that provides a free travel guide. It solves problems for customers related to finances, time, information, and choice. Revenue comes from advertising, partnerships, and transaction fees. While competitors like Epictrip and PlanetEye exist, Tripwolf's model is built on crowdsourcing content from its large online community. For sustainability and growth, the owner could expand smartphone apps, advertisements, subscriptions, and additional travel-related services.
Condensed Digital & Community Management Strategy Seminar SampleLauren Perkins
A condensed presentation sample of Digital & Community Management Strategy presented to Yale University department heads and chairs during a 3-day Digital Immersion Bootcamp session. The session was hosted by General Assembly, New York, NY and presented by Perks Consulting CEO Lauren Perkins.
Presentation Covered: Audience and Community Objectives; Digital & Community Strategy Concepts; Digital Landscape and Interaction Platforms, Channels, Assets; Audience Listening and Discovery; and Content Distribution and Strategy
David Atkins Digital DNA Infusion presentation key west sept 2011David Atkins
The document discusses building a digital strategy for tourism organizations to compete with other businesses for consumer attention online. It notes that the majority of travel planning now occurs online, with search engines and travel booking sites dominating how consumers research and purchase travel. It emphasizes the importance of having a cross-channel digital strategy that aligns media spending, staffing, and partnerships to focus on influencing consumer decisions at each stage of travel planning.
The document discusses the growing importance of content marketing. A survey found that 90% of respondents believe content marketing will become more important in the next year. However, only 38% of companies have a defined content marketing strategy and only 34% have dedicated budgets. The document also discusses the rise of new content curators like social media influencers and algorithms, and how brands can develop successful content marketing strategies through professional, social and algorithmic curation as well as developing content hubs and focusing on both durable "stock" content and daily "flow" content.
Andrew Daines has over 20 years of experience in travel and tourism, including 14 years with VisitBritain. He is a member of the Tourism Management Institute and ENAT. The document discusses trends in how people research, book, and share travel experiences. It notes that the internet and user reviews heavily influence travel planning, and that mobile devices are increasingly important for travel research, booking, and sharing experiences while traveling.
This document discusses why sharing on digital networks is important from three perspectives: knowledge exchange, virtual organizations, and workplace learning. It provides an overview of a #btr11 experiment conducted by The Tavistock Institute to evaluate knowledge exchange using social media. Models of knowledge creation in virtual organizations and social learning are referenced. Personal learning networks and an organization's digital ecosystem are also discussed.
This document discusses strategies for engaging audiences and incentivizing participation in transmedia storytelling projects. It addresses measuring engagement through metrics like reach, frequency, duration and virality. Game mechanics can be used to incentivize participation through definable and undefinable rewards. Distribution should be designed as part of the experience across diverse platforms and geographic areas. Courting communities involves identifying relevant groups and providing value to encourage participation.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a PhoCusWright research project on the groups and meetings travel market. The project aims to (1) assess the current size and state of the market, (2) understand the dynamics between planners and suppliers, and (3) identify key trends shaping segments like corporate, association, and leisure travel. The research will analyze factors such as the growth of online bookings, the impact of economic conditions and new technologies, and how meetings spending is managed within organizations.
Robin Hamman's Retrospective Keynote VirComm 13Rebecca Newton
This document provides a brief history of community management from its early days in the 1980s through online message boards and chatrooms to the present day. It traces the evolution from isolated online communities to widespread social media use and the rise of community management as a professional field. Key developments highlighted include the growth of BBC online communities in the early 2000s, the opening of their first live chat studio, and the increasing strategic focus on and measurement of community ROI over time.
This document compares Runet, the Russian internet, and Grape, a Russian digital agency. It provides brief histories and overviews of both. For Runet, it outlines key milestones and current statistics on users. It also describes the major players or "forces" that comprise Runet. For Grape, it gives background on the agency and current details on operations, people and processes. Both sections conclude by outlining 10 areas of expected future growth and development. The summary covers the high-level information about Runet and Grape in 3 sentences.
The document discusses how to build vibrant online communities and outlines several key shifts in how communities operate on the web, including moving from a web-centric to people-centric model and from downloads to user-generated content and participation. It proposes a methodology and technical architecture called Community Equity System (CES) that uses things like personal profiles, tagging, ratings, and tracking contributions to build individual and community value. The document ends with a demonstration of CES in action on an online community platform.
2012 OTA Conference - Social Media BootcampJessica Folger
The document provides an overview of a social media bootcamp presented by OTA. It introduces several speakers from OTA who discuss their backgrounds and roles in developing social media strategies. It then outlines the topics that will be covered in the bootcamp, including how social trends are impacting travel, analyzing competitors' social media presence, integrating social and mobile platforms, developing a social media strategy focused on creating value for consumers, and key metrics for measuring social media performance.
1) The document discusses segmentation strategies for social media marketing. It explores segmenting audiences based on interests, behaviors, and areas of social media activity.
2) Examples of segmenting include looking at which fan pages or networks users interact with most, their preferred content types like photos vs. articles, and their hourly/weekly internet usage patterns.
3) Behavioral segmentation is discussed, comparing the 1-9-90 engagement rule to other models for classifying users as passive, conversational, or creators. Determining which groups to target and engage is key.
Silver Star Cabs Melbourne enjoys exceptional customer responsiveness and 5 Star ratings as a leading cab company in Melbourne. Their expertise includes providing airport drop offs and pickups to Tullamarine Airport, Avalon Airport, Essendon & Moorabbin Airports.
... or how the digital natives are reshaping the online travel industry. A presentation by Treovi - the no-commission hotel booking startup from Geneva, Switzerland. -for the WHR 2012 conference
The document discusses online communication and social media. It provides an overview of how organizations can establish an online presence through their website and then progress to engaging online influencers, enriching content, and online monitoring. It also discusses how journalists perform online research using tools like Google, blogs, and social media before writing articles. Finally, it addresses how non-profits have adopted social media and some best practices for social media use by organizations.
Den Digitale Storbyrejsende - Strategier for involvering og communityskabelseSocialsquare
Pr脱sentation afholdt under Social Media Week
P奪 de sociale medier bliver sm奪 tal hurtigt store og ud fra m脱ngden af facebook likes, instagram billeder og tweets kan vi se, at det digitale og sociale spiller en stigende rolle for de rejsende b奪de f淡r, under og efter rejsen. Men m脱ngden af indhold og interaktioner siger meget lidt om, hvad sociale medier egentligt bruges til, og hvilken rollle det digitale egentligt spiller for den enkelte rejsende. Det har Wonderful Copenhagen og Socialsquare unders淡gt. Kom og h淡r de interessante findings fra en nylig gennemf淡rt analyse af storbyrejsendes brug af sociale medier og digitale platforme.
P奪 baggrund af unders淡gelsen kigger vi ogs奪 fremad p奪, hvilke platforme og tendenser, som vil komme i spil. Hvordan og hvad skal der til for at arbejde strategisk i forhold til det digitale, og hvordan skal man som akt淡r p奪 turist-, kultur- eller oplevelsesomr奪det fokusere for at im淡dekomme den digitale storbyrejsende?
H淡r ogs奪 om de kvalitative metoder, der ligger bag analysen og f奪 et indblik i, hvordan Wonderful Copenhagen strategisk arbejder med communities som en central strategi.
Analysen Digitale storbyrejsende er et s脱rskilt analyseprojekt under viden- og innovationsprojektet Copenhagen Communities, der st淡ttes af EUs Regionalfond, der gennem sine programmer skal styrke regionens besk脱ftigelse og konkurrenceevne.
Analysen kommer p奪 baggrund af en r脱kke interviews og observationer med viden omkring, hvorledes storbyrejsende benytter sociale digitale platforme i forbindelse med rejsen og kommer med anbefalinger til, hvordan man med denne viden kan underst淡tte de rejsendes behov i henhold til sociale digitale medier og s奪ledes som destination styrke relationen til de rejsende.
Martin S淡nderlev Christensen, PhD, Partner Socialsquare
Emil Spangenberg, Head of Communication, Wonderful Copenhagen
Mille Marcussen, Senior konsulent, Research & Development, Wonderful Copenhagen. - digital innovation og strategi konsulenter som hj脱lper organisationer med at gent脱nke forretning, produkter, processer, kompetencer og platforme s奪 det passer til en digital verden.
Wonderful Copenhagen - netv脱rksorganisation der arbejder for at fremme og udvikle erhvervs- og ferieturismen i Region Hovedstaden til gavn for almennyttige interesser.
Tripwolf is a travel website and social network with 50,000 destinations, 2,000,000 photos/videos, and 18,000 active members that provides a free travel guide. It solves problems for customers related to finances, time, information, and choice. Revenue comes from advertising, partnerships, and transaction fees. While competitors like Epictrip and PlanetEye exist, Tripwolf's model is built on crowdsourcing content from its large online community. For sustainability and growth, the owner could expand smartphone apps, advertisements, subscriptions, and additional travel-related services.
Condensed Digital & Community Management Strategy Seminar SampleLauren Perkins
A condensed presentation sample of Digital & Community Management Strategy presented to Yale University department heads and chairs during a 3-day Digital Immersion Bootcamp session. The session was hosted by General Assembly, New York, NY and presented by Perks Consulting CEO Lauren Perkins.
Presentation Covered: Audience and Community Objectives; Digital & Community Strategy Concepts; Digital Landscape and Interaction Platforms, Channels, Assets; Audience Listening and Discovery; and Content Distribution and Strategy
David Atkins Digital DNA Infusion presentation key west sept 2011David Atkins
The document discusses building a digital strategy for tourism organizations to compete with other businesses for consumer attention online. It notes that the majority of travel planning now occurs online, with search engines and travel booking sites dominating how consumers research and purchase travel. It emphasizes the importance of having a cross-channel digital strategy that aligns media spending, staffing, and partnerships to focus on influencing consumer decisions at each stage of travel planning.
The document discusses the growing importance of content marketing. A survey found that 90% of respondents believe content marketing will become more important in the next year. However, only 38% of companies have a defined content marketing strategy and only 34% have dedicated budgets. The document also discusses the rise of new content curators like social media influencers and algorithms, and how brands can develop successful content marketing strategies through professional, social and algorithmic curation as well as developing content hubs and focusing on both durable "stock" content and daily "flow" content.
Andrew Daines has over 20 years of experience in travel and tourism, including 14 years with VisitBritain. He is a member of the Tourism Management Institute and ENAT. The document discusses trends in how people research, book, and share travel experiences. It notes that the internet and user reviews heavily influence travel planning, and that mobile devices are increasingly important for travel research, booking, and sharing experiences while traveling.
This document discusses why sharing on digital networks is important from three perspectives: knowledge exchange, virtual organizations, and workplace learning. It provides an overview of a #btr11 experiment conducted by The Tavistock Institute to evaluate knowledge exchange using social media. Models of knowledge creation in virtual organizations and social learning are referenced. Personal learning networks and an organization's digital ecosystem are also discussed.
This document discusses strategies for engaging audiences and incentivizing participation in transmedia storytelling projects. It addresses measuring engagement through metrics like reach, frequency, duration and virality. Game mechanics can be used to incentivize participation through definable and undefinable rewards. Distribution should be designed as part of the experience across diverse platforms and geographic areas. Courting communities involves identifying relevant groups and providing value to encourage participation.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a PhoCusWright research project on the groups and meetings travel market. The project aims to (1) assess the current size and state of the market, (2) understand the dynamics between planners and suppliers, and (3) identify key trends shaping segments like corporate, association, and leisure travel. The research will analyze factors such as the growth of online bookings, the impact of economic conditions and new technologies, and how meetings spending is managed within organizations.
Robin Hamman's Retrospective Keynote VirComm 13Rebecca Newton
This document provides a brief history of community management from its early days in the 1980s through online message boards and chatrooms to the present day. It traces the evolution from isolated online communities to widespread social media use and the rise of community management as a professional field. Key developments highlighted include the growth of BBC online communities in the early 2000s, the opening of their first live chat studio, and the increasing strategic focus on and measurement of community ROI over time.
This document compares Runet, the Russian internet, and Grape, a Russian digital agency. It provides brief histories and overviews of both. For Runet, it outlines key milestones and current statistics on users. It also describes the major players or "forces" that comprise Runet. For Grape, it gives background on the agency and current details on operations, people and processes. Both sections conclude by outlining 10 areas of expected future growth and development. The summary covers the high-level information about Runet and Grape in 3 sentences.
The document discusses how to build vibrant online communities and outlines several key shifts in how communities operate on the web, including moving from a web-centric to people-centric model and from downloads to user-generated content and participation. It proposes a methodology and technical architecture called Community Equity System (CES) that uses things like personal profiles, tagging, ratings, and tracking contributions to build individual and community value. The document ends with a demonstration of CES in action on an online community platform.
2012 OTA Conference - Social Media BootcampJessica Folger
The document provides an overview of a social media bootcamp presented by OTA. It introduces several speakers from OTA who discuss their backgrounds and roles in developing social media strategies. It then outlines the topics that will be covered in the bootcamp, including how social trends are impacting travel, analyzing competitors' social media presence, integrating social and mobile platforms, developing a social media strategy focused on creating value for consumers, and key metrics for measuring social media performance.
1) The document discusses segmentation strategies for social media marketing. It explores segmenting audiences based on interests, behaviors, and areas of social media activity.
2) Examples of segmenting include looking at which fan pages or networks users interact with most, their preferred content types like photos vs. articles, and their hourly/weekly internet usage patterns.
3) Behavioral segmentation is discussed, comparing the 1-9-90 engagement rule to other models for classifying users as passive, conversational, or creators. Determining which groups to target and engage is key.
Silver Star Cabs Melbourne enjoys exceptional customer responsiveness and 5 Star ratings as a leading cab company in Melbourne. Their expertise includes providing airport drop offs and pickups to Tullamarine Airport, Avalon Airport, Essendon & Moorabbin Airports.
Tamil Nadu & Thailand: A 2,000-Year Secret You Never Knew!Visitsmiles
Did you know Tamil Nadu and Thailand share a 2,000-year-old connection? From ancient trade routes and Chola conquests to shared language, Buddhism, and the Ramayanathis hidden history will amaze you! Swipe through to explore the deep cultural and historical ties that still exist today. Don't just read historyexperience it with VisitSmiles! 鏝
Hulhumale Island, the most picturesque artificial island of the Maldives, is the perfect blend of nature and city comforts. With its stunning beaches, exciting water sports, sites of historical interest, and serene parks, the island provides the perfect blend of fun and tranquility.
How to Check Your Train Live Status Now.pdfRailMitraApp
Whether you are going to board a train or are waiting to pick someone from the Railway station, knowing Live Train Status is crucial to any train journey. A Live Train Status prepares an individual for Train Delays, expected Arrival/Departure timings and Platform changes.
Tanzania safari tours油offer an incredible opportunity to explore one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in Africa. With its breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, and rich cultural experiences, a safari in Tanzania promises to be a trip of a lifetime. By choosing the right safari company, selecting the best tour package, and being well-prepared, you can ensure a memorable adventure in the heart of the African wilderness. Start planning your油Tanzania safari油today and get ready for an unforgettable experience!
Discover the top 10 hill stations in India for a perfect summer getaway. Explore breathtaking destinations like Manali, Ooty, and Darjeeling, offering cool climates, scenic views, and unforgettable holiday experiences.
Tumburu Theertham The Sacred Waterfall of Tirumala 垂
Hidden deep in the lush forests of Tirumala, Tumburu Theertham is a divine waterfall known for its spiritual and medicinal significance. According to legend, taking a dip here cleanses sins and brings blessings. The trek to this sacred spot is an adventurous journey through natures beauty! 鏝
Best time to visit: Phalguna Pournami
Trekking required | Mythological significance
Winter Vacation Packing Guide by alpenature the ultimate ski travel planner.pdfalpenature79
Planning a ski trip? Alpenatures Winter Vacation Packing Guide has you covered! Pack essential layers, waterproof gear, ski accessories, and apr竪s-ski essentials. Dont forget sunscreen and travel-sized toiletries! With our ultimate ski travel planner, youll be prepared for every adventure on and off the slopes. #SkiTravel #WinterPacking
St. Maarten is an island paradise offering visitors an exceptional blend of Caribbean beauty, rich culture, and thrilling experiences. Whether you're planning a relaxing getaway or an adventurous excursion, getting around the island in comfort and style is key. That's where St. Maarten tours and taxi transfers, as well as St. Maarten limo services, come into play. These transportation options ensure that your exploration of the island is both enjoyable and stress-free.
Experience seamless private airport transportation in Liverpool with Liverpool Airport Trips LTD. In today's fast-paced world, convenience and comfort are key to airport transfer services.
Visit Us:
Best Tourist Places in Shimla Jakhu Temple, Mall Road & Morejakhuropewayshimla
Shimla is a tourist destination all throughout the year. It has numerous spots scattered inside and around the city, making it a must-visit place. In addition to the places inside the city, the journey to the city is also breathtaking.
Sail, Sip, and Explore The Best Luxury Tours on the Amalfi Coast.pdfClassic Amalfi
The Amalfi Coast is one of the most breathtaking destinations in the world, known for its dramatic cliffs, charming seaside villages, and crystal-clear waters. Whether you're looking for an exclusive Amalfi Coast luxury tour, a private Capri luxury tour, or an unforgettable Amalfi boat tour, Classic Amalfi Coast offers tailored experiences that bring the beauty and culture of this Italian paradise to life.
Expert Travel Guide for 2025 Char Dham Yatra, Uttrakhand. Significance, Opening and Closing Dates, Travel Season, Route Map Itinerary, Registration, Transport, Hotels, Booking options and more to help you plan your Plan Your Char Dham Yatra Tour
#chardham #chardhamyatra #yatrachardham #chardhamtours #chardhamtourpackages Airlines LGA Terminal LaGuardia Airport.pdf Shirley Smith
Southwest Airlines LGA Terminal is the main hub for Southwest flights at New Yorks LaGuardia Airport. Located in Terminal B, it offers seamless check-in, efficient security screening, and comfortable waiting areas. Travelers can enjoy dining options, retail stores, and free Wi-Fi while waiting for their flight. The terminal provides easy access to baggage claim, ground transportation, and connecting flights. Whether you're flying for business or leisure, Southwest Airlines ensures a smooth travel experience.
. co
(& socialbookmar)
Share stuff
5. SOCIAL MEDIA / Limits & critical points
Mediocrity of contents (UGC)
way to know the source & e-trust
Connection real or virtual?
the concept of friend
Concept o Privacy/Copyright
terms of use & creative commons
6. SOCIAL MEDIA / Block analysis
agency community
sharing relationships
conversation reputation
guide tools group
Source: Social Software Building Blocks by Gene Smith
7. SOCIAL MEDIA / TRAVEL / Comparation
research > planning > booking leaving > experience > return remember > sharing
preparation travel remember
The project aims to realize a service
that follows and supports travelers
during the entire experience cycle
in an uniform way, through opportunities
that Internet and new tecnology provide
11. POSITION / TARGET / Profile
Forrester Travelr
Creators Planner Who loves planning trips
Critics Reporter People which like to share their own opinion
Collectors Rover Gather information from different sources and about different themes
Joiners Follower User which likes to join pre-planned trip
Spectators Viewer Reader and travel lovers
Inactives Travelers that dont use internet
Source: Groundswell: Forrester data 2008
Affiliate Model Advertising Model/1 Advertising Model/2 Subscription Model
Some examples of website Google Adsense Some possible clients that User pro:
that provide affiliation can be interested to publish
AdBrite service in white label way
system advertise on our pages:
Bidvertiser pages without advertising
Chitika personalise our own pages Transport company
AdToll Local institute
Exit Junction State tourism institute
Yahoo Publisher Network
Event promoters
Target Point
Hotels chain
Company that provide
TradeDoubler services connected to
Tour operator
13. BASIC ELEMENT / Process
John Needs
53 y e
ears Research
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
He would like to visit a place again
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
...The Island!
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John checks on google
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
...and he finds a page on Travelr!
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John enlarges the research
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
He finds many reviewed places connected
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
...and also a Guide
23. He writes his mail and his
preferred nick name, thats all
He receives immediatly Research
the confirmation mail with the Registration
password. Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
So registration!
24. He is happy about all stuff he found
and he starts to create a travel.
1. Pick out a name
2. set the privacy level as public,
3. set the join system as by admin approvation
4. set the basic data
5. and he save it all! Registration
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration he creates a travel.
He is looking for some travel mate
PS: Before the departure 6 people join Registration
Plan the trip
this trip: Jack, Kate, Jin, Ben, Sayid, Hurley
Collect memory
Now he can start to plan! Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John is looking for interested travelrs
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
Lets plan.... synchronise calendar
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John and his travelmates select places
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John downloads the schedule
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
Lets travel
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
John takes some pictures
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
...and some notes
32. Every notes, video, Pictures
are geotagged (latitude and longitude)
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
by his own mobile phone
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
Come back
34. When he comes back, John synchronizes all
acquired information with the onlines one.
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Other participants do the same with their mobile phone or
directly on the website, writing report or uploading stuff.
Trip inspiration
John syncronizes the acquired knowledge
Plan the trip
Collect memory
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
Travel page is archivied
36. And another user is already reading that page.
He is thinking I want to do the same trip!
Plan the trip
Collect memory
les W
72 y idmo
ears re Back/Syncronize
Share knowledge
Trip inspiration
A new travel experience can raise!