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Test RevisionThe Year 9 Test Will Cover Spreadsheets and WebdesignMake sure you understand simple formulae, data filters. Webdesign: Stylesheets, title and backgrounds, links from images
Spreadsheets  Data filtersOpen sca5mob.csv- be carefulSave as Excel file in your folderAdd the filters so that only colour phones with talk time greater than 240 minutes are shownData filters look like this
Data Filter- Go to data filters
DATA FILTER- Select only Colour
Data FILTER- Finished
Website  two pages, one stylesheetCreate a two page website to show how to use a data filterYour website should include a stylesheet.
Create a folder and copy these files to it
Create a stylesheet
Save it in the same folder as the files you just copied (as Excel_website_stylesheet)
Create a style h1 for the titlesFor text use Class
Set the style h1 as red, font size 20
Set the background as a light yellow colour- For background use tag and bodyfor this you MUST use the body tag not Class
Create and Save Your home page
Attach your style sheet to your first page
Check that the stylesheet worksStyle H1 appears in red size 20Yellow page background
Insert the Excel Image
Create a Page called Data Filters
Add some tables then add the pictures and TEXT
Link the LogO to the Home Page
QuestionsWhat do we need to do to use a data filter?What happens if we create a data filter and then save as .CSV fileWhat are CSS rules used for? a. controlling who can see the different parts of a web page b. helping to format web pages so they look similar c. reviewing the links on a website Which kind of CSS rule should we use to create a text font, a Class, b Tag, c EnhancedWhich kind of CSS rule should we use to create a background a Class, b Tag, c EnhancedWhich tag should we use to create a background?After we have made a CSS stylesheet, what do we need to do to use it to help format a webpage?How can you link a picture so that when you click on it, it will open another webpage?How can you print a large spreadsheet so it prints on just one page?

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Test revision

  • 2. Test RevisionThe Year 9 Test Will Cover Spreadsheets and WebdesignMake sure you understand simple formulae, data filters. Webdesign: Stylesheets, title and backgrounds, links from images
  • 3. Spreadsheets Data filtersOpen sca5mob.csv- be carefulSave as Excel file in your folderAdd the filters so that only colour phones with talk time greater than 240 minutes are shownData filters look like this
  • 4. Data Filter- Go to data filters
  • 5. DATA FILTER- Select only Colour
  • 8. Website two pages, one stylesheetCreate a two page website to show how to use a data filterYour website should include a stylesheet.
  • 9. Create a folder and copy these files to it
  • 11. Save it in the same folder as the files you just copied (as Excel_website_stylesheet)
  • 12. Create a style h1 for the titlesFor text use Class
  • 13. Set the style h1 as red, font size 20
  • 14. Set the background as a light yellow colour- For background use tag and bodyfor this you MUST use the body tag not Class
  • 15. Create and Save Your home page
  • 16. Attach your style sheet to your first page
  • 17. Check that the stylesheet worksStyle H1 appears in red size 20Yellow page background
  • 19. Create a Page called Data Filters
  • 20. Add some tables then add the pictures and TEXT
  • 21. Link the LogO to the Home Page
  • 22. QuestionsWhat do we need to do to use a data filter?What happens if we create a data filter and then save as .CSV fileWhat are CSS rules used for? a. controlling who can see the different parts of a web page b. helping to format web pages so they look similar c. reviewing the links on a website Which kind of CSS rule should we use to create a text font, a Class, b Tag, c EnhancedWhich kind of CSS rule should we use to create a background a Class, b Tag, c EnhancedWhich tag should we use to create a background?After we have made a CSS stylesheet, what do we need to do to use it to help format a webpage?How can you link a picture so that when you click on it, it will open another webpage?How can you print a large spreadsheet so it prints on just one page?