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Tender. She has been so instrumental not only
in the growth of DCAP, but our Bar Association
as a whole. Her enthusiasm, creativity, and
professionalism will be hard to replace. I wish
her well in her new position, but I will miss her.
James Ashmore (DCBA President  2006-2007)
Michelle is the soul behind DCAP. For the
last eight years, and from DCAPs inception,
Michelles boundless energy, involuntary
charm, endless and automatic patience,
foundational support and parental guidance
have been in the possession of the DCBA and
DCAP. I am honored and greatly appreciative
the sails are trimmed right, the boat sails itself. I want to
thank Michelle, for myself and all the people that were given
the helm of the Bar and DCAP, for trimming the sails right.
David S. Bouschor II, (President Denton County Alternative Dispute
Resolution Center, Helmsman 2004-present, Past President Denton
Michelle, your tireless devotion and magnetic
enthusiasm will be sorely missed. We wish you
luck and good fortune wherever you go and in
all that you do.
Michelle you are an amazing and fun
the success of DCAP and so many bar
events. Thank you for everything you have
done. You will be truly missed!
Tiffany Haertling (DCBA President  2007-2008)
I loved working with Michelle. She helped the
bar grow and made everything fun!
As DCBA President, I was
fortunate to have Michelle on our
team. She helped out in so many
ways, big and small, that the
impossible became the possible,
then the probable, and then the
embarks on this new adventure, but she will be missed.
We will miss Michelle Houston who was truly
cut from a different cloth and has been blessed
with the best personality of anyone I have ever
known. She made the job fun and always had
a smile on her face in spite of what adversities
we were dealing with at the time.
Don White (DCBA President  2010-2011)
Michelle was a huge source of help
and support to me during my year as
President. The energy and enthusiasm
she brought to the job was contagious.
She will truly be missed. Thanks.
Dena Reecer (DCBA President - 2011-2012)
Ive had the pleasure of working with
Michelle since DCAP came into being. Shes
incredible, will be impossible to replace, and
will be sorely missed. Luckily for us, shes
used her strengths to help build our bar so
that we can live, albeit a little less vibrantly,
advantage of her remaining in Denton to get a frequent and
regular dose of her can-do attitude and unfettered spirit!
There are no good-byes, where ever youll be, youll be
in my heart.  Ghandi

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Testimonials from DCBA past presidents

  • 1. Tender. She has been so instrumental not only in the growth of DCAP, but our Bar Association as a whole. Her enthusiasm, creativity, and professionalism will be hard to replace. I wish her well in her new position, but I will miss her. James Ashmore (DCBA President 2006-2007) Michelle is the soul behind DCAP. For the last eight years, and from DCAPs inception, Michelles boundless energy, involuntary charm, endless and automatic patience, foundational support and parental guidance have been in the possession of the DCBA and DCAP. I am honored and greatly appreciative the sails are trimmed right, the boat sails itself. I want to thank Michelle, for myself and all the people that were given the helm of the Bar and DCAP, for trimming the sails right. David S. Bouschor II, (President Denton County Alternative Dispute Resolution Center, Helmsman 2004-present, Past President Denton Michelle, your tireless devotion and magnetic enthusiasm will be sorely missed. We wish you luck and good fortune wherever you go and in all that you do. Michelle you are an amazing and fun the success of DCAP and so many bar events. Thank you for everything you have done. You will be truly missed! Tiffany Haertling (DCBA President 2007-2008) I loved working with Michelle. She helped the bar grow and made everything fun! As DCBA President, I was fortunate to have Michelle on our team. She helped out in so many ways, big and small, that the impossible became the possible, then the probable, and then the embarks on this new adventure, but she will be missed. We will miss Michelle Houston who was truly cut from a different cloth and has been blessed with the best personality of anyone I have ever known. She made the job fun and always had a smile on her face in spite of what adversities we were dealing with at the time. Don White (DCBA President 2010-2011) Michelle was a huge source of help and support to me during my year as President. The energy and enthusiasm she brought to the job was contagious. She will truly be missed. Thanks. Dena Reecer (DCBA President - 2011-2012) Ive had the pleasure of working with Michelle since DCAP came into being. Shes incredible, will be impossible to replace, and will be sorely missed. Luckily for us, shes used her strengths to help build our bar so that we can live, albeit a little less vibrantly, advantage of her remaining in Denton to get a frequent and regular dose of her can-do attitude and unfettered spirit! There are no good-byes, where ever youll be, youll be in my heart. Ghandi