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City of
GrantsPassOctober 2, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
I have had th e pleasure of worki ng with David Frasher fo r three years. David
came to th e City of Grants Pass after an exte nsive search and selecti on pro cess,
There was considerable community involvement in the selection proce ss and
David easily stood out from the other candidates. David became the City Manager
and provided high quality leadership to the community.
My ow n background lends perspective to my view of David as Grants Pass City Manager. I
have been a department director fo r many years, complete d 2 X years on my Ph.D., served
as chair of the school board, was named Commu nity Father of th e Year and am active in
community volunteer activiti es.
As City Manager, David brought a fresh perspective to the City and began guiding Grants
Pass toward maturity in quality of life and services. For example, David st rengthened
standards for code enforcement, emphasized commu nity quality of life in our budgeting and
operations, and institutionalized ethics training for staff and elected officials.
David has high ethical standards and emphasized thei r importa nce in the conduct of City
business. His background in law, adm inistration, and public safety provided valuable tools in
administering our City. David also established excellent rappo rt with the school district and
the community.
Unfort unately, David was caught up in a political maelstrom wh en new council members
were elected. A gro up of five individuals to ok control of the City Council and decided to
terminate the City Manager. After only six months in office, the Community initiat ed a
recall effort to remove the five council members - an action that was unpre cedented in
Oregon. All five council mem bers we re recalled from office. We now have interi m,
appointed council members serving until a new council is elected in six months. The
unfortunate act ions of the recalled council members caused our community to lose stability
and a competent, knowledgeable City Manager. It will take some time to recover.
I believe David has the skills, education and experience to lead a vibra nt city, He exhibits
high ethical standards and is well liked in the community. Conseque ntly, r can recommend
him without hesitation, Please feel free to contact me at (541) 474-6360 if you wo uld like to
discuss fu rt her David's capabilities as City Ma nager.
t1 A _I.- ,
/V ~ IVV
Martin Seybold
Director Community Services and Parks
101 Northwest "A" Street > Grants Pass, Oregon 97526 ? (541) 474-6360 ? FAX (541) 479-0812 ? www.grantspassoregon.gov

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martin_seybold-letter_of_recommendation David Frasher

  • 1. City of GrantsPassOctober 2, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: I have had th e pleasure of worki ng with David Frasher fo r three years. David came to th e City of Grants Pass after an exte nsive search and selecti on pro cess, There was considerable community involvement in the selection proce ss and David easily stood out from the other candidates. David became the City Manager and provided high quality leadership to the community. My ow n background lends perspective to my view of David as Grants Pass City Manager. I have been a department director fo r many years, complete d 2 X years on my Ph.D., served as chair of the school board, was named Commu nity Father of th e Year and am active in community volunteer activiti es. As City Manager, David brought a fresh perspective to the City and began guiding Grants Pass toward maturity in quality of life and services. For example, David st rengthened standards for code enforcement, emphasized commu nity quality of life in our budgeting and operations, and institutionalized ethics training for staff and elected officials. David has high ethical standards and emphasized thei r importa nce in the conduct of City business. His background in law, adm inistration, and public safety provided valuable tools in administering our City. David also established excellent rappo rt with the school district and the community. Unfort unately, David was caught up in a political maelstrom wh en new council members were elected. A gro up of five individuals to ok control of the City Council and decided to terminate the City Manager. After only six months in office, the Community initiat ed a recall effort to remove the five council members - an action that was unpre cedented in Oregon. All five council mem bers we re recalled from office. We now have interi m, appointed council members serving until a new council is elected in six months. The unfortunate act ions of the recalled council members caused our community to lose stability and a competent, knowledgeable City Manager. It will take some time to recover. I believe David has the skills, education and experience to lead a vibra nt city, He exhibits high ethical standards and is well liked in the community. Conseque ntly, r can recommend him without hesitation, Please feel free to contact me at (541) 474-6360 if you wo uld like to discuss fu rt her David's capabilities as City Ma nager. Sincerely, t1 A _I.- , /V ~ IVV Martin Seybold Director Community Services and Parks 101 Northwest "A" Street > Grants Pass, Oregon 97526 ? (541) 474-6360 ? FAX (541) 479-0812 ? www.grantspassoregon.gov