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Definition of the manufacture and industrialization
system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle
TFG105468_Júlia Llanas
Definition of the manufacture
and industrialization system
of ESPSEVG Racing Team's
1. Objective
In this project we will elaborate an
effective manufacture and industrialization
system for our motorcycle. For its
development we will treat the following
ï‚· Definition of the structure the
producer company should have and
describe the marketing plan and help
service the product will have.
ï‚· Describe the assembly flow with
different stations in which different
worker take part. For its best
efficiency, we will detail each work
station, the elements that are needed
for them and for the assembly.
ï‚· Make a production and distribution
plan of the product considering all the
elements that are part of it, as the
supplier, storage, logistics and
ï‚· Decide and define the quality controls
that will take part of the manufacture
process which must be integrated in
the process.
ï‚· Analyze the legal framework on which
we are working on.
2. Development of
industrialization plan.
To star work, we define 3 main phases that
have to be in this project. After defined, we
development this phases and design 8
basic points for work. Following, the
diagrams that show this phases:
Now, we can start to work whit this
Design and marketing
Supply of materials and
manufacturing their own
Subgroups assembly
Motorcycle assembly
Final quality control
After sales service
Analyze the
viability of
the product
Sales and
after sales
Definition of the manufacture and industrialization
system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle
TFG105468_Júlia Llanas
1. Design, marketing plan and
definition of the company
and the elements that
comprise it:
Regarding the design of the product, we
work with the prototype designed by the
team EPSEVG Racing Team for
Motostudent competition.
When we have the design of the product,
start to work with marketing plan to
analyze if our products may be exit in the
market. It is based on a market study based
in two analysis (PESTE and DAFO), which
confirms that our product can occupy a
niche market and therefore will sell
Known that our product could sold, define
the pillars of the marketing strategy to
achieve business objectives.
From there, begin to build our company. It
defines the location and location of our
headquarters, as well as their impact. It
describes an organization which identifies
the different types of workers and do a
health and safety analysis of respective
2. Supply of material and
manufacturing of own parts:
Having defined our company begins to
design the structure of supply and
manufacture their own pieces. It defines
two main subgroups of suppliers, materials
and services. In the first group are three
differences, parts suppliers own
manufacturing, the parts that stay on the
market and standardized parts.
We aim to be fixed between two and three
suppliers for each item or service. This
guarantee will not be ever without supplies
of material, and therefore to avoid the
delays in assembling motorcycle.
The most difficult part involved logistics
manufacturing, is the manufacturing of
own parts. This phase requires
coordinating different suppliers looking for
the maximum savings of money and time.
3 and 4. Assembling the
subgroups and the whole
When everything is done, proceed to the
assembly of the motorcycle. The assembly
subgroups and the whole were
intertwined. To organize for us and for
workers, the process has been divided into
14 phases. These 14 phases are:
•Full frameSite 1
•Swingarm and motorSite 2
•Rear suspensionSite 3
•Brakes and wheelsSite 4
•TransmissionSite 5
•SubchassisSite 6
•Electrical systemSite 7
•Cooling systemSite 8
•Power suppliSite 9
•ClutchSite 10
•EscapeSite 11
•AirboxSite 12
•DepositSite 13
•FairingSite 14
Definition of the manufacture and industrialization
system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle
TFG105468_Júlia Llanas
After defined the 14 stages, we
development the sheets for each one.
These files define the steps to do the
operator and the material required. From
these cards and their respective
descriptions are performed calculations of
We calculated the approximate time
needed to complete the assembly of the
motorcycle. Was made with the MTM
method. This method is based on the
definition of basic movements performed
and attributed a specific time based on
MTM tables.
We had to analyze each phase and each
step. From the analysis were prepared
tables with UMT time units and then
converting in seconds and minutes. Please
find attached table with the final results of
each phase:
1 15.85 min
2 11.39 min
3 9.98 min
4 20.51 min
5 11.30 min
6 14.97 min
7 4 min
8 5.70 min
9 3.18 min
10 4.83 min
11 7.04 min
12 2.86 min
13 4.8 min
14 18.58 min
TOTAL 134.99 min = 2h and 15 min
In conclusion, we can say that: if it needs 2
hours and 15 minutes to make the
assembly of a motorcycle, a single operator
could make the required daily production
(3 motorcycles) to achieve the annual
target set (600 units).
5. Quality control:
Has been defined a quality system
integrated between the different tasks of
the company. To achieve integral quality
we have to work in 3 ways: quality
concerted with suppliers; self-governed
with Poka-yoke system; and stock control
based on Kanban system.
In quality concerted states that each
supplier must sign an agreement on quality
concerted agrees that any material you
provide will comply with quality standards
and if they do not, will replace the product.
The self-control to avoid errors during
assembly. So Poka-yoke system is used in
for search the error 0. We are looking for
from a design that he detects errors or
avoid directly.
Finally, an efficient stock control will help
the production never affected by the lack
of material and financial losses while
avoiding excess material. The Kanban
system helps to regulate this aspect.
Definition of the manufacture and industrialization
system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle
TFG105468_Júlia Llanas
6. Storage:
Store our bikes in their own factory.
However, we will through a window, so
that the store will also serve as an
exhibitor. We have factory and shop at the
same place, reducing resources.
7. Distribution:
Regarding the distribution, use the van
business which can store 3 motorcycles.
This will be done in the case that we have
to carry in a radius of less than 4 hours in
drive. If the distance is too large, we can
offer a transport service whit extra charge
or allow the client to provide it.
For transport that we do, we use reusable
boxes. However, for the transport external
boxes will be provided more resistant and
8. After sales service:
Provide a full after sales service is
necessary to retain our customers and get
new ones. So work on three services: Grant
1 year, specialized workshop and spare
parts store.
During the first year, free of charge repair
the damages caused by defects in factory.
After this first year, provides specialized
workshop for all customers who have
purchased a motorcycle with us. Finally, we
offer our customers the option to buy their
genuine parts. Our company will function
as an intermediary.
Although the main objective of the service
after the sale is customer satisfaction, the
last two services can mean extra income
for the company.
3. Conclusions
Once defined the manufacture system and
industrialization of the motorcycle of the
EPSEVG Racing Team, we can extract the
following conclusions:
ï‚· To reach up to our commercial
objectives we must develop and
execute our marketing strategy.
ï‚· We must work in the constant
development of our product. This will
lent us find new ways of optimizing our
production in what assembly refers
(saving time and mistakes) as to the
own manufactured pieces (economic
ï‚· We must have always a minimum of 3
suppliers for each product. A good
channel of suppliers makes easier that
the surprises don’t affect the
ï‚· Control the quality following the 3
applied systems will help us reduce
mistakes, time and stocks. In
consequence we will reduce costs. We
must work to improve this systems,
specially we must develop the Poko-
ï‚· A distribution service made by our own
factory will facilitate the treat with the
costumers. Completing with a
complete after sales service,
contributes to promote loyalty with
the costumers and that new ones want
to work with us.
ï‚· The cost of the series production of the
motorcycle could be still reduced more
Definition of the manufacture and industrialization
system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle
TFG105468_Júlia Llanas
if we decided increment the annual
production. The fix costs (services) will
reduce in portion to the increment of
product and also the material costs
could be reduced, because if the
buying to our suppliers increments,
probably they increase the discount
they apply us (rappels)
ï‚· The Labor Risk Prevention should be
realized for each work place,
evaluating the possible risks,
subtracting the ones that are feasible
or adopting the suitable preventive
measures which contribute to
minimize incidents as loosing material,
or a worse thing, accidents with
personal damages. The cost of the
incidents and accidents have a great
economic repercussion.
ï‚· A good environmental management is
also indispensable: energetic save,
remains segmentation, evaluation and
use of rests of material...
ï‚· A correct planning and program of
work is basic for not increasing costs of
workers.(assembly, distribution..) In
this way any digression must be
contemplated and analyzed strictly to
see its repercussion in the global
The actual commercial competitiveness
doesn’t regulate exclusively by the relation
of cost and benefit (market price). Facts as
the working climate, the analysis of the
accidents/incidents, the environment
management, the social corporative
responsibility, the quality... can be
determinate to make that a costumer opt
for a supplier or another. Therefore a good
image in all areas will decisively contribute
in the success of our product.
4. Bibliography
AUTOR: Júlia Llanas Batista
TITULACIÓ: Grau en Enginyeria Mecànica
DIRECTOR: Juan Jose Aliau Pons
DEPARTAMENT: Departament d’Expressió
gràfica a l’enginyeria
DATA: 29/1/15

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  • 1. Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle TFG105468_Júlia Llanas 1 Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle 1. Objective In this project we will elaborate an effective manufacture and industrialization system for our motorcycle. For its development we will treat the following points: ï‚· Definition of the structure the producer company should have and describe the marketing plan and help service the product will have. ï‚· Describe the assembly flow with different stations in which different worker take part. For its best efficiency, we will detail each work station, the elements that are needed for them and for the assembly. ï‚· Make a production and distribution plan of the product considering all the elements that are part of it, as the supplier, storage, logistics and distribution. ï‚· Decide and define the quality controls that will take part of the manufacture process which must be integrated in the process. ï‚· Analyze the legal framework on which we are working on. 2. Development of industrialization plan. To star work, we define 3 main phases that have to be in this project. After defined, we development this phases and design 8 basic points for work. Following, the diagrams that show this phases: Now, we can start to work whit this phases. Design and marketing plan Supply of materials and manufacturing their own parts Subgroups assembly Motorcycle assembly Final quality control Storage Distribution After sales service Analyze the viability of the product Manufacturing process Sales and after sales service
  • 2. Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle TFG105468_Júlia Llanas 2 1. Design, marketing plan and definition of the company and the elements that comprise it: Regarding the design of the product, we work with the prototype designed by the team EPSEVG Racing Team for Motostudent competition. When we have the design of the product, start to work with marketing plan to analyze if our products may be exit in the market. It is based on a market study based in two analysis (PESTE and DAFO), which confirms that our product can occupy a niche market and therefore will sell successfully. Known that our product could sold, define the pillars of the marketing strategy to achieve business objectives. From there, begin to build our company. It defines the location and location of our headquarters, as well as their impact. It describes an organization which identifies the different types of workers and do a health and safety analysis of respective jobs. 2. Supply of material and manufacturing of own parts: Having defined our company begins to design the structure of supply and manufacture their own pieces. It defines two main subgroups of suppliers, materials and services. In the first group are three differences, parts suppliers own manufacturing, the parts that stay on the market and standardized parts. We aim to be fixed between two and three suppliers for each item or service. This guarantee will not be ever without supplies of material, and therefore to avoid the delays in assembling motorcycle. The most difficult part involved logistics manufacturing, is the manufacturing of own parts. This phase requires coordinating different suppliers looking for the maximum savings of money and time. 3 and 4. Assembling the subgroups and the whole motorcycle: When everything is done, proceed to the assembly of the motorcycle. The assembly subgroups and the whole were intertwined. To organize for us and for workers, the process has been divided into 14 phases. These 14 phases are: •Full frameSite 1 •Swingarm and motorSite 2 •Rear suspensionSite 3 •Brakes and wheelsSite 4 •TransmissionSite 5 •SubchassisSite 6 •Electrical systemSite 7 •Cooling systemSite 8 •Power suppliSite 9 •ClutchSite 10 •EscapeSite 11 •AirboxSite 12 •DepositSite 13 •FairingSite 14
  • 3. Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle TFG105468_Júlia Llanas 3 After defined the 14 stages, we development the sheets for each one. These files define the steps to do the operator and the material required. From these cards and their respective descriptions are performed calculations of time. Calculations We calculated the approximate time needed to complete the assembly of the motorcycle. Was made with the MTM method. This method is based on the definition of basic movements performed and attributed a specific time based on MTM tables. We had to analyze each phase and each step. From the analysis were prepared tables with UMT time units and then converting in seconds and minutes. Please find attached table with the final results of each phase: SITE TIME 1 15.85 min 2 11.39 min 3 9.98 min 4 20.51 min 5 11.30 min 6 14.97 min 7 4 min 8 5.70 min 9 3.18 min 10 4.83 min 11 7.04 min 12 2.86 min 13 4.8 min 14 18.58 min TOTAL 134.99 min = 2h and 15 min In conclusion, we can say that: if it needs 2 hours and 15 minutes to make the assembly of a motorcycle, a single operator could make the required daily production (3 motorcycles) to achieve the annual target set (600 units). 5. Quality control: Has been defined a quality system integrated between the different tasks of the company. To achieve integral quality we have to work in 3 ways: quality concerted with suppliers; self-governed with Poka-yoke system; and stock control based on Kanban system. In quality concerted states that each supplier must sign an agreement on quality concerted agrees that any material you provide will comply with quality standards and if they do not, will replace the product. The self-control to avoid errors during assembly. So Poka-yoke system is used in for search the error 0. We are looking for from a design that he detects errors or avoid directly. Finally, an efficient stock control will help the production never affected by the lack of material and financial losses while avoiding excess material. The Kanban system helps to regulate this aspect.
  • 4. Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle TFG105468_Júlia Llanas 4 6. Storage: Store our bikes in their own factory. However, we will through a window, so that the store will also serve as an exhibitor. We have factory and shop at the same place, reducing resources. 7. Distribution: Regarding the distribution, use the van business which can store 3 motorcycles. This will be done in the case that we have to carry in a radius of less than 4 hours in drive. If the distance is too large, we can offer a transport service whit extra charge or allow the client to provide it. For transport that we do, we use reusable boxes. However, for the transport external boxes will be provided more resistant and reusable. 8. After sales service: Provide a full after sales service is necessary to retain our customers and get new ones. So work on three services: Grant 1 year, specialized workshop and spare parts store. During the first year, free of charge repair the damages caused by defects in factory. After this first year, provides specialized workshop for all customers who have purchased a motorcycle with us. Finally, we offer our customers the option to buy their genuine parts. Our company will function as an intermediary. Although the main objective of the service after the sale is customer satisfaction, the last two services can mean extra income for the company. 3. Conclusions Once defined the manufacture system and industrialization of the motorcycle of the EPSEVG Racing Team, we can extract the following conclusions: ï‚· To reach up to our commercial objectives we must develop and execute our marketing strategy. ï‚· We must work in the constant development of our product. This will lent us find new ways of optimizing our production in what assembly refers (saving time and mistakes) as to the own manufactured pieces (economic savings). ï‚· We must have always a minimum of 3 suppliers for each product. A good channel of suppliers makes easier that the surprises don’t affect the production. ï‚· Control the quality following the 3 applied systems will help us reduce mistakes, time and stocks. In consequence we will reduce costs. We must work to improve this systems, specially we must develop the Poko- Yokes. ï‚· A distribution service made by our own factory will facilitate the treat with the costumers. Completing with a complete after sales service, contributes to promote loyalty with the costumers and that new ones want to work with us. ï‚· The cost of the series production of the motorcycle could be still reduced more
  • 5. Definition of the manufacture and industrialization system of ESPSEVG Racing Team's motorcycle TFG105468_Júlia Llanas 5 if we decided increment the annual production. The fix costs (services) will reduce in portion to the increment of product and also the material costs could be reduced, because if the buying to our suppliers increments, probably they increase the discount they apply us (rappels) ï‚· The Labor Risk Prevention should be realized for each work place, evaluating the possible risks, subtracting the ones that are feasible or adopting the suitable preventive measures which contribute to minimize incidents as loosing material, or a worse thing, accidents with personal damages. The cost of the incidents and accidents have a great economic repercussion. ï‚· A good environmental management is also indispensable: energetic save, remains segmentation, evaluation and use of rests of material... ï‚· A correct planning and program of work is basic for not increasing costs of workers.(assembly, distribution..) In this way any digression must be contemplated and analyzed strictly to see its repercussion in the global analysis. The actual commercial competitiveness doesn’t regulate exclusively by the relation of cost and benefit (market price). Facts as the working climate, the analysis of the accidents/incidents, the environment management, the social corporative responsibility, the quality... can be determinate to make that a costumer opt for a supplier or another. Therefore a good image in all areas will decisively contribute in the success of our product. 4. Bibliography Webs: mtmingenieros.com http://www.galfer.eu/index.php/es/galfer- moto http://soldatal.com/ http://www.yamaha- motor.eu/es/index.aspx http://motostudent.com/ AUTOR: Júlia Llanas Batista TITULACIÓ: Grau en Enginyeria Mecànica DIRECTOR: Juan Jose Aliau Pons DEPARTAMENT: Departament d’Expressió gràfica a l’enginyeria DATA: 29/1/15