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B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Title : Mr.
Name : Thaw Zan Lin
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 30 June 1965
Nationality : Myanmar
Race : Bamar
Civil Status : Married
Habits : Reading , Learning Information Technology,
Contact Address : No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing Township
Yangon, Myanmar
Contact Telephone Number : 09250346940 ,0930287503
Language Skills : Myanmar
(Very Fluent in reading, writing and speaking)
: English
(Fluent in reading, writing and speaking)
Other Skills : Communication skill
Analytical skill
Leading skill
Strategic skill
Planning skill
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Degree Acquired : B.Sc. (Hons)
Major Subject : Mathematics
Name of Institution : University of Yangon
Graduated Academic Year : 1990-1991
Certificate Acquired : Hardware Maintenance
Major Subject : Hardware Maintenance
Name of Institution : University of Computer Studies, Yangon
Graduated Academic Year : 1995-1996
Diploma Acquired : D.C.Sc.
Major Subject : Computer Science
Name of Institution : University of Computer Studies, Yangon
Graduated Academic Year : 1997-1998
Certificate Acquired : Network Set-up and Administration
Major Subject : Network Set-up and Administration
Name of Institution : Nanyan Polytechnic, Singapore
Graduated Academic Year : June 2001 - July 2001
Certificate Acquired : Electronic Commerce
Major Subject : Electronic Commerce
Name of Institution : KOICA & KCCI, Korea
Graduated Academic Year : Apr 2004 - May 2004
Certificate Acquired : Information Technology
Major Subject : ( Introduction to Software Engineering , Microsoft SQL
Server, Advance Microsoft Visual Basic )
Name of Institution : KMD Computer Centre
Graduated Academic Year : 2009
Certificate Acquired : The Performance Improvement Program
Major Subject : General Management
Name of Institution : Myanmar-India Entrepreneurship Development Centre
Graduated Academic Year : 19-Jan-2011 to 26-Jan-2011
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Position : Assistant General Manager
Department : Information Technology Department
Institution : Construction and Housing Development Bank
Period of Service : 2014 January to Now
Position : IT Manager
Department : Admin Dept.
Institution : Lat War Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon
Period of Service : 2012 July  2013 End of December
Position : IT Manager
Department : IT Section
Institution : Shwe Zin Aye Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon
Period of Service : 2009  2012 End of June
Position : Hardware & Networking Technician
Department : Professional
Institution : Professional
Period of Service : 2004-2009
Position : Hardware & Networking Technician
Department : Hardware & Network Maintenance Section
Institution : Bagan CyberTech, Yangon
Period of Service : 2002-2004
Position : Assistant Director
Department : Computer Department
Institution : Progress of Border Areas and
National Races Department
Period of Service : 2000-2002
Position : Head Officer
Department : Computer Administration Department
Institution : National Defense College
Period of Service : 1999-2000
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Position : Officer(Technician)
Department : Software & Hardware Maintenance Department
Institution : Defense Computer Department
Period of Service : 1996-1999
Position : Company Commander
Institution : Defense
Period of Service : 1993-1996
1.Name : U Kyaw Kyaw Maung
Position : Governor
Institution : Central Bank of Myanmar
Contact Telephone Number : 01 570277
2.Name : U Win Ko
Position : Chief, International Relations Department
Institution : Ministry of Finance and Revenue
Contact Address : Kayay , Bdg 12, Room 13, Darna Road,
Pyinnyartheidi Quarter, Naypyitaw
Contact Telephone Number : 067 - 410198 (Office)
067 - 413389 (Residence)
3.Name : Daw Khin Thit Yee
Position : Country Director
Institution : Big Sky Sun Projects International, USA
Contact Telephone Number : 09-506-3647
4.Name : Daw Thida Kyi
Position : Director - Education and Training Dept.
Institution : Winner Computer Group
Contact Address : 4/7, Thabawa Yeiknyein, Aungdama Yeiktha St.
12 Quarter, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Contact Telephone Number : Tel: 95 1 663327 / 95 9 5187932
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Work Experiences
Assistant General Manager, Information Technology Department, Construction and Housing
Development Bank, Yangon.
From 2014 Jan to Now
- Manage and Control of IT Department Hardware & Networking Section to get best
performance for CHD Bank Networking.
- Manage and Maintenance of Data Center ,CCTV Security control room, Multimedia
Control room, Head Office Network and branch office network, Head Office and branch office's
computers and accessory, Bank's website create.
- Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Manage and Control of SWIFT Network and their operation.
- Buying Head office and branch office's computer, server, printer, copier, network
- Report to Chairman, Vice Chairman, Managing Director for above duties and
responsibilities daily.
IT Manager, Administration Section, Lat War Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon
From 2012 July -2013 End of December
- Manage and Control Factory's Computer users for get best performance to use computers.
- Manage Factorys Data Capture Servers and Backup Server. Manage, Maintenance and
control of sewing lines Tag Capture units.
- Manage and Maintenance of Data Capture Servers and Sewing lines Data and Power
- Making Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application
Software, System Software, Anti-Virus Software and making update Garment Factory's
- Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Making the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check
Network Operating Systems.
- Report writing of above duties and responsibilities daily.
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
IT Manager, IT Section, Shwe Zin Aye Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon
2009  End of 2012 June
- Manage and Control Factory's Computer users for get best performance to use computers.
- Making installation of CCTV Camera's Network, CCTV Camera and it's Cable.
- Checking of these two types of cable connection and system.
- Making Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application
Software, System Software, Anti-Virus Software and making update Garment Factory's
- Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Making the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check
Network Operating Systems.
- To make and Check IT system security procedures and CCTV system security procedure.
- Report writing of above duties and responsibilities daily.
IT Technician, Professional
2004 to 2009
- Make Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application
Software, System Software, Virus Protection Software and updating.
- Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Make the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check
Network Operating Systems.
- If the Customer needs, give information such as computer related equipments,
communication equipments, Security equipments, Website content, etc and Advice IT
related procurement process.
Hardware & Networking Technician, Hardware Maintenance Section, Bagan CyberTech,
- Make maintenance, repaired and troubleshooting of our office computers and Local Area
Network (LAN) system and support to user.
- If the user needs, give information such as computer related equipments, communication
equipments, Security equipments, Website content, etc and Advice IT related
procurement process.
- Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files.
- Assist the Director when ad-hoc necessary.
- Attend the Training Course in local and foreign country.
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
Assistant Director, Computer Department, Progress of Border Areas and National Races
- Manage, In charge and Control of Computer Department
- Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network
(LAN) system
- Teach and trained Microsoft windows system, Application Software to Staffs and
Officers from Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department.
- Make PowerPoint for Director Generals and Ministers presentation.
- Assist Minister's and Director General's ad-hoc computer's necessary.
- Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Collect and Maintain documents from Department and Ministry.
- Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists,
leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension etc.
- Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments.
Head Officer, Computer Administration Department, National Defense College
- Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network
(LAN) system
- Make PowerPoint for Trainee's presentation.
- Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments.
Technician Officer, Hardware Maintenance Section, Defense Computer Department
- Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network
(LAN) system
B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc.
No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein
Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503
- Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and
support for IT Problems as required.
- Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments.
- Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists,
leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension etc.
- Arrange to get expenditure of fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance.
- Manage and maintain the office cars, furniture and stationery.
Company Commander, Defense Army
- Prepare and maintain officers, soldiers records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists,
leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension, companys store and arms etc.
- Manage Company Administrative cases.
- Keep and update the registers of all necessary files.
- Arrange to get expenditure of fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance.
- Manage the company and maintain the company accessory.
- Assist the Regiment Commander when ad-hoc necessary.

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Thaw zan lin CV

  • 1. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DETAIL Title : Mr. Name : Thaw Zan Lin Gender : Male Date of Birth : 30 June 1965 Nationality : Myanmar Race : Bamar Civil Status : Married Habits : Reading , Learning Information Technology, Management CONTACT DETAIL Contact Address : No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing Township Yangon, Myanmar Email:thawzanlin2006@gmail.com Contact Telephone Number : 09250346940 ,0930287503 SKILLS DETAIL Language Skills : Myanmar (Very Fluent in reading, writing and speaking) : English (Fluent in reading, writing and speaking) Other Skills : Communication skill Analytical skill Leading skill Strategic skill Planning skill
  • 2. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 EDUCATION DETAIL Degree Acquired : B.Sc. (Hons) Major Subject : Mathematics Name of Institution : University of Yangon Graduated Academic Year : 1990-1991 Certificate Acquired : Hardware Maintenance Major Subject : Hardware Maintenance Name of Institution : University of Computer Studies, Yangon Graduated Academic Year : 1995-1996 Diploma Acquired : D.C.Sc. Major Subject : Computer Science Name of Institution : University of Computer Studies, Yangon Graduated Academic Year : 1997-1998 Certificate Acquired : Network Set-up and Administration Major Subject : Network Set-up and Administration Name of Institution : Nanyan Polytechnic, Singapore Graduated Academic Year : June 2001 - July 2001 Certificate Acquired : Electronic Commerce Major Subject : Electronic Commerce Name of Institution : KOICA & KCCI, Korea Graduated Academic Year : Apr 2004 - May 2004 Certificate Acquired : Information Technology Major Subject : ( Introduction to Software Engineering , Microsoft SQL Server, Advance Microsoft Visual Basic ) Name of Institution : KMD Computer Centre Graduated Academic Year : 2009 Certificate Acquired : The Performance Improvement Program Major Subject : General Management Name of Institution : Myanmar-India Entrepreneurship Development Centre Graduated Academic Year : 19-Jan-2011 to 26-Jan-2011
  • 3. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Position : Assistant General Manager Department : Information Technology Department Institution : Construction and Housing Development Bank Period of Service : 2014 January to Now Position : IT Manager Department : Admin Dept. Institution : Lat War Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon Period of Service : 2012 July 2013 End of December Position : IT Manager Department : IT Section Institution : Shwe Zin Aye Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon Period of Service : 2009 2012 End of June Position : Hardware & Networking Technician Department : Professional Institution : Professional Period of Service : 2004-2009 Position : Hardware & Networking Technician Department : Hardware & Network Maintenance Section Institution : Bagan CyberTech, Yangon Period of Service : 2002-2004 Position : Assistant Director Department : Computer Department Institution : Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Period of Service : 2000-2002 Position : Head Officer Department : Computer Administration Department Institution : National Defense College Period of Service : 1999-2000
  • 4. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 Position : Officer(Technician) Department : Software & Hardware Maintenance Department Institution : Defense Computer Department Period of Service : 1996-1999 Position : Company Commander Institution : Defense Period of Service : 1993-1996 REFERNCE DETAIL 1.Name : U Kyaw Kyaw Maung Position : Governor Institution : Central Bank of Myanmar Contact Telephone Number : 01 570277 2.Name : U Win Ko Position : Chief, International Relations Department Institution : Ministry of Finance and Revenue Contact Address : Kayay , Bdg 12, Room 13, Darna Road, Pyinnyartheidi Quarter, Naypyitaw Contact Telephone Number : 067 - 410198 (Office) 067 - 413389 (Residence) 3.Name : Daw Khin Thit Yee Position : Country Director Institution : Big Sky Sun Projects International, USA Contact Telephone Number : 09-506-3647 4.Name : Daw Thida Kyi Position : Director - Education and Training Dept. Institution : Winner Computer Group Contact Address : 4/7, Thabawa Yeiknyein, Aungdama Yeiktha St. 12 Quarter, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar Contact Telephone Number : Tel: 95 1 663327 / 95 9 5187932
  • 5. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 Work Experiences Assistant General Manager, Information Technology Department, Construction and Housing Development Bank, Yangon. From 2014 Jan to Now - Manage and Control of IT Department Hardware & Networking Section to get best performance for CHD Bank Networking. - Manage and Maintenance of Data Center ,CCTV Security control room, Multimedia Control room, Head Office Network and branch office network, Head Office and branch office's computers and accessory, Bank's website create. - Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Manage and Control of SWIFT Network and their operation. - Buying Head office and branch office's computer, server, printer, copier, network accessory. - Report to Chairman, Vice Chairman, Managing Director for above duties and responsibilities daily. IT Manager, Administration Section, Lat War Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon From 2012 July -2013 End of December - Manage and Control Factory's Computer users for get best performance to use computers. - Manage Factorys Data Capture Servers and Backup Server. Manage, Maintenance and control of sewing lines Tag Capture units. - Manage and Maintenance of Data Capture Servers and Sewing lines Data and Power Cables. - Making Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application Software, System Software, Anti-Virus Software and making update Garment Factory's Computers. - Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Making the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check Network Operating Systems. - Report writing of above duties and responsibilities daily.
  • 6. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 IT Manager, IT Section, Shwe Zin Aye Garment Co., Ltd. , Yangon 2009 End of 2012 June - Manage and Control Factory's Computer users for get best performance to use computers. - Making installation of CCTV Camera's Network, CCTV Camera and it's Cable. - Checking of these two types of cable connection and system. - Making Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application Software, System Software, Anti-Virus Software and making update Garment Factory's Computers. - Providing hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Making the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check Network Operating Systems. - To make and Check IT system security procedures and CCTV system security procedure. - Report writing of above duties and responsibilities daily. IT Technician, Professional 2004 to 2009 - Make Network Setup and installation of PC Computer, Windows Software, Application Software, System Software, Virus Protection Software and updating. - Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Make the operation and Maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) to check Network Operating Systems. - If the Customer needs, give information such as computer related equipments, communication equipments, Security equipments, Website content, etc and Advice IT related procurement process. Hardware & Networking Technician, Hardware Maintenance Section, Bagan CyberTech, Yangon 2002-2004 - Make maintenance, repaired and troubleshooting of our office computers and Local Area Network (LAN) system and support to user. - If the user needs, give information such as computer related equipments, communication equipments, Security equipments, Website content, etc and Advice IT related procurement process. - Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files. - Assist the Director when ad-hoc necessary. - Attend the Training Course in local and foreign country.
  • 7. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 Assistant Director, Computer Department, Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department 2000-2002 - Manage, In charge and Control of Computer Department - Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network (LAN) system - Teach and trained Microsoft windows system, Application Software to Staffs and Officers from Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department. - Make PowerPoint for Director Generals and Ministers presentation. - Assist Minister's and Director General's ad-hoc computer's necessary. - Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Collect and Maintain documents from Department and Ministry. - Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists, leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension etc. - Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments. Head Officer, Computer Administration Department, National Defense College 1999-2000 - Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network (LAN) system - Make PowerPoint for Trainee's presentation. - Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments. Technician Officer, Hardware Maintenance Section, Defense Computer Department 1996-1999 - Make maintenance and repaired and of our office computers and Local Area Network (LAN) system
  • 8. THAW ZAN LIN B.Sc. (Hons), D.C.Sc. No. 4/1 (A), Thabawa Yeiknyein Aung Dama Yeiktha, Hlaing, Yangon, Myanmar Phone: 09250346940 ,0930287503 - Provide hardware and software, troubleshooting support, seeking technical advice and support for IT Problems as required. - Purchase required supplies, materials, office stationery and IT equipments. - Prepare and maintain staff employment records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists, leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension etc. - Arrange to get expenditure of fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance. - Manage and maintain the office cars, furniture and stationery. Company Commander, Defense Army 1993-1996 - Prepare and maintain officers, soldiers records, staff personal files, daily attendance lists, leaves, promotion, transferring, retiring, pension, companys store and arms etc. - Manage Company Administrative cases. - Keep and update the registers of all necessary files. - Arrange to get expenditure of fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance. - Manage the company and maintain the company accessory. - Assist the Regiment Commander when ad-hoc necessary.