The document discusses the biblical commandment against murder. It notes that the commandment refers specifically to unlawful killing, or murder, and not all forms of taking life. It provides several biblical examples of when taking life would not be considered murder, such as in self-defense or capital punishment. However, it says murder is forbidden in cases of premeditated killing, manslaughter, accidental killing caused by neglect or irresponsibility, aggressive war, abortion, euthanasia, or hate and anger. The document emphasizes that respect for human life from conception to natural death is affirmed in the Bible.
'Screen Life: TV in demand' - TV viewing needstates in 10 slides, by Thinkbox...Thinkbox TV
Thinkboxs Screen Life: TV in demand research revealed how and why viewers choose between watching TV live or on demand (VOD) and why they watch different types of online video. In revealing the attractions of VOD, the study provided valuable insights into why live TV remains so dominant.
Ezekiel 33:7-11 warns that if God's sentinels do not warn the wicked to turn from their evil ways, their blood will be required. However, if the sentinels do warn them and they still do not repent, their blood will not be required but they will still perish for their iniquity. God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but wants them to turn from their ways and live.
Romans 13:8-14 says that fulfilling the greatest commandment to love one's neighbor fulfills all other commandments. It is time to wake from sleep and put on the armor of light by living honorably and making no provision for fleshly desires, instead putting on
A study in the multiple contrasts presented in Matthew 7:13-29. Contrasts made were between the wide gate and narrow gate, bad tree and the good tree, foolish builder and the wise builder, and the teachers of the Law and Jesus. Finally, a call is made to follow the Way.
The book of Hebrews is the bridge that connects the Old Testament and the New. These covenants are completely different and yet many Christians approach God on the basis of Old Testament Law instead of New Testament faith. The entire book is about Jesus and how He is the guarantee of a new and better covenant. It is essential for every Christian to understand.
This document discusses the meaning and significance of baptism. It begins by defining baptism as immersion in water, representing burial and resurrection with Christ. It then explains five key aspects of baptism's meaning: 1) Being brought under Christ's authority and lordship, 2) Identifying with Christ's death, 3) Being completely covered and put out of sight like a burial, 4) Being raised with Christ out of death, and 5) Walking in newness of life through the Holy Spirit. The document concludes by exhorting that baptism yields spiritual profit only when its meaning of resurrection with Christ is practiced in one's daily life.
Abraham is considered a friend of God because he believed God and lived a life of faith and obedience to Him. Abraham lived as a tent-dweller, separated from the world, even during difficult times. He taught his son Isaac to also live as a tent-dweller. Abraham built four altars throughout his life that demonstrated his relationship with God - an altar of praise, prayer, fellowship, and sacrifice. Abraham's example provides lessons on how to develop friendship with God through faith, obedience, separation from the world, and worship.
The document contains several Bible verses emphasizing the importance of remembering God, His commands, and His works. It encourages remembering how God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, brought them to the promised land, and enacted righteous laws through Moses. The verses warn against forgetting God and disobeying His commandments. They also reference remembering Jesus' sacrifice and taking communion in remembrance of Him.
David inquired of God twice regarding attacking the Philistines, and both times God told him he would deliver the Philistines into David's hands. The first time David defeated the Philistines at Baal Perazim. The second time, God instructed David not to attack directly but to circle around and attack from the trees, and when David heard sounds in the trees he would know God had gone before them to strike the Philistine army, which is what happened from Gibeon to Gezer.
Ultimately, and perhaps somewhat amazingly, it was God Himself who put Jesus to death. This was the greatest act of divine justice ever carried out, done in the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God (Acts 2:23) and for the highest purpose. Jesus death on the cross secured the salvation of countless millions and provided the only way God could forgive sin without compromising His holiness and perfect righteousness.
Four Challenges to the Deity of Jesus ChristDavid Nandigam
Several challenges to the deity of Christ have emerged including popularized Gnostic gospels questioned by The Da Vinci Code, Islam's denial of Christ's incarnation and deity as it grows globally, religious pluralism holding multiple spiritual paths lead to the same end rather than Christ being the only path to salvation, and the spread of cults like Jehovah's Witnesses rejecting Christ's divinity.
1. The document discusses arguments for and against creationism versus evolution/naturalism in explaining the origins of life.
2. It explores perspectives on whether God created the world or if it created itself through natural processes alone.
3. Several questions are posed about the complexity of the universe, life forms, and human origins to argue that divine design is a more rational explanation than random chance and mutations over time.
Others may think of us different ways, but God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.' (2 Timothy 1:7) God doesnt want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.
Why did God give the Law - so high, So demanding, So unreasonable humanly speaking that no body (no man, no woman, no boy, no girl) has ever been able to keep them?
Spiritual growth is detailed in 2 Peter 1:3-8, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
The Bible not only gives us portraits of Gods grace, as with the healing of Naaman, but it also gives us striking, clear, and up-front portraits of mans sinfulness and perversion. Its never a pretty picture, but it is a necessary one if we are to see our sickness and helplessness and turn in repentance to the grace of God. These portraits in Scripture serve as instructions and warnings to turn us to God and a life of godliness and away from a life of ungodliness
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is fundamental to the Christian faith. If Christ had not been resurrected, then faith in Him would be useless, preaching about Him would make no sense, and the witnesses of His resurrection would be liars. The document then provides historical evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources that Jesus died by crucifixion and that various people encountered Him alive after His death. It discusses objections to the resurrection and the transformed behavior of Jesus' disciples after His death, noting that they were willing to be martyred for their proclamation of Jesus' resurrection.
On a personal level, aren't we all in need of the LORD's help to one degree or another every day? As Paul reminds us in Acts, God "is not far from each one of us for in Him we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:27, 28) We need His help every moment of every day!
1) Samson was born to save the Israelites from the Philistines, as God had purposed his birth for that reason.
2) Before birth, Samson was set apart as a Nazarite, dedicated entirely to God, refraining from wine and allowing his hair to grow untrimmed.
3) Samson possessed supernatural strength bestowed by God, not mere muscles, though he lost it through disobedience, falling into the hands of Delilah and becoming a spectacle for his enemies.
The document discusses several issues that negatively impact youth in homes and churches. It states that many youth have a poor understanding of the Bible and how it applies to their lives. They also struggle to see how they fit into God's redemptive story. Additionally, many youth lack the desire and ability to study and apply God's word to their lives. The consumer mentality has also skewed how youth view the church, and youth often operate in extremes by overemphasizing mission work while ignoring personal growth and study. While more technologically connected, youth experience more isolation than ever.
This document discusses the biblical tribe of Dan and explores some key figures associated with it. It notes that Dan is omitted from the twelve tribes listed in Revelation and shares some details about the tribe's history of idolatry. Two figures from Dan, Samson and a blind man from Bethsaida, are examined. While Samson prioritized strength over sight, King David's prayer exemplified prioritizing sight. The document closes by asking the reader reflective questions about learning from Dan's example.
Jesus heals a man who was born blind. When Jesus' disciples ask if the man's blindness was due to his own or his parents' sins, Jesus says it was so God's power could be shown. Jesus heals the man by making mud with spit and rubbing it on his eyes, telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. When questioned about the healing, the man testifies boldly about Jesus and glorifies him. The Pharisees expel the man from the synagogue for his belief. Jesus finds the man and tells him he is the Son of Man, and the man believes.
God gives each of special abilities and expects us to be faithful in using what weve been given. Instead of hiding our gifts were to invest them in kingdom service. Theres no getting around the fact that we are responsible for what weve been given
This document discusses the purpose and definition of law. It states that law is a system of rules that governs society, maintains social order, upholds justice, and prevents harm. Specifically, it notes that law provides guidelines for individuals and references biblical passages from the Old and New Testaments relating to God's moral law. The document emphasizes that the purpose of law is to uphold justice and prevent harm to individuals and property.
Summer can be a challenging season for gardeners. Rising temperatures, intense sunlight, and dry conditions can stress plants, leading to wilting, poor growth, or even plant loss. However, with proper care, your garden can stay lush, green, and thriving all summer long.
In this guide, well share 15 essential summer gardening tips to help you maintain moisture, protect plants from heat, and promote healthy growth during the hottest months of the year.
The document contains several Bible verses emphasizing the importance of remembering God, His commands, and His works. It encourages remembering how God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, brought them to the promised land, and enacted righteous laws through Moses. The verses warn against forgetting God and disobeying His commandments. They also reference remembering Jesus' sacrifice and taking communion in remembrance of Him.
David inquired of God twice regarding attacking the Philistines, and both times God told him he would deliver the Philistines into David's hands. The first time David defeated the Philistines at Baal Perazim. The second time, God instructed David not to attack directly but to circle around and attack from the trees, and when David heard sounds in the trees he would know God had gone before them to strike the Philistine army, which is what happened from Gibeon to Gezer.
Ultimately, and perhaps somewhat amazingly, it was God Himself who put Jesus to death. This was the greatest act of divine justice ever carried out, done in the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God (Acts 2:23) and for the highest purpose. Jesus death on the cross secured the salvation of countless millions and provided the only way God could forgive sin without compromising His holiness and perfect righteousness.
Four Challenges to the Deity of Jesus ChristDavid Nandigam
Several challenges to the deity of Christ have emerged including popularized Gnostic gospels questioned by The Da Vinci Code, Islam's denial of Christ's incarnation and deity as it grows globally, religious pluralism holding multiple spiritual paths lead to the same end rather than Christ being the only path to salvation, and the spread of cults like Jehovah's Witnesses rejecting Christ's divinity.
1. The document discusses arguments for and against creationism versus evolution/naturalism in explaining the origins of life.
2. It explores perspectives on whether God created the world or if it created itself through natural processes alone.
3. Several questions are posed about the complexity of the universe, life forms, and human origins to argue that divine design is a more rational explanation than random chance and mutations over time.
Others may think of us different ways, but God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.' (2 Timothy 1:7) God doesnt want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.
Why did God give the Law - so high, So demanding, So unreasonable humanly speaking that no body (no man, no woman, no boy, no girl) has ever been able to keep them?
Spiritual growth is detailed in 2 Peter 1:3-8, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
The Bible not only gives us portraits of Gods grace, as with the healing of Naaman, but it also gives us striking, clear, and up-front portraits of mans sinfulness and perversion. Its never a pretty picture, but it is a necessary one if we are to see our sickness and helplessness and turn in repentance to the grace of God. These portraits in Scripture serve as instructions and warnings to turn us to God and a life of godliness and away from a life of ungodliness
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is fundamental to the Christian faith. If Christ had not been resurrected, then faith in Him would be useless, preaching about Him would make no sense, and the witnesses of His resurrection would be liars. The document then provides historical evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources that Jesus died by crucifixion and that various people encountered Him alive after His death. It discusses objections to the resurrection and the transformed behavior of Jesus' disciples after His death, noting that they were willing to be martyred for their proclamation of Jesus' resurrection.
On a personal level, aren't we all in need of the LORD's help to one degree or another every day? As Paul reminds us in Acts, God "is not far from each one of us for in Him we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:27, 28) We need His help every moment of every day!
1) Samson was born to save the Israelites from the Philistines, as God had purposed his birth for that reason.
2) Before birth, Samson was set apart as a Nazarite, dedicated entirely to God, refraining from wine and allowing his hair to grow untrimmed.
3) Samson possessed supernatural strength bestowed by God, not mere muscles, though he lost it through disobedience, falling into the hands of Delilah and becoming a spectacle for his enemies.
The document discusses several issues that negatively impact youth in homes and churches. It states that many youth have a poor understanding of the Bible and how it applies to their lives. They also struggle to see how they fit into God's redemptive story. Additionally, many youth lack the desire and ability to study and apply God's word to their lives. The consumer mentality has also skewed how youth view the church, and youth often operate in extremes by overemphasizing mission work while ignoring personal growth and study. While more technologically connected, youth experience more isolation than ever.
This document discusses the biblical tribe of Dan and explores some key figures associated with it. It notes that Dan is omitted from the twelve tribes listed in Revelation and shares some details about the tribe's history of idolatry. Two figures from Dan, Samson and a blind man from Bethsaida, are examined. While Samson prioritized strength over sight, King David's prayer exemplified prioritizing sight. The document closes by asking the reader reflective questions about learning from Dan's example.
Jesus heals a man who was born blind. When Jesus' disciples ask if the man's blindness was due to his own or his parents' sins, Jesus says it was so God's power could be shown. Jesus heals the man by making mud with spit and rubbing it on his eyes, telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. When questioned about the healing, the man testifies boldly about Jesus and glorifies him. The Pharisees expel the man from the synagogue for his belief. Jesus finds the man and tells him he is the Son of Man, and the man believes.
God gives each of special abilities and expects us to be faithful in using what weve been given. Instead of hiding our gifts were to invest them in kingdom service. Theres no getting around the fact that we are responsible for what weve been given
This document discusses the purpose and definition of law. It states that law is a system of rules that governs society, maintains social order, upholds justice, and prevents harm. Specifically, it notes that law provides guidelines for individuals and references biblical passages from the Old and New Testaments relating to God's moral law. The document emphasizes that the purpose of law is to uphold justice and prevent harm to individuals and property.
Summer can be a challenging season for gardeners. Rising temperatures, intense sunlight, and dry conditions can stress plants, leading to wilting, poor growth, or even plant loss. However, with proper care, your garden can stay lush, green, and thriving all summer long.
In this guide, well share 15 essential summer gardening tips to help you maintain moisture, protect plants from heat, and promote healthy growth during the hottest months of the year.
Vietnams Growing Medical Tourism: Tran Quoc Bao at the ForefrontIgnite Capital
Nikkei Asia - Vietnam is quickly becoming an emerging hub for medical tourism, with advanced treatments, cutting-edge technology, and affordable healthcare services attracting international patients. Dr. Tran Quoc Bao, Chief Commercial Officer at Cao Thang Eye Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, plays a pivotal role in promoting Vietnams healthcare sector to the world. As a healthcare ambassador, he is helping elevate Vietnams medical tourism offerings, positioning the country as a prime destination for foreign patients seeking world-class care at a fraction of the cost.
Vietnams hospitals, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, are drawing both local and international patients, especially for high-tech treatments like organ transplants, cardiovascular interventions, and advanced eye surgeries. Notable hospitals, such as Cao Thang Eye Hospital, are becoming hotspots for medical tourism, thanks to the availability of cutting-edge equipment and advanced techniques, including the ReLex SMILE method for refractive eye surgery. This treatment, along with femtosecond laser techniques, has garnered international attention, attracting patients from Europe, the U.S., and Australia.
The affordability of medical treatments in Vietnam is another key factor fueling the growth of medical tourism. A LASIK treatment in Vietnam costs approximately $600 per eye, compared to $1,000-$3,000 in neighboring countries. Kidney transplants, for instance, are one-third the cost in Vietnam compared to Thailand or China. This affordability, coupled with high-quality care, has made Vietnam a go-to destination for patients seeking cost-effective solutions to complex medical procedures.
Dr. Bao emphasizes the potential of combining healthcare with tourism, noting that foreign patients are increasingly choosing Vietnam not just for medical treatment but also to explore the countrys rich cultural and natural landmarks. This growing trend of medical tourism is reflected in the countrys rising international patient numbers, as more hospitals work to create specialized services tailored to foreign patients.
The Vietnam National Tourism Administration has set its sights on boosting medical tourism further, following in the footsteps of countries like Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore. Hospitals like Cao Thang Eye Hospital are at the forefront, providing high-tech treatments while also promoting Vietnams vibrant tourism industry. With growing interest from international patients and advancements in medical technology, Vietnam is poised to become a significant player in the global medical tourism market.
Under Dr. Tran Quoc Baos leadership, Cao Thang Eye Hospital continues to build Vietnams reputation as a trusted destination for medical travelers, offering both world-class healthcare and the chance to experience the beauty and culture of Vietnam.
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
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Tran Quoc Bao of City International Hospital Promotes Vietnam as Southeast As...Ignite Capital
Dr. Tran Quoc Bao, Chief Planning and Marketing Officer of City International Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, is spearheading efforts to position Vietnam as a leading medical tourism destination in Southeast Asia. Speaking at the Southeast Asia Hospital Expansion Summit 2019 in Bangkok, Bao highlighted Vietnams rapid growth in healthcare and wellness, emphasizing its increasing appeal to foreign patients seeking affordable, high-quality medical services. With the countrys medical sector expanding by 18-20% annually and attracting over 80,000 international patients, Vietnam is on track to become a key player in the global medical tourism market.
Vietnam's strategic location in Southeast Asia, combined with its political stability, makes it an accessible and safe destination for medical travelers. According to Bao, the country's healthcare providers deliver world-class care at a fraction of the cost compared to neighboring countries, further boosting its potential as a healthcare hub. There is enormous potential in Vietnams healthcare and medical tourism sectors, Bao stated at the summit.
Despite the promising outlook, Bao acknowledged the challenges facing the sector, particularly the low level of awareness among foreign patients and the limited number of internationally-accredited hospitals in Vietnam. He proposed several initiatives to address these issues. Key among them is the creation of a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of Vietnams healthcare offerings, using digital platforms and social media to target medical tourists across the region. Additionally, he stressed the importance of Vietnamese hospitals earning international accreditation, such as Joint Commission International (JCI), to build trust and credibility.
Bao also recommended enhancing regional collaboration by sending Vietnamese healthcare representatives to participate in networking events and partnerships with associations in Southeast Asia. This approach would help spread awareness of Vietnams medical tourism potential and foster cross-border patient management systems to optimize healthcare exchanges within the region.
The Southeast Asia Hospital Expansion Summit provided a platform for investors and healthcare leaders to discuss opportunities in the growing medical tourism market, which sees millions of patients traveling across Southeast Asia each year. As a top-ranked international hospital in Vietnam, City International Hospital is at the forefront of this movement, positioning itself as a key institution in the country's healthcare expansion.
With Dr. Baos leadership, City International Hospital continues to pave the way for Vietnam to become a recognized hub for high-quality, affordable healthcare and medical tourism in Southeast Asia and beyond.
Reimagining Colorado's Future_ The Evolution of Urban Development.pdfRoger Chivukula
Roger Chivukula is a real estate investor, philanthropist and family man . He is based in Colorado and specializes in property investment and sustainable development. Roger is also passionate about community service and continues to make meaningful contributions through his professional ventures and philanthropic efforts.
Roger Chivukula, was born in New York on July 1, 1974. Roger's early passion for sports, particularly lacrosse, played a significant role in his early years. Lacrosse was a major part of Roger's life in college where, At Le Moyne University, Roger excelled in the classroom and field, earning a degree while becoming a letter-winning Men's Lacrosse team member.
After graduating from La Moyne he soon moved to Colorado to enjoy the great outdoors. He spent a season teaching skiing at Breckenridge and quickly realized Colorado is where he wanted to plant his roots. Roger Chivukula shifted his focus to real estate investing, where he found both challenge and reward. Roger's real estate portfolio includes various properties, from residential developments to commercial ventures.
Roger has focused on acquiring homes with potential for improvement. By investing in properties that need renovations, he has brought them back to life and offered affordable housing options in high-demand areas. His efforts have benefited investors and positively impacted the communities where his properties are located.
Additionally, Roger Chivukula is involved with commercial real estate, particularly office spaces and retail developments. His understanding of market trends and his ability to anticipate shifts in demand have allowed him to make informed decisions that lead to profitable ventures. Whether acquiring undervalued properties or investing in new construction, Roger has shown an impressive ability to see opportunities where others may not.
Real estate development has also been a significant aspect of Roger's career. He has handled projects that contribute to the growth and modernization of Colorado's urban areas. By working closely with contractors, architects, and local officials, Roger has helped shape the scenery of the communities where he operates, ensuring that new developments are profitable, sustainable, and in line with the community's needs.
MTA - City International Hospital's Tran Quoc Bao Shares Insights on Pioneeri...Ignite Capital
City International Hospital (CIH) has become a leading player in global medical tourism, providing exceptional care to international patients. With over 11 years of experience, CIH specializes in over 20 medical fields, including stroke, cardiology, and surgery, and has earned global recognition. Honored with a Gold Membership from the Medical Tourism Association (MTA), CIH continues to expand its reach, attracting patients from across the globe.
Dr. Tran Quoc, Planning & Marketing Director, discusses the hospital's unique approach to patient care, its comprehensive services, and its vision for the future of medical travel. CIH emphasizes a holistic care model, personalized treatment, and advanced medical technology, fostering a nurturing environment for recovery. The hospital's commitment to excellence is reflected in its features across major global platforms such as Voice of America, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo, and Hospital Insights.
Men's shops in Shahabad began with a simple yet profound vision: to redefine the fashion industry by offering clothing that not only looks good but also feels good. We noticed a gap in the market where style often compromised comfort, and vice versa. Determined to bridge this divide, we set out to create a brand that marries the two seamlessly.
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Bouncing Back_ How Strategic Investments Fuel Business Resurgence by Patrick ...Patrick Walsh CEO
As noted by Patrick Walsh CEO, in the fast-paced business world, its not uncommon for companies to face sudden setbacks that threaten their survival. Whether caused by economic downturns, poor management decisions, or industry shifts, the path to recovery is often long and challenging. However, for savvy investors, these periods of struggle can present incredible opportunities. The key lies in recognizing which businesses have the potential for a successful resurgence and being ready to support them through recovery.
4. The sword shall never
depart from your
house, because you
have despised Me.
David's Chastening
Read 2 Samuel 13 - 19
5. We must not sin willfully
It was a single moment of
godlessness on the part
of the King David that
brought all the sorrow,
heartache, and tragedy
involving his own son
Read 2 Samuel 13 - 19
7. We must not live
after the flesh
For if you live
according to the
flesh you will die....
Romans 8:13
8. Now all these
things happened
to them as
examples, and
they were written
for our warning.
1 Cor 10:11
9. ... if we deliberately
continue sinning after
we have received
knowledge of the
truth, there is no
longer any
sacrifice that will
cover these sins.
Heb 10:26-29