The document discusses why change is difficult by using the metaphor of an elephant (emotional mind) and rider (rational mind). It explains that the emotional elephant is powerful and driven by habit, while the rational rider struggles to control it and implement long term goals. To create change, one must direct the rational rider to set clear goals and steps. They must also motivate the emotional elephant by appealing to its emotions and breaking large changes into small, achievable successes. Finally, the environment must be shaped to encourage the desired behavior change.
2. Why is Change so Hard?
Rational mind: Rider
Analytical and slow to act
Emotional mind : Elephant
Impulsive and susceptible to habit
3. Why is Change so Hard?
Perched atop the Elephant and holding the reins
The analytical Rider appears to be in control
But the emotional Elephant is powerful
and enormous in size relative to the Rider
The analytical Rider's ability to strategize for long-
term goals can easily be thwarted by the emotional
Elephant's desire for instant gratification
4. Why is Change so Hard?
The Elephant isn't always the bad guy
He has strengths as well as weaknesses, as does
the Rider
In his capacity for emotion, the Elephant
can supply the energy and determination
needed to reach a goal
The Rider, on the other hand, despite his
analytical ability, can actually slow down
progress if he is unable to stop analyzing and
reach final decisions
5. Why is Change so Hard?
You have to make dual appeals in order to
effect change:
"The Rider provides the planning and direction,
and the Elephant provides the energy"
3 Underlying Tenets
1) What looks like resistance to change is often
a lack of clarity
2) Self-control is an exhaustible resource
3) To change behavior, you have to change the
6. Why is Change so Hard?
3-point pattern for change
Direct the Rider: Indecision Slows Progress
Define your goals--not just your ultimate goal, but
each step--script your critical moves
Motivate the Elephant: Let Him Dream Your Dream
Find the feeling" and Shrink the change"
You can't move the Elephant with facts; you have to
generate enthusiasm for the destination
Give the Elephant a series of small goals leading to small
successes, and larger goals will seem to shrink
Shape the Path: Tweak the Environment
If you are in a setting that is not conducive to your
success, your goal becomes that much more elusive
7. Why is Change so Hard?
Because People Do Not
Move from inactionable to-dos and projects to
well defined, do-able, next actions
Put their power of analysis to work on figuring
out how to get to a motivating destination or
goal, rather than using analysis to resist the
Attribute peoples behavior to the
situation they are in, but rather to the way
they are.
8. Strategic Change Management
Mentally plan the action you want to take and the
trigger for that behavior and you can almost triple
your success rate from simply planning the
For more complicated habits, using checklists
can help ingrain, script, and even trigger
desired behavior
Shape the Path, motivate the Elephant, and
direct the Rider at the same time, and you are
on your way
Direct the Rider
Motivate the Elephant
Shape the Path