The US is experiencing a dramatic rise in cities and the amenities that attract people to them. At the same time, however, Bedroom Communities still dominate the landscape and play an important role in the success of the region as a whole. Their location around the periphery of cities puts a strain on county budgets statewide: in how to fund and maintain infrastructure projects, while continuing to focus on safety, and ensure a high quality of life. As we see active living efforts connect people to cities and their amenities, the transition of these bedroom communities in taking on more urban qualities will play an important role in the success of broad active transportation networks.
Landscape Performance: Tools to Estimate Benefits and Promote Sustainable Lan...Virtual ULI
The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote sustainable landscape solutions through research, education, and outreach. Some key points:
1) LAF launched the Landscape Performance Series (LPS), an online collection of resources to quantify the benefits of sustainable landscapes and make the case for these solutions.
2) LPS includes case study briefs, a benefits toolkit, and fact sheets. It provides tools to estimate metrics like stormwater capture and carbon sequestration.
3) LAF is working to build the LPS content and roll out the tools to audiences like landscape architects, engineers, and developers to influence design and decision making.
Greenways provide essential green infrastructure for communities by protecting natural areas like streams, forests, and wetlands. They help manage growth, provide flood protection, improve water quality and air quality, and support native species. Greenways can shape growth patterns, connect people to outdoor spaces and each other, and boost economic development through tourism and increased property values. Investing in greenway systems leaves a legacy and benefits communities for generations to come.
Bike Week is the biggest nationwide cycling event in the UK. A national celebration of cycling, Bike Week helps you get more out of life by getting on your bike and exploring your local community.
Bike Week focuses on encouraging families to taking up cycling as a regular activity in their local community. Bike Week is the time to live local and get cycling.
Bike Week is free to enter and open to everyone you can either take part in an event or organise one yourself, you dont have to be an experienced cyclist either, anyone can set up a Bike Week event.
To find out more about organising a Bike Week Event, or to see what events are going on in your area, go to
This document discusses sustainable lifestyles and actions that workplaces can take to support shifts towards more sustainable living among employees. It provides examples of initiatives taken by companies like Ikea, SAP Labs, KPMG, and The Guardian to promote sustainable transportation, food choices, working conditions and other lifestyle areas. The document argues that workplaces are well positioned to motivate tangible shifts through offerings like sustainable catering, procurement, investing, mobility options and building green infrastructure. It also stresses the importance of focusing on collective action and systems change in addition to individual choices.
This document provides an overview and update on various active transportation programs run by TransLink and VACC. It discusses the Bike to Work Week program, Bike to School initiatives, Streetwise cycling courses, TravelSmart programs, Great Rides recreational rides, and plans for future Vancouver LiveStreets events. Evaluation results found programs increased cycling rates and educated many students and adults. Recommendations include expanding programs, better integrating with partners, and improving data collection.
Active travel - Promoting walking and cycling at workSustainableTravel
Learn the benefits of promoting walking and cycling at work and some fun activities you can run. For more details take a look at our website
Bike Life - Tim Burns at Cycle City Active City Bradford 2017Sustrans
Bike Life collects data on cycling provision, perceptions, behaviours and impact, and helps local authorities, city transport planners and wider industry professionals to make the case for everyday cycling in cities.
Increase Rotary's Impact and Reach through Rotary Community Corps PresentationRotary International
Rotary Community Corps (RCCs) are our non-Rotarian partners in service. Under the sponsorship of Rotary clubs, they plan, conduct, and support service projects to improve their communities. RCCs are a great way to enhance Rotarys impact and reach around the world. Attend this session to learn how to establish RCCs and maximize the benefits of this partnership.
AAFCS Taking It to The Streets Program Presentation 2013Barbara O'Neill
This document outlines the AAFCS Taking It to the Streets initiative from 2012-2013. The initiative aimed to utilize family and consumer sciences research and expertise to respond to critical issues. In 2012-2013, the initiative focused on the impact of the economy on families, providing resources and strategies for families to manage their finances and respond to economic hardship. It encouraged involvement from AAFCS communities, affiliates, and professionals to educate others and take action in their communities on this issue.
1) The document discusses strategies for creating bikeable communities, including establishing a vision, building partnerships, implementing infrastructure projects, promoting a bike culture, and quantifying the economic and health benefits of bicycling.
2) Examples are given of cities that have added hundreds of miles of bike lanes and seen large increases in bicycling rates and decreases in injuries.
3) Studies show that investments in trails and bike infrastructure can yield large economic returns through increased property values, tourism, and business growth.
Create a marketing strategy for your non-profit from scratch! This presentation covers a Marketing & Communications Overview, an
Integrated Campaign Example (BU Giving Day), details on, Web Presence, Online Giving, and Mobile, Email, Leveraging Social Media, and The Role of Video.
Equity in Bike Share: Practical Methods for Addressing Equity and Measuring Outcomes
Abstract: Bike share systems across the country have experienced enormous success in ridership and popularity, but riders are not always representative of the local population. This panel focuses on how to design, administer, communicate about, and evaluate programs to reach people most in need of this healthy, affordable travel option.
Presenter: Morgan Whitcomb Sam Schwartz Engineering
Co-Presenter: Melissa Ballate Blue Daring
Co-Presenter: Andrew Duvall University of Colorado Denver
Co-Presenter: Nicole Freedman City of Boston
Bike share is a region-wide program that allows the public to rent bicycles docked at self-service stations. You can access the bikes with a day pass or annual membership. Pick them up at one station and drop them off at another. Bike share serves both locals and visitors; a fun and healthy way to reach your destination. Bike share complements other forms of public transit and supports local businesses.
Bike share is rolling in 500 cities worldwide with over 500,000 bikes. By the end of next year, 75 cities in North America will have a program, including our region!
Coast Bike Share is Tampas community Bike Share Program. Residents and visitors will have access to 300 public bicycles distributed throughout downtown, Ybor City, and Hyde Park. Use the bikes to commute to work, do errands, visit friends, or just for fun!
Bike Share will enhance transportation options by making it possible to quickly access a public bicycle near places of employment, tourist destinations, educational institutions, and transit stops. The program seeks to encourage bicycle usage as an environmentally-friendly and congestion reducing transportation option.
The document outlines plans for expanding Philadelphia's bike share program to improve social equity. It discusses establishing bike share as an affordable and accessible transportation option that connects communities across the city. A $5.9 million grant will fund research on barriers to bike share use among low-income residents, targeted marketing, installing 20 stations in low-income areas, and a universal access program without credit card requirements. The grant also aims to develop national best practices through research, convenings, and challenge grants to other cities and non-profits.
RV 2014: Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles by Whitney PitkanenRail~Volution
Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles AICP CM 1.5
Pasadena, Charlotte and Boulder have all gotten creative to connect their first and last miles. Learn how as we explore what's often the last piece of the transportation puzzle. See how bicycle and pedestrian improvements can provide access to busy corridors and enable everyone to start and complete their trips. First and last miles can take many forms: Investigate a range of solutions here.
Moderator: Dylan Jones, Architect, Gensler, Los Angeles, California
Carlos Hernandez, AICP, Principal, Fox Tuttle Transportation Group, Boulder, Colorado
Dan Gallagher, AICP, Transportation Planning Manager, Charlotte Department of Transportation, Charlotte, North Carolina
Whitney Pitkanen, Senior Project Manager, CALSTART, Pasadena, California
Genevieve Hutchison, Senior Transportation Planner/Bicycle Program Coordinator, Denver, Colorado
Arts Council England Environmental Reporting - Communicating SuccessJulie's Bicycle
A reminder of the environmental reporting requirements including how to add new data to the IG Tools, plus a special focus on : Top tips on what you should be sharing with your stakeholders and how to do so effectively.
The Garage Sale Trail is a government-enabled program that organizes communities around Australia to host garage sales on one day each year. This increases reuse and recycling while bringing communities together and stimulating local economies. The program has grown significantly since starting in 2010 with just over 100 participants. In 2012 over 7,000 sellers from 28 councils participated. The goal for 2013 was 15,000+ sellers from 60-80 councils nationally. Councils are key partners and are provided with branding, websites, and guides to promote the event. Their role includes outreach, media opportunities, and using council channels to promote it as a council-driven program. This helps to increase participation and positive social and environmental outcomes.
This document provides guidance on how small communities can make a big impact through community engagement and partnerships. It recommends informing local news outlets, health departments, schools, businesses and non-profits about events. Affordable events like group bike rides, pop-up activities, classes and walks can promote health and connectivity. Partnerships with organizations that share goals can maximize impact. Regular communication through multiple marketing channels helps spread the word. Overall, connecting with the whole community is key to improving public health.
"It takes a village to recycle a bike"
After months of great work we are pleased to publish Wilkinson's Wheels - Draft Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023. Thanks so much for all this input, discussions, feedback and encouragement.
We could not have done this without the amazing guidance of Samantha Sami and her brilliant coaching skills.
Thanks to the dozens and dozens of volunteers and local businesses for believing in us, that have helped us get this far and have helped us be fearless in what we want to achieve.
Special thanks also to our co-founders Lara Le Reveur Leah Rushford Rob McLoughlin Bron Neill John McBell Noel Irwin (Jo-Ann Irwin) Aloysius Theodore-Ursus (mark horner).
Our main supporters Macedon Nursery and Garden Supplies and Gisborne & District Community Bank Branch
We welcome all comments.
Financial literacy is a serious subject. Corporations and colleges are beginning to recognize how crucial it is for students and young adults to learn basic financial and economic principlesfor themselves and society. In 2012, volunteers from Vanguard launched My Classroom Economy, a free financial education program for students in grades K-12. In five years, Vanguard has reached 600,000 students in all 50 states and Canada.
In this session, Vanguards Community Stewardship leaders and a cross-functional team of My Classroom Economy volunteers will share how a passionate, creative, and diverse team can develop a corporate citizenship program that creates social value by tapping employees professional skills.
Attendees will learn:
Where My Classroom Economy fits into Vanguards community impact and giving back strategy.
How Vanguard implemented My Classroom Economy by leveraging employee volunteers from a wide range of functions within the companyfrom IT to HR to marketing and more.
How to make the most of existing resources within your company to develop or improve corporate citizenship programs.
Carra Cote-Ackah, Executive Director, Community Stewardship, Vanguard
Kyra Scalea, Manager, Community Stewardship, Vanguard
Nate Prosser, HR Senior Manager, Vanguard
Liz Krueger, HR Manager, Vanguard
Colton Fisher, Head of Institutional Investment Marketing, Vanguard
The Convergence Partnership, formed in 2006, is a collaborative of funders, such as Kresge, RWJF and Kellogg, whose goal of policy and environmental change will help reinvent communities of healthy people living in healthy places. The partnership has been doing collective impact for seven years, long before this became the buzz in the nonprofit world. During this webinar, the speakers discussed how these examples of local and regional partnerships can inform future collective impact work and help advance CI work with the use of an equity, policy and advocacy lens.
Jasmine N. Hall Ratliff, Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Amanda Maria Navarro, Deputy Director, PolicyLink
The South East of Scotland Transport Partnership is launching a regional e-bike program; GO e-Bike with the aim of increasing usage and awareness of power assisted cycling across the South East of Scotland and beyond. GO e-Bikes launches with 5 different projects in St. Andrews, Buckhaven, West Lothian and Falkirk and will also be encouraging employers to get involved with a Try a GO e-Bike Roadshow. GO e-Bike aims to promote a healthier more active population, reduce inequalities in our communities and improve our environment.
The Advocacy Leadership Institute: Empowering Advocates for Bikeable Communities
Learn about the rise of the Advocacy Leadership Institute (ALI), a grassroots bike/ped advocacy training program that started in Seattle, WA. Since its inception in 2012, the ALI model has spread to two other cities in the U.S. and has taught four cohorts of leaders in Seattle alone. The most recent version of ALI is about to launch in Richmond, VA.
Presenter: Max Hepp-Buchanan Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers
Co-Presenter: Brock Howell Cascade Bicycle Club
Learning Route preparatory webinar - Overview and Most Significant change tec...SUN Civil Society Network
This document discusses a webinar on leveraging the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network to promote learning on addressing malnutrition across multiple countries in Africa. The webinar covered:
- The objectives of enhancing civil society advocacy and communication skills to support national nutrition priorities and hold governments accountable.
- The learning route program that would directly target civil society alliances in 10 countries in Africa to build skills in areas like policy tracking, advocacy, and social mobilization.
- Introducing the Most Significant Change technique for participatory evaluation and learning to collect stories of change from interventions and systematically analyze them to inform future plans and demonstrate results.
Stena & bring digital pr + organic social feb 2019stena1daniels
This document outlines a proposed digital PR and organic social strategy for Stena Line. It discusses how "hero pieces" that build the brand can attract target audiences and establish credibility. It then provides examples of past award-winning campaigns and content ideas focused on tourism, nostalgia, and influencer partnerships. The organic social proposal recommends posting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to support campaigns and promotions while driving engagement. Key performance indicators, processes, and monthly reporting are also reviewed. The presentation aims to get sign off on initial hero campaign ideas and timelines to move the strategy forward.
Effective, Inviting & Inclusive Campaigning - Workshop and Ideas-sharingMatt Turner
This is the workshop presentation I gave at the CTC/CycleNation conference in October 2015.
It focuses on specific ideas that CycleSheffield have used as part of our campaigning work.
Download the slides to see all the notes.
After meeting with client (Cat Town) to determine brand key words, target audience, & key influencers, we were able to develop a social media marketing plan for the client and present it to them via a powerpoint packaged product as well as a more detailed strategy booklet.
How can we overcome our fears, address necessary skepticism, and unlock the power of the next
generation technology ecosystem to enhance the profession of landscape architecture? This session will explore the
forefront of innovation, discussing how AI-driven solutions will optimize planning, visualization, detailing, and resource
management within the profession. These tools will play a pivotal role in how landscape architects shape a greener,
smarter, and more beautiful world.
Whose Parks: How Race, Class, Gender, and History Drive the Experience of Pla...Jonathon Geels
Parks and public spaces frequently espouse their systemic value, but benefits can vary by race, class, and gender. How can we empower people and place? From monuments to master plans, this session highlights the integration of active anti-racism, feminism, and socioeconomic equity into design process and iteratively create lasting change.
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Similar to The Evolving Bicycle Ecosystem Around Suburban Communities (20)
Increase Rotary's Impact and Reach through Rotary Community Corps PresentationRotary International
Rotary Community Corps (RCCs) are our non-Rotarian partners in service. Under the sponsorship of Rotary clubs, they plan, conduct, and support service projects to improve their communities. RCCs are a great way to enhance Rotarys impact and reach around the world. Attend this session to learn how to establish RCCs and maximize the benefits of this partnership.
AAFCS Taking It to The Streets Program Presentation 2013Barbara O'Neill
This document outlines the AAFCS Taking It to the Streets initiative from 2012-2013. The initiative aimed to utilize family and consumer sciences research and expertise to respond to critical issues. In 2012-2013, the initiative focused on the impact of the economy on families, providing resources and strategies for families to manage their finances and respond to economic hardship. It encouraged involvement from AAFCS communities, affiliates, and professionals to educate others and take action in their communities on this issue.
1) The document discusses strategies for creating bikeable communities, including establishing a vision, building partnerships, implementing infrastructure projects, promoting a bike culture, and quantifying the economic and health benefits of bicycling.
2) Examples are given of cities that have added hundreds of miles of bike lanes and seen large increases in bicycling rates and decreases in injuries.
3) Studies show that investments in trails and bike infrastructure can yield large economic returns through increased property values, tourism, and business growth.
Create a marketing strategy for your non-profit from scratch! This presentation covers a Marketing & Communications Overview, an
Integrated Campaign Example (BU Giving Day), details on, Web Presence, Online Giving, and Mobile, Email, Leveraging Social Media, and The Role of Video.
Equity in Bike Share: Practical Methods for Addressing Equity and Measuring Outcomes
Abstract: Bike share systems across the country have experienced enormous success in ridership and popularity, but riders are not always representative of the local population. This panel focuses on how to design, administer, communicate about, and evaluate programs to reach people most in need of this healthy, affordable travel option.
Presenter: Morgan Whitcomb Sam Schwartz Engineering
Co-Presenter: Melissa Ballate Blue Daring
Co-Presenter: Andrew Duvall University of Colorado Denver
Co-Presenter: Nicole Freedman City of Boston
Bike share is a region-wide program that allows the public to rent bicycles docked at self-service stations. You can access the bikes with a day pass or annual membership. Pick them up at one station and drop them off at another. Bike share serves both locals and visitors; a fun and healthy way to reach your destination. Bike share complements other forms of public transit and supports local businesses.
Bike share is rolling in 500 cities worldwide with over 500,000 bikes. By the end of next year, 75 cities in North America will have a program, including our region!
Coast Bike Share is Tampas community Bike Share Program. Residents and visitors will have access to 300 public bicycles distributed throughout downtown, Ybor City, and Hyde Park. Use the bikes to commute to work, do errands, visit friends, or just for fun!
Bike Share will enhance transportation options by making it possible to quickly access a public bicycle near places of employment, tourist destinations, educational institutions, and transit stops. The program seeks to encourage bicycle usage as an environmentally-friendly and congestion reducing transportation option.
The document outlines plans for expanding Philadelphia's bike share program to improve social equity. It discusses establishing bike share as an affordable and accessible transportation option that connects communities across the city. A $5.9 million grant will fund research on barriers to bike share use among low-income residents, targeted marketing, installing 20 stations in low-income areas, and a universal access program without credit card requirements. The grant also aims to develop national best practices through research, convenings, and challenge grants to other cities and non-profits.
RV 2014: Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles by Whitney PitkanenRail~Volution
Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles AICP CM 1.5
Pasadena, Charlotte and Boulder have all gotten creative to connect their first and last miles. Learn how as we explore what's often the last piece of the transportation puzzle. See how bicycle and pedestrian improvements can provide access to busy corridors and enable everyone to start and complete their trips. First and last miles can take many forms: Investigate a range of solutions here.
Moderator: Dylan Jones, Architect, Gensler, Los Angeles, California
Carlos Hernandez, AICP, Principal, Fox Tuttle Transportation Group, Boulder, Colorado
Dan Gallagher, AICP, Transportation Planning Manager, Charlotte Department of Transportation, Charlotte, North Carolina
Whitney Pitkanen, Senior Project Manager, CALSTART, Pasadena, California
Genevieve Hutchison, Senior Transportation Planner/Bicycle Program Coordinator, Denver, Colorado
Arts Council England Environmental Reporting - Communicating SuccessJulie's Bicycle
A reminder of the environmental reporting requirements including how to add new data to the IG Tools, plus a special focus on : Top tips on what you should be sharing with your stakeholders and how to do so effectively.
The Garage Sale Trail is a government-enabled program that organizes communities around Australia to host garage sales on one day each year. This increases reuse and recycling while bringing communities together and stimulating local economies. The program has grown significantly since starting in 2010 with just over 100 participants. In 2012 over 7,000 sellers from 28 councils participated. The goal for 2013 was 15,000+ sellers from 60-80 councils nationally. Councils are key partners and are provided with branding, websites, and guides to promote the event. Their role includes outreach, media opportunities, and using council channels to promote it as a council-driven program. This helps to increase participation and positive social and environmental outcomes.
This document provides guidance on how small communities can make a big impact through community engagement and partnerships. It recommends informing local news outlets, health departments, schools, businesses and non-profits about events. Affordable events like group bike rides, pop-up activities, classes and walks can promote health and connectivity. Partnerships with organizations that share goals can maximize impact. Regular communication through multiple marketing channels helps spread the word. Overall, connecting with the whole community is key to improving public health.
"It takes a village to recycle a bike"
After months of great work we are pleased to publish Wilkinson's Wheels - Draft Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023. Thanks so much for all this input, discussions, feedback and encouragement.
We could not have done this without the amazing guidance of Samantha Sami and her brilliant coaching skills.
Thanks to the dozens and dozens of volunteers and local businesses for believing in us, that have helped us get this far and have helped us be fearless in what we want to achieve.
Special thanks also to our co-founders Lara Le Reveur Leah Rushford Rob McLoughlin Bron Neill John McBell Noel Irwin (Jo-Ann Irwin) Aloysius Theodore-Ursus (mark horner).
Our main supporters Macedon Nursery and Garden Supplies and Gisborne & District Community Bank Branch
We welcome all comments.
Financial literacy is a serious subject. Corporations and colleges are beginning to recognize how crucial it is for students and young adults to learn basic financial and economic principlesfor themselves and society. In 2012, volunteers from Vanguard launched My Classroom Economy, a free financial education program for students in grades K-12. In five years, Vanguard has reached 600,000 students in all 50 states and Canada.
In this session, Vanguards Community Stewardship leaders and a cross-functional team of My Classroom Economy volunteers will share how a passionate, creative, and diverse team can develop a corporate citizenship program that creates social value by tapping employees professional skills.
Attendees will learn:
Where My Classroom Economy fits into Vanguards community impact and giving back strategy.
How Vanguard implemented My Classroom Economy by leveraging employee volunteers from a wide range of functions within the companyfrom IT to HR to marketing and more.
How to make the most of existing resources within your company to develop or improve corporate citizenship programs.
Carra Cote-Ackah, Executive Director, Community Stewardship, Vanguard
Kyra Scalea, Manager, Community Stewardship, Vanguard
Nate Prosser, HR Senior Manager, Vanguard
Liz Krueger, HR Manager, Vanguard
Colton Fisher, Head of Institutional Investment Marketing, Vanguard
The Convergence Partnership, formed in 2006, is a collaborative of funders, such as Kresge, RWJF and Kellogg, whose goal of policy and environmental change will help reinvent communities of healthy people living in healthy places. The partnership has been doing collective impact for seven years, long before this became the buzz in the nonprofit world. During this webinar, the speakers discussed how these examples of local and regional partnerships can inform future collective impact work and help advance CI work with the use of an equity, policy and advocacy lens.
Jasmine N. Hall Ratliff, Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Amanda Maria Navarro, Deputy Director, PolicyLink
The South East of Scotland Transport Partnership is launching a regional e-bike program; GO e-Bike with the aim of increasing usage and awareness of power assisted cycling across the South East of Scotland and beyond. GO e-Bikes launches with 5 different projects in St. Andrews, Buckhaven, West Lothian and Falkirk and will also be encouraging employers to get involved with a Try a GO e-Bike Roadshow. GO e-Bike aims to promote a healthier more active population, reduce inequalities in our communities and improve our environment.
The Advocacy Leadership Institute: Empowering Advocates for Bikeable Communities
Learn about the rise of the Advocacy Leadership Institute (ALI), a grassroots bike/ped advocacy training program that started in Seattle, WA. Since its inception in 2012, the ALI model has spread to two other cities in the U.S. and has taught four cohorts of leaders in Seattle alone. The most recent version of ALI is about to launch in Richmond, VA.
Presenter: Max Hepp-Buchanan Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers
Co-Presenter: Brock Howell Cascade Bicycle Club
Learning Route preparatory webinar - Overview and Most Significant change tec...SUN Civil Society Network
This document discusses a webinar on leveraging the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network to promote learning on addressing malnutrition across multiple countries in Africa. The webinar covered:
- The objectives of enhancing civil society advocacy and communication skills to support national nutrition priorities and hold governments accountable.
- The learning route program that would directly target civil society alliances in 10 countries in Africa to build skills in areas like policy tracking, advocacy, and social mobilization.
- Introducing the Most Significant Change technique for participatory evaluation and learning to collect stories of change from interventions and systematically analyze them to inform future plans and demonstrate results.
Stena & bring digital pr + organic social feb 2019stena1daniels
This document outlines a proposed digital PR and organic social strategy for Stena Line. It discusses how "hero pieces" that build the brand can attract target audiences and establish credibility. It then provides examples of past award-winning campaigns and content ideas focused on tourism, nostalgia, and influencer partnerships. The organic social proposal recommends posting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to support campaigns and promotions while driving engagement. Key performance indicators, processes, and monthly reporting are also reviewed. The presentation aims to get sign off on initial hero campaign ideas and timelines to move the strategy forward.
Effective, Inviting & Inclusive Campaigning - Workshop and Ideas-sharingMatt Turner
This is the workshop presentation I gave at the CTC/CycleNation conference in October 2015.
It focuses on specific ideas that CycleSheffield have used as part of our campaigning work.
Download the slides to see all the notes.
After meeting with client (Cat Town) to determine brand key words, target audience, & key influencers, we were able to develop a social media marketing plan for the client and present it to them via a powerpoint packaged product as well as a more detailed strategy booklet.
How can we overcome our fears, address necessary skepticism, and unlock the power of the next
generation technology ecosystem to enhance the profession of landscape architecture? This session will explore the
forefront of innovation, discussing how AI-driven solutions will optimize planning, visualization, detailing, and resource
management within the profession. These tools will play a pivotal role in how landscape architects shape a greener,
smarter, and more beautiful world.
Whose Parks: How Race, Class, Gender, and History Drive the Experience of Pla...Jonathon Geels
Parks and public spaces frequently espouse their systemic value, but benefits can vary by race, class, and gender. How can we empower people and place? From monuments to master plans, this session highlights the integration of active anti-racism, feminism, and socioeconomic equity into design process and iteratively create lasting change.
Session Overview:
As part of our Executive Integral Leadership course at Notre Dame, our team will be presenting to several groups on some of the course content we found applicable. This topic on Polarities explores the types of thinking that can hinder a company's decision making and addresses ways to be more expansive and growth mindset oriented. It was universally appreciated and one that I'm eager to share with our various teams. - Please feel free to share with others as this will be virtual.
Learning Objectives:
Outline the differences between problems and paradoxes
Learn how we suffer and navigate paradoxes
Learn the 5 steps of navigating a polarity
Understand the difference between benefits and overuses of polarities and how to map them
Discuss the transformational throughway
Imagine Pulaski | A community driven plan for Pulaski Park
This open house shared feedback from all of the community outreach and engagement for this park master plan. We also shared our initial design concepts that included plan options and perspectives. The open house featured opportunities for additional input from the community with team members on hand to answer questions.
Accessible to all people, public space embodies the unique opportunities and challenges of creating a more just and resilient society. But what defines public spaces and what role has it played in shaping our communities? At the same time, the groundswell of awareness around inequitable public projects places community-driven design rightfully at the forefront of the design communitys priorities. The engineered strategies of the last several decades have created as many problems as they have solved leading to an understood need for change. This talk will focus on public spaces evolving role and how the design process must adapt to create the type of impact all planners, architects, and landscape architects espouse.
The practice of landscape architecture has never fit into a box. As it continues to evolve, professionals must rise to meet new challenges and develop new ways of practicing. By adapting the traditional practice model, this session explores how to leverage our strengths for greater profitability and professional success.
Protecting the Public: The Regulation of Landscape ArchitectureJonathon Geels
For the past few decades, landscape architects around the country have ranked licensure as a top priority for the profession. While the 50 in 50 was a compelling campaign, the laissez-faire approach to advocacy has jeopardized the role of landscape architects among the design professions. This session will outline the paths to licensure INASLA has taken and how those lessons still apply to our current advocacy efforts. It will also focus on the regulation of landscape architecture and how it pertains to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Finally, it will highlight the strategies developed to combat contemporary licensure battles the profession is facing now and into the future. This presentation was created in collaboration with Jonathon Geels, Meg Storrow, and Malcolm Cairns.
Strategic Cities: Leveraging the Energy Economy for Park SystemsJonathon Geels
As the resource landscape shifts, many are asking whether an era of sustained high resource prices and increased economic, social, and environmental risk is likely to emerge. As significant asset managers in municipalities, the role of park systems in managing those resources is becoming increasingly important, especially on the front of energy.
This presentation highlighted a vision that both the Parks and Recreation/Park Foundation and the St. Joseph County Historic Preservation Dept asked me to provide.
The document discusses the history and evolution of social media and various social media/communication platforms. It covers early platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. It also discusses content management systems, photo sharing platforms, and other tools like Google platforms, Foursquare, and Goodreads. The document then explores marketing, networking, project management, and professional development strategies using social media. It concludes by looking at emerging trends like integrating mobile technology and the gaming layer of the internet.
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The Evolving Bicycle Ecosystem Around Suburban Communities
1. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
The Evolving Bicycle
Ecosystem Around Suburban
2. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
Troyer Group
Transportation and Landscape Architecture
in collaboration with
Friends of Granger Paths
2015 Indiana Bike Summit:
The Evolving Bicycle Ecosystem Around
Suburban Communities
Indianapolis, Indiana
Spring 2015
3. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Discuss the systemic relationship of trail
networks to the health of bedroom
2. Learn performance indicators that
demonstrate value and viability
3. Explore tactics to increasing funding for trail
4. Develop fluency in active living by design
strategies including: awareness, advocacy,
and activism
4. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
ANALYSIS : A Brief History of the Suburbs
5. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
A Brief History of the
Suburban Landscape
1. Impacts on
1. Function
2. Health
2. Contemporary Needs
of Subdivisions
1. Human Centered
2. Opportunities for
6. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
INTRO: A Brief History of the Suburbs
7. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
INTRO : A Brief History of the Suburbs
8. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
INTRO : A Brief History of the Suburbs
The Burbs
1. Impacts on
1. Function
2. Health
2. Contemporary Needs
of Subdivisions
1. Human Centered
2. Opportunities for
9. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
INTRO : A Brief History of the Suburbs
The Burbs
1. Impacts on
1. Function
2. Health
2. Contemporary Needs
of Subdivisions
1. Human Centered
2. Opportunities for
10. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
The Burbs
1. Impacts on
1. Function
2. Health
2. Contemporary Needs
of Subdivisions
1. Human Centered
2. Opportunities for
11. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
The Burbs
1. Impacts on
1. Function
2. Health
2. Contemporary Needs
of Subdivisions
1. Human Centered
2. Opportunities for
12. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Pedestrian Oriented
1. Increasing
Opportunities for active
2. Scale
2. Connecting People to
1. Visually
2. Physically
3. Changing the Metrics
1. Economics
2. More than just how far
3. Coverage
4. Spurring growing
13. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Pedestrian Oriented
1. Increasing
Opportunities for active
2. Scale
2. Connecting People to
1. Visually
2. Physically
3. Changing the Metrics
1. Economics
2. More than just how far
3. Coverage
4. Spurring growing
14. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Pedestrian Oriented
1. Increasing
Opportunities for active
2. Scale
2. Connecting People to
1. Visually
2. Physically
3. Changing the Metrics
1. Economics
2. More than just how far
3. Coverage
4. Spurring growing
15. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Pedestrian Oriented
1. Increasing
Opportunities for active
2. Scale
2. Connecting People to
1. Visually
2. Physically
3. Changing the Metrics
1. Economics
2. More than just how far
3. Coverage
4. Spurring growing
16. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Pedestrian Oriented
1. Increasing
Opportunities for active
2. Scale
2. Connecting People to
1. Visually
2. Physically
3. Changing the Metrics
1. Economics
2. More than just how far
3. Coverage
4. Spurring growing
17. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
18. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Awareness
1. Inform: Discovering
bikeways and
introducing people to
2. Engage and increase
3. Energize: Continued
involvement and
forward progress
2. Case Study: Adams
Trail Granger, IN.
19. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
Summer 2004: Group
inspired by Councilman
Dale Devon meetings with
7 of 15 residents at
meeting want sidewalk
connections to schools and
library for children
7 Residents ask
Councilman Devon to ask
to build sidewalk
improvements for
St. Joseph County does
not have regulations
requiring sidewalks and
parks in developments
For government support
community must show:
Interest from public
Real need
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
20. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
September 2004: First
public meeting
89 public meetings held
Early meetings focused
on meeting public
officials and learning
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
21. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
February 2005: Survey /
Questionnaire for
Community interest in
multi-use paths
Presented by
committee at local
businesses, library and
Home Owners
approximately 200
responses in two week
2% No
4% Not
94% Yes
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
22. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
May 2005: Began work
on Path Master Plan
Worked with Ball State
Universitys College of
Architecture and
Meet with government
Meet with Granger
Reviewed FGP
Conducted land survey
August 2005: Ball States
Master Plan presented
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
23. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
2005 FGP website
Vision Statement
Path Master Plan
Contact information
Initial Transportation
Enhancement (TE)
Grant application
relationships with
government agencies
St. Joseph County
Michiana Area
Council of
Highly competitive
Applied 5 times
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
24. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
May 2006: 1st Granger
Paths 5k Run/Walk
Staged at Harris
Township Library
Over 200 participants
Grown to over 800
participant in 2014
Has become an annual
Information presented
FGPs vision
Master Plan
Petition, to be
included in Countys
Master Transportation
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
25. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
2008: Initial Safe
Routes to School
(SRTS) Grant
Raised $45,000 prior to
receiving any grant
December 2009:
Awarded Federal TE
2008: Initial Safe
Routes to School
(SRTS) Grant
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
26. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
December 2009:
Awarded Federal TE
May 2010:
Kicked off Capital
Campaign Get Up &
Contracted with The
Troyer Group (TTG)
Design and
development of
Adams Trail Phase
October 2010: Awarded
Federal Safe Routes
(SRTS) to School
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
27. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
16 news articles since
2005 in:
Granger Gazette
South Bend Tribune
Inside Granger
Local television stations
Community outreach:
Presented plan at
Home Owner
Association Meetings
Parent Teacher
Knollwood Health
University Park Mall
Health and Fitness
Bike to Work Week
Bike Michiana
Hospice Ride
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
28. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
700 members on e-mail
distribution list
Phase 1 Financial
contributions of
145 businesses
8 foundations
Local residents
Children at Mary
Frank Elementary
School ($800)
Children at
Elemenary School
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
29. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
30. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
CASE STUDY: Adams Trail
31. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Advocacy
1. Interacting with
policymakers from
each level of
2. Make Me Care:
Raising the profile
3. Energize: Continued
involvement and
forward progress
2. Case Study: LaSalle
Trail, South Bend, Indiana
32. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Advocacy
1. Interacting with
policymakers from
each level of
2. Make Me Care:
Raising the profile
3. Energize: Continued
involvement and
forward progress
2. Case Study: LaSalle
Trail, South Bend, Indiana
33. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Entrepreneurial
1. How does benefitting
others ultimately
benefit us?
2. Difficult to fund trails
where there is a high
34. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. Fund Raising
1. Surviving as volunteer
2. The hardships of
maintaining that effort
35. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015
1. The Engaged Designer
1. The job is not over after
2. Spearheading planning
and funding
3. The hardships of
maintaining that effort
2. Integrated,
Collaborative, Diverse
1. Value beyond bike
2. Common missions
36. SPIN 2015: More Than Just A Bike
TROYER GROUP | | Together, We Will#togetherwewill #spIN2015