The document describes a proposed science fiction movie project called "The Final Destiny" by the International Chamber of Natural Science. The movie involves Buddha traveling into the future to reveal the root causes of the present global financial crisis and debt problems. It also provides a two-point solution to resolve these issues and facilitate a tension-free global economy. An approximate $100 million budget is required. Viral marketing strategies are discussed to promote the film, focusing on high-quality content and an engaging elevator pitch.
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Renaissance 2013 - The final destiny of Mankind
1. International Chamber of NaturalInternational Chamber of Natural
Science (ICONS)Science (ICONS)
Chandrakanth Natekar
Bangalore, IndiaBangalore, India
Wednesday, April 19, 2013
2. ICONS’ First Hollywood ScienceICONS’ First Hollywood Science
Fiction Movie ProjectFiction Movie Project
When debt-crisis terrorizes world,
Buddha travels into FuTurE
3. About MeAbout Me
?As a child, when I started studying the ABC
of science,?I realized that all the stellar and
non-stellar bodies of the universe and their
constituents, including human mind, are made
up of matter, but matter always functions in
tune with nature and this inspired me to
investigate the hidden root of everything.
4. About MeAbout Me
?In 1994, at the time of powerful detachment I
came to know that the world is electromagnetic
in nature and every mind can function like a
radio station. Inspired by this vision, I dedicated
myself to observations and study on the
electromagnetic behavior pattern of the universe
as it encompasses both matter and mind. The
5. ElaboratedElaborated ELEvATor pITcHELEvATor pITcH
?When debt-crisis terrorizes world, Buddha
becomes visible in the ‘Vedic Forest’ with Two
poINT SoLuTIoN to travel into future
6. ?THE FINAL DESTINY unifies microscopic and
celestial phenomena of nature?with?the
scientific road-map?for a tension and
recession-free economic zone on earth?to
resolve mankind's dilemmas for all time.
7. ?In the movie, Buddha travels into future and reveals the
unknown hidden legend of both science and economics
to his beloved three missing children of the materialistic
world and explicates the root?cause of present financial
disaster and its unbreakable spiritual bond with the
emerging science of the Golden Age.?
8. ?The Final DesTiny facilitates the entire global population,
corporate world, financial institutions, bankrupted governments
and all the central banks of the world to come out from the spider
lock of debt crisis with the two point timely solution where the
mankind will become free from the hyper inflation which is
dominating the world today.
9. ?Discussing the Two poinT soluTion with
Investors, Venture Capitalists, Academy
award winning or nominated directors, actors
and the production company itself is our
business plan that we will present in ten slides
with ten images and ten elevator pitches.
10. ?As a first step of our journey, we intend to
present the Two poinT soluTion to the
Governor and Deputy Governors of Reserve
Bank of India and the Economic Advisory
Council to the Prime Minister of India
11. ?After the presentation to the Indian
government our journey towards The
Final DesTiny begins
12. ?The Final DesTiny?is not only the Solution
to Economy
?It is a Medicine for Hyper Tension
?Answer for the Pain and sufferings of
?Pathway for Science
?Ultimately, ‘The Last Resort of Mankind’
13. ?M. K. Gandhi says, "We have lost the paradise
only to regain it. If it takes time then it is, but
speck in the complete time cycle. The divine
teacher of Gita (Sri Krishna) knew when he said
that millions of our days are equal to only a day of
Brahma, the Truth”.
16. What is Viral?What is Viral?
?"Going viral" refers to the fact that your
content resonates so enormously that it catches
on fire, and ends up being the latest big-bang
thing across the internet and elsewhere. It is
when your content gets liked, retweeted,
republished, commented on, blogged about,
talked about on the streets of LA to Viti Levu,
and it earns you more views than your wildest
dreams could ever have imagined.
17. According to marketing professors Andreas
Kaplan?and Michael Haenlein, to make viral
marketing work, three basic criteria must be
met, i.e., giving the right message to the right
messengers in the right environment. Only
messages that are both memorable and
sufficiently interesting to be passed on to
others have the potential to spur a viral
marketing phenomenon. The timing and
context of the campaign launch must be right.
18. What Viral Marketing Needs?What Viral Marketing Needs?
?Top quality content.
?Content with a fresh, interesting, positive,
and quirky angle.
?Research and knowledge about your target
?Knowledge about your topic and its
19. Not everything that you think will go viral will.Not everything that you think will go viral will.
Accept that and be honest with yourself about theAccept that and be honest with yourself about the
value, quality, and worthiness of the content in thevalue, quality, and worthiness of the content in the
first place.first place.
20. ?One can cannot separate viral marketing
phenomenon from the elevator pitch and
elevator pitch from the legendary quotes of
spiritual ICONS who Generated, Operated
and Designed the past, present and future
movements of history irrespective of any self-
gain. Their every statement is viral in nature.
the golden secretthe golden secret
21. the truththe truth
? Quality of viral marketing absolutely dependsQuality of viral marketing absolutely depends
on the quality of Elevator Pitch where theon the quality of Elevator Pitch where the
golden secret of all revenue lies. Even thegolden secret of all revenue lies. Even the
Hollywood Box Office is not out of it.Hollywood Box Office is not out of it.
22. Casting PlanCasting Plan
?Apart from this, our proposed casting plan is
another hallmark for the viral marketing that
includes actors from all over the world who
already made a track record in their respective
23. I am not interested to declare the minimum boxI am not interested to declare the minimum box
office expectation. According to me, the rightoffice expectation. According to me, the right
investor can guess the right returns that comes forinvestor can guess the right returns that comes for
the right product at the right time. Such investor isthe right product at the right time. Such investor is
another hallmark for the successful execution ofanother hallmark for the successful execution of
the final destinythe final destiny
24. the final destiny
Long live
For more details check the Synopsis of our Project: