Ordinary individuals on Twitter have more influence than previously thought. While a small number of highly influential "opinion leaders" do exist, the average individual influences just one other person. However, because there are so many ordinary influencers, targeting them collectively could be more cost-effective than targeting the rare highly influential individuals alone. The study analyzed billions of tweets and diffusion "cascades" to predict influence, finding that past influence and number of followers were most predictive, though influence was still difficult to predict for individuals. Content attributes like interestingness and positive sentiment also correlated with larger cascades.
Rezeanu, C.-I. (2015). The Social Construction of Roma Housing Issue: Determinants of Roma and Romanians Perceptions. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 9(1), 66-78
ca s nu mai cititi articolul, am pus rezumatul pe niste slide-uri (樽ncarcate cu prea mult informaie)
Crowdsourcing for Online Data CollectionWinter Mason
際際滷s on how to use crowdsourcing and Amazon's Mechanical Turk for collecting online data, particularly for psychologists. Presented at the Online Data Collection Workshop at ICSTE in Lisbon, Portgual on Jan 9, 2012.
Server side includes (SSI) are directives placed in HTML pages that are evaluated by the server before pages are delivered to users. This allows dynamically generated content to be added to pages without using CGI or other dynamic technologies. SSI works by scanning pages for code elements when requested and performing required actions. Configuration is needed on the server to enable SSI by specifying file types and directives. Common SSI directives include include to insert files, echo to output variables, exec to run commands, and config to set options. SSI can help decrease maintenance by making it easier to update information dynamically on pages.
The document summarizes a student exhibition project on the theme of "Sharing the Planet." Students were divided into groups focusing on topics like forests, animals, energy, and food. Each group of 2-4 students researched their topic using sources like books and the internet. They then worked creatively to present their findings, using methods such as games, videos, and posters. The exhibition provided an opportunity for students to learn about researching, organizing information, working collaboratively, and communicating facts about environmental issues.
This document describes an open source online tool for administering Implicit Association Tests (IATs). The tool allows researchers to create IAT templates with different categories and items, run online studies with participants, and export reaction time data. It has been validated to introduce minimal error and replicates previous IAT findings. The tool aims to make IAT administration freely and widely available online to facilitate research.
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Editio...abnerakhile6
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulterkraahratib
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhicyprubaanu
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Egglestonsapatpaties
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Ordinary individuals on Twitter have more influence than previously thought. While a small number of highly influential "opinion leaders" do exist, the average individual influences just one other person. However, because there are so many ordinary influencers, targeting them collectively could be more cost-effective than targeting the rare highly influential individuals alone. The study analyzed billions of tweets and diffusion "cascades" to predict influence, finding that past influence and number of followers were most predictive, though influence was still difficult to predict for individuals. Content attributes like interestingness and positive sentiment also correlated with larger cascades.
Rezeanu, C.-I. (2015). The Social Construction of Roma Housing Issue: Determinants of Roma and Romanians Perceptions. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 9(1), 66-78
ca s nu mai cititi articolul, am pus rezumatul pe niste slide-uri (樽ncarcate cu prea mult informaie)
Crowdsourcing for Online Data CollectionWinter Mason
際際滷s on how to use crowdsourcing and Amazon's Mechanical Turk for collecting online data, particularly for psychologists. Presented at the Online Data Collection Workshop at ICSTE in Lisbon, Portgual on Jan 9, 2012.
Server side includes (SSI) are directives placed in HTML pages that are evaluated by the server before pages are delivered to users. This allows dynamically generated content to be added to pages without using CGI or other dynamic technologies. SSI works by scanning pages for code elements when requested and performing required actions. Configuration is needed on the server to enable SSI by specifying file types and directives. Common SSI directives include include to insert files, echo to output variables, exec to run commands, and config to set options. SSI can help decrease maintenance by making it easier to update information dynamically on pages.
The document summarizes a student exhibition project on the theme of "Sharing the Planet." Students were divided into groups focusing on topics like forests, animals, energy, and food. Each group of 2-4 students researched their topic using sources like books and the internet. They then worked creatively to present their findings, using methods such as games, videos, and posters. The exhibition provided an opportunity for students to learn about researching, organizing information, working collaboratively, and communicating facts about environmental issues.
This document describes an open source online tool for administering Implicit Association Tests (IATs). The tool allows researchers to create IAT templates with different categories and items, run online studies with participants, and export reaction time data. It has been validated to introduce minimal error and replicates previous IAT findings. The tool aims to make IAT administration freely and widely available online to facilitate research.
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Editio...abnerakhile6
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
New Possibilities for the Past Shaping History Education in Canada 1st Edition Penney Clark
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulterkraahratib
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Test Bank for Strategic Management in Action 6th Edition by Coulter
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhicyprubaanu
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Internet of Things in Business Transformation Parul Gandhi
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Egglestonsapatpaties
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology John Eggleston
2. 油 A megaszt叩r a TV2 magyar kereskedelmi telev鱈zi坦s csatorna eredeti tehets辿gkutat坦 m撤sora. A n辿zk 辿s a zs撤ri egy端tt v叩lasztj叩k ki az ,,v hangj叩t, akit lemezszerzd辿ssel 辿s 辿rt辿kes nyerem辿nyekkel jutalmaznak. Az 旦t旦dik 辿vad 2010-ben ker端lt megrendez辿sre. A v叩logat叩s az 辿v tavasz叩n elkezdd旦tt, A m撤sor augusztus 21-辿n folytat坦dott tov叩bbi v叩logat坦kkal. j szlogen sz端letett az ad叩s sz叩m叩ra: ,, Legenda csak egy van.
3. Mi a Megaszt叩r szlogenje? Csillag vagy Legenda csak egy van 2010 a Megaszt叩r 辿ve 油 Melyik csatorn叩n l叩thatjuk ezt a kutat坦 m撤sort? RTL klub M1 TV2
4. Temptation Island c鱈mmel a m撤sor 坦ri叩si siker Amerik叩ban. N辿gy p叩r kelt 炭tra Magyarorsz叩gr坦l. Az 炭ti c辿ljuk Mexik坦 karibi t辿rs辿ge. A n辿gy p叩r minden egyes tagja v叩llalta, hogy pr坦b叩ra tegye a kapcsolat叩t, 辿s v叩laszt kapjanak az 辿let 旦r旦k nagy k辿rd辿seire: "Vajon megtal叩ltam az igazit? A p叩rom val坦ban engem szeret, vagy ink叩bb m叩ssal kell majd folytatnom az 辿letemet?" A p叩rok tagjai tizenk辿t napig nem tal叩lkozhatnak, nem besz辿lhetnek egym叩ssal. ket huszonk辿t egyed端l叩ll坦 fi炭 辿s l叩ny v叩rja. Minden pillanatban k旦rbelengi ket A K鱈s辿rt辿s ereje. Az 炭j reality 2004. okt坦ber 8-叩n kezdd旦tt.
5. K鱈s辿rt辿s Hogy sz坦l ez a c鱈m angolul? La isla bonita Temptation Island Ship factory island Melyik 辿vben l叩thattuk? 2000 2006 2004
6. Ez a val坦s叩g show az RTL Klub telev鱈zi坦s csatorn叩n j叩tsz坦dott. Minden beszavaz坦 show-n 3 szem辿ly vesz r辿szt, de k旦z端l端k csak egy ker端lhet j叩t辿kba. Ha a vill叩ban kialakult az 旦sszl辿tsz叩m, akkor megkezddhet a kiszavaz叩s. A j叩t辿kosoknak ki kell v叩lasztani egy j叩t辿kost叩rsukat akit szeretn辿nek, hogy kiessen a j叩t辿kb坦l. A harmadik sz辿ria menete annyiban t辿rt el eldei辿tl, hogy szilveszterkor szerelmes p叩rok vet辿lkedtek). A m撤sor az 辿vek sor叩n Magyarorsz叩g legn辿zettebb val坦s叩gshow-ja lett. A Val坦 Vil叩g magyarorsz叩gi sikert旦rt辿nete m叩s orsz叩gokban is megism辿tld旦tt.
7. Ki nyerte a Val坦 Vil叩g 3-at? Frenki Leo Milo H叩ny r辿sze volt eddig? 2 1 3
8. 1998-ban k辿sz端lt, a Peter Weir 叩ltal rendezett film egy olyan f辿rfi t旦rt辿net辿t mutatja be, aki nem tudja, hogy a vil叩g, amiben 辿l, egy mesters辿gesen l辿trehozott val坦s叩gshow-szappanopera, amelyet milli坦k n辿znek a h辿t 168 坦r叩j叩ban. Truman Burbank油(Jim Carrey) egy 叩tlagos amerikai egy 叩tlagos kertv叩rosban, Seavalleyban. Van egy csod叩latos feles辿ge a csod叩latos 辿let辿ben. m mindez csak l叩tszat: a v叩ros nem m叩s mint d鱈szlet, a v叩roslak坦k油sz鱈n辿szek 辿s油statiszt叩k, az aut坦k, a h叩zak, a hivatalok, 辿s minden m叩s pedig puszt叩n csak kell辿kek egy hatalmas油hollywoodi油st炭di坦ban. Egyed端l csak Truman val坦s叩gos a r坦la elnevezett val坦s叩g showban. A v叩ros minden pontj叩n kamer叩k vannak, amik minden mozdulatot vesznek 辿s tov叩bb鱈tanak t旦bb milli坦 t辿v辿n辿znek, mik旦zben Truman mit sem sejtve 辿li a mindennapjait.Minden egy meg鱈rt forgat坦k旦nyv szerint zajlik.
9. Miben t辿r el a Truman show a t旦bbi val坦s叩g showt坦l? A fszerepl tudt叩n k鱈v端l zajlik Lila sz鱈n撤 haja van a fszereplnek A fszerepl t旦rpe ember Mikor k辿sz端lt a film? 2002 1998 2010
10. A Survivor egy t炭l辿l show. A m撤sorban a r辿sztvevk elszigetelten 辿lnek egy szigeten, ami a legt旦bb esetben lakatlan. A fd鱈j p辿nznyerem辿ny. T旦rzsek A versenyzk m叩r az els nap t旦rzsezsekbe rendezdnek. A t旦rzseknek mened辿ket kell 辿p鱈teni端k. Minden csapat egyedi nevet kap 辿s megk端l旦nb旦ztet sz鱈njelz辿st , ami rajta van a z叩szl坦kon. A t旦rzsek egym叩s ellen k端zdenek fizikai 辿s ment叩lis megm辿rettet辿seken. K辿t t鱈pus l辿tezik: jutalomj叩t辿k 辿s v辿detts辿gi j叩t辿k . A jutalomj叩t辿kban a jutalom lehet 辿tel, t撤zk, gyufa vagy b叩rmilyen luxus炭t. A v辿detts辿gi j叩t辿kban a versenyzknek a v辿delem辿rt kell k端zdeni端k E verseny ut叩n mindig 旦sszeh鱈vj叩k a t旦rzsi tan叩csot, ahol eld旦ntik, ki hagyja el a szigetet. A feladatok k旦z旦tt 叩ltal叩ban h叩rom nap telik el. Mindig azt a t旦rzset h鱈vj叩k 旦ssze, amelyik vesztett a feladatokon .
11. Mirl sz坦l a Survivor? t炭l辿l辿s p叩rkeres辿s fzs m撤sor Ki vezette? Sebesty辿n Bal叩zs rd旦g N坦ra Stohl Andr叩s