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The Healing Power of Music Essay
Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to
take over–the–counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod.
Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not completely alleviate the need for drugs, it's possible that
music therapy could accompany medical drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by patients. In order
to understand how music can affect the body and mind, one needs to understand the composition of sound itself. Don Campbell describes it by...show
more content...
It gives us the chance to feel a sense of order in a life that is so often filled with chaos. Furthermore, singing can often help someone to come in contact
with certain emotions that they have either been suppressing, or simply could no longer feel. For
Cole 2 example, a song with slow tempo and lyrics about remembering a lost loved one can emit feelings of deep sorrow or regret, which can be
reflected and felt by the one singing, or even listening to, the music. On the other hand, a more joyous and fast–paced song can allow one to feel more
energized and up–beat. Aside from emotions, music can also have an impact on mental illnesses like ADHD, depression, and dementia. To combat
depression, Cadena states that "music therapy alleviates pain and promotes calmness by slowing the heart rate and other bodily functions" (2). It
provides the patient with a means of escape from the stressful and painful ordeals of life, and can even encourage them to recover from depression. To
help children with ADHD, music therapy and medications can be used conjointly. Music, Cadena affirms, "can provide a calming, sedative affect and
assist a child with focusing on the task at hand" (2). In regards to dementia, a study was done to investigate the effects that music would have on people
with the disease. The findings demonstrated that "mean agitation levels were significantly lower while listening to music than before listening to the
music" (3). Music can also help
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Music Appreciation Essay
Music Appreciation
Tiffin University
Jennifer Morrison
August 2nd, 2015
The age of Romanticism was from 1820 to 1910. During the long and glorious Age of Romanticism, artists of this time would approach their
paintings, literature as well as their music with deep passion. The passion was so great, it was the same type of feelings that religious, social, and
political partisans applied to their individual causes (Ferris & Worster, 2014, p. 175). "As newly restored kings and prelates repressed freedom of
expression in politics and the arts, artists and intellectuals increasingly sought one another's company, sharing among themselves the revolutionary
sentiments they dared not express in public" (Ferris & Worster,...show more content...
74 opens beautifully with just the piano playing. The singer soon chimes in and essentially overtakes the song, forcing the piano to take a back seat
throughout most of the performance. The song is Polish, and it actually reminds me of music that gets played in the back ground of World War II
Chopin is known for writing his songs casually, same as his piano works were. He would write them in the event he came across a poem which
described his mood and feeling at any given moment in time. Chopin often wrote to satisfy the social needs of a friendship, and some songs were
even considered an intimate diary of some sort. More than most composers, his songs and music betray his dynamic states of mind as well as his
personal and historical contexts (hyperion–records.co.uk/dc.asp).
`His music has been described as 'the epitome of the very soul of the piano', 'the piano brought to life', 'winged keys'. Indeed, FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin is
usually associated with his piano ballades and nocturnes, mazurkas and polonaises, Г©tudes and preludes, sonatas and scherzos. And yet, alongside that
great road, there was a small path, modest but noteworthy: his songs both great and small
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Essay Outline on Music
Essay Outline
II. People do not choose to be influenced by music, as music is scientifically influential to the human brain.
Olteteanu, Ion. "The formative function of musical interactions within social identity." Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 3.1 (2011):
215+. Academic OneFile. Web. 17 Jan. 2013.
"We turn tomusic, we need it, because of its ability to move us, to induce feelings and moods, states of mind."
"Bures notes that the human brain is uniquely configured to process music, and that music processing prepares, stimulates, and organizes the brain in
beneficial ways."
Munkittrick, David (2010), "Music as Speech: A First Amendment Category unto Itself," Federal Communications Law Journal...show more content...
Web. 14 Jan. 2013.
"This Introduction provides an overview of how historians, in conversation with musicologists, seek to explain music and account for its prominence in
the societies, movements and lives of the people they study.
Elias, Nelly, Dafna Lemish, and Natalia Khvorostianov. "Britney Spears Remained In Russia: Dynamics Of Musical Preferences In The Integration Of
Immigrant Adolescents." Journal Of Ethnic & Migration Studies 37.1 (2011): 61–77.Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Jan. 2013.
"Many adolescents found consolation in late–1980s Russian rock music, as texts critical of the Soviet regime helped them express anger and
frustration felt as they came of age in new, difficult and often hostile surroundings. It seems, therefore, that, for immigrant adolescents, different types
of popular music not only serve as a marker of their evolving cultural identity but also as indicators of social and psychological adaptation."
Smick, Rebekah, and Lambert Zuidervaart. "A Different Tenor: Songs Of Love And Sorrow
–Re–Engaging The Social Ethics Of Music." Toronto
Journal Of Theology 27.1 (2011): 87–106. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
"Though not argued like an essay, the article highlights significant themes about the relationship of music to ethics, including the innately social
character of music, its possible effect on our behaviour, the potential social content of sound itself, the positive social effect of music's ambiguity, the
need to
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Defining Music Essay
Nic Giordano
Comp 1
Definition Essay
Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and
touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also
controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality..
someone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or
metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely to...show more content...
This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician.
"Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not music"
Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete
opposite taste as you. That's something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting
that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create
peace, not turn us against each other. It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life.
Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your
method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is
life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever."
"That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank
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Descriptive Essay On Music
The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments
like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very
relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most
focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest
style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard
because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and
light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can
combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700,
the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be
an important instrument in the music industry.
The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about
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Personal Narrative: I Believe In Music
Music, it takes pain and turns it into something beautiful. Into something that people can connect with. And that is what good music always seems to
do. It speaks to you. It completely changes you. It really shows a different side to people. Music will tell you more about a person than they ever will.
It replaces words. But I think what makes music really connect with a person is it will always be there in some way shape or form.. when everyone and
everything seems to leave... you will always have music. It will always be there. It was always there for me so here is my experience with/in music my
goals and hopes for Perpich High School.
My goals as an artist are simply to learn. To become better as a musician, artist, and person. I do...show more content...
Being an arts school I am expecting lots of this already so it may seem like a basic answer. But I am honestly answering it. There may be plenty of it
already at the school but a different mind always has a different thought, a different view, and being that music is my interest there is never enough
music. A new style a new technique that can not only help me but others attending the school as well. I want to attend Perpich striving for the very
best. I am open to new opportunities and ready to learn. I would consider myself extremely lucky to get the help I need from all the instructors at
Perpich and hoping to get the chance to do
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The Art of Music Essay
The art of music
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. ~ Martin Luther
Renaissance music, as in many arts, was widely spread by the innovation of the printing press, causing many commons to learn about music themselves.
From it's composers, one being Palestrina, another being Josquin Desprez to the many components involved with it such as: textures, melodies,
harmonies, and the words and music, to the styles of music, Sacred and secular music, to the instruments used during the period, some being lutes, viols,
and other miscellaneous instruments; the hurdy–gurdy, the crumhorn and the sackbut. Renaissance music is extremely important to the progress of the
period, in fact, it was ideal...show more content...
From lutes, viols, and other instruments, their music established a symbolic mark in musical history, but for each of these musical devices play in
harmony in their pieces, they needed specific components. Many music components go into the creation of Renaissance music; each has it's own role
in each piece, making this period's music unique. In the Renaissance, vocal music was far more significant than instrumental music making the words
and music of great importance which led to composers using methods, being word–painting, to enhance the meaning and emotion in vocal music. Word
painting is a musical representation of specific poetic images. For example 'heaven' would be a high, melodic note, or 'running' would be a series of
rapid notes. The texture in most Renaissance music is usually scored from three to six voices, normally in the lowest bass register. This has made a
significant impact on musical history, considering the change between medieval music and Renaissance music, the singers' voices are all similar in
rhythm and tune creating a more homogenous sound, unlike medieval music. In the renaissance, there was greater concern to the flow and progression
of chords in the melody. This has affected many musical pieces in the Renaissance by creating an effect of smoothness to the ear, making it significant
to the development in music. The main consonances of the middle ages were perfect
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The Power of Music Essay
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music." These were the words of Sergei Rachmaninoff, a Russian composer and
pianist who was very influential in the twentieth century. Sergei's perception of music was accurate because he understood the impact and
significance music can have. Everybody knows what music is and they all have heard a form of it but most people underestimate the value and
power music has in our everyday lives. Whether they know it or not music plays a vital role in the lives of people today. Music is a very efficient
tool that influences and assists people, it plays a huge part in today's society, and it had done so much for me as an individual. "An art of sound in
time that expresses ideas...show more content...
Music therapy is also very effective and is used from cancer patients all the way to children who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. Different
types of music help different things. Music with a strong beat causes the brain to sync with the beat and as a result the patient is more alert and
can concentrate more efficiently. Slower more laid back types of music helps people relax and helps bring them down to a meditative state. As the
brain then acts like a muscle, then imitates muscle memory and as a result the brain shifts speeds more easily even in the absence of music,
therefore making these effects long term benefits. Music is an effective tool which is only limited by the people using it. Music is very influential in
society today. It is present in almost every part of our everyday lives. Imagine watching a movie that does not contain any music whatsoever. Some
movies are dependent on scenes that convey a sense of emotion in which the audience has a connection to the characters in the movie. Whenever a
significant scene in a movie occurs there will be background music to further acclimate the mood whether it is an emotional moment or an action
sequence. Suspense scenes also have some sort of sound that builds anxiety inside of the viewer. Music is not only present in movies but also
everywhere that you go. Every major retailer has music playing in the background. Service shops play music to make the time go
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Positive Effects of Music Essay
Music is an art form that usually combines singing with different instruments and rhythms. Many genres of music aid in interesting different people
and different moods, so that everyone can enjoy it. Music does two significant things for us; it increases stimulation in the brain, and assists in
coping with difficult situations. It's hard to ignore the fact that music exists and is constantly evolving because it's everywhere; from our homes to
our cars, our cars to our school, from out school to our jobs, it's even taught and discussed in schools! { It's impossible to go through life without
music because of how it is everywhere, but I can see why people would avoid it– Sometimes song's lyrics can be offensive, violent, bombastic, and
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Studies have proven that brain stimulation occurs between 3,000 and 8,800 hertz, and most music falls between his range, and classical types of music
are proven to accurately do this. Some people believe that only certain types of music do this, but studies have proven that any type of music with a
tone, rhythm, and pitch will stimulate the brain, but most people do not believe this. Regardless of what specific type of music does this, it proves that
music is important when performing tasks that require the brain, by stimulating it. Another important use of music is to aid in coping with situations
that seem difficult. Everyone experiences many emotions, trials, and tribulations throughout life and not having something to aid you in getting
through these trials can prove to be difficult, that's where music comes in. Listening to songs that discuss similar issues and encourage the ability to
get through, is proven to aid in this process and bands such as 'Rise Against' or 'Shinedown' are prime examples of this. This is known as relating to
the music, and it makes the music so much more real, important, and moving. Next time you find yourself feeling sad, try listening to some music that
relates to what you are going through and see how it helps! In conclusion, I believe that everyone should listen to music despite the negative things
some genres contain such as violence, negative lyrics, and influencing
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My Love Of Music
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." – Maya Angelou. Many people feel this way
about music mostly musicians. Just like Maya Angelou I can tell that Dale and Sonny felt the same. Music can help you in many ways more than
we know, for example music has been proven to help you relax, help you find love, reduces pain, improves your work, and music can even save
someone's life who is dealing with something in their life. Also, music can help you remember things. I remember making up songs and using
songs I knew to help me elicit what I studied for a test or just understand what my teacher taught, for example, I made up a song to remember
PEMDAS in my 5th grade math class. What I like about music is that it is not just one sound or one meaning, that there are many types of music
and many ways to express your love for music. There are many types of music from gospel, rap, reggae, pop music, rock music, blues, orchestra,
jazz, and even instrumentals which is no words just a beat and many more! I personally don't have a favorite type of music, but I listen to gospel,
R&B, and much more."The things are difficult for me to put into words and speak about I put it into my music" Kevin gates he is a Hip Hop
rapper. That quote means to me that sometimes speaking my mind is hard I can go and start writing and put all my feelings into music , and will be
able to let people feel like how i feel. Music isn't just for
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Piano Music Essay
The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated
their lives to this instrument. Some players even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to play the
piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must lovemusic very much, have good finger techniques, and body
To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly understand the music you play, so that you can play it
well. For example, when you play a piece of music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also be...show more
In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because
some music should be played quickly, this can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help you play
piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without
your finger getting sore. For a thirty minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece well. Having
good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist.
To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a piano player to swing their body to the beat. For
example, when a piece of music has complicated rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body
flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing music; thus preventing the piano player from falling
off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the piano to the
lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must have body flexibility.
Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is
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Descriptive Essay About Music
Name: Jordynn Lim (789469) Music is a very important part of a culture, it is a form of representation and a way of communication. Every culture
has their own signature genre and twists in their music style. Here in Melbourne, I travel to Bourke street a busy district thriving with what I
believe to be passionate musicians to observe the variety of music Melbourne has in display. Audience When I alighted the tram, there was a man
standing near the stop, singing. The street was partially crowded, people mill about the area, walking past the singer and staring curiously before
heading to the shopping malls. Strangers sit on the stairs in front of the singer typing on their phone, perhaps they hang around the area to listen
to the man sing. Younger adults gawk with their mouth slightly open and eyes wide as they pointed at the man albeit excitedly, perhaps it is their
first time seeing a musician out in the open, personally it is a rare sight for me. A few crept closer to the performer before whipping their phone
out and aiming the lens at him, it looks like they're trying to record him, the moment they put their phone down, they walk away. There is a guitar
case in front of him with a cardboard sign that says, Lucky Moore. On the very left side of the case is a set of CDs there's a smaller cardboard that
says DEMO CDS $10. No one approached him during his performance and hardly anyone gave donations until his song ended, then people of
varying ages donated and bought CDs off him. There is a sense of respect, to not interrupt a performance despite being in the street. Handmade Moore
has a strange instrument around his neck, a small round cylindrical microphone attached to a piece of metal, one end suspends the cylindrical device
just in front of the man's chin, and the other end is attached to a thick collar around his neck. Whenever he ducks his head to put his lips to it, the
sound of a harmonica resonates through the speaker on the man's right side. The man holds a guitar, a microphone attached to a stand in front of him
and the collared instrument. He raises his right heel, toes still on the ground and slams on a lever attached to a greyish brown box behind him with a
tambourine. Whenever he steps on the
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Music in My Life Essay
Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere.
Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the
person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the
drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher
and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave
because she...show more content...
When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at
the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I
had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would
be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be
sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my
relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where
trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I
had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest
of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to
soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not
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Written Music Essay
Written Music
For a very long time music was not written down. It was sung or played from memory. As it was passed on from person to person, many changes
crept into the tunes. A way of writing music down was needed so that it would be sung or played exactly as it had been composed. The name for
written music that man developed is notation.
The system of musical notation generally used today is the result of centuries of development– from about the end of the ninth century to the early
1700's. This development began in the cathedrals in monasteries of the Roman Catholic Church.
Since many of the Church's services were sung, they were sung from memory. Towards the end of the ninth century dots and dashes and squiggles were
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A method of notation that made it possible to show the length of each note was developed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Notes took new
shapes and stems were added to some notes according to their length. By the 1600's the notes had become round and musical notation began to look
like it does today.
Today music is written and printed in a picture language. This language of notation indicates the pitch of the tones, their place in a sequence of tones,
their duration (the length of time a tone is held), and the composer's ideas about how they should be played. Notes are written signs that represent
tones (musical sounds). The notes appear on a staff, a set of five horizontal lines. The higher the composer places the note, the higher its pitch. The
order in which he places it, from left to right, indicates its place in a sequence of notes.
The shape of a note shows its time value.
A clef sign at the left end of a staff determines the position of notes on the staff. The treble clef is often called the G clef because its sign fixes the
G above middle C on the second line from the bottom of the staff. The bass clef, often called the F clef, fixes the F below middle C on the second
line from the top of the staff. Higher notes, such as those for the right end of the piano, appear in the treble clef. Lower notes appear in the bass clef.
Music for the viola is written in the alto clef, and music written for the trombone, bassoon,
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Music Therapy
IntroductionIn this research paper, the effectiveness of music therapy on the cognitive degenerative disorder of dementia will be evaluated. To support
the contention that music therapy is effective in treating the symptoms of dementia, research documenting this therapy's impact on memory, emotions,
and behavior will be examined. In order to provide a greater understanding of music therapy and dementia, these terms will be defined. Second,
research will be examined to determine music therapy's impact on the psychological and behavioral issues associated with dementia. Finally, a
summary of music therapy's benefits and an evaluation of its effectiveness in treating individuals afflicted with dementia will be discussed....show more
Alzheimer 's disease causes 50% to 60% of all cases of dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). In addition, researchers
have found that two other nervous system conditions, Lewy body disease and Pick 's disease, which were originally incorrectly diagnosed as
Alzheimer 's, are emerging as major causes of dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Dementia is considered a late–life
disease because it tends to develop mostly in elderly people; as many as half of all people over the age of eighty are suspected of suffering from
Alzheimer 's disease (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Doctors administer a variety of strategies to diagnose dementia
(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). It is extremely important that all treatable conditions first be ruled out, such as depression
and Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause the same type of symptoms as dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke).
Timely and accurate diagnosis of dementia is extremely important for both the patient and their families because it allows early treatment of symptoms
(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). A variety of tests are used to aid in the diagnosis process, such as neurological evaluations,
in which doctors look specifically at patients' balance, sensory responses, reflexes, and various other functions (National
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Descriptive Essay About Music
I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You
Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer. Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar
strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals appear in the song, I can only think about music
and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every
place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts.
With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I can do anything when I am blasting a song by
Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be. This
way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I know this high level of noise is not good for me, but
the music is. Uniquely, music places me back into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I am
laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover,
when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the
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Personal Narrative
Music and I
Ever since I was a small child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the entrancing melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heart–warming
and heart–wrenching have always had an unexplainable affect on my life. Music seems to have the ability to change certain aspects of my world. If I
am in a foul mood, an angry girl band can make my rotten attitude even more irresistibly awful. When I am happy, any sort of upbeat, dance–to–me
kind of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classical music, daydream to classical music, even sleep to classical music. Through
my teen years, I became a fan of the often melodramatic country music that is still preset on my radio today. No matter what kind of...show more
However, whenever someone is whistling it as they walk by or I hear it on a movie (who doesn't love Beaches?), my heart soars and a smile creeps
across my face as my eyes begin to swell. The song simply has the ability to bring back a million happy memories from my childhood within its first
few notes.
When my older sister got married, I wanted to do something special to remind her of our childhood and to take her mind off of the wedding stress as
we were getting ready the day of the wedding. I thought back to all of the songs we loved when we were little, many of which were sung by the
infamous one–hit–wonders of the eighties. I think each generation has songs that are popular to them and that they will never forget the lyrics to.
However, if you mentioned the artists that sang them or the names of other songs they sang, no one would have a clue what you were saying. Still,
the songs are precious to the people that grew up with them. When my sister and I listened to the CD I made for her in the limousine on the way to
the ceremony, we were both brought right back to the days when we were growing up.
Wedding seem to provide a perfect atmosphere for the sentimental music that is sometimes otherwise condemned as "cheesy."My sister, as the Matron
of Honor at my wedding, threw in two wonderful surprises as she was giving her toast. The first surprise was that my younger brother helped her, and
the second surprise came
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My Love For Music Started
The Delicate Music
My love for music began before I was even born. In the womb, I listened to music. My mom was like any typical first baby mom, that lets their baby
listen to classical and instrumental music. I listened that beautiful, delicate music, before I set foot on this earth. I loved all the sound of instruments
deep and high play together, to make a masterpiece. This is when my love for music started to bloom.
When I reached about 5th grade, we had to choose what type of ensemble we wanted to be apart of. The choices were choir and band. Of course, I
chose band, the problem was I didn't know what I wanted to play. Before we were put into the class, we had the opportunity to choose what...show more
I prayed that this instrument was the one. I took a nice long, deep breath and blew almost all the air in my lungs, into the wooded recorder. A loud
squeak, exploded from the instrument. I jump, not expected to play such a disgusting sound. I giggled, and so did the teacher. He suggested that I
blow less air, to get a better sound. I position my lips back on to the mouthpiece, and blew a less amountq of air, so I wouldn't get that volger sound
again. Then I heard it. My first note! The sound trickled from the instrument into the room, filling it with my beautiful sound. Suddenly, that sound
formed it that horrific squeak I heard the first time. I giggled harder, and so did the teacher. " This is one.", he stated to my mother how was
standing next to the chair I was sitting on. I had forgot she was there for a second. This was my first step into the music I had always listen to. Now, I
could be the one making it.
As time went, I grew as a musician. When 7th grade came around the corner, my conductor stated the a competition was going on called, The Solo
& Ensemble Festival. In the competition, you could play with another person, which would be an ensemble, or a solo. I heard about it in 6th grade,
but you couldn't sign up to be in it, until you were in 7th grade. This gave me the opportunity to show off my talent. I ask a couple of my friend if
they wanted to play with me in the solo
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My Favorite Music Essay
If asked the question, "What is your favorite song," you would be able to answer that question in just a couple of seconds. In today's society, music
plays an important role in everything from promoting businesses with slogans and jingles to live performances for enjoyment and relaxation.
Music can be found anywhere in everyday life. It can be found on the radio, on television, on computers and on our phones. Music is able to help
set the mood in restaurants for customer pleasure. Music helps create new memories in life and is even able to bring back the power to recall
emotional connections to older memories. There are endless possibilities music is used for to appeal to each and every person in today's world.
Music can be heard on the radio as we are driving down the road. From time to time, I even listen to music while I study. When listening to music in
the car, usually, you have set stations for your preference. As I drive, I usually listen to modern day rap and hip hop. This type of music helps me as a
person think more creatively. My mom, on the other hand listens to country music as she is driving. When she listens to country music, she becomes
more relaxed. When I need to listen to relaxing music, I listen to more classical music. Classical music helps relax me due to playing the flute for 4
years. As I am studying I listen to classical music through my headphones. My ADHD has made me struggle focusing on my work. From the early
age of 15 years, I have had calming music as background noise. I believe this helps me to concentrate on the work I am completing. I will always be
thankful for music for helping me every day. When visiting a restaurant you will hear music to fit the theme that that particular restaurant is trying to
portray. I work at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store in Hickory. The theme that Cracker Barrel is portraying is country. When customers come, they
expect to hear country music. As you walk onto the porch of the Cracker Barrel, you will automatically hear modern day country and older country
music playing in the background. You will behearing this music for the entire experience in Cracker Barrel's establishment. This particular type of
music completes the
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The Healing Power Of Music Essay

  • 1. The Healing Power of Music Essay Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over–the–counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod. Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not completely alleviate the need for drugs, it's possible that music therapy could accompany medical drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by patients. In order to understand how music can affect the body and mind, one needs to understand the composition of sound itself. Don Campbell describes it by...show more content... It gives us the chance to feel a sense of order in a life that is so often filled with chaos. Furthermore, singing can often help someone to come in contact with certain emotions that they have either been suppressing, or simply could no longer feel. For Cole 2 example, a song with slow tempo and lyrics about remembering a lost loved one can emit feelings of deep sorrow or regret, which can be reflected and felt by the one singing, or even listening to, the music. On the other hand, a more joyous and fast–paced song can allow one to feel more energized and up–beat. Aside from emotions, music can also have an impact on mental illnesses like ADHD, depression, and dementia. To combat depression, Cadena states that "music therapy alleviates pain and promotes calmness by slowing the heart rate and other bodily functions" (2). It provides the patient with a means of escape from the stressful and painful ordeals of life, and can even encourage them to recover from depression. To help children with ADHD, music therapy and medications can be used conjointly. Music, Cadena affirms, "can provide a calming, sedative affect and assist a child with focusing on the task at hand" (2). In regards to dementia, a study was done to investigate the effects that music would have on people with the disease. The findings demonstrated that "mean agitation levels were significantly lower while listening to music than before listening to the music" (3). Music can also help Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Music Appreciation Essay Music Appreciation Tiffin University Jennifer Morrison August 2nd, 2015 MUS223 The age of Romanticism was from 1820 to 1910. During the long and glorious Age of Romanticism, artists of this time would approach their paintings, literature as well as their music with deep passion. The passion was so great, it was the same type of feelings that religious, social, and political partisans applied to their individual causes (Ferris & Worster, 2014, p. 175). "As newly restored kings and prelates repressed freedom of expression in politics and the arts, artists and intellectuals increasingly sought one another's company, sharing among themselves the revolutionary sentiments they dared not express in public" (Ferris & Worster,...show more content... 74 opens beautifully with just the piano playing. The singer soon chimes in and essentially overtakes the song, forcing the piano to take a back seat throughout most of the performance. The song is Polish, and it actually reminds me of music that gets played in the back ground of World War II movies,. Chopin is known for writing his songs casually, same as his piano works were. He would write them in the event he came across a poem which described his mood and feeling at any given moment in time. Chopin often wrote to satisfy the social needs of a friendship, and some songs were even considered an intimate diary of some sort. More than most composers, his songs and music betray his dynamic states of mind as well as his personal and historical contexts (hyperion–records.co.uk/dc.asp). `His music has been described as 'the epitome of the very soul of the piano', 'the piano brought to life', 'winged keys'. Indeed, FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin is usually associated with his piano ballades and nocturnes, mazurkas and polonaises, Г©tudes and preludes, sonatas and scherzos. And yet, alongside that great road, there was a small path, modest but noteworthy: his songs both great and small
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  • 4. Essay Outline on Music Essay Outline I. II. People do not choose to be influenced by music, as music is scientifically influential to the human brain. Olteteanu, Ion. "The formative function of musical interactions within social identity." Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 3.1 (2011): 215+. Academic OneFile. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. "We turn tomusic, we need it, because of its ability to move us, to induce feelings and moods, states of mind." "Bures notes that the human brain is uniquely configured to process music, and that music processing prepares, stimulates, and organizes the brain in beneficial ways." Munkittrick, David (2010), "Music as Speech: A First Amendment Category unto Itself," Federal Communications Law Journal...show more content... Web. 14 Jan. 2013. "This Introduction provides an overview of how historians, in conversation with musicologists, seek to explain music and account for its prominence in the societies, movements and lives of the people they study. Elias, Nelly, Dafna Lemish, and Natalia Khvorostianov. "Britney Spears Remained In Russia: Dynamics Of Musical Preferences In The Integration Of Immigrant Adolescents." Journal Of Ethnic & Migration Studies 37.1 (2011): 61–77.Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Jan. 2013. "Many adolescents found consolation in late–1980s Russian rock music, as texts critical of the Soviet regime helped them express anger and frustration felt as they came of age in new, difficult and often hostile surroundings. It seems, therefore, that, for immigrant adolescents, different types of popular music not only serve as a marker of their evolving cultural identity but also as indicators of social and psychological adaptation."
  • 5. Smick, Rebekah, and Lambert Zuidervaart. "A Different Tenor: Songs Of Love And Sorrow –Re–Engaging The Social Ethics Of Music." Toronto Journal Of Theology 27.1 (2011): 87–106. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. "Though not argued like an essay, the article highlights significant themes about the relationship of music to ethics, including the innately social character of music, its possible effect on our behaviour, the potential social content of sound itself, the positive social effect of music's ambiguity, the need to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Defining Music Essay Nic Giordano Comp 1 Definition Essay Music Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality.. someone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely to...show more content... This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician. "Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not music" Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete opposite taste as you. That's something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create peace, not turn us against each other. It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life. Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever." "That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank
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  • 8. Descriptive Essay On Music The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music industry. The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Personal Narrative: I Believe In Music Music, it takes pain and turns it into something beautiful. Into something that people can connect with. And that is what good music always seems to do. It speaks to you. It completely changes you. It really shows a different side to people. Music will tell you more about a person than they ever will. It replaces words. But I think what makes music really connect with a person is it will always be there in some way shape or form.. when everyone and everything seems to leave... you will always have music. It will always be there. It was always there for me so here is my experience with/in music my goals and hopes for Perpich High School. My goals as an artist are simply to learn. To become better as a musician, artist, and person. I do...show more content... Being an arts school I am expecting lots of this already so it may seem like a basic answer. But I am honestly answering it. There may be plenty of it already at the school but a different mind always has a different thought, a different view, and being that music is my interest there is never enough music. A new style a new technique that can not only help me but others attending the school as well. I want to attend Perpich striving for the very best. I am open to new opportunities and ready to learn. I would consider myself extremely lucky to get the help I need from all the instructors at Perpich and hoping to get the chance to do Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. The Art of Music Essay The art of music Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. ~ Martin Luther Renaissance music, as in many arts, was widely spread by the innovation of the printing press, causing many commons to learn about music themselves. From it's composers, one being Palestrina, another being Josquin Desprez to the many components involved with it such as: textures, melodies, harmonies, and the words and music, to the styles of music, Sacred and secular music, to the instruments used during the period, some being lutes, viols, and other miscellaneous instruments; the hurdy–gurdy, the crumhorn and the sackbut. Renaissance music is extremely important to the progress of the period, in fact, it was ideal...show more content... From lutes, viols, and other instruments, their music established a symbolic mark in musical history, but for each of these musical devices play in harmony in their pieces, they needed specific components. Many music components go into the creation of Renaissance music; each has it's own role in each piece, making this period's music unique. In the Renaissance, vocal music was far more significant than instrumental music making the words and music of great importance which led to composers using methods, being word–painting, to enhance the meaning and emotion in vocal music. Word painting is a musical representation of specific poetic images. For example 'heaven' would be a high, melodic note, or 'running' would be a series of rapid notes. The texture in most Renaissance music is usually scored from three to six voices, normally in the lowest bass register. This has made a significant impact on musical history, considering the change between medieval music and Renaissance music, the singers' voices are all similar in rhythm and tune creating a more homogenous sound, unlike medieval music. In the renaissance, there was greater concern to the flow and progression of chords in the melody. This has affected many musical pieces in the Renaissance by creating an effect of smoothness to the ear, making it significant to the development in music. The main consonances of the middle ages were perfect Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. The Power of Music Essay "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music." These were the words of Sergei Rachmaninoff, a Russian composer and pianist who was very influential in the twentieth century. Sergei's perception of music was accurate because he understood the impact and significance music can have. Everybody knows what music is and they all have heard a form of it but most people underestimate the value and power music has in our everyday lives. Whether they know it or not music plays a vital role in the lives of people today. Music is a very efficient tool that influences and assists people, it plays a huge part in today's society, and it had done so much for me as an individual. "An art of sound in time that expresses ideas...show more content... Music therapy is also very effective and is used from cancer patients all the way to children who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. Different types of music help different things. Music with a strong beat causes the brain to sync with the beat and as a result the patient is more alert and can concentrate more efficiently. Slower more laid back types of music helps people relax and helps bring them down to a meditative state. As the brain then acts like a muscle, then imitates muscle memory and as a result the brain shifts speeds more easily even in the absence of music, therefore making these effects long term benefits. Music is an effective tool which is only limited by the people using it. Music is very influential in society today. It is present in almost every part of our everyday lives. Imagine watching a movie that does not contain any music whatsoever. Some movies are dependent on scenes that convey a sense of emotion in which the audience has a connection to the characters in the movie. Whenever a significant scene in a movie occurs there will be background music to further acclimate the mood whether it is an emotional moment or an action sequence. Suspense scenes also have some sort of sound that builds anxiety inside of the viewer. Music is not only present in movies but also everywhere that you go. Every major retailer has music playing in the background. Service shops play music to make the time go Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. Positive Effects of Music Essay Music is an art form that usually combines singing with different instruments and rhythms. Many genres of music aid in interesting different people and different moods, so that everyone can enjoy it. Music does two significant things for us; it increases stimulation in the brain, and assists in coping with difficult situations. It's hard to ignore the fact that music exists and is constantly evolving because it's everywhere; from our homes to our cars, our cars to our school, from out school to our jobs, it's even taught and discussed in schools! { It's impossible to go through life without music because of how it is everywhere, but I can see why people would avoid it– Sometimes song's lyrics can be offensive, violent, bombastic, and ...show more content... Studies have proven that brain stimulation occurs between 3,000 and 8,800 hertz, and most music falls between his range, and classical types of music are proven to accurately do this. Some people believe that only certain types of music do this, but studies have proven that any type of music with a tone, rhythm, and pitch will stimulate the brain, but most people do not believe this. Regardless of what specific type of music does this, it proves that music is important when performing tasks that require the brain, by stimulating it. Another important use of music is to aid in coping with situations that seem difficult. Everyone experiences many emotions, trials, and tribulations throughout life and not having something to aid you in getting through these trials can prove to be difficult, that's where music comes in. Listening to songs that discuss similar issues and encourage the ability to get through, is proven to aid in this process and bands such as 'Rise Against' or 'Shinedown' are prime examples of this. This is known as relating to the music, and it makes the music so much more real, important, and moving. Next time you find yourself feeling sad, try listening to some music that relates to what you are going through and see how it helps! In conclusion, I believe that everyone should listen to music despite the negative things some genres contain such as violence, negative lyrics, and influencing Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 13. My Love Of Music "Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." – Maya Angelou. Many people feel this way about music mostly musicians. Just like Maya Angelou I can tell that Dale and Sonny felt the same. Music can help you in many ways more than we know, for example music has been proven to help you relax, help you find love, reduces pain, improves your work, and music can even save someone's life who is dealing with something in their life. Also, music can help you remember things. I remember making up songs and using songs I knew to help me elicit what I studied for a test or just understand what my teacher taught, for example, I made up a song to remember PEMDAS in my 5th grade math class. What I like about music is that it is not just one sound or one meaning, that there are many types of music and many ways to express your love for music. There are many types of music from gospel, rap, reggae, pop music, rock music, blues, orchestra, jazz, and even instrumentals which is no words just a beat and many more! I personally don't have a favorite type of music, but I listen to gospel, R&B, and much more."The things are difficult for me to put into words and speak about I put it into my music" Kevin gates he is a Hip Hop rapper. That quote means to me that sometimes speaking my mind is hard I can go and start writing and put all my feelings into music , and will be able to let people feel like how i feel. Music isn't just for Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 14. Piano Music Essay The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated their lives to this instrument. Some players even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to play the piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must lovemusic very much, have good finger techniques, and body flexibility. To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also be...show more content... In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because some music should be played quickly, this can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help you play piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without your finger getting sore. For a thirty minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece well. Having good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist. To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a piano player to swing their body to the beat. For example, when a piece of music has complicated rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing music; thus preventing the piano player from falling off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the piano to the lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must have body flexibility. Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 15. Descriptive Essay About Music Name: Jordynn Lim (789469) Music is a very important part of a culture, it is a form of representation and a way of communication. Every culture has their own signature genre and twists in their music style. Here in Melbourne, I travel to Bourke street a busy district thriving with what I believe to be passionate musicians to observe the variety of music Melbourne has in display. Audience When I alighted the tram, there was a man standing near the stop, singing. The street was partially crowded, people mill about the area, walking past the singer and staring curiously before heading to the shopping malls. Strangers sit on the stairs in front of the singer typing on their phone, perhaps they hang around the area to listen to the man sing. Younger adults gawk with their mouth slightly open and eyes wide as they pointed at the man albeit excitedly, perhaps it is their first time seeing a musician out in the open, personally it is a rare sight for me. A few crept closer to the performer before whipping their phone out and aiming the lens at him, it looks like they're trying to record him, the moment they put their phone down, they walk away. There is a guitar case in front of him with a cardboard sign that says, Lucky Moore. On the very left side of the case is a set of CDs there's a smaller cardboard that says DEMO CDS $10. No one approached him during his performance and hardly anyone gave donations until his song ended, then people of varying ages donated and bought CDs off him. There is a sense of respect, to not interrupt a performance despite being in the street. Handmade Moore has a strange instrument around his neck, a small round cylindrical microphone attached to a piece of metal, one end suspends the cylindrical device just in front of the man's chin, and the other end is attached to a thick collar around his neck. Whenever he ducks his head to put his lips to it, the sound of a harmonica resonates through the speaker on the man's right side. The man holds a guitar, a microphone attached to a stand in front of him and the collared instrument. He raises his right heel, toes still on the ground and slams on a lever attached to a greyish brown box behind him with a tambourine. Whenever he steps on the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 16. Music in My Life Essay Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave because she...show more content... When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not enough Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 17. Written Music Essay Written Music For a very long time music was not written down. It was sung or played from memory. As it was passed on from person to person, many changes crept into the tunes. A way of writing music down was needed so that it would be sung or played exactly as it had been composed. The name for written music that man developed is notation. The system of musical notation generally used today is the result of centuries of development– from about the end of the ninth century to the early 1700's. This development began in the cathedrals in monasteries of the Roman Catholic Church. Since many of the Church's services were sung, they were sung from memory. Towards the end of the ninth century dots and dashes and squiggles were ...show more content... A method of notation that made it possible to show the length of each note was developed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Notes took new shapes and stems were added to some notes according to their length. By the 1600's the notes had become round and musical notation began to look like it does today. Today music is written and printed in a picture language. This language of notation indicates the pitch of the tones, their place in a sequence of tones, their duration (the length of time a tone is held), and the composer's ideas about how they should be played. Notes are written signs that represent tones (musical sounds). The notes appear on a staff, a set of five horizontal lines. The higher the composer places the note, the higher its pitch. The order in which he places it, from left to right, indicates its place in a sequence of notes. The shape of a note shows its time value. A clef sign at the left end of a staff determines the position of notes on the staff. The treble clef is often called the G clef because its sign fixes the G above middle C on the second line from the bottom of the staff. The bass clef, often called the F clef, fixes the F below middle C on the second line from the top of the staff. Higher notes, such as those for the right end of the piano, appear in the treble clef. Lower notes appear in the bass clef. Music for the viola is written in the alto clef, and music written for the trombone, bassoon,
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  • 19. Music Therapy IntroductionIn this research paper, the effectiveness of music therapy on the cognitive degenerative disorder of dementia will be evaluated. To support the contention that music therapy is effective in treating the symptoms of dementia, research documenting this therapy's impact on memory, emotions, and behavior will be examined. In order to provide a greater understanding of music therapy and dementia, these terms will be defined. Second, research will be examined to determine music therapy's impact on the psychological and behavioral issues associated with dementia. Finally, a summary of music therapy's benefits and an evaluation of its effectiveness in treating individuals afflicted with dementia will be discussed....show more content... Alzheimer 's disease causes 50% to 60% of all cases of dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). In addition, researchers have found that two other nervous system conditions, Lewy body disease and Pick 's disease, which were originally incorrectly diagnosed as Alzheimer 's, are emerging as major causes of dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Dementia is considered a late–life disease because it tends to develop mostly in elderly people; as many as half of all people over the age of eighty are suspected of suffering from Alzheimer 's disease (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Doctors administer a variety of strategies to diagnose dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). It is extremely important that all treatable conditions first be ruled out, such as depression and Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause the same type of symptoms as dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Timely and accurate diagnosis of dementia is extremely important for both the patient and their families because it allows early treatment of symptoms (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). A variety of tests are used to aid in the diagnosis process, such as neurological evaluations, in which doctors look specifically at patients' balance, sensory responses, reflexes, and various other functions (National Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 20. Descriptive Essay About Music I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer. Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals appear in the song, I can only think about music and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts. With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I can do anything when I am blasting a song by Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be. This way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I know this high level of noise is not good for me, but the music is. Uniquely, music places me back into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I am laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover, when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 21. Personal Narrative Music and I Ever since I was a small child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the entrancing melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heart–warming and heart–wrenching have always had an unexplainable affect on my life. Music seems to have the ability to change certain aspects of my world. If I am in a foul mood, an angry girl band can make my rotten attitude even more irresistibly awful. When I am happy, any sort of upbeat, dance–to–me kind of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classical music, daydream to classical music, even sleep to classical music. Through my teen years, I became a fan of the often melodramatic country music that is still preset on my radio today. No matter what kind of...show more content... However, whenever someone is whistling it as they walk by or I hear it on a movie (who doesn't love Beaches?), my heart soars and a smile creeps across my face as my eyes begin to swell. The song simply has the ability to bring back a million happy memories from my childhood within its first few notes. When my older sister got married, I wanted to do something special to remind her of our childhood and to take her mind off of the wedding stress as we were getting ready the day of the wedding. I thought back to all of the songs we loved when we were little, many of which were sung by the infamous one–hit–wonders of the eighties. I think each generation has songs that are popular to them and that they will never forget the lyrics to. However, if you mentioned the artists that sang them or the names of other songs they sang, no one would have a clue what you were saying. Still, the songs are precious to the people that grew up with them. When my sister and I listened to the CD I made for her in the limousine on the way to the ceremony, we were both brought right back to the days when we were growing up. Wedding seem to provide a perfect atmosphere for the sentimental music that is sometimes otherwise condemned as "cheesy."My sister, as the Matron of Honor at my wedding, threw in two wonderful surprises as she was giving her toast. The first surprise was that my younger brother helped her, and the second surprise came
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  • 23. My Love For Music Started The Delicate Music My love for music began before I was even born. In the womb, I listened to music. My mom was like any typical first baby mom, that lets their baby listen to classical and instrumental music. I listened that beautiful, delicate music, before I set foot on this earth. I loved all the sound of instruments deep and high play together, to make a masterpiece. This is when my love for music started to bloom. When I reached about 5th grade, we had to choose what type of ensemble we wanted to be apart of. The choices were choir and band. Of course, I chose band, the problem was I didn't know what I wanted to play. Before we were put into the class, we had the opportunity to choose what...show more content... I prayed that this instrument was the one. I took a nice long, deep breath and blew almost all the air in my lungs, into the wooded recorder. A loud squeak, exploded from the instrument. I jump, not expected to play such a disgusting sound. I giggled, and so did the teacher. He suggested that I blow less air, to get a better sound. I position my lips back on to the mouthpiece, and blew a less amountq of air, so I wouldn't get that volger sound again. Then I heard it. My first note! The sound trickled from the instrument into the room, filling it with my beautiful sound. Suddenly, that sound formed it that horrific squeak I heard the first time. I giggled harder, and so did the teacher. " This is one.", he stated to my mother how was standing next to the chair I was sitting on. I had forgot she was there for a second. This was my first step into the music I had always listen to. Now, I could be the one making it. As time went, I grew as a musician. When 7th grade came around the corner, my conductor stated the a competition was going on called, The Solo & Ensemble Festival. In the competition, you could play with another person, which would be an ensemble, or a solo. I heard about it in 6th grade, but you couldn't sign up to be in it, until you were in 7th grade. This gave me the opportunity to show off my talent. I ask a couple of my friend if they wanted to play with me in the solo Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 24. My Favorite Music Essay If asked the question, "What is your favorite song," you would be able to answer that question in just a couple of seconds. In today's society, music plays an important role in everything from promoting businesses with slogans and jingles to live performances for enjoyment and relaxation. Music can be found anywhere in everyday life. It can be found on the radio, on television, on computers and on our phones. Music is able to help set the mood in restaurants for customer pleasure. Music helps create new memories in life and is even able to bring back the power to recall emotional connections to older memories. There are endless possibilities music is used for to appeal to each and every person in today's world. Music can be heard on the radio as we are driving down the road. From time to time, I even listen to music while I study. When listening to music in the car, usually, you have set stations for your preference. As I drive, I usually listen to modern day rap and hip hop. This type of music helps me as a person think more creatively. My mom, on the other hand listens to country music as she is driving. When she listens to country music, she becomes more relaxed. When I need to listen to relaxing music, I listen to more classical music. Classical music helps relax me due to playing the flute for 4 years. As I am studying I listen to classical music through my headphones. My ADHD has made me struggle focusing on my work. From the early age of 15 years, I have had calming music as background noise. I believe this helps me to concentrate on the work I am completing. I will always be thankful for music for helping me every day. When visiting a restaurant you will hear music to fit the theme that that particular restaurant is trying to portray. I work at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store in Hickory. The theme that Cracker Barrel is portraying is country. When customers come, they expect to hear country music. As you walk onto the porch of the Cracker Barrel, you will automatically hear modern day country and older country music playing in the background. You will behearing this music for the entire experience in Cracker Barrel's establishment. This particular type of music completes the Get more content on HelpWriting.net