a beautiful book. when the whole thing is illustrated it is easy to read and easy to retain . you will get a different experience.
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Inteligencia EmocionalJuan Carlos FernandezEl documento resume los conceptos de inteligencia emocional y sus componentes. Define la inteligencia emocional como la capacidad de sentir, entender y aplicar eficazmente las emociones. Explica que la inteligencia emocional incluye el conocimiento emocional, la aptitud emocional y la profundidad emocional.
TeamworkOmair MuddassarTrust, accountability, and efficiency are key secrets to successful teamwork. Teamwork requires building trust among members by overcoming the need for invulnerability. It is important that members are accountable for their roles. Working individually takes a long time, provides no help from others, lacks motivation from a team, has limited skills, and causes too much stress. In comparison, teamwork can leverage diverse skills and ideas from members, provide support, and help motivate individuals to achieve more in less time.
Conceptos de Trabajo En EquipojpverarEl documento describe los conceptos fundamentales del trabajo en equipo. Define un equipo como un grupo organizado que comparte objetivos e interdependencias para lograr resultados. Explica las diferencias entre equipos y grupos, así como las etapas por las que pasa un equipo al formarse y desarrollarse. También cubre variables que afectan el comportamiento de un equipo, metas para equipos y condiciones personales para trabajar efectivamente en equipo.
Las herramientas de un buen supervisorIESA School of ManagementEl documento describe las herramientas de un buen supervisor, las cuales están agrupadas en tres dimensiones: sentir, pensar y actuar. En la dimensión del sentir se incluyen habilidades como apreciar, comprender, escuchar, motivar y modelar. En la dimensión del pensar se encuentran herramientas como objetivos, valores, prioridades, instruir, planificar y organizar. Finalmente, en la dimensión del actuar se destacan capacidades como negociar, aprender, liderar, coordinar, delegar, evaluar y controlar. El documento
Taller de trabajo en equipoDavid-GajardoEste documento presenta la información sobre un taller de trabajo en equipo. El taller cubrirá dos módulos, el primero sobre el lenguaje corporal y la comunicación efectiva, y el segundo sobre los conceptos y etapas del trabajo en equipo, incluyendo las competencias necesarias y el rol del líder. El taller busca desarrollar habilidades para la negociación, asertividad y empatía, así como fortalecer las relaciones laborales y mejorar de forma continua el desempeño del equipo.
TeamworkS.M. Rezaur RahmanHello,
This presentation is a little step to share some information on "Teamwork" with you.
If this help you a little, I will be happy. Feel free to share your opinion.
Thank you.
*All the information and images are collected from internet.
7 tips to lead under pressureKillol BhattKeep everyone informed of what's going on during tough times to avoid conflict. Give clear instructions and ensure everyone has the same information. Be open to questions from your team and encourage them to ask for clarification. Involve people in key decisions to motivate them but make the final call yourself. Be available to your team as they will also feel pressure, communicate your support, and use humor to relieve stress. Following these tips will help you lead effectively under pressure and strengthen your leadership.
LiderazgoedwinstigozacapaEl documento presenta una introducción al concepto de liderazgo, discutiendo definiciones de liderazgo, niveles de liderazgo, principios de liderazgo, estilos de liderazgo y características de un líder. También analiza los tipos de líderes, incluyendo líderes autócratas, participativos y liberales.
Building high performance team Nirav TrivediGreendot Management solution provides you best HR Practices to make your team work more effectively and get best out of your team
Team BuildingSiddharthan VGJTeam building skills training can help address weaknesses, develop strengths, and create an environment where employees work collectively as a team to achieve organizational goals. Internal and cross-functional conflicts can divert focus from these goals, so team building activities connect employees across departments to promote rapport, enhance relationships, and improve communication and coordination between teams. When employees focus on team and organizational targets rather than just individual targets, it increases flexibility and the organization's ability to work as a single unit.
Organizar principiosA'Harlen D'MondragónEste documento define la organización como la estructuración de las relaciones entre los elementos de un organismo social para lograr su máxima eficiencia. Explica principios clave de la organización como la especialización, jerarquía, autoridad y responsabilidad, unidad de mando y amplitud de control. El objetivo de la organización es establecer una estructura que facilite el logro de los objetivos de manera eficiente.
ENSAYO INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONALmichaelplopezLa inteligencia emocional se define como la capacidad de reconocer los propios sentimientos y los de los demás, y de manejarlos eficazmente. Ayuda a las personas a tener éxito en el trabajo y las relaciones. Las personas con inteligencia emocional son expertas en conocerse a sí mismas, manejar sus emociones, comprender a los demás y cultivar buenas relaciones. También es importante en el ámbito laboral, donde los empleados deben poseer competencias emocionales para desarrollarse con éxito y contribuir a un bu
Building Team CulturechrisdagenaisThis document discusses how to create a positive team culture. It emphasizes that culture is the personality of the team and affects how people work together. The goals of culture include productivity, collaboration, and happier team members. It recommends getting influential team members onboard, laying out a clear roadmap, establishing accountability and responsibility, managing perception, giving and receiving feedback, and making the culture about the team rather than individuals. Culture is a key differentiator for high performing teams.
Successful collaboration and team dynamicsjtlinnetSuccessful team collaboration requires members to share ideas, communicate positively, and respect different opinions. Key components include sharing ideas, providing constructive feedback, and supporting each other while addressing conflicts respectfully. Motivation also plays an important role, as individuals draw motivation differently from intrinsic or extrinsic sources, but maintaining motivation contributes to completing tasks successfully.
Team buildingpaarkaviganesanTeam building refers to activities that motivate team members and improve performance by strengthening bonds between employees. It develops team members, improves performance, and motivates employees to achieve targets by celebrating successes, defining roles, and boosting morale. Building an effective team requires understanding members, clearly defining goals, promoting communication to avoid conflicts, and obtaining feedback through team-building activities and events led by an appointed leader.
El Sentido Del TrabajoMarco AlbercaEste documento presenta las principales enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica sobre el trabajo. Discute que el trabajo es un derecho fundamental del hombre dado por Dios, pero que no debe ser idolatrado. Jesús enseñó a apreciar el trabajo a través de su propio ejemplo como carpintero. El trabajo debe realizarse de manera que no domine al hombre y lo aleje de Dios. La Iglesia apoya los derechos de los trabajadores y el papel de los sindicatos en la defensa de esos derechos.
LiderazgoDCDJLEl documento describe las características y tipos de liderazgo. Explica que el liderazgo implica influir en los demás y gestionar equipos de manera efectiva. También analiza diferentes teorías de liderazgo como la teoría de rasgos de personalidad y la teoría de estilos de liderazgo. Asimismo, distingue entre un jefe y un líder, señalando que un líder enseña y empodera a los demás.
LiderazgoDavid Arcila AcostaEl Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo -
Emotional intelligenceGovernment of IndiaEmotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It is argued that emotional intelligence may be more important than IQ, as IQ accounts for only 20% of success in life while emotional intelligence accounts for 80%. Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness of one's emotions and their impact, self-control and stress management, empathy for others, and social skills such as conflict resolution. Developing emotional intelligence can help one lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
EFT - Tapping Solution EbookGreen EduThe document provides information about emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping, including how it works, its origins, and how to perform it. EFT tapping is a technique that involves tapping on meridian points while focusing on negative emotions, thoughts or issues. This helps reduce stress and cortisol levels by stimulating the body's energy pathways and calming the amygdala. It was developed from ancient Chinese medicine and refined by psychologists in the 1970s-1980s. The document explains the nine meridian points used in EFT tapping and provides instructions for how to tap.
8 Ways to Boost your Immunity.pdfRamsakhiSinghImmunityplaysavitalroleinfightinganydisease.ItistruewithCoronaaswell.
it's about food, excercise and medicines
Counselling for Anxiety and Stress by Therapy and Intervention I.pptxKiranDammani1Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. Any event or scenario that makes you feel frustrated or nervous can trigger it. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. While it can occur as a reaction to stress, it can also happen without any obvious trigger. Both stress and anxiety involve mostly identical symptoms, including- trouble sleeping, digestive issues, difficulty in concentrating, muscle tension, irritability or anger etc.
Self Healing - Meditation Techniquealex leeThis document introduces the Divine Love & Lights meditation technique. It is described as being simple, effective, and easy for beginners. The technique involves sitting comfortably, focusing on one's breath, and activating one's chakras by saying "Divine Love & Lights ON". It is claimed to have benefits like reducing stress, improving health, and facilitating spiritual growth. Instructions are provided on how to get started with the technique for free on the website www.SecretOfMeditation.com.
Health and wellnessYashwanth PalaniThe document discusses different aspects of health and wellness. It defines health as physical, mental and social wellbeing that allows one to live a full life. Wellness has several dimensions including physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, occupational, spiritual, environmental, academic and financial wellness. Maintaining physical wellness involves behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, managing stress, avoiding tobacco/drugs, developing relationships and protecting oneself from disease. Overall wellness is important for leading a happy and balanced life.
MeditationonechullThis document is a chapter from a book about meditation. It provides an introduction to meditation, defining it as a technique to relax the body and calm the mind. It discusses the various benefits of meditation, such as reducing stress and improving health, focus, creativity and self-awareness. The author notes that meditation is a natural technique that can be practiced regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. The chapter aims to demonstrate how meditation can help people experience greater joy, peace and fulfillment in their lives.
copingWithStress-JubiePPT-2.pptxJubilinAlbaniaThe document discusses coping with stress during adolescence. It provides learning objectives about understanding sources of stress and identifying healthy ways to cope. Key points include defining stress as the body's response to demands, discussing common sources of stress for adolescents, and introducing various coping strategies like communication, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and spending quality time with family. The document also includes links to videos about coping with stress and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Balancing LifeFerhan BUGAY (CC, ACC)This document provides a roadmap for balancing life and achieving happiness and success. It discusses avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking, overeating, and addictions. Everything we do is motivated by seeking pleasure or avoiding pain. Our brain determines what we interpret as pleasant or painful, so we can train our brain to choose how things make us feel.
The secret is focusing on breath, mind, and consciousness. Exercises like breathing and balance tests can improve the body. The mind has three identities - ego, superego, id - and is not what we think. Only increasing consciousness through wisdom can truly improve it. Techniques discussed include yoga, nutrition, stress management, relationships, finding purpose and meaning. Progress requires understanding teachings
fostering-emotional-well-being.pptxgowinrajThis document summarizes Evan Sternard's seminar on inner well-being and emotional health. It discusses the importance of social, emotional, mental, and inner well-being. It provides tips for improving emotional wellness such as keeping realistic expectations, surrounding oneself with positive people, self-care, and seeking help if experiencing depression. The document also outlines signs of depression, noting it commonly affects college students, and encourages seeking help from support groups or counseling services.
fostering-emotional-well-being.pptxeyon2This seminar discusses inner well-being and social and emotional health. It defines well-being as consisting of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Early childhood experiences shape emotional well-being and mental health issues are linked to risky behaviors. Cultivating compassion, acceptance and purpose can improve inner well-being. The seminar also addresses depression among college students, signs and symptoms of depression, and strategies for seeking help and improving self-care like exercise, sleep, and social support.
Building high performance team Nirav TrivediGreendot Management solution provides you best HR Practices to make your team work more effectively and get best out of your team
Team BuildingSiddharthan VGJTeam building skills training can help address weaknesses, develop strengths, and create an environment where employees work collectively as a team to achieve organizational goals. Internal and cross-functional conflicts can divert focus from these goals, so team building activities connect employees across departments to promote rapport, enhance relationships, and improve communication and coordination between teams. When employees focus on team and organizational targets rather than just individual targets, it increases flexibility and the organization's ability to work as a single unit.
Organizar principiosA'Harlen D'MondragónEste documento define la organización como la estructuración de las relaciones entre los elementos de un organismo social para lograr su máxima eficiencia. Explica principios clave de la organización como la especialización, jerarquía, autoridad y responsabilidad, unidad de mando y amplitud de control. El objetivo de la organización es establecer una estructura que facilite el logro de los objetivos de manera eficiente.
ENSAYO INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONALmichaelplopezLa inteligencia emocional se define como la capacidad de reconocer los propios sentimientos y los de los demás, y de manejarlos eficazmente. Ayuda a las personas a tener éxito en el trabajo y las relaciones. Las personas con inteligencia emocional son expertas en conocerse a sí mismas, manejar sus emociones, comprender a los demás y cultivar buenas relaciones. También es importante en el ámbito laboral, donde los empleados deben poseer competencias emocionales para desarrollarse con éxito y contribuir a un bu
Building Team CulturechrisdagenaisThis document discusses how to create a positive team culture. It emphasizes that culture is the personality of the team and affects how people work together. The goals of culture include productivity, collaboration, and happier team members. It recommends getting influential team members onboard, laying out a clear roadmap, establishing accountability and responsibility, managing perception, giving and receiving feedback, and making the culture about the team rather than individuals. Culture is a key differentiator for high performing teams.
Successful collaboration and team dynamicsjtlinnetSuccessful team collaboration requires members to share ideas, communicate positively, and respect different opinions. Key components include sharing ideas, providing constructive feedback, and supporting each other while addressing conflicts respectfully. Motivation also plays an important role, as individuals draw motivation differently from intrinsic or extrinsic sources, but maintaining motivation contributes to completing tasks successfully.
Team buildingpaarkaviganesanTeam building refers to activities that motivate team members and improve performance by strengthening bonds between employees. It develops team members, improves performance, and motivates employees to achieve targets by celebrating successes, defining roles, and boosting morale. Building an effective team requires understanding members, clearly defining goals, promoting communication to avoid conflicts, and obtaining feedback through team-building activities and events led by an appointed leader.
El Sentido Del TrabajoMarco AlbercaEste documento presenta las principales enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica sobre el trabajo. Discute que el trabajo es un derecho fundamental del hombre dado por Dios, pero que no debe ser idolatrado. Jesús enseñó a apreciar el trabajo a través de su propio ejemplo como carpintero. El trabajo debe realizarse de manera que no domine al hombre y lo aleje de Dios. La Iglesia apoya los derechos de los trabajadores y el papel de los sindicatos en la defensa de esos derechos.
LiderazgoDCDJLEl documento describe las características y tipos de liderazgo. Explica que el liderazgo implica influir en los demás y gestionar equipos de manera efectiva. También analiza diferentes teorías de liderazgo como la teoría de rasgos de personalidad y la teoría de estilos de liderazgo. Asimismo, distingue entre un jefe y un líder, señalando que un líder enseña y empodera a los demás.
LiderazgoDavid Arcila AcostaEl Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo - El Liderazgo -
Emotional intelligenceGovernment of IndiaEmotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It is argued that emotional intelligence may be more important than IQ, as IQ accounts for only 20% of success in life while emotional intelligence accounts for 80%. Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness of one's emotions and their impact, self-control and stress management, empathy for others, and social skills such as conflict resolution. Developing emotional intelligence can help one lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
EFT - Tapping Solution EbookGreen EduThe document provides information about emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping, including how it works, its origins, and how to perform it. EFT tapping is a technique that involves tapping on meridian points while focusing on negative emotions, thoughts or issues. This helps reduce stress and cortisol levels by stimulating the body's energy pathways and calming the amygdala. It was developed from ancient Chinese medicine and refined by psychologists in the 1970s-1980s. The document explains the nine meridian points used in EFT tapping and provides instructions for how to tap.
8 Ways to Boost your Immunity.pdfRamsakhiSinghImmunityplaysavitalroleinfightinganydisease.ItistruewithCoronaaswell.
it's about food, excercise and medicines
Counselling for Anxiety and Stress by Therapy and Intervention I.pptxKiranDammani1Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. Any event or scenario that makes you feel frustrated or nervous can trigger it. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. While it can occur as a reaction to stress, it can also happen without any obvious trigger. Both stress and anxiety involve mostly identical symptoms, including- trouble sleeping, digestive issues, difficulty in concentrating, muscle tension, irritability or anger etc.
Self Healing - Meditation Techniquealex leeThis document introduces the Divine Love & Lights meditation technique. It is described as being simple, effective, and easy for beginners. The technique involves sitting comfortably, focusing on one's breath, and activating one's chakras by saying "Divine Love & Lights ON". It is claimed to have benefits like reducing stress, improving health, and facilitating spiritual growth. Instructions are provided on how to get started with the technique for free on the website www.SecretOfMeditation.com.
Health and wellnessYashwanth PalaniThe document discusses different aspects of health and wellness. It defines health as physical, mental and social wellbeing that allows one to live a full life. Wellness has several dimensions including physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, occupational, spiritual, environmental, academic and financial wellness. Maintaining physical wellness involves behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, managing stress, avoiding tobacco/drugs, developing relationships and protecting oneself from disease. Overall wellness is important for leading a happy and balanced life.
MeditationonechullThis document is a chapter from a book about meditation. It provides an introduction to meditation, defining it as a technique to relax the body and calm the mind. It discusses the various benefits of meditation, such as reducing stress and improving health, focus, creativity and self-awareness. The author notes that meditation is a natural technique that can be practiced regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. The chapter aims to demonstrate how meditation can help people experience greater joy, peace and fulfillment in their lives.
copingWithStress-JubiePPT-2.pptxJubilinAlbaniaThe document discusses coping with stress during adolescence. It provides learning objectives about understanding sources of stress and identifying healthy ways to cope. Key points include defining stress as the body's response to demands, discussing common sources of stress for adolescents, and introducing various coping strategies like communication, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and spending quality time with family. The document also includes links to videos about coping with stress and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Balancing LifeFerhan BUGAY (CC, ACC)This document provides a roadmap for balancing life and achieving happiness and success. It discusses avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking, overeating, and addictions. Everything we do is motivated by seeking pleasure or avoiding pain. Our brain determines what we interpret as pleasant or painful, so we can train our brain to choose how things make us feel.
The secret is focusing on breath, mind, and consciousness. Exercises like breathing and balance tests can improve the body. The mind has three identities - ego, superego, id - and is not what we think. Only increasing consciousness through wisdom can truly improve it. Techniques discussed include yoga, nutrition, stress management, relationships, finding purpose and meaning. Progress requires understanding teachings
fostering-emotional-well-being.pptxgowinrajThis document summarizes Evan Sternard's seminar on inner well-being and emotional health. It discusses the importance of social, emotional, mental, and inner well-being. It provides tips for improving emotional wellness such as keeping realistic expectations, surrounding oneself with positive people, self-care, and seeking help if experiencing depression. The document also outlines signs of depression, noting it commonly affects college students, and encourages seeking help from support groups or counseling services.
fostering-emotional-well-being.pptxeyon2This seminar discusses inner well-being and social and emotional health. It defines well-being as consisting of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Early childhood experiences shape emotional well-being and mental health issues are linked to risky behaviors. Cultivating compassion, acceptance and purpose can improve inner well-being. The seminar also addresses depression among college students, signs and symptoms of depression, and strategies for seeking help and improving self-care like exercise, sleep, and social support.
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLINGProf. Ibrahim KhaleelThis document introduces Prof. P. Ibrahim as a development counselor who is available to provide guidance on managing education, emotions, excellence, personal and professional life, communication skills, time management, health, character and personality. It defines counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists and explains that anyone can provide counseling by listening empathetically. Finally, it outlines many benefits of counseling such as overcoming fears, enhancing skills and confidence, improving relationships and responsibilities, and resolving personal problems. Counseling services are available by email or in-person.
Body code session heart wallDistance HealingYour heart produces more energy than any other organ in your body. Place your hand on your heart and you'll feel the blood pumping through your system.
Your heat is also very sensitive to emotions, both good and bad! I'm sure you've experienced some sort of heartache or heartbreak. I know how it hurts and your heart wants to protect you. So it builds a protective barrier we call a "Heart-Wall."
Level 6 sheetAaron SaundThis document provides information from a chiropractic care website about various natural health techniques and practices. It recommends continuing naturopathic techniques from previous levels such as dry skin brushing and colon health. It also discusses the importance of proper breathing from the stomach area rather than the chest for health benefits. Meditation and using positive affirmations are suggested to improve mental wellness. Finally, it mentions assessing goals and values, removing emotional blockages, maintaining overall health balance, and doing cleanses/detoxes to remove parasites.
Heartfulness Magazine - June 2023 (Volume 8, Issue 6)heartfulnessJune is a celebration of everything yoga as we lead up to International Day of Yoga, June 21, 2023. Yoga is for everyone – old and young, fit and unfit, rich and poor, from all cultures and walks of life – and our authors and artists make it easy by sharing the simplest of tips on breathing, moving, meditating, and related topics like Ayurveda and mental health. They will show you how even taking baby steps will improve your quality of life.
Wellness Coachingvaishali aggarwalA wellness coach helps clients achieve physical and emotional goals by finding solutions to dilemmas that prevent a healthy, stress-free life. They differ from psychotherapists who focus on chronic issues and thought processes, and counselors who examine the past and seek diagnoses. Coaches work as partners with clients to improve performance and quality of life. Wellness coaching in hospitals and centers benefits patients, staff and facilities by increasing revenue through a more pleasant experience.
Stress ManagementGoutam Kumar SahayThe document discusses various ways to manage stress, including understanding the causes of stress and developing effective coping strategies. It suggests identifying stressors and reducing emotional and physical reactions to stress through relaxation techniques like deep breathing, exercise, improving one's attitude, and maintaining social support systems. Building physical and emotional reserves as well as learning to accept circumstances beyond one's control are also recommended for reducing stress and cultivating a peaceful state of mind.
7 eye opening ways meditation can help your personal developmentShivaniKotian2Meditation is a combination of deep relaxation and awareness. It is a technique for calming the mind and connecting with one's actual self. We grow so engrossed in the complications of our hectic life that we lose touch with our actual nature. Every person possesses an infinite supply of delight. Love is a part of who we are at our core.Our actual Self is love, and meditation, the age-old practise of quiet the mind, is the method to find it. It is the boundless joy and calm that we experience when we meditate, when we sit motionless for a few minutes with ourselves.
Alexandra Merisoiu BrochureAlexandra MerisoiuThe document describes the services offered by Alexandra Merisoiu, founder of Urban Women Fitness and creator of the Merisoiu Technique. She works with entrepreneurial and corporate women to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health using her technique which incorporates thousands of years of knowledge with modern coaching methods. Her technique consists of 20 laws based on principles like earthing, organic movement, and food discipline. She offers 1.5 hour coaching sessions outdoors to help clients fully understand her concepts. Testimonials from clients highlight improvements in fitness, empowerment, and developing a more positive relationship with their body and lifestyle from working with Alexandra.
Wellness chakra journal august 2015Chintan KapdiAngels are spiritual beings mentioned in many religious scriptures that are said to help humans. They have unconditional love for all of God's creations and see our true potential, encouraging growth. Angels can help humans when asked but cannot intervene with free will. Connecting to angels is as easy as connecting with a friend and invoking them can help bring success, prosperity, healing, and help one overcome daily battles and hurdles. Regular contact with angels can help bring positive changes to one's life, making one feel radiant and at peace. Looking to angels for help is encouraged.
A glass of milk 2Prakash VenkatramanA poor boy who was selling goods to pay for school found he only had a dime left and was hungry. He asked a woman for something to eat but instead she gave him a large glass of milk. Years later, the woman became critically ill and Dr. Howard Kelly, who was the boy, was called in to help. After successfully treating her, Dr. Kelly wrote on her bill "Paid in full with one glass of milk" as he remembered her kindness from years ago. The story illustrates that good deeds can come back to benefit you in unexpected ways.
ݺߣs on strokes.Prakash VenkatramanThe document discusses the concept of strokes, which are units of human recognition that can be expressed as physical or non-physical signs of love, hate, or indifference. Strokes are essential for psychological and physical well-being. Positive strokes bring peace by healing wounds and helping people discover talents, while negative strokes wound and condition people to unhealthy reactions. Strokes can be unconditional based on a person's being, or conditional based on their actions. The way people are stroked shapes how they stroke others. People seek positive strokes and avoid negative ones.
Good teacherPrakash VenkatramanThe document presents several quotes from prominent historical figures emphasizing the importance of educating students' hearts and minds, not just filling their minds with information. Plato's quote recommends directing children to learn through amusement and discovery rather than force or harshness to best understand their talents. The document also lists some motivations for teaching such as financial gain, empowering others, finding purpose and bringing out one's best qualities.
TAPrakash VenkatramanThe document discusses Eric Berne's concept of transactional analysis and the three ego states - parent, adult, and child. It describes the different ways people behave and focus their energy depending on which ego state they are operating from at a given time. A healthy person is able to switch between ego states, while an unhealthy person gets stuck in one. Transactional analysis therapy aims to update the parent ego state, discharge blocked emotions from the child ego state, and expand the adult awareness to allow the natural child to act and succeed.
The Illustrated Happiness Trap_ How to Stop Struggling and Start Living ( PDFDrive ).pdf
There’s this idea going around that we’re always supposed to be
happy—and it’s making us miserable. The good news is, if you can
learn to let go of that impossible expectation, your life will be a
whole lot happier. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
is a simple, self-administered therapy that uses mindfulness to
enable you to do just that. This fun, illustrated guide to the
method that’s made life better for millions is the easiest way yet
to learn how to escape the happiness trap and start living a life
that’s more rewarding, more meaningful—and happier.
With ACT you’ll learn to:
Reduce stress and worry
Handle painful feelings and thoughts more effectively
Break self-defeating habits
Overcome insecurity and self-doubt
Recognize and treasure the whole range of emotions that make
up a satisfying life
Dr. RUSS HARRIS is a physician, therapist, and speaker
specializing in stress management. He travels nationally and
internationally to train individuals and health professionals in the
techniques of ACT. Born and educated in England, he now lives in
Australia. For more information, visit actmindfully.com.au.
12. How to use this book 7
Introduction 9
Fairytales 20
Vicious cycles 29
The basics of ACT 43
The great storyteller 46
True blues 59
Troubleshooting defusion 64
Demons in the boat 76
Drop the struggle 87
Troubleshooting expansion 101
Great connections 106
You’re not who you think you are 120
Follow your heart 128
The 1000-mile journey 135
Finding fullfillment 146
A life of plenty 150
Willingness 157
A meaningful life 164