User-centred innovation at Digital World Research CentrePeter Lancaster
Summary of the research at the Digital World Research Centre of the University of Surrey. Presented at "Implementing Future Networks, Content and Services with Secure and Efficient Systems." At the University of Surrey 20th Sept 2010
An overview of Greater Halifax Partnership's work in areas like talent attraction and retention, the Halifax Gateway, and our SmartBusiness initiative to keep and grow business. It also highlights the Partnership's priorities for the next year and beyond.
Socrative is an educational platform that allows teachers to engage students with activities on various devices. Teachers can pose questions to the class and see real-time responses, then receive detailed reports on student performance to personalize learning. The platform supports multiple choice questions, true/false, short answer, student voting, and competitive quizzes. Teachers can create, share, and import quizzes to assess student understanding.
The document discusses verb conjugations and tenses in English, specifically:
1) The rules for forming the 3rd person singular present tense in English, adding "s" or "es" depending on the verb.
2) Examples of regular and irregular verbs in the present and past tense, as well as the negative form.
3) A discussion of gerund verbs (verbs ending in "ing") and how they are used compared to regular verbs.
A National Management Plan for a protected non-timber CITES listed tree speci...Verina Ingram
A National Management Plan for a protected non-timber CITEs listed tree species: Prunus africana. Ingram et al. pygeum mgt plan presentation nat forum march 10
The document provides examples to illustrate the difference between using "when" and "while" to describe the order of two actions. It explains that "while" indicates the second action occurred during the first action, whereas "when" means the second action occurred after the first action. The document then gives sentence examples and asks the reader to change sentences containing "while" to use "when" instead and vice versa.
The document discusses best practices for assessing student learning outcomes at the institutional level. It outlines a six-step process for faculty to work through to identify, prioritize, define, map, measure, and analyze learning outcomes. Key aspects of good assessment include using results to inform decisions, having a focus on important goals, active stakeholder participation, communicating results widely, and ensuring results are used fairly and ethically. Regional accrediting bodies outline five principles for institutions around defining learning missions, documenting student learning against standards, compiling evidence from multiple sources, and involving stakeholders in the assessment process.
The document summarizes key facts about the planet Uranus, including that it is the 7th closest planet to the sun, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium which give it a blue-green color, and has a very low temperature of minus 357 degrees Fahrenheit. It also notes that due to a single flyby mission by Voyager 2, astronomers have limited knowledge about Uranus. The document concludes by advocating for more exploration of Uranus to learn more about this distant planet.
This document provides information on Tarzan Co., Ltd. and Jialai Knitting Co., Ltd. Tarzan Co. was established in 1970 in Taiwan and imports and exports knitted sweaters. It has 6 employees and a capital of NT$6,000,000. Jialai Knitting Co. was established in 1992 in Shantou City, China and produces 1 million pieces of knitted items per year for export, mainly to Japan. It has 300 workers and factories areas of 3,000 square meters. Both companies provide contact information and details on management, production equipment, and facilities.
This document provides an overview of the Nisga'a Nation Language and Culture program. It acknowledges past successes but also identifies current challenges including a severely endangered language status. It outlines draft plans to address these challenges through various initiatives aimed at creating fluent speakers, preserving the language digitally, increasing its status, promoting motivation, developing school programming, and including the language more broadly. Feedback is sought to clarify if these draft plans are moving in the right direction. The document emphasizes working in unity across communities and with partners through cohesive, collaborative efforts.
The document discusses the environmental impacts of firecrackers used during Diwali celebrations. It outlines the chemicals in crackers and their negative health effects like irritation, damage to organs, and metal fume fever. Noise from crackers can cause hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and sleep disturbances. It advocates celebrating a greener Diwali by minimizing or avoiding crackers, decorating with candles, spending time with family, and planting trees.
Strategic research agenda for cocoa coffee Wageningen UR 09062014Verina Ingram
The document discusses developing strategic research agendas for cocoa and coffee. It notes that cocoa and coffee face persistent problems related to demand, prices, quality, farmer livelihoods, and sustainability issues. While much research exists, it is often fragmented and not accessible to all stakeholders. The document proposes developing collaborative research agendas to provide guidance, coordinate efforts, and disseminate information, while recognizing diversity of needs. A survey of stakeholders found interest in joining a multi-stakeholder platform to share and communicate research results to help address key research gaps in areas like agronomy, climate change, and productivity.
The document contains a review of 15 multiple choice questions about chemical properties. The questions cover topics like the atomic particle that engages in chemical reactions, balancing chemical equations, properties of elements in different locations on the periodic table, and common features of chemical reactions.
Beyond xUnit example-based testing: property-based testing with ScalaCheckFranklin Chen
Test-Driven Development has become deservedly popular in the past decade, with easy-to-use xUnit unit testing frameworks leading the way toward encouraging developers to write tests. But xUnit has limitations: how does one know one has written enough test cases for a desired behavior? And what if the behavior is conditional on other behavior? Property-based testing, first popularized for Haskell with the QuickCheck library, but available now for other languages as well, offers a powerful addition to one's testing toolkit.
I will discuss the concepts of property-based testing and illustrate them concretely using ScalaCheck for Scala, and point toward similar test frameworks in other languages.
Presented at the Halifax State of the Economy Conference 2012
Russell Riblett from GIS Planning presented the different marketing strategies economic development organizations and community marketers employ and which methods are most effective. It included the business site location process and the sources corporate real estate professionals use, as well as how marketing has changed from the past to the present and the direction it will move in the future addressing these marketing questions:
1. What is most effective?
2. Where should you invest your marketing dollars?
3. How are site selectors making decisions?
4. What does not work anymore?
5. What does the future look like?
6. What information really matters?
7. How can you be successful?
The document provides advice on earnings, spending, savings, risk, investment, and expectations. It recommends diversifying income sources through investment, spending wisely by only purchasing needed items, saving first before spending leftover money, avoiding overexposure by not putting all assets in a single place, and managing expectations as honesty cannot be expected from all people.
The document discusses strategies for teaching to the eligible content (EC) on the PSSA tests, including understanding the EC thoroughly, adjusting questioning techniques to align with the EC, focusing on open-ended written responses, and providing regular spiral review and formative assessment of the EC. Teachers are encouraged to create their own review materials focused specifically on the EC, use graphic organizers consistently to improve student writing, and have systems in place to provide additional support for students still struggling with mastery of the EC.
Architect Wouter Valkenier is de ontwerper
en initiatiefnemer van de Tuin van
Bret. Eerdere projecten zijn restaurant
Bret, de Voormalige Stadstimmertuin,
broedplaats De Ceuvel en Hanneke¡¯s
getransformeerd tot de Tuin
van Bret. Op deze transitieplek
kijkt Studio Valkenier
uit over een wijngaard en
de sporen van Sloterdijk.
Jaren zeventig wijk
Zwolle-Zuid is een vanaf de jaren zeventig gebouwde wijk in Zwolle, die is opgebouwd uit verschillende buurten waar de woonfunctie de overhand heeft. De wijk scoort op dit moment goed. De gemeente wil dit in de toekomst graag zo houden, maar ziet tegelijkertijd dat opgaven als klimaatverandering en energietransitie effect op Zwolle-Zuid zullen gaan hebben. Het is van belang om de toekomstige kansen en bedreigingen op de kaart te krijgen, om de wijk ook in de toekomst sterk te houden. Hiernaast wil de gemeente graag opgaven formuleren: vraagstukken met betrekking tot energie, beheer van de openbare ruimte, een klimaat-actieve stad, zorg, ondernemen, het op peil houden van voorzieningen, het versterken van routes en het versterken van de relatie tussen stad en landschap. Om meer kennis op te kunnen bouwen op grond van de meningen die over deze opgaven leven in Zwolle-Zuid heeft de gemeente samengewerkt met Atelier ZZ van Architectuur Lokaal.
Door middel van een open oproep konden jonge ontwerpers zich aanmelden voor deelname aan het Atelier. Uit 25 aanmeldingen zijn acht architecten, stedenbouwkundigen en landschapsarchitecten geselecteerd: Reza Alkaabi, Hester Annema, Lisanne Caspers, Sandra Grabs, Wouter Hagers, Ramon Scharff, Marije ter Steege en Stijn Tijhuis.
In het Atelier is met bewoners en belanghebbenden gewerkt aan het bedenken van idee?n voor toekomstige ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen, het analyseren van problemen, het verder aanscherpen van dilemma¡¯s en het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheden. De ontwerpers konden hiermee ervaring opdoen. Dat gebeurde onder leiding van ervaren mentoren: stedenbouwkundige Tess Broekmans (Urhahn Stedenbouw & Strategie) en architect Wouter Valkenier (Studio Valkenier). Het Atelier heeft plaatsgevonden in een leegstaande winkel in het winkelcentrum Zwolle-Zuid en werd vanuit Architectuur Lokaal begeleid door Vincent Kompier en Stef Bogaerds.
Geen eindbeelden
De ontwerpers hebben de gesprekken in het Atelier gebruikt als basis voor acht mogelijke toekomstscenario¡¯s voor Zwolle-Zuid. Daarbij werden thema¡¯s als betere verbindingen met het omringende landschap, de wateropgave, het verduurzamen van de wijk, het aanbieden van een breder woningaanbod en de rol van de openbare ruimte van de toekomst op een prikkelende manier verbeeld.
OESO Mission to Amsterdam beautiful visuals by Eva HilhorstWouter Valkenier
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the
governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 nonmember
economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development. The Organisation
provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify
good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies. France is a founding country of the organisation,
having joined in 1961.
For more than 50 years, the OECD has been a valuable source of policy analysis and internationally comparable
statistical, economic and social data. Over the past decade, the OECD has further deepened its engagement with
business, trade unions and other representatives of civil society. The organisation provides a forum in which
governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. It works with
governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change.
De economische crisis heeft een nieuwe ontwikkeling opgeleverd. Je
hoeft niet bij alles meer te wachten op wat de gemeente voor je bedenkt,
de bewoners maken zelf plannen. En ze vinden ook het geld om ze uit te
voeren. tekst tracy MetZ
Plan Amsterdam, over de brettenzone en Sloterdijk met onze bijdrage!Wouter Valkenier
In het eerste artikel, een nadere kennismaking met
de verschillende deelgebieden Sloterdijk I, II, III, IV en
Sloterdijk Centrum, ofwel de Sloterdijken. Daarna meer
over de oorzaken voor de hernieuwde dynamiek in
het gebied. In het tweede artikel wordt dieper ingegaan
op de nieuwe woonfunctie in Sloterdijk Centrum,
het kantorengebied rond station Sloterdijk. Waarom
mag het nu wel? Waar mogen mensen precies wonen.
En, hoe gaat de gemeente dit aanpakken?
Het derde artikel gaat over het groen. Elke Amsterdammer
heeft groen op loop- en fietsafstand. Zo ook
de nieuwe bewoners. De Bretten is een natuurgebied
dat deels is aangelegd, maar grotendeels zelf is ontstaan.
Een relatief onbekend juweeltje, maar ook daar zal
vanzelf verandering in komen. Er is gewoonweg veel
te zien en te beleven voor de Amsterdammer.
The document summarizes key facts about the planet Uranus, including that it is the 7th closest planet to the sun, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium which give it a blue-green color, and has a very low temperature of minus 357 degrees Fahrenheit. It also notes that due to a single flyby mission by Voyager 2, astronomers have limited knowledge about Uranus. The document concludes by advocating for more exploration of Uranus to learn more about this distant planet.
This document provides information on Tarzan Co., Ltd. and Jialai Knitting Co., Ltd. Tarzan Co. was established in 1970 in Taiwan and imports and exports knitted sweaters. It has 6 employees and a capital of NT$6,000,000. Jialai Knitting Co. was established in 1992 in Shantou City, China and produces 1 million pieces of knitted items per year for export, mainly to Japan. It has 300 workers and factories areas of 3,000 square meters. Both companies provide contact information and details on management, production equipment, and facilities.
This document provides an overview of the Nisga'a Nation Language and Culture program. It acknowledges past successes but also identifies current challenges including a severely endangered language status. It outlines draft plans to address these challenges through various initiatives aimed at creating fluent speakers, preserving the language digitally, increasing its status, promoting motivation, developing school programming, and including the language more broadly. Feedback is sought to clarify if these draft plans are moving in the right direction. The document emphasizes working in unity across communities and with partners through cohesive, collaborative efforts.
The document discusses the environmental impacts of firecrackers used during Diwali celebrations. It outlines the chemicals in crackers and their negative health effects like irritation, damage to organs, and metal fume fever. Noise from crackers can cause hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and sleep disturbances. It advocates celebrating a greener Diwali by minimizing or avoiding crackers, decorating with candles, spending time with family, and planting trees.
Strategic research agenda for cocoa coffee Wageningen UR 09062014Verina Ingram
The document discusses developing strategic research agendas for cocoa and coffee. It notes that cocoa and coffee face persistent problems related to demand, prices, quality, farmer livelihoods, and sustainability issues. While much research exists, it is often fragmented and not accessible to all stakeholders. The document proposes developing collaborative research agendas to provide guidance, coordinate efforts, and disseminate information, while recognizing diversity of needs. A survey of stakeholders found interest in joining a multi-stakeholder platform to share and communicate research results to help address key research gaps in areas like agronomy, climate change, and productivity.
The document contains a review of 15 multiple choice questions about chemical properties. The questions cover topics like the atomic particle that engages in chemical reactions, balancing chemical equations, properties of elements in different locations on the periodic table, and common features of chemical reactions.
Beyond xUnit example-based testing: property-based testing with ScalaCheckFranklin Chen
Test-Driven Development has become deservedly popular in the past decade, with easy-to-use xUnit unit testing frameworks leading the way toward encouraging developers to write tests. But xUnit has limitations: how does one know one has written enough test cases for a desired behavior? And what if the behavior is conditional on other behavior? Property-based testing, first popularized for Haskell with the QuickCheck library, but available now for other languages as well, offers a powerful addition to one's testing toolkit.
I will discuss the concepts of property-based testing and illustrate them concretely using ScalaCheck for Scala, and point toward similar test frameworks in other languages.
Presented at the Halifax State of the Economy Conference 2012
Russell Riblett from GIS Planning presented the different marketing strategies economic development organizations and community marketers employ and which methods are most effective. It included the business site location process and the sources corporate real estate professionals use, as well as how marketing has changed from the past to the present and the direction it will move in the future addressing these marketing questions:
1. What is most effective?
2. Where should you invest your marketing dollars?
3. How are site selectors making decisions?
4. What does not work anymore?
5. What does the future look like?
6. What information really matters?
7. How can you be successful?
The document provides advice on earnings, spending, savings, risk, investment, and expectations. It recommends diversifying income sources through investment, spending wisely by only purchasing needed items, saving first before spending leftover money, avoiding overexposure by not putting all assets in a single place, and managing expectations as honesty cannot be expected from all people.
The document discusses strategies for teaching to the eligible content (EC) on the PSSA tests, including understanding the EC thoroughly, adjusting questioning techniques to align with the EC, focusing on open-ended written responses, and providing regular spiral review and formative assessment of the EC. Teachers are encouraged to create their own review materials focused specifically on the EC, use graphic organizers consistently to improve student writing, and have systems in place to provide additional support for students still struggling with mastery of the EC.
Architect Wouter Valkenier is de ontwerper
en initiatiefnemer van de Tuin van
Bret. Eerdere projecten zijn restaurant
Bret, de Voormalige Stadstimmertuin,
broedplaats De Ceuvel en Hanneke¡¯s
getransformeerd tot de Tuin
van Bret. Op deze transitieplek
kijkt Studio Valkenier
uit over een wijngaard en
de sporen van Sloterdijk.
Jaren zeventig wijk
Zwolle-Zuid is een vanaf de jaren zeventig gebouwde wijk in Zwolle, die is opgebouwd uit verschillende buurten waar de woonfunctie de overhand heeft. De wijk scoort op dit moment goed. De gemeente wil dit in de toekomst graag zo houden, maar ziet tegelijkertijd dat opgaven als klimaatverandering en energietransitie effect op Zwolle-Zuid zullen gaan hebben. Het is van belang om de toekomstige kansen en bedreigingen op de kaart te krijgen, om de wijk ook in de toekomst sterk te houden. Hiernaast wil de gemeente graag opgaven formuleren: vraagstukken met betrekking tot energie, beheer van de openbare ruimte, een klimaat-actieve stad, zorg, ondernemen, het op peil houden van voorzieningen, het versterken van routes en het versterken van de relatie tussen stad en landschap. Om meer kennis op te kunnen bouwen op grond van de meningen die over deze opgaven leven in Zwolle-Zuid heeft de gemeente samengewerkt met Atelier ZZ van Architectuur Lokaal.
Door middel van een open oproep konden jonge ontwerpers zich aanmelden voor deelname aan het Atelier. Uit 25 aanmeldingen zijn acht architecten, stedenbouwkundigen en landschapsarchitecten geselecteerd: Reza Alkaabi, Hester Annema, Lisanne Caspers, Sandra Grabs, Wouter Hagers, Ramon Scharff, Marije ter Steege en Stijn Tijhuis.
In het Atelier is met bewoners en belanghebbenden gewerkt aan het bedenken van idee?n voor toekomstige ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen, het analyseren van problemen, het verder aanscherpen van dilemma¡¯s en het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheden. De ontwerpers konden hiermee ervaring opdoen. Dat gebeurde onder leiding van ervaren mentoren: stedenbouwkundige Tess Broekmans (Urhahn Stedenbouw & Strategie) en architect Wouter Valkenier (Studio Valkenier). Het Atelier heeft plaatsgevonden in een leegstaande winkel in het winkelcentrum Zwolle-Zuid en werd vanuit Architectuur Lokaal begeleid door Vincent Kompier en Stef Bogaerds.
Geen eindbeelden
De ontwerpers hebben de gesprekken in het Atelier gebruikt als basis voor acht mogelijke toekomstscenario¡¯s voor Zwolle-Zuid. Daarbij werden thema¡¯s als betere verbindingen met het omringende landschap, de wateropgave, het verduurzamen van de wijk, het aanbieden van een breder woningaanbod en de rol van de openbare ruimte van de toekomst op een prikkelende manier verbeeld.
OESO Mission to Amsterdam beautiful visuals by Eva HilhorstWouter Valkenier
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the
governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 nonmember
economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development. The Organisation
provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify
good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies. France is a founding country of the organisation,
having joined in 1961.
For more than 50 years, the OECD has been a valuable source of policy analysis and internationally comparable
statistical, economic and social data. Over the past decade, the OECD has further deepened its engagement with
business, trade unions and other representatives of civil society. The organisation provides a forum in which
governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. It works with
governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change.
De economische crisis heeft een nieuwe ontwikkeling opgeleverd. Je
hoeft niet bij alles meer te wachten op wat de gemeente voor je bedenkt,
de bewoners maken zelf plannen. En ze vinden ook het geld om ze uit te
voeren. tekst tracy MetZ
Plan Amsterdam, over de brettenzone en Sloterdijk met onze bijdrage!Wouter Valkenier
In het eerste artikel, een nadere kennismaking met
de verschillende deelgebieden Sloterdijk I, II, III, IV en
Sloterdijk Centrum, ofwel de Sloterdijken. Daarna meer
over de oorzaken voor de hernieuwde dynamiek in
het gebied. In het tweede artikel wordt dieper ingegaan
op de nieuwe woonfunctie in Sloterdijk Centrum,
het kantorengebied rond station Sloterdijk. Waarom
mag het nu wel? Waar mogen mensen precies wonen.
En, hoe gaat de gemeente dit aanpakken?
Het derde artikel gaat over het groen. Elke Amsterdammer
heeft groen op loop- en fietsafstand. Zo ook
de nieuwe bewoners. De Bretten is een natuurgebied
dat deels is aangelegd, maar grotendeels zelf is ontstaan.
Een relatief onbekend juweeltje, maar ook daar zal
vanzelf verandering in komen. Er is gewoonweg veel
te zien en te beleven voor de Amsterdammer.
Spontaniteit en Ambachtelijke imperfectie, Studio Valkenier publicatie in Arc...Wouter Valkenier
Studio Valkenier wordt beschreven door Jeroen Junte in het vakblad De projecten die beschreven worden zijn: Hannekes Boom...sinds 1662 / Buro Bintje (BRET) / Stadstimmertuin / De Ceuvel
Een interview met de initiatiefnemers van Hannekes Boom is verschenen in de uitgave Tijdelijk Amsterdam. een boekje dat is uitgegeven door het ProjectManagement Bureau (PMB) van de gemeente Amsterdam
In Amsterdam is veel ervaring opgedaan in het faciliteren van processen om tot een daadkrachtige en werkelijke invulling van tijdelijkheid te komen. Tijdelijkheid is een kansrijke strategie voor gebiedsontwikkeling. Deze uitgave laat zien hoe dit gebeurt.
Meer info over Hannekes boom? of
At an exhibition about fashion, Wouter Valkenier (Studio Valkenier) was inspired
by a design by Ontfront (Liza Koifman and Tomas Overtoom) Ontfront had transformed a clas-
sic design for a pinstripe jacket into a hooded sweater Wouter immediately discerned a num-
ber of interesting parallels between Ontfront¡¯s working method and the way in which he as an
architect-urban designer produces his designs; for example, by transforming archetypes into
contemporary concepts Studio Valkenier and Ontfront subsequently worked together on a design for a
coffee bar Because the architectural design was already more or less finished, the addition
of fabrics and clothing for staff had a ¡®responsive¡¯ character The question that arose was what
would happen if a fashion designer and an architect were to work together right from the out-
set? They conceived a plan to explore the common ground between fashion and architecture
and the potential of such a collaboration This initiative, which ARCAM later became involved
in, has resulted in an investigation into the design process and into the making of both fashion
and architecture, as well as the combination of the two With this project, StudioValkenier, Ontfront and
ARCAM hope to give an idea of the possibilities and to stimulate future collaborations between architects and fashion designers
more info?