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3D Printing & Retail

Google London
February 28, 2013

On a mission to make the world

a more customer-friendly place


                                    Customer Experience

                                    Value Propositions

                                    Customer-Centric Transformation

My usual focus:

Help companies profit from customer-centricity today

                                                 Industrial thinking   3D thinking

But today I want to talk about additive manufacturing, aka.

3D printing

Not so long ago, I had filed 3D printing under science fiction

and then Shapeways became our customer.

Which lead my son (and his friends) to discover

3D Printed Minecraft Avatars

                                   Its so cool 
                                   they even got the
                                   colours right!

In which I found myself paying 

25 for a 6 cm plastic toy

                                                           Look  DJ

This made me realise 3D printings sci-fi days were over

It was now a game of personalisation and emotion

        3D printing today

        Where we are going

        Three practical suggestions

So I started digging into the topic

Id like to share some findings with you

                                                          What would happen if
                                                          this went mainstream?

As I take you through these cases dont just go ooh and aah

Think through the implications of what you see

                                                                           3D files online

        "We have to prepare for the fact that consumers may soon
        not want to buy pre-packaged iPhone cases of the shelf, but
        build and design their own,"

                                                   Rob Fraser, IT Director Sainsbury, Jan 2013

What is happening today

3D printed iphone cases
What is happening today: Continuum Fashion N12

Custom fitted bikinis printed in Nylon 12

                          Pharmaceuticals   Dental crowns

                                              While you wait 15 mins

                          Breast implants   Artificial ear

What is happening today

Medical applications


What is happening today

Draw your earrings and see them in 3D

What is happening today

Drawings into toys

             Chocolate (today)   Meat (still a while)

What is happening today


                                                  Enrico Dini
                                                  3D Building System

  息 UNIVERSE ARCHITECTURE. The landscape house.

What is happening today

Printed house (2014)

                           285 袖m racecar

                           Vienna University of Technology, 2012

Coming soon

Microchips and circuit boards

What is happening today: Makerlove.com

Yes, you can be scanned

        3D printing today

        Where we are going

        Three practical suggestions

So I started digging into the topic

Id like to share some findings with you

                                         Gartner hype cycle  July 2012
The good news

Were only in hype phase

The bad news

Compared to this the internet was a walk in the park

I believe that for the foreseeable future

Self manufacturing is for tinkerers

                         Watch the video on the next click

A vision of the future

Manufacturing moves closer to home

                      Unit 252, Shopping Centre, Elephant & Castle, London, SE1 6TE

I havent visited it yet myself but

In London, the first one has arrived

       Personalised experiences   Rethink supply chain     Parallel product markets

            You customise or          Some parts mass            Physibles already
             create to fit your     produced, some parts      available for download
           needs. We make it.         printed (on-site?)       (remember the CD!!)

Category by category

A new form of retailer-manufacturing will emerge

        3D printing today

        Where we are going

        Three practical suggestions

So I started digging into the topic

Id like to share some findings with you

Three practical suggestions

Update your knowledge

Three practical suggestions

Start the long-view conversation in your business

                                    Feel free to get in touch


Three practical suggestions

Start live experiments to learn
Web      : www.futurelab.net
Twitter : @FLB_alainthys
Linkedin : Alain Thys


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The Impact of 3D on Retail

  • 1. 3D Printing & Retail FUTURETAIL Google London February 28, 2013 FUTURELAB
  • 2. On a mission to make the world a more customer-friendly place @FLB_alainthys FUTURELAB
  • 3. FUTURELAB Customer Experience Value Propositions Customer-Centric Transformation My usual focus: Help companies profit from customer-centricity today
  • 4. FUTURELAB Industrial thinking 3D thinking But today I want to talk about additive manufacturing, aka. 3D printing
  • 5. FUTURELAB Not so long ago, I had filed 3D printing under science fiction and then Shapeways became our customer.
  • 6. FUTURELAB Which lead my son (and his friends) to discover 3D Printed Minecraft Avatars
  • 7. FUTURELAB Its so cool they even got the colours right! In which I found myself paying 25 for a 6 cm plastic toy
  • 8. FUTURELAB Look DJ This made me realise 3D printings sci-fi days were over It was now a game of personalisation and emotion
  • 9. FUTURELAB 3D printing today Where we are going Three practical suggestions So I started digging into the topic Id like to share some findings with you
  • 10. FUTURELAB What would happen if this went mainstream? As I take you through these cases dont just go ooh and aah Think through the implications of what you see
  • 11. FUTURELAB 3D files online "We have to prepare for the fact that consumers may soon not want to buy pre-packaged iPhone cases of the shelf, but build and design their own," Rob Fraser, IT Director Sainsbury, Jan 2013 What is happening today 3D printed iphone cases
  • 12. What is happening today: Continuum Fashion N12 Custom fitted bikinis printed in Nylon 12 FUTURELAB
  • 13. FUTURELAB Pharmaceuticals Dental crowns While you wait 15 mins Breast implants Artificial ear What is happening today Medical applications
  • 14. FUTURELAB Materials Steel Gold Silver Bronze What is happening today Draw your earrings and see them in 3D
  • 15. 99 What is happening today Drawings into toys
  • 16. FUTURELAB Chocolate (today) Meat (still a while) What is happening today Food
  • 17. FUTURELAB Enrico Dini 3D Building System 息 UNIVERSE ARCHITECTURE. The landscape house. What is happening today Printed house (2014)
  • 18. FUTURELAB 285 袖m racecar Vienna University of Technology, 2012 Coming soon Microchips and circuit boards
  • 19. FUTURELAB What is happening today: Makerlove.com Yes, you can be scanned
  • 20. FUTURELAB 3D printing today Where we are going Three practical suggestions So I started digging into the topic Id like to share some findings with you
  • 21. FUTURELAB Gartner hype cycle July 2012 The good news Were only in hype phase
  • 22. FUTURELAB The bad news Compared to this the internet was a walk in the park
  • 23. FUTURELAB I believe that for the foreseeable future Self manufacturing is for tinkerers
  • 24. FUTURELAB Watch the video on the next click A vision of the future Manufacturing moves closer to home
  • 25. FUTURELAB Unit 252, Shopping Centre, Elephant & Castle, London, SE1 6TE I havent visited it yet myself but In London, the first one has arrived
  • 26. FUTURELAB Personalised experiences Rethink supply chain Parallel product markets You customise or Some parts mass Physibles already create to fit your produced, some parts available for download needs. We make it. printed (on-site?) (remember the CD!!) Category by category A new form of retailer-manufacturing will emerge
  • 27. FUTURELAB 3D printing today Where we are going Three practical suggestions So I started digging into the topic Id like to share some findings with you
  • 29. FUTURELAB Three practical suggestions Start the long-view conversation in your business
  • 30. FUTURELAB Feel free to get in touch FUTURELAB Three practical suggestions Start live experiments to learn
  • 31. Web : www.futurelab.net Twitter : @FLB_alainthys Linkedin : Alain Thys FUTURELAB