Pope Francis encourages Christians to embark on a new chapter of evangelization marked by joy from encountering Jesus. He warns that consumerism and pursuing empty pleasures leads to desolation, while encountering Jesus brings quiet joy and desire to do good. Francis invites Christians to open themselves to Jesus' encounter and love daily, as no one is excluded from his joy. When we take risks to come closer to Jesus, we find he is already there waiting to embrace and forgive us.
Pope Francis and The Joy of the Gospel: Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii GaudiumEnrique Soros
Pope Francis calls for an ecclesial renewal focused on mission over self-preservation. He emphasizes spreading the Gospel to all people, including the poor and marginalized, with a positive message of God's mercy and love. The Pope advocates for a Church that embraces everyone and goes out to the peripheries to spread the joy of the Gospel through both words and deeds. He also stresses the importance of youth ministry and empowering young people to be leaders in the Church.
Pope Francis encourages Christians to embark on a new chapter of evangelization marked by joy from encountering Jesus. He warns that consumerism and pursuing empty pleasures leads to desolation, while encountering Jesus brings quiet joy and desire to do good. Francis invites Christians to open themselves to Jesus' encounter and love daily, as no one is excluded from his joy. When we take risks to come closer to Jesus, we find he is already there waiting to embrace and forgive us.
Pope Francis and The Joy of the Gospel: Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii GaudiumEnrique Soros
Pope Francis calls for an ecclesial renewal focused on mission over self-preservation. He emphasizes spreading the Gospel to all people, including the poor and marginalized, with a positive message of God's mercy and love. The Pope advocates for a Church that embraces everyone and goes out to the peripheries to spread the joy of the Gospel through both words and deeds. He also stresses the importance of youth ministry and empowering young people to be leaders in the Church.
Pope Francis: Pastoral activity and conversionMargaretObrovac
Pope Francis discusses the need for pastoral and missionary conversion in the Catholic Church. He says renewal cannot leave things as they are and mere administration is no longer enough. The Church must look inward and compare itself to Christ's ideal to fuel its struggle for renewal. Structures alone cannot drive evangelization - there must be a living, authentic faith sustaining and assessing them. The Pope calls the Church to continual reformation according to its calling.
Theology 3 A Brief History of the Diocese of Ilagan (Isabela)meypascua
A Brief History of the Diocese of Ilagan (Isabela)
The?most?widely?distributed of the world religions, having substantial representation in all the populated continents of the globe. In the late 1990s, its total membership exceeded 1.9 billion people.
The history of Christianity in the province of Isabela is intimately linked with that of its sister provinces in the Cagayan Valley region, namely Cagayan and Nueva Vizcaya. All three provinces were just one political unit called Cagayan during the early Spanish period.
Theology: A Brief History of the Diocese of Ilagan (Isabela)meypascua
CHRISTIANITY is the?most?widely?distributed of the world religions, having substantial representation in all the populated continents of the globe. In the late 1990s, its total membership exceeded 1.9 billion people.
A Brief History of the Diocese of Ilagan (Isabela)
The history of Christianity in the province of Isabela is intimately linked with that of its sister provinces in the Cagayan Valley region, namely Cagayan and Nueva Vizcaya. All three provinces were just one political unit called Cagayan during the early Spanish period.
Pope Francis: an ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred (cont.)MargaretObrovac
Pope Francis calls for an ecclesial renewal that cannot be deferred, with each particular Church undergoing missionary conversion. Bishops must foster a dynamic, open, and missionary communion within their diocese, encouraging participation and listening to all people with the aim of reaching everyone. The papacy and central Church structures also need pastoral conversion, with episcopal conferences playing a greater role. Pastoral ministry must abandon complacency and rethink goals, structures, and methods of evangelization creatively in local communities through communal discernment.
This document discusses driving forces and faith formation matrices. It repeats the phrases "Driving Forces" and "FAITH FORMATION MATRIX" multiple times without providing any additional context or information about the topics.
This document contains teachings from the Bible on how to live a holy life and serve God. It discusses several topics:
1) Jesus teaches that the two most important commandments are to love God and love your neighbor.
2) It provides guidance on avoiding sin and worldly influences through one's environment, friends, actions, thoughts and time.
3) Living for God requires making a decision to follow Jesus despite challenges, staying determined through problems with God's power, and being willing to be ashamed of for Christ if needed.
4) Serving God involves worshipping through church, prayer and Bible reading, working hard, and witnessing to others about God's love.
Basic Ecclesial Community Orientation:
1. What it Means to be a Parish
2. Parish Pastoral Council
3. Church Ministries
4. Church Movements and Organization
5. Integral Evangelization
6. The What and Why of BEC
7. The How of BEC
The Philippine Education For All (EFA) 2015 Plan of Action aims to achieve three main goals by 2015:
1. Universal functional literacy for all Filipinos by ensuring they possess cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills to function effectively.
2. Universal coverage of quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) for all 3-5 year old children through programs like day care centers and preschools.
3. Universal school participation and elimination of drop-outs and repetition from Grades 1-3 by making schools child-friendly and ensuring students master foundational literacy and numeracy skills. The curriculum will guide teachers' efforts to help achieve these goals.
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
7. “I dream of a 'missionary option',
that is, a missionary impulse
everything, so that the Church’s
customs, ways of doing things,
times and schedules, language and
channeled for the evangelization
of today’s world rather than for her
self-preservation” (#27).