The document discusses Pope Leo XIII's 1900 encyclical "Tametsi Futura" which called for a rediscovery of Christ as the redeemer in response to society abandoning the Catholic faith. It also talks about how Blessed James Alberione was inspired by this encyclical to found the Pauline Family and propose devotion to Jesus as the master, way, truth, and life as a spirituality to bring people back to the faith.
Blessed James Alberione attended the sessions of Vatican II He was perspicacious in regard to some of the documents in his founding of a religious family of institutes.
El documento habla sobre la sinodalidad como un camino que Dios espera de la Iglesia en el tercer milenio. La sinodalidad implica caminar juntos, reflexionando sobre el camino recorrido para aprender c坦mo vivir en comuni坦n, participaci坦n y misi坦n. El Papa Francisco invita a toda la Iglesia a interrogarse sobre este tema fundamental para su vida y misi坦n.
Ecclesiology Part 2 - The Purpose of the Church.Robert Tan
Here you go Part 2 of the study of Ecclesiology.
I shared a study on Ecclesiology in church.
1. The Nature of the Church.
2. The Purpose of the Church.
A PowerPoint-based retreat I led in November, 2002 for a parish Pastoral Council. It utilizes a current excplanation of the rights and responsibilities of laypeople in the Catholic Church as well as the basic material of "Who Moved My Cheese?"
This document provides an overview of the 10 Commandments from a Catholic perspective. It begins with some context about the presenter and a disclaimer. It then outlines the topics to be covered, which include an examination of what the law is and its meaning, a review of the 10 Commandments, examining one's conscience, and a discussion of morality without God. The document delves into each of the 10 Commandments, comparing them to the Beatitudes and discussing their Old Testament and New Testament contexts. It contrasts the Old and New Laws. Videos are embedded to further explain some concepts. References are provided at the end for additional learning.
This document provides guidance on teaching children about the sacred liturgy. It discusses the importance of liturgical catechesis and outlines four main approaches: preparation and information, celebration and participation, vocation and transformation, and environmental, formal, experiential, and mystagogical catechesis. It emphasizes that full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy is vital for children's formation. The document also provides practical suggestions for catechizing children through the liturgical year, signs and symbols, and involving families. The overall message is that liturgical catechesis should transform children and call them to holiness through worship, faith, and witness.
This document provides an overview of a catechist initial formation day. It begins with introductions and discusses the purpose of the day which is for catechists to discover their identity, understand their role, observe teaching methods, and continue their own faith formation. Various topics are then covered, including a catechist's call, their role as teacher, prayer leader, storyteller and witness for social justice. Guidance documents for catechesis are referenced. The day aims to equip catechists and remind them that the Spirit is working through their ministry.
The document discusses the mission of the church. It begins by stating that the mission comes from God, whose mission was to restore humanity's unity with Him through sending Jesus. It then discusses how Jesus commissioned His followers to continue sharing in His redemptive mission. Finally, it explores how baptism and the Holy Spirit empower Christians to participate in God's mission of transforming and reconciling the world.
This presentation was given on August 10, 2013 to the parish catechetical leaders in Savannah, GA. The first half is the importance of continually forming yourself and the second half is about forming your catechists . Ongoing formation is important for all of us.
This document provides information about the key events and traditions of Holy Week. It discusses Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. It then covers Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Maundy Thursday focuses on the Last Supper and washing of feet. Good Friday involves Stations of the Cross and venerating the cross. Holy Saturday's Vigil Mass has four parts: Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Baptism/Confirmation, and Eucharist. Finally, Easter Sunday celebrates Christ's resurrection with Alleluias returning and symbols of new life. The document provides suggested activities to observe each event.
This document discusses the key aspects of catechesis as part of the Church's ministry of the word. It defines catechesis as the education in the faith through teaching Christian doctrine in an organic and systematic way to initiate people into the fullness of Christian life. The document outlines three features of effective catechesis: that it is rooted in the word of God, Christ-centered, and presented in a truly Filipino way that is culturally relevant. It emphasizes that the ultimate aim of catechesis is to put people in intimate communion with Christ.
The document discusses altar servers and their role in the church. Altar servers are lay youth who assist the priest during mass and sacraments. They help the priest and bishop and serve as good examples. The schedule outlines the altar servers' activities, which include seminars, meetings, cleaning the parish, and free days. They are called to serve God and the church.
Introduction to Sacraments (Sacraments and Sacramentals)taborian
The document discusses the Catholic Church's teachings on sacraments and sacramentals based on the Constitution on the Liturgy. It defines sacraments as efficacious signs of grace instituted by Christ to dispense divine life. Sacramentals signify spiritual effects obtained through the Church's intercession. The document then provides summaries of each of the seven sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony - outlining their purpose, essential rites, and effects according to Catholic doctrine.
The document discusses how to pray according to Jesus' teachings in the Lord's Prayer. It covers avoiding hypocritical and vain prayers, the importance of closet praying, fellowship with God rather than babbling, and that God knows our needs. The key aspects of praying the Jesus Way are being authentic pray-ers, communing with God privately through asking for our needs and His restoration.
Holy Week marks the week before Easter and includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. It is meant to recall Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. The Triduum refers to the three day period from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday, which includes Jesus' last supper, crucifixion, and resurrection. During this time, Catholics attend special masses like the mass of the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil mass on Holy Saturday. The Stations of the Cross on Good Friday symbolize Jesus' journey to the cross. Holy Week allows Catholics to set this week apart and commemorate the pivotal events of their faith.
The document provides information about the sacred liturgy and sacraments of the Catholic Church. It defines the sacred liturgy as the true worship of God enacted by Jesus Christ and his body, the Church, through ceremonies, rites and formulas established by Scripture and Tradition. It explains that the Church celebrates liturgy in obedience to God's will and that liturgy is fitting for humans as social beings. Major liturgies include the sacraments and the Divine Office, and they are celebrated at fixed times and seasons, most importantly relating to the life of Christ.
It is folder that can help those who volunteer theirselves to be an Altar Server and to serve the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ.Through this I hope it will help the Christian Children to get to know more about Altar Servers and the roles of the Altar Servers after going through this slides.Thank You.
This document discusses key aspects of Catholic doctrine and catechesis. It addresses the situation of religious ignorance and confusion among some Filipino Catholics. It emphasizes presenting doctrine in a way that is Christocentric, Trinitarian, and shows the inner coherence and relevance of truths. Catechesis should integrate doctrine, morality, worship and present the Gospel message as liberating and salvation. It discusses teaching doctrine, morality and worship in a way that relates to Filipino experiences and values and helps close the gap between faith and life. The overall goal of catechesis is to form mature disciples where Christ is the center of one's identity and life.
The document discusses sacraments in Christianity. It defines sacraments as visible signs instituted by Christ that impart divine grace. There are seven sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Marriage. Each sacrament uses signs and symbols to convey what occurs during the celebration, such as water and candles in Baptism or bread and wine in Eucharist.
The document provides information about Mary and the four last things:
1) Mary is called the 'Mother of God' because she was the mother of Jesus Christ, who is both true God and true man. She remained a virgin and was assumed body and soul into heaven.
2) The four last things are death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Death is the separation of the soul and body. After death comes judgment by God, followed by an eternal destiny of either heaven or hell.
3) Heaven is being in the presence of God forever, while hell is eternal separation from God due to rejecting him.
A review of the acts of public worship foundin Catholic churches during Holy Week, which takes place every year between Palm Sunday and the weekend of Easter Sunday.
The Dominicans are an order of Catholic priests and brothers founded by St. Dominic de Guzman in 1216 in response to the need for effective preaching against the heretical teachings of the Albigensians. St. Dominic established a new form of religious life where friars would live communally and balance prayer, study, and preaching. The Dominicans make study of theology a priority and see preaching as being rooted in deep knowledge and love of the Gospel. Their lives revolve around prayer, community, intellectual pursuit, and active ministry.
This document provides information about the ministries of lector and acolyte in the Catholic Church. It discusses the history of each role, from their origins in the early church to the changes made by Vatican II. It also describes the rites of institution for lectors and acolytes, including the elements of each rite. The functions and spiritualities of the lector and acolyte roles are outlined. Finally, the knowledge expected of those in each ministry is presented.
Vatican II was a landmark council that aimed to update and renew the Catholic Church from 1962-1965. It addressed topics like the church's relationship with the modern world, ecumenism, religious freedom, and the role of the laity. Major outcomes included defining the church as the people of God rather than the hierarchy, emphasizing collegiality between the Pope and bishops, encouraging dialogue with other faiths, and renewing the liturgy to be more participatory. The council shifted the church from a "fortress mentality" to a stance of unity with humanity.
This document appears to be an introductory menu or index for a website called Evangelium that provides information on topics related to Catholic theology, doctrine, and spiritual life. The menu lists headings such as "The Meaning of Life", "Creation and Fall", "The Trinity", "Mary and the Four Last Things", "The Life of Prayer", and "Liturgy and Sacraments" suggesting it will provide summaries and explanations of these key concepts and practices in Catholicism.
The document discusses the challenges facing families and the transmission of faith in the modern world due to phenomena like globalization and secularization. It notes the disappearance of explicitly Christian societies and increasing marginalization of religion. Specific issues discussed include absentee parenting due to work migration, weakening of traditional values, and lack of religious formation for both youth and adults. The document calls for a New Evangelization to devise new methods and expressions to spread the faith. It emphasizes the importance of the Christian family as the domestic Church and first agent of catechesis, as well as the need for adult catechesis and addressing issues related to marriage.
Presentazione di Paolo (Giuseppe Fanelli, SSP)Norman Pena
Nuovo power point di presentazione di Paolo iscritta alla Facolt di Scienze della Comunicazione di Cosenza. Il testo 竪 in forma narrativa: 竪 Paolo che racconta se stesso e la sua vita, un'avventura che lo ha portato da Tarso ai confini del mondo per annunciare Cristo a tutti i popoli della terra.
The document discusses the mission of the church. It begins by stating that the mission comes from God, whose mission was to restore humanity's unity with Him through sending Jesus. It then discusses how Jesus commissioned His followers to continue sharing in His redemptive mission. Finally, it explores how baptism and the Holy Spirit empower Christians to participate in God's mission of transforming and reconciling the world.
This presentation was given on August 10, 2013 to the parish catechetical leaders in Savannah, GA. The first half is the importance of continually forming yourself and the second half is about forming your catechists . Ongoing formation is important for all of us.
This document provides information about the key events and traditions of Holy Week. It discusses Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. It then covers Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Maundy Thursday focuses on the Last Supper and washing of feet. Good Friday involves Stations of the Cross and venerating the cross. Holy Saturday's Vigil Mass has four parts: Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Baptism/Confirmation, and Eucharist. Finally, Easter Sunday celebrates Christ's resurrection with Alleluias returning and symbols of new life. The document provides suggested activities to observe each event.
This document discusses the key aspects of catechesis as part of the Church's ministry of the word. It defines catechesis as the education in the faith through teaching Christian doctrine in an organic and systematic way to initiate people into the fullness of Christian life. The document outlines three features of effective catechesis: that it is rooted in the word of God, Christ-centered, and presented in a truly Filipino way that is culturally relevant. It emphasizes that the ultimate aim of catechesis is to put people in intimate communion with Christ.
The document discusses altar servers and their role in the church. Altar servers are lay youth who assist the priest during mass and sacraments. They help the priest and bishop and serve as good examples. The schedule outlines the altar servers' activities, which include seminars, meetings, cleaning the parish, and free days. They are called to serve God and the church.
Introduction to Sacraments (Sacraments and Sacramentals)taborian
The document discusses the Catholic Church's teachings on sacraments and sacramentals based on the Constitution on the Liturgy. It defines sacraments as efficacious signs of grace instituted by Christ to dispense divine life. Sacramentals signify spiritual effects obtained through the Church's intercession. The document then provides summaries of each of the seven sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony - outlining their purpose, essential rites, and effects according to Catholic doctrine.
The document discusses how to pray according to Jesus' teachings in the Lord's Prayer. It covers avoiding hypocritical and vain prayers, the importance of closet praying, fellowship with God rather than babbling, and that God knows our needs. The key aspects of praying the Jesus Way are being authentic pray-ers, communing with God privately through asking for our needs and His restoration.
Holy Week marks the week before Easter and includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. It is meant to recall Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. The Triduum refers to the three day period from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday, which includes Jesus' last supper, crucifixion, and resurrection. During this time, Catholics attend special masses like the mass of the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil mass on Holy Saturday. The Stations of the Cross on Good Friday symbolize Jesus' journey to the cross. Holy Week allows Catholics to set this week apart and commemorate the pivotal events of their faith.
The document provides information about the sacred liturgy and sacraments of the Catholic Church. It defines the sacred liturgy as the true worship of God enacted by Jesus Christ and his body, the Church, through ceremonies, rites and formulas established by Scripture and Tradition. It explains that the Church celebrates liturgy in obedience to God's will and that liturgy is fitting for humans as social beings. Major liturgies include the sacraments and the Divine Office, and they are celebrated at fixed times and seasons, most importantly relating to the life of Christ.
It is folder that can help those who volunteer theirselves to be an Altar Server and to serve the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ.Through this I hope it will help the Christian Children to get to know more about Altar Servers and the roles of the Altar Servers after going through this slides.Thank You.
This document discusses key aspects of Catholic doctrine and catechesis. It addresses the situation of religious ignorance and confusion among some Filipino Catholics. It emphasizes presenting doctrine in a way that is Christocentric, Trinitarian, and shows the inner coherence and relevance of truths. Catechesis should integrate doctrine, morality, worship and present the Gospel message as liberating and salvation. It discusses teaching doctrine, morality and worship in a way that relates to Filipino experiences and values and helps close the gap between faith and life. The overall goal of catechesis is to form mature disciples where Christ is the center of one's identity and life.
The document discusses sacraments in Christianity. It defines sacraments as visible signs instituted by Christ that impart divine grace. There are seven sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Marriage. Each sacrament uses signs and symbols to convey what occurs during the celebration, such as water and candles in Baptism or bread and wine in Eucharist.
The document provides information about Mary and the four last things:
1) Mary is called the 'Mother of God' because she was the mother of Jesus Christ, who is both true God and true man. She remained a virgin and was assumed body and soul into heaven.
2) The four last things are death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Death is the separation of the soul and body. After death comes judgment by God, followed by an eternal destiny of either heaven or hell.
3) Heaven is being in the presence of God forever, while hell is eternal separation from God due to rejecting him.
A review of the acts of public worship foundin Catholic churches during Holy Week, which takes place every year between Palm Sunday and the weekend of Easter Sunday.
The Dominicans are an order of Catholic priests and brothers founded by St. Dominic de Guzman in 1216 in response to the need for effective preaching against the heretical teachings of the Albigensians. St. Dominic established a new form of religious life where friars would live communally and balance prayer, study, and preaching. The Dominicans make study of theology a priority and see preaching as being rooted in deep knowledge and love of the Gospel. Their lives revolve around prayer, community, intellectual pursuit, and active ministry.
This document provides information about the ministries of lector and acolyte in the Catholic Church. It discusses the history of each role, from their origins in the early church to the changes made by Vatican II. It also describes the rites of institution for lectors and acolytes, including the elements of each rite. The functions and spiritualities of the lector and acolyte roles are outlined. Finally, the knowledge expected of those in each ministry is presented.
Vatican II was a landmark council that aimed to update and renew the Catholic Church from 1962-1965. It addressed topics like the church's relationship with the modern world, ecumenism, religious freedom, and the role of the laity. Major outcomes included defining the church as the people of God rather than the hierarchy, emphasizing collegiality between the Pope and bishops, encouraging dialogue with other faiths, and renewing the liturgy to be more participatory. The council shifted the church from a "fortress mentality" to a stance of unity with humanity.
This document appears to be an introductory menu or index for a website called Evangelium that provides information on topics related to Catholic theology, doctrine, and spiritual life. The menu lists headings such as "The Meaning of Life", "Creation and Fall", "The Trinity", "Mary and the Four Last Things", "The Life of Prayer", and "Liturgy and Sacraments" suggesting it will provide summaries and explanations of these key concepts and practices in Catholicism.
The document discusses the challenges facing families and the transmission of faith in the modern world due to phenomena like globalization and secularization. It notes the disappearance of explicitly Christian societies and increasing marginalization of religion. Specific issues discussed include absentee parenting due to work migration, weakening of traditional values, and lack of religious formation for both youth and adults. The document calls for a New Evangelization to devise new methods and expressions to spread the faith. It emphasizes the importance of the Christian family as the domestic Church and first agent of catechesis, as well as the need for adult catechesis and addressing issues related to marriage.
Presentazione di Paolo (Giuseppe Fanelli, SSP)Norman Pena
Nuovo power point di presentazione di Paolo iscritta alla Facolt di Scienze della Comunicazione di Cosenza. Il testo 竪 in forma narrativa: 竪 Paolo che racconta se stesso e la sua vita, un'avventura che lo ha portato da Tarso ai confini del mondo per annunciare Cristo a tutti i popoli della terra.
The document summarizes an international meeting organized by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit to discuss using the internet to communicate the gospel. Over 50 participants from 28 countries discussed topics like websites, intranets, blogs, and digital libraries. They proposed creating a common website that links to local sites, a shared resource databank, and making use of new digital tools like podcasts and e-books to spread their content online. The goal is to take better advantage of internet resources for evangelization and networking among the Sisters around the world.
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
Sendero viviente en Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Sendero viviente -Autobiograf鱈a de un iluminado- en INGLES.pdfRafael Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Todays message completes the final third of Peters sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the non-negotiables of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
What are the most effective spiritual healing techniques for reducing stress_...Worldfamouspsychicreader
Our fast-paced world has made stress an unavoidable part of life. From work pressure to personal responsibilities, the constant demands of daily life can take a toll on mental and physical well-being.
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
Brown Black Classic Painting Project History Presentation (1).pptxAllyzzaAzotea
The "Tametsi Futura" for Blessed Giacomo Alberione
1. * The Church relates to society in terms of conquest and opposition. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giacomo Alberione
2. A deeper understanding of the Tametsi Futura offers us the key to enter into the nucleus of the Spirituality of Alberione, a spirituality which has its source Jesus Master, Way, Truth, and Life. Blessed James Alberione, SSP (1884-1971) Jesus, Divine Master, I believe with lively faith that you are here present to me. I adore you with all my heart and I humble myself before you, my Supreme Good. Enlighten my mind; inflame my heart, fill me with your grace, that I may draw good fruit from this meditation. Amen
3. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. A deeper understanding of the Tametsi Futura offers us the key to enter into the nucleus of the Spirituality of Blessed James Alberione, a spirituality which has its source Jesus Master, Way, Truth, and Life.
5. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione 1. Relationship Between Church and Society A) Leo XIII maintained a dark outlook of modern society. Rationalism/ Modernism Papal States/ Papal Sovereignty Secular Liberalism/ Freemasonry
6. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione B) The Concept of a Centralized and Hierarchical Church Hardening of the policies of the Church and a more reserved attitude toward Christian democracy
7. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione C) The Church related to society in terms of conquest and opposition Insistence on supremacy of religion over politics, obedience to authority, necessary subordination, return of the dissidents, destruction of prejudices against the Church
8. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione 2. The Celebration of the end of the 19 th Century A) The Holy Year: 1899-1900 Public Homage to Christ the Redeemer To redeem all from errors and evil To detest all that is said and done against Christ
9. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione B) Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (and Mary) If one has sinned, return to Jesus Christ, the Way, Truth and Life - To acquire new strength to overcome the psychology of oppression - To convert and conquer a hostile society
10. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione The Tametsi Futura Prospiscientibus - November 01, 1900 - Encyclical on Jesus Christ, the Redeemer - The call for the re- awakening of the faith - Public homage to be rendered to Christ
11. "Tametsi Futura" (A Historical Background of the Encyclical and its Importance for the Founder of the Pauline Family) The for Blessed Giaccomo Alberione D) The Night of Adoration He had read the invitation of Leo XIII to pray for the century just beginning. Both spoke of the Churchs necessities, of the new means of evil, of the duty of opposing the press with the press, organization with organization, of making the Gospel penetrate the masses and influence social questions
12. C. The Tametsi Futura The Churchs Historical Situation 2. The Celebration of the End of the 19 th Century D. The Night of Adoration "Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus" (The outlook on the future is by no means free from anxiety; on the contrary, there are many serious reasons for alarm, on account of numerous and long-standing causes of evil, of both a public and private nature.)
13. (The outlook on the future is by no means free from anxiety; on the contrary, there are many serious reasons for alarm, on account of numerous and long-standing causes of evil, of both a public and private nature.) "Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus" (Encyclical on Jesus Christ the Redeemer) November 01, 1900 * The Masses have distanced themselves from their faith. * The Christian world is lost because it has abandoned Christ the Redeemer.
14. * Yet even today humanity can hope in the Redemption of Christ. * In the new century it is necessary to return to Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life in order to be saved.
15. * Yet even today humanity can hope in the Redemption of Christ. * In the new century it is necessary to return to Christ WTL in order to be saved. * Christ, the Way: His Law is the guide. He is the source of every good. His sovereignty is universal.
16. * Christ the Way: His Law is the guide * Christ, the Truth: to entrust our intelligence to the authority of Christ.
17. For every Pauline this Christocentric Proposal is a style of life which inspires all aspects of their life. * Christ, the Life: The connection between morals and faith. To observe the law of Christ in order to have security and well-being
18. * Christ the Truth: to entrust our intelligence to the authority of Christ. * The Break-up between Society and the Catholic Faith * Masses who abandon their Faith * A Society which builds itself without God Fr. Alberione witnessed the social phenomena of his time: From Tametsi to the Devotion to Jesus Master WTL
19. * The Break-up between Society and the Catholic Faith * Masses who abandon their Faith * A Society which builds itself without God Fr. Alberione witnessed the social phenomena of his time: From TF to Jesus Master WTL" Tametsi Futura: The Font of Inspiration of a Spirituality (7 Documents Written bet. 1953 to 1958) AS A PERSON The Year 1900 and the Night of Adoration A profound personal and spiritual experience which later becomes an apostolic imperative. AS A FOUNDER The Initial Inspiration of the Charismatic Font of the Pauline Family Presenting Jesus Way, Truth, and Life as the complete Spirituality.
21. * He offers help in order to understand and love God. * He is the Model of a Life according to God. * He teaches the Truth on God.
22. The Totality of Christ A Christocentric Solution * to re-launch the faith * remedy against Particularism * to correct the Devotionalism of the time
23. Fr. James Alberione proposed the total Christ for the total Man in his pastoral desire to gather as many who have distanced themselves from the faith. Leo XIII proposed the rediscovery of Christ the Redeemer Way, Truth, and Life for a return of the masses to the faith. One Hundred Years Ago...
24. How should we Paulines who have to communicate the same proposal of Christ, the Master Way, Truth, and Life to the men and women of the 21st Century do it in a manner where He will constitute an adequate and living response to their needs?
25. 1. To be animated by the same missionary anxiety. 2. To re-elaborate the proposal of this spirituality for our age. 3. To understand the actual context of post-modernity and accept that the means of social communication has brought a new culture. Certain demands for Creative Fidelity:
26. Certain demands for Creative Fidelity: 4. To accept the challenge and responsibility of re- thinking the concept of Jesus Way, Truth, and Life in this new context. 5. To live the balance always between sanctity and apostolate. 6. To live a more simple lifestyle: that of true witnesses and prophets.
27. A deeper understanding of the Tametsi Futura offers us the key to enter into the nucleus of the Spirituality of Alberione, a spirituality which has its source Jesus Master, Way, Truth, and Life. Blessed James Alberione, SSP (1884-1971) For every Pauline this Christocentric Proposal is a style of living which inspires all aspects of their life.
28. In this manner, the TF, in the light of the strong experience of the night of adoration becomes the point of departure of a program of spirituality and evangelization for Fr. James Alberione