This document discusses the concept of repentance from passages in the Bible. It describes how the people listening to Peter's sermon in Acts 2 were cut to the heart when they realized they had crucified Jesus. Peter told them to repent. The document explains that repentance means turning away from sin and toward God, and that God offers his mercy and salvation through repentance to all people. It encourages readers to undergo an ongoing transformation by renewing their minds according to God's will.
Do you remember when you made the lifelong commitment to follow Christ? Kelly Campbell takes us back to that time in our lives as he concludes his "Back to our roots" sermon series.
The document discusses the concept of being "called" in the Bible. It provides several verses from the New Testament where the word "call" is used in reference to God summoning or inviting people to salvation. It also discusses the original Greek meanings of "a call" as getting someone's attention, a summons such as to court, or an invitation such as to a feast. The document emphasizes that the regular New Testament meaning of "call" refers to a religious summons or invitation from God.
The letter is addressed to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses from a group called It references a recent article about an investigation into a congregation with a high number of Memorial partakers. The letter warns that if the Governing Body continues persecuting their brothers as the ancient Sanhedrin did to Jesus' disciples, they will meet the same fate of destruction. However, the letter expresses hope that by exposing their errors, the Governing Body will voluntarily self-correct and lead the flock to salvation instead of destruction.
The document discusses gratitude and generosity. It contains four Bible passages about showing gratitude to God. The passages discuss how those who are forgiven show great love and gratitude. They are reminded that God gives wealth so they should not rely on their own power. Generous giving results in thanksgiving to God and supplies the needs of others. Everything created by God is good if received with thanksgiving. The document asks why a church needs money in relation to the topic of gratitude.
The church at Thyatira represented a period when the church compromised with the world and embraced sin. It tolerated the false teachings of a woman named Jezebel who led people into sexual immorality and idolatry. Jesus rebukes this church for allowing Jezebel to deceive people and not repenting of their sinful ways. He warns of coming judgment but promises reward for those who remain faithful.
I. The document discusses viewing Christian leaders as servants of Christ and stewards of God's mysteries who will be judged by God alone, not human courts.
II. People are told to stop judging Christian leaders, as only God can properly judge them.
III. The document states that the Lord alone will judge and it is not for humans to pass judgment before the appointed time.
By faith in Christ, we gain pardon from sins, peace with God, eternal life, sonship with God, and heirship to God's kingdom. The document outlines biblical passages that discuss each of these gains from faith: pardon from sins (Acts 10:42-43), peace with God (Romans 5:1-2), eternal life (John 3:35-36), sonship with God (Galatians 3:24-27), and heirship as children of God (Romans 8:14-17). It encourages the reader to show their faith in Jesus by obeying the gospel through believing, repenting, being baptized, and remaining faithful.
This document discusses the meaning and importance of kindness. It begins by defining kindness as having a tender, considerate, and helpful nature. Kindness is an attribute of God, as shown through several Bible verses describing God as gracious, merciful, and abundant in goodness. The document states that kindness should also be an attribute required of humans, as we must reflect God's nature by showing love towards enemies. It provides examples of showing kindness through good works, generosity, and doing good for others, especially those in need. Overall, the document emphasizes that kindness is an important attribute that should be shown towards God, family, neighbors, and all people.
When someone becomes a Christian, they receive a new identity in Christ. Their old life is gone and they become a new creation. With this new identity, believers should live their lives reflecting Christ so that others can see they are followers of Him. As children of God, Christians now have a new relationship with Him as their Father and can approach Him with confidence. Part of strengthening this new identity is growing in spiritual maturity through continually building a relationship with God.
Romans 12:1-2 urges believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God through true worship and by transforming their minds through renewing. This renewal allows believers to discern God's good, pleasing, and perfect will rather than conforming to patterns of the world. The Greek word for "renewing" means to change into another form or transfigure, suggesting believers should take on the likeness of Christ in how they live.
Natasja and I have learnt how powerful it is to partner together with God in stewarding our finances. In this message we share some of our experiences.
What Must I Do? - The Preacher's Favorite PassageLee Snow
This document explores what a person must do to be saved according to the Bible. It establishes that the Bible contains the answer and examines passages from Romans, Ephesians, and Acts. It determines that one must hear the word of God, believe, repent of sins, confess faith, be baptized, and join the church to be in Christ and experience salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. The conclusion exhorts the reader to arise and be baptized to wash away sins by calling on the name of the Lord.
Romans 12:12: Lesson blatantly stolen from Darrel Yontz, then brutally changed. As Gods children, are we conformed to the world, or are we being transformed into the image of Christ?
The document discusses care groups in the church. It begins by citing 1 Corinthians 12:20-26 which talks about how all members of the body of Christ are important and should care for one another. It then defines care groups as small groups that allow easier meeting of needs, based on the example of Jethro and Moses organizing Israel into groups. The rest of the document provides biblical examples of how Christians should care for one another through acts like bearing burdens, loving one another, building each other up, and assimilating into the work of the church through using their spiritual gifts. It emphasizes the importance of strong, enduring relationships and evangelizing others.
The document compares and contrasts key aspects of the Old and New Covenants:
- The Old Covenant was given through Moses, involving priests continually offering sacrifices, while the New Covenant came through Jesus Christ with His one-time sacrifice perfecting believers.
- Whereas the Old Covenant required obedience for blessings and disobedience led to curses, the New Covenant provides unconditional spiritual blessings through faith alone and believers are redeemed from curses.
- While the Old Covenant's presence of God and forgiveness of sins involved the blood of animals and yearly atonement, the New Covenant provides full access to God's presence and remembers sins no more through Jesus' once-for-all blood sacrifice
Matthew 10:42: A reminder that all our lives are in service to God. Theres not an artificial distinction between holy service and ordinary work and lives. Theres glory in the ordinary.
Lesson from Darrel Yontz: The Glory of the Ordinary. 2007 March 25
Many people and Christians have incorrect views of the church; this lessons examines 5 pictures of the church that help us to understand Gods intention for His people. The church is seen as a kingdom, a temple, a flock, a body, and a family.
The document discusses the inner life of ministers of the new covenant based on 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18. It summarizes that ministers receive both inner and outward guidance from God (2:12-13). They are led by God in Christ's triumphal procession and spread the knowledge of him (2:14-17). Ministers have God's message hidden within them but displayed outwardly through their ministry (3:1-6). As they behold Christ, ministers are transformed from one degree of glory to another (3:7-18). The document encourages the reader to minister as a servant of the new covenant.
This passage calls on Christians to dedicate themselves fully to God by living holy lives as a spiritual act of worship. Believers are urged not to conform to worldly desires but instead transform their minds through God's word so they can understand and do God's perfect will.
This document discusses the concept of unity and oneness in Christianity. It provides several Bible verses that talk about how Christians are one body through baptism by the Holy Spirit, there should be no divisions like denominations in the church, and that in Christ there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, or other divisions as all are one. The document emphasizes that as Christians we should see ourselves as one body, one church, one people united in Jesus beyond political, racial, or other divisions.
21. matthew 18.1 5 (september 20, 2014).who's nextButchic
The document discusses the importance of humility. It provides several biblical passages that speak to being humble like a child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus used a child as an example of being humble and having childlike faith. Other passages exhort being humble toward one another, not being proud but humble before God, acting with justice and mercy by walking humbly with God. True humility brings wealth, honor and life. The greatest example of humility is Jesus, who existed in God's nature but humbled himself by becoming human and obedient to death on the cross.
際際滷show: The Ten Commandments Of God Part 3Bojko Belovsky
The Lamb of God was a complete and perfect offering. Therefore, types and shadows, offerings and sacrifices, had no virtue after Christ's death on the cross.
Find out more at
Catholics do not worship statues but honor saints with statues as they honor national heroes. Statues remind Catholics of the saints' example and that they are part of a larger family in heaven and on earth. While Catholics pray directly to God through Christ, they also ask saints in heaven to pray for them, as the saints' prayers are offered to God and they desire all people to be saved. Statues and images of saints serve as reminders of their examples of faith and reassurance that the church community extends beyond the living.
Tithing is used to support the work of the ministry, including paying salaries of pastors and church workers. It shows faith in God as our provider rather than ourselves. Tithes should be given to the local church, which then distributes the funds to higher organizations to support the work of preaching the gospel around the world. While tithing is an expression of faith, it does not contribute to our salvation, as salvation is a free gift received through faith alone. Tithing benefits both the giver through God's promised blessings and the church's ministry through financial support to spread the gospel message.
This document discusses Jesus Christ as humanity's only hope for salvation and redemption. It explains that Christ lived a sinless life, made atonement for humanity's sins through his death, and was resurrected by God. It asserts that through faith in Christ, humans can be saved, become children of God, and inherit eternal life. The document emphasizes that salvation is only possible through Christ, as he alone could redeem humanity and make them righteous through his righteousness.
This document discusses what Christians should bring to worship. It emphasizes bringing a desire to know the truth, a willingness to be transformed, seeking fellowship with God and others, giving our best, loving one another, and coming prepared. Several Bible verses are cited to support bringing a love of truth, transforming by renewing our minds, fellowship with God and each other, learning from others who give, obeying Christ's command to love one another, and showing kindness. The overall message is that worship requires active preparation and participation rather than just passive attendance.
A comparison of some man made ideas and teachings with what the actual Word of God teaches on those same subjects. The Bible is the standard by which our beliefs in the realm of Christianity are to be measured.
This document discusses the choice between being with God or against God. It references several Bible passages contrasting obedience and righteousness versus sin. It frames the choice as being a servant of righteousness on the narrow path in the church versus a servant of sin on the broad path in the world. In the end, the choice determines whether one is among the sheep or goats when Jesus returns to separate believers from unbelievers.
By faith in Christ, we gain pardon from sins, peace with God, eternal life, sonship with God, and heirship to God's kingdom. The document outlines biblical passages that discuss each of these gains from faith: pardon from sins (Acts 10:42-43), peace with God (Romans 5:1-2), eternal life (John 3:35-36), sonship with God (Galatians 3:24-27), and heirship as children of God (Romans 8:14-17). It encourages the reader to show their faith in Jesus by obeying the gospel through believing, repenting, being baptized, and remaining faithful.
This document discusses the meaning and importance of kindness. It begins by defining kindness as having a tender, considerate, and helpful nature. Kindness is an attribute of God, as shown through several Bible verses describing God as gracious, merciful, and abundant in goodness. The document states that kindness should also be an attribute required of humans, as we must reflect God's nature by showing love towards enemies. It provides examples of showing kindness through good works, generosity, and doing good for others, especially those in need. Overall, the document emphasizes that kindness is an important attribute that should be shown towards God, family, neighbors, and all people.
When someone becomes a Christian, they receive a new identity in Christ. Their old life is gone and they become a new creation. With this new identity, believers should live their lives reflecting Christ so that others can see they are followers of Him. As children of God, Christians now have a new relationship with Him as their Father and can approach Him with confidence. Part of strengthening this new identity is growing in spiritual maturity through continually building a relationship with God.
Romans 12:1-2 urges believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God through true worship and by transforming their minds through renewing. This renewal allows believers to discern God's good, pleasing, and perfect will rather than conforming to patterns of the world. The Greek word for "renewing" means to change into another form or transfigure, suggesting believers should take on the likeness of Christ in how they live.
Natasja and I have learnt how powerful it is to partner together with God in stewarding our finances. In this message we share some of our experiences.
What Must I Do? - The Preacher's Favorite PassageLee Snow
This document explores what a person must do to be saved according to the Bible. It establishes that the Bible contains the answer and examines passages from Romans, Ephesians, and Acts. It determines that one must hear the word of God, believe, repent of sins, confess faith, be baptized, and join the church to be in Christ and experience salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. The conclusion exhorts the reader to arise and be baptized to wash away sins by calling on the name of the Lord.
Romans 12:12: Lesson blatantly stolen from Darrel Yontz, then brutally changed. As Gods children, are we conformed to the world, or are we being transformed into the image of Christ?
The document discusses care groups in the church. It begins by citing 1 Corinthians 12:20-26 which talks about how all members of the body of Christ are important and should care for one another. It then defines care groups as small groups that allow easier meeting of needs, based on the example of Jethro and Moses organizing Israel into groups. The rest of the document provides biblical examples of how Christians should care for one another through acts like bearing burdens, loving one another, building each other up, and assimilating into the work of the church through using their spiritual gifts. It emphasizes the importance of strong, enduring relationships and evangelizing others.
The document compares and contrasts key aspects of the Old and New Covenants:
- The Old Covenant was given through Moses, involving priests continually offering sacrifices, while the New Covenant came through Jesus Christ with His one-time sacrifice perfecting believers.
- Whereas the Old Covenant required obedience for blessings and disobedience led to curses, the New Covenant provides unconditional spiritual blessings through faith alone and believers are redeemed from curses.
- While the Old Covenant's presence of God and forgiveness of sins involved the blood of animals and yearly atonement, the New Covenant provides full access to God's presence and remembers sins no more through Jesus' once-for-all blood sacrifice
Matthew 10:42: A reminder that all our lives are in service to God. Theres not an artificial distinction between holy service and ordinary work and lives. Theres glory in the ordinary.
Lesson from Darrel Yontz: The Glory of the Ordinary. 2007 March 25
Many people and Christians have incorrect views of the church; this lessons examines 5 pictures of the church that help us to understand Gods intention for His people. The church is seen as a kingdom, a temple, a flock, a body, and a family.
The document discusses the inner life of ministers of the new covenant based on 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18. It summarizes that ministers receive both inner and outward guidance from God (2:12-13). They are led by God in Christ's triumphal procession and spread the knowledge of him (2:14-17). Ministers have God's message hidden within them but displayed outwardly through their ministry (3:1-6). As they behold Christ, ministers are transformed from one degree of glory to another (3:7-18). The document encourages the reader to minister as a servant of the new covenant.
This passage calls on Christians to dedicate themselves fully to God by living holy lives as a spiritual act of worship. Believers are urged not to conform to worldly desires but instead transform their minds through God's word so they can understand and do God's perfect will.
This document discusses the concept of unity and oneness in Christianity. It provides several Bible verses that talk about how Christians are one body through baptism by the Holy Spirit, there should be no divisions like denominations in the church, and that in Christ there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, or other divisions as all are one. The document emphasizes that as Christians we should see ourselves as one body, one church, one people united in Jesus beyond political, racial, or other divisions.
21. matthew 18.1 5 (september 20, 2014).who's nextButchic
The document discusses the importance of humility. It provides several biblical passages that speak to being humble like a child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus used a child as an example of being humble and having childlike faith. Other passages exhort being humble toward one another, not being proud but humble before God, acting with justice and mercy by walking humbly with God. True humility brings wealth, honor and life. The greatest example of humility is Jesus, who existed in God's nature but humbled himself by becoming human and obedient to death on the cross.
際際滷show: The Ten Commandments Of God Part 3Bojko Belovsky
The Lamb of God was a complete and perfect offering. Therefore, types and shadows, offerings and sacrifices, had no virtue after Christ's death on the cross.
Find out more at
Catholics do not worship statues but honor saints with statues as they honor national heroes. Statues remind Catholics of the saints' example and that they are part of a larger family in heaven and on earth. While Catholics pray directly to God through Christ, they also ask saints in heaven to pray for them, as the saints' prayers are offered to God and they desire all people to be saved. Statues and images of saints serve as reminders of their examples of faith and reassurance that the church community extends beyond the living.
Tithing is used to support the work of the ministry, including paying salaries of pastors and church workers. It shows faith in God as our provider rather than ourselves. Tithes should be given to the local church, which then distributes the funds to higher organizations to support the work of preaching the gospel around the world. While tithing is an expression of faith, it does not contribute to our salvation, as salvation is a free gift received through faith alone. Tithing benefits both the giver through God's promised blessings and the church's ministry through financial support to spread the gospel message.
This document discusses Jesus Christ as humanity's only hope for salvation and redemption. It explains that Christ lived a sinless life, made atonement for humanity's sins through his death, and was resurrected by God. It asserts that through faith in Christ, humans can be saved, become children of God, and inherit eternal life. The document emphasizes that salvation is only possible through Christ, as he alone could redeem humanity and make them righteous through his righteousness.
This document discusses what Christians should bring to worship. It emphasizes bringing a desire to know the truth, a willingness to be transformed, seeking fellowship with God and others, giving our best, loving one another, and coming prepared. Several Bible verses are cited to support bringing a love of truth, transforming by renewing our minds, fellowship with God and each other, learning from others who give, obeying Christ's command to love one another, and showing kindness. The overall message is that worship requires active preparation and participation rather than just passive attendance.
A comparison of some man made ideas and teachings with what the actual Word of God teaches on those same subjects. The Bible is the standard by which our beliefs in the realm of Christianity are to be measured.
This document discusses the choice between being with God or against God. It references several Bible passages contrasting obedience and righteousness versus sin. It frames the choice as being a servant of righteousness on the narrow path in the church versus a servant of sin on the broad path in the world. In the end, the choice determines whether one is among the sheep or goats when Jesus returns to separate believers from unbelievers.
The document summarizes a bible passage from 2 Timothy 4:6-8 where Paul reflects on having fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He expresses confidence that he will receive the crown of righteousness from God. The passage is repeated multiple times with additional emphasis added each time on the phrases "fought the good fight", "finished the race", and "kept the faith".
Romans 1;18-32, Christos, gospel of God, gospel of the kingdom, Pauls gospel...Valley Bible Fellowship
Romans 1;18-32, Christos; gospel of God; gospel of the kingdom; Pauls gospel; gospel of the kingdom; eternal gospel; grace; yall; Ancient maps of the world; they suppress the truth; without excuse; Theistic Evolution Is Not Biblical; Special or General Revelation; Gay pride parades; approve dokimos; Gossip
Jehovah is my shepherd. The scriptures teach us that Jesus is our shepherd and we are the sheep. We love to think of Him as our shepherd, but seldom consider whether we are good sheep or straying sheep. A good sheep will hear, follow and know the good shepherd.
The document provides an overview of the Advent 3 scripture readings which focus on the theme of finding true rejoicing even under suffering by trusting in Christ's promised return. Key points include:
- Isaiah prophesies that with the coming of the Lord, suffering will be replaced with joy and restoration.
- James calls for patience until Christ's return, using the example of Job and the prophets who remained steadfast in suffering.
- Matthew describes how John the Baptist, while imprisoned, sent disciples to ask Jesus if he was the coming one, and Jesus points to his works of healing as confirmation.
1) Jesus tells the parables of the lost sheep and lost coin to illustrate God's love for sinners and his desire to save the lost.
2) The parables were told in response to Pharisees who criticized Jesus for associating with sinners. Jesus uses the parables to show that there is more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner than over many righteous people.
3) In the parables, a shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to search for the 1 lost sheep, and a woman searches diligently for a lost coin, showing how God eagerly seeks and finds the lost.
The document summarizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, which prepares students for success in higher education and life in a global society. Key points include that the IB program is offered in over 2,300 schools worldwide and develops skills like critical thinking, research, and global awareness. Studies show IB students outperform peers on assessments, have higher college acceptance and graduation rates, and are more likely to attend graduate school. The IB curriculum incorporates theory of knowledge, an extended essay, creativity/action/service activities, and externally assessed exams to provide a rigorous and well-rounded education.
The Gospel Demands A Godly Attitude- Chapter 12Don McClain
The document provides an overview of Romans 12:1-15:13, which discusses practical Christian living based on the gospel. It first reviews the key points about the gospel made in Romans 1-11. Romans 12 then instructs Christians to dedicate their bodies as living sacrifices to God, renew their minds, be humble and use their spiritual gifts to serve others. It also teaches Christians to love genuinely, pursue good works, bless persecutors, rejoice with others and live peaceably. The goal is to overcome evil with good.
This document discusses the importance of unity among believers while respecting diversity. It provides several Bible passages and quotes from Ellen White about balancing unity with individuality. While believers may differ on minor points, fundamental truths should unite them. Contention and criticism that destroy harmony and peace are discouraged. Unity is found through humility, prayer, and focusing on Christ rather than human judgments. Diversity in expression of truth by different people taught.
The document discusses how believers are God's temple and chosen instruments. It provides several Bible verses that say: (1) God lives in believers and the Holy Spirit dwells within them. As God's temple, believers must honor God with their bodies. (2) God is worshipped in his temple, and believers should worship God with awe and reverence. (3) God is honored in his temple, so believers must not sadden the Holy Spirit but live in a way that honors God. The document poses three questions for the reader to reflect on how this changes how they live for and honor God.
1) Stewardship refers to the careful and responsible management of something that has been entrusted to one's care, such as property or an organization.
2) The document discusses different areas of stewardship including the church, family, our bodies, our neighbors, and property in general.
3) Effective stewardship involves using the talents and resources God has given us to serve and care for others.
The document summarizes key aspects of the Macedonian churches based on 2 Corinthians 8:1-5. It describes how the Macedonian churches, despite facing affliction and poverty, gave liberally to support other believers. Their giving surpassed their means, and they gave themselves first to God and then to the ministry of the apostles. Their generosity provides an example of sacrificial giving motivated by faith in God.
Sanctuary Presentation 1. The Sanctuary ArticlesSami Wilberforce
The document discusses the importance of the sanctuary and its articles in the Old Testament tabernacle and their significance as types pointing to Jesus Christ and His ministry. It explains that the sanctuary and its articles like the altar, laver, table of showbread, and throne represent important spiritual truths about salvation through Jesus, including His atoning death, baptism and regeneration, communion, and heavenly ministry. The sanctuary service gives insight into God's plan of redemption and should be properly understood.
An exploration of the true basis and inestimable benefits of fellowship, as described within God's Word (and practised in the 1st century). Part of a 3 part series given at Laindon (Old Paths) Christadelphians
The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.
The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.
This document discusses how Christians should receive God's word. It says we should receive it attentively, reverently, honestly, inquiringly, personally, obediently, prayerfully, diligently, and hopefully. Some key points made include: we must pay close attention to God's word; examine it carefully against scripture; apply it to our own lives; and obey it, not just hear it. We are also told to pray for the effective spread of the gospel and to approach God's word with diligence and eagerness, maintaining the hope of eternal life as our motivation.
The document discusses divisions that arose at the 1888 General Conference meeting over interpretations of biblical prophecies and the law in Galatians. It describes tensions between E.G. White, George Ide Butler, Alonzo T. Jones, and Ellet J. Waggoner over these issues. White counseled unity but also warned against compromising on truth. The resolutions presented to the conference showed the disagreements between those viewing the law in Galatians as ceremonial versus the moral law.
A sermon that talks about the importance of spiritual growth.
This presentation teaches that spiritual maturity and growth must be a priority of a Christian.
The document discusses how Christians are the Israel of God and compares their journey to salvation to that of ancient Israel. It notes how Christians have been called out of darkness into God's light, made a holy nation through faith in Christ, and are fellow citizens with the saints. It then draws parallels between Israel's slavery in Egypt, redemption through the atoning sacrifice of the Passover lamb, deliverance through baptism, wandering as pilgrims guided by God, and entering the promised spiritual rest. The overarching message is that just as Israel was God's chosen people in the past, Christians are now the true Israel as God's holy nation.
The document discusses the final preparations and appeals of mercy before Jesus returns. It says that now is the time to work saving souls who are lost and perishing, rather than among those already in the fold. It warns that the world is increasingly setting aside God's claims, and wickedness is filling up the measure of iniquity. When Sunday laws become universal, God will intervene and shake the earth mightily to punish sin and reveal His power. The signs of the times like wars, famines, and earthquakes show that Christ's return is near. The Spirit is being withdrawn from an unrepentant world, with plagues already falling.
Doing life together week 1 - sept 4, 2011John Smith
This document discusses the importance of developing a divine focus in community. It emphasizes that God designed us to "do life together" rather than in isolation. It highlights several Bible verses showing that Christians are called to love and serve one another. The document stresses that maintaining a focus on God through his Word is crucial for spiritual growth and transformation. It also notes that believers must turn from idolatry and fix their eyes on Jesus in order to become the people God intends.
Peter and John are questioned by the priests and the captain of the temple guard about their preaching and healing of the lame man. Peter boldly proclaims that it was done in the name and power of Jesus Christ. He tells them that salvation is only found through Jesus. When threatened by the religious leaders, Peter and John are released because of the people's support for them.
Wednesday Night Series - "How People Change", Week 2CLADSM
The document provides an overview of several biblical passages that show "The Big Picture" perspective from God. It summarizes key points from Jeremiah, Corinthians, Matthew, Romans, Galatians, James and other books that illustrate how understanding life events from God's broader perspective can provide hope, comfort and direction. It aims to help readers evaluate their own lives in light of what God says about himself, humanity, the world and how he brings about change.
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost - Renewed in Grace.pptxCelso Napoleon
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost
SBS Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancient Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
際際滷s: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
March 2, 2025
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
Todays message completes the final third of Peters sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the non-negotiables of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
Lesson 8 Jesus Lived the Human Experience.pptxCelso Napoleon
Lesson 8 Jesus Lived the Human Experience
SBS Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancients
Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
際際滷s: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
February 23, 2025
Good Quotes on SOLITUDE to Reflect Upon (Texts in Engliish & Chinese).pptxOH TEIK BIN
A Presentation of a selection of profound sayings by some wise men on the importance of the spiritual practice of being in solitude for contemplation.
A practice to grow in true happiness and wisdom to lessen Dukkha.
The texts are in English and Chinese
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someones career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someones cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someones mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a womans monthly periods
Blocking a womans ability to conceive
3. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the
mercies of God, that you present your bodies
a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service. And do not
be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God.
Rom. 12:12, NKJV
4. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as
in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory
to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:18
Cf. Mt. 17:2; Mk. 9:1
5. For you have heard of my former conduct in
Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God
beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I
advanced in Judaism beyond many of my
contemporaries in my own nation, being more
exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my
(Galatians 1:1314, NKJV)