UEnd: empowers you to give a new kind of giftone that helps eradicate extreme poverty and changes the way we think about giving through the redirection of a small portion of your gift spending.
London has poorer levels of wellbeing than elsewhere in the UK. Londoners doesn't receive treatment for their mental health difficulties, straining public and private resources. In this session we will share how we used service design to co-create an ecosystem of mental wellbeing services for the city of London, with the potential to scale throughout the UK.
Jessica's Promise, Anthony Nolan. Social media campaigns I wish I'd done semi...CharityComms
Matt Collins, Platypus Digital
Visit the CharityComms website to view slides from past events, see what events we have coming up and to check out what else we do: www.charitycomms.org.uk
TPG - Everything Changes - One Month in The Life of a PandemicDaniel Berkal
This document summarizes survey responses from people over the course of one month during the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows how perspectives shifted from March 15th to April 15th. Key changes included a rise in personal concern for health over others, more people knowing someone ill or deceased, increased loneliness and sadness, widespread use of Zoom for social connection, and many losing employment. While anxiety decreased, reflections on life, community, and the post-pandemic world increased.
The document discusses using social media for social good and change. It talks about two schools of thought on social media and how it can bring people together to make a difference. It encourages engaging on social platforms like Twitter and Facebook to communicate, entertain, and act on causes in order to change the world.
The document discusses using social media for social good and change. It talks about two schools of thought on social media and how it can bring people together to make a difference. It encourages engaging on social platforms like Twitter and Facebook to communicate, entertain, and act on causes in order to change the world.
December 1st is designated at Pay it Forward day. The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead.
Josh Chandler's Presentation At BettaKultcha LeedsJosh Chandler
The document discusses empowering young people to change the world for the better. It argues that young people are more connected and informed than previous generations but often conform to expectations. While politicians have tried to prevent change, this is the moment for young people to revolutionize society by taking immediate action, not waiting for politicians, and thinking differently about how young people are viewed and treated.
The document discusses culture clash and how ambitious projects may be criticized but can still succeed. It also mentions cash flow and how some people lose their composure on boats, though companies may claim outings are not for assessment.
The photo slides that accompany my presentation to teens in a tech camp on the other side of social media, the digital entrepreneurship side & case examples of teens maximizing their branding,influence & audience; and doing social good too.
Katya Andresen,COO, Network for Good
Twitter Handle: @katyaN4G
Learn the truth about why people give and how some surprising insights about our brains might change the way you approach raising money via social networking. Participants will gain five practical new approaches to apply in your work advancing social good.
This document discusses microphilanthropy, which is a model of philanthropy based on smaller, more direct interactions between donors and recipients through activities like volunteering, crowdfunding, and small donations. It provides examples of how microphilanthropy works through organizations like Modest Needs that funds emergency needs through small online donations. The document also discusses the potential benefits of microphilanthropy, such as allowing more people to participate in charitable giving through small donations that add up to make a significant impact.
This document is an introduction to the book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History" by Joe Vitale. It summarizes the key money-making secret as giving money away freely to people who inspire you. It provides examples of wealthy historical figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who practiced giving away money and became very wealthy. The author then shares his own experience of giving $1,000 to inspirational author Mike Dooley, which led to unexpected financial opportunities returning far more money to the author. He concludes by encouraging the reader to generously give to people who have inspired them in order to attract prosperity and wealth through aligning with the principle of giving and receiving.
The greatest money making secret in history!-copypasteads.comjackpot201
This document is an introduction to the book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History" by Joe Vitale. It summarizes the key money-making secret as giving money away freely. It provides examples of wealthy historical figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who practiced giving away money and became very wealthy. The introduction argues that giving leads to receiving, and the more one gives, the more wealth and prosperity they will receive in return from unknown sources. It encourages the reader to test this principle by giving money without expectation of return in order to experience the financial benefits.
What is African-led development? By Rakesh RajaniTwaweza
This document summarizes key findings from immersion visits conducted by Twaweza in several Tanzanian villages to understand the state of development from the perspective of local communities. The following were observed:
1) Water infrastructure was often broken, locked or non-functional, forcing many, especially women, to walk long distances to fetch water. Water was also often contaminated or untreated.
2) Health facilities lacked staff, drugs and basic services. People had to resort to private care which was unaffordable.
3) Schools lacked resources like books, desks and adequate facilities. Promised funds like capitation grants did not reach schools. Those who complained faced retaliation.
4) Overall, there
Use this Thanksgiving Childrens sermon / Thanksgiving Object lesson to create a situation in the Sunday school classroom or Worship service to illustrate the story in Luke 17 of the healing of ten lepers and the ONE that return to Jesus and thanked him for what he had done.
The document discusses the importance of community service for both the individual and the community. It states that community service helps to build and improve communities by giving people compassion and understanding for the world around them. When people volunteer for projects they are passionate about, it allows them to donate as much of their time as they are able. Community service also brings a nation together and creates a sense of responsibility in people to help others. While many problems exist in the world, community service gives individuals a sense of purpose and a chance to improve their community. It is a rewarding experience that also looks good on a resume. Overall, community service benefits both those receiving assistance and those who participate.
The document discusses the concept of giving money away as the greatest money-making secret in history. It provides examples of wealthy individuals like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who became rich in part by practicing generous giving. The author then shares a personal anecdote of testing the principle by giving $1,000 to inspirational writer Mike Dooley, which was followed by unexpected financial opportunities that earned the author far more than the amount given away. The document promotes that giving money establishes a magnetic principle that attracts more money in return.
This document is an introduction to a book about the concept that giving money away is the greatest money-making secret in history. It begins with a story from the author John Harricharan about a time he gave $2 to a struggling family despite needing the money himself, and then found $20 on the ground. The introduction argues that giving opens you up to receiving from the universe in unexpected ways. The book that follows explores various perspectives and stories from people who found financial success and abundance through practicing generosity.
The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History!chiki2852
This document is an introduction to a book about the concept that giving money away is the greatest money-making secret in history. It begins with a story from the author John Harricharan about a time he gave $2 to a struggling family despite needing the money himself, and then found $20 on the ground. The introduction argues that giving opens you up to receiving from the universe in unexpected ways. The book that follows explores various stories and perspectives on how giving has helped people receive more money and prosperity.
Example Of Personal Reflection Essay.pdfDiana Jordan
50 Best Reflective Essay Examples (+Topic Samples) TemplateLab. FREE 19+ Reflective Essay Examples & Samples in PDF | Examples .... Reflective Essay Writing Examples: Rubric, Topics, Outline. 017 Essay Example Self Reflection Sample Cfp Final2 ~ Thatsnotus. 019 Personal Reflective Essay Examples English Example Of Photo Sqa .... 006 Personal Reflection Essay Examples Paper Example Ggnje Of .... Writing A Self Reflective Essay How to Write a Reflection Paper. Marvelous Personal Essays Online at Student Prices. 013 Example Of Personal Reflection Essay Best Reflective Writers .... 017 Self Reflection Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. Example Of Reflection Paper - 002 Essay Example Reflective Introduction ....
The document discusses how vision is important for organizations during difficult economic times. It provides meaning and direction when the focus is just on survival. Great leadership reminds people of the larger goals and vision to motivate them. It also discusses how two entrepreneurs launched a bacon-flavored product called Bacon Salt with no marketing budget by identifying fans of bacon on social networks. They gained over 37,000 fans which led to wider media coverage and success, showing that new products or ideas can spread through a small, passionate group within a larger community.
Giving is powerful. But it's also complex. This presentation looks at some of the stats of the philanthropic sector as well as some science behind giving, fundraising, and marketing for causes.
This document proposes an idea to help address poverty and hunger by asking households to donate just one bowl of soup. The idea is to create hubs near restaurants and housing to collect the soup and distribute it to those without food or homes. This simple idea could help fill empty stomachs while connecting those who can help with those in need. It also suggests addressing unemployment among illiterate people by having them mend and transport donated clothes and shoes. With cooperation and willingness to help others, even small acts can make a positive impact on problems in the community.
Josh Chandler's Presentation At BettaKultcha LeedsJosh Chandler
The document discusses empowering young people to change the world for the better. It argues that young people are more connected and informed than previous generations but often conform to expectations. While politicians have tried to prevent change, this is the moment for young people to revolutionize society by taking immediate action, not waiting for politicians, and thinking differently about how young people are viewed and treated.
The document discusses culture clash and how ambitious projects may be criticized but can still succeed. It also mentions cash flow and how some people lose their composure on boats, though companies may claim outings are not for assessment.
The photo slides that accompany my presentation to teens in a tech camp on the other side of social media, the digital entrepreneurship side & case examples of teens maximizing their branding,influence & audience; and doing social good too.
Katya Andresen,COO, Network for Good
Twitter Handle: @katyaN4G
Learn the truth about why people give and how some surprising insights about our brains might change the way you approach raising money via social networking. Participants will gain five practical new approaches to apply in your work advancing social good.
This document discusses microphilanthropy, which is a model of philanthropy based on smaller, more direct interactions between donors and recipients through activities like volunteering, crowdfunding, and small donations. It provides examples of how microphilanthropy works through organizations like Modest Needs that funds emergency needs through small online donations. The document also discusses the potential benefits of microphilanthropy, such as allowing more people to participate in charitable giving through small donations that add up to make a significant impact.
This document is an introduction to the book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History" by Joe Vitale. It summarizes the key money-making secret as giving money away freely to people who inspire you. It provides examples of wealthy historical figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who practiced giving away money and became very wealthy. The author then shares his own experience of giving $1,000 to inspirational author Mike Dooley, which led to unexpected financial opportunities returning far more money to the author. He concludes by encouraging the reader to generously give to people who have inspired them in order to attract prosperity and wealth through aligning with the principle of giving and receiving.
The greatest money making secret in history!-copypasteads.comjackpot201
This document is an introduction to the book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History" by Joe Vitale. It summarizes the key money-making secret as giving money away freely. It provides examples of wealthy historical figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who practiced giving away money and became very wealthy. The introduction argues that giving leads to receiving, and the more one gives, the more wealth and prosperity they will receive in return from unknown sources. It encourages the reader to test this principle by giving money without expectation of return in order to experience the financial benefits.
What is African-led development? By Rakesh RajaniTwaweza
This document summarizes key findings from immersion visits conducted by Twaweza in several Tanzanian villages to understand the state of development from the perspective of local communities. The following were observed:
1) Water infrastructure was often broken, locked or non-functional, forcing many, especially women, to walk long distances to fetch water. Water was also often contaminated or untreated.
2) Health facilities lacked staff, drugs and basic services. People had to resort to private care which was unaffordable.
3) Schools lacked resources like books, desks and adequate facilities. Promised funds like capitation grants did not reach schools. Those who complained faced retaliation.
4) Overall, there
Use this Thanksgiving Childrens sermon / Thanksgiving Object lesson to create a situation in the Sunday school classroom or Worship service to illustrate the story in Luke 17 of the healing of ten lepers and the ONE that return to Jesus and thanked him for what he had done.
The document discusses the importance of community service for both the individual and the community. It states that community service helps to build and improve communities by giving people compassion and understanding for the world around them. When people volunteer for projects they are passionate about, it allows them to donate as much of their time as they are able. Community service also brings a nation together and creates a sense of responsibility in people to help others. While many problems exist in the world, community service gives individuals a sense of purpose and a chance to improve their community. It is a rewarding experience that also looks good on a resume. Overall, community service benefits both those receiving assistance and those who participate.
The document discusses the concept of giving money away as the greatest money-making secret in history. It provides examples of wealthy individuals like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and P.T. Barnum who became rich in part by practicing generous giving. The author then shares a personal anecdote of testing the principle by giving $1,000 to inspirational writer Mike Dooley, which was followed by unexpected financial opportunities that earned the author far more than the amount given away. The document promotes that giving money establishes a magnetic principle that attracts more money in return.
This document is an introduction to a book about the concept that giving money away is the greatest money-making secret in history. It begins with a story from the author John Harricharan about a time he gave $2 to a struggling family despite needing the money himself, and then found $20 on the ground. The introduction argues that giving opens you up to receiving from the universe in unexpected ways. The book that follows explores various perspectives and stories from people who found financial success and abundance through practicing generosity.
The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History!chiki2852
This document is an introduction to a book about the concept that giving money away is the greatest money-making secret in history. It begins with a story from the author John Harricharan about a time he gave $2 to a struggling family despite needing the money himself, and then found $20 on the ground. The introduction argues that giving opens you up to receiving from the universe in unexpected ways. The book that follows explores various stories and perspectives on how giving has helped people receive more money and prosperity.
Example Of Personal Reflection Essay.pdfDiana Jordan
50 Best Reflective Essay Examples (+Topic Samples) TemplateLab. FREE 19+ Reflective Essay Examples & Samples in PDF | Examples .... Reflective Essay Writing Examples: Rubric, Topics, Outline. 017 Essay Example Self Reflection Sample Cfp Final2 ~ Thatsnotus. 019 Personal Reflective Essay Examples English Example Of Photo Sqa .... 006 Personal Reflection Essay Examples Paper Example Ggnje Of .... Writing A Self Reflective Essay How to Write a Reflection Paper. Marvelous Personal Essays Online at Student Prices. 013 Example Of Personal Reflection Essay Best Reflective Writers .... 017 Self Reflection Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. Example Of Reflection Paper - 002 Essay Example Reflective Introduction ....
The document discusses how vision is important for organizations during difficult economic times. It provides meaning and direction when the focus is just on survival. Great leadership reminds people of the larger goals and vision to motivate them. It also discusses how two entrepreneurs launched a bacon-flavored product called Bacon Salt with no marketing budget by identifying fans of bacon on social networks. They gained over 37,000 fans which led to wider media coverage and success, showing that new products or ideas can spread through a small, passionate group within a larger community.
Giving is powerful. But it's also complex. This presentation looks at some of the stats of the philanthropic sector as well as some science behind giving, fundraising, and marketing for causes.
This document proposes an idea to help address poverty and hunger by asking households to donate just one bowl of soup. The idea is to create hubs near restaurants and housing to collect the soup and distribute it to those without food or homes. This simple idea could help fill empty stomachs while connecting those who can help with those in need. It also suggests addressing unemployment among illiterate people by having them mend and transport donated clothes and shoes. With cooperation and willingness to help others, even small acts can make a positive impact on problems in the community.
The document discusses factors that influence human behavior and decision making in a digital context. It explores cultural differences and how understanding culture can help connect with people emotionally and create loyal fans. It also examines psychological theories like Lewin's equation of behavior being a function of person and environment, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and principles of social proof, positive reinforcement, and color manipulation. The document argues that properly understanding these cultural and psychological factors is key to influencing digital consumer behavior.
This document discusses the need for more choice and flexibility in education. It notes that students are seeking more personalized learning experiences outside of the traditional school system, including charters, homeschooling, and online options. It also discusses how giving students more control and choice in their education can increase engagement and motivation to learn. The document advocates for redefining public education to offer more self-directed and unschooling-style options so that schools can accommodate all learners. It also highlights the potential for youth to drive innovation and change in education using digital tools and collaboration.
I price the articles I receive by myself according to what they are worth to me. Every bit of merchandise that I receive is worth something in dollars and cents. Again this is a dialogue abuto turning these things into cash that I can use.
Over 22,000 children die daily from poverty-related causes, and 80% of people live on less than $10 per day. Nearly 1 billion adults cannot read or write, and in 2005 over 70 million children in developing countries were not in school. Military spending is $780 billion annually compared to only $13 billion spent on basic health and nutrition. Poverty affects over 1.6 billion people without electricity and half the world's population faces water problems. Poverty is a global issue, not confined to specific regions, and is often due to circumstances outside of people's control. Individuals are encouraged to support organizations addressing poverty and participate in programs like Free Rice to donate food.
Archdiocese of Phila. 2015 Priest Convocation Notes (Matthew Kelly) pennpadre
1. Matthew Kelly gave a keynote address to Philadelphia priests focusing on increasing engagement among parishioners. He discussed that only 6-7% of parishioners do 80% of the work and financially contributing to the church.
2. Kelly presented research showing the four signs of highly engaged Catholics: daily prayer, continuous learning, generosity, and evangelization. He emphasized the importance of helping more parishioners develop daily prayer routines and giving them tools for continuous learning.
3. Kelly argued that priests and parishes need to model counterculturalism by differentiating themselves from broader society through how they live, love, and work. They must show evidence of being fully engaged themselves to inspire higher engagement among parishion
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
6. yet I never saved I didnt think I could make a difference a life because
7. If I assume I cant help because a 2% diversion of Christmas spending would put $20 billion toward eradicating world poverty So I my assumptions let go of then I never will
8. Less than 1% of that could put every child in the world in school Almost $1 trillion per year is spent on holiday gifts. yet it never happens
13. A little is better than nothing. Some conceptions need to be destroyed. Slay the Sacred Cow. Everyone Creatively Think Something can afford to give
14. Most of the money goes to overhead and salaries. But charities arent efficient anyways.
15. what concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are go directly to the project of choice of donations through 100% -Epictetus, Philosopher
16. have inadequate access to water 1.1 billion people in developing countries
18. So I reversed my viewpoint You cant see the good ideas in front of you by looking twice as hard at whats behind you Online gifting at -Andrew Mercer, Innovator takes less than 5 minutes to complete
20. So I challenged the rules There are almost 100 projects in he can choose from and gave to a friend
21. gave a gift, You can do the same I changed the way I think. made a donation, and changed the world.
22. Our Mission UEnd.org exists to inspire and empower North Americans to refocus a portion of their Christmas spending towards strategic and sustainable projects in the developing world to help them eradicate poverty. visit us online at www.uend.org