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What do you know about this 19th
Century text?
How is
Frankensteins monster
represented in
fiction and in film?
The Victorian
The Victorian Gothic moves away from the familiar themes of Gothic fiction that were
popular in the 18th Century - ruined castles, helpless heroines, and evil villains - to situate the
themes of the supernatural, psychological and physical terror and madness within a
recognisable environment
L.O: To be able to understand 19th Century texts in the context of the Victorian Gothic
Modern stories and
films with Gothic
The Gothic genre is devoted to
stories of horror, the fantastic,
and the "darker" supernatural
The focus is often a change in
rational thought to irrational thought
because something or someone is
 The following slides will go
through some of the common
features of gothic literature.
Please copy them down...
Gothic Characteristics
and Elements
 Gothic writing looks at the often
terrifying and bizarre forces of
the spiritual and supernatural 
the world beyond the physical.
Good versus Evil
 It paints life as a
mixture of good and
evil powers that
cannot be
completely by
human reason.
images and beings
appear throughout
the Gothic genre.
These can include:
The Double or
(German for
This refers to a
second self or
alternate identity,
sometimes, but not
always, a physical
Does this remind you of any
19th Century texts?
Forbidden Knowledge or
Often the hero will struggle to
gain knowledge or power.
Does this remind you of any
19th Century texts?
The Fallen Hero
The search for forbidden
knowledge or power leads the
hero to a fall or destruction,
such as Satans or Adams fall.
Consequently, the hero in
Gothic literature is often a
"villain." The hero is isolated
from others and either
becomes a monster
or confronts a monster who is
his double.
Terrible truths are
often revealed to
characters through
dreams or visions. The
hidden knowledge of
the universe emerges
through dreams
because, when the
person sleeps, reason
sleeps, and the
supernatural, world can
break through.
Does this remind you of any
19th Century texts?
happenings in
nature often
represent conflict
in the characters
Does this remind you of any
19th Century texts?
Often there
is a female
Does this remind you of any
19th Century texts?
A scary atmosphere
The setting of
gothic stories is
usually in some
remote, out of
reach place,
and could
include an old
mansion or
Definition: The attribution of human
emotions or characteristics to inanimate
objects or to nature; for example, angry
clouds; a cruel wind.
Gothic literature often contains
examples of pathetic fallacy, which help
to establish an eerie setting or character.
Pathetic fallacy
Gothic in Art: Dantes Inferno
What gothic conventions can you
Identify in the extract?
1. List the descriptors of Frankensteins monster in the
2. Victor Frankensteins first reference to the creature is
as the lifeless thing. Find all the other nouns and
noun phrases that he uses to name his creation. What
do these descriptions suggest about his feeling
towards it?
3. How do Frankensteins emotions progress from the
beginning of the extract to the horror he feels at the
end of the passage?
4. How has Shelley portrayed Victors fears, expectations
and reality in this passage?
5. Look at the behaviour of the monster in paragraph
three. What do you think it was trying to express? How
does Frankenstein react to it?
How is Victors despair and horror captured as the extract progress?
Create a PEEZL paragraph or two
- Evidence: We can see this in the quote,
Explain: This suggests..
Zoom  The word/phrase ..
3things you have learned:
2questions that you want to ask about your
1way in which todays learning links with
another subject or something in the wider-

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The victorian gothic frankenstein

  • 1. What do you know about this 19th Century text? How is Frankensteins monster represented in fiction and in film?
  • 2. The Victorian Gothic The Victorian Gothic moves away from the familiar themes of Gothic fiction that were popular in the 18th Century - ruined castles, helpless heroines, and evil villains - to situate the themes of the supernatural, psychological and physical terror and madness within a recognisable environment L.O: To be able to understand 19th Century texts in the context of the Victorian Gothic
  • 3. Modern stories and films with Gothic settings
  • 4. The Gothic genre is devoted to stories of horror, the fantastic, and the "darker" supernatural forces. The focus is often a change in rational thought to irrational thought because something or someone is scared.
  • 5. The following slides will go through some of the common features of gothic literature. Please copy them down... Gothic Characteristics and Elements
  • 6. Gothic writing looks at the often terrifying and bizarre forces of the spiritual and supernatural the world beyond the physical. Unknown grotesque frightening
  • 7. Good versus Evil It paints life as a mixture of good and evil powers that cannot be understood completely by human reason.
  • 8. Supernatural images and beings appear throughout the Gothic genre. These can include: Vampires Ghosts Werewolves Monsters The Supernatural
  • 9. The Double or Doppelganger (German for double-goer) This refers to a second self or alternate identity, sometimes, but not always, a physical twin. Does this remind you of any 19th Century texts?
  • 10. Forbidden Knowledge or Power Often the hero will struggle to gain knowledge or power. Does this remind you of any 19th Century texts?
  • 11. The Fallen Hero The search for forbidden knowledge or power leads the hero to a fall or destruction, such as Satans or Adams fall. Consequently, the hero in Gothic literature is often a "villain." The hero is isolated from others and either becomes a monster or confronts a monster who is his double.
  • 12. Dreams/Visions: Terrible truths are often revealed to characters through dreams or visions. The hidden knowledge of the universe emerges through dreams because, when the person sleeps, reason sleeps, and the supernatural, world can break through. Does this remind you of any 19th Century texts?
  • 13. Foreshadowing/ Omens: Strange happenings in nature often represent conflict in the characters mind Does this remind you of any 19th Century texts?
  • 14. Often there is a female victim Does this remind you of any 19th Century texts?
  • 15. A scary atmosphere The setting of gothic stories is usually in some remote, out of reach place, and could include an old mansion or castle.
  • 16. Definition: The attribution of human emotions or characteristics to inanimate objects or to nature; for example, angry clouds; a cruel wind. Gothic literature often contains examples of pathetic fallacy, which help to establish an eerie setting or character. Pathetic fallacy
  • 17. Gothic in Art: Dantes Inferno
  • 18. What gothic conventions can you Identify in the extract?
  • 19. 1. List the descriptors of Frankensteins monster in the extract. 2. Victor Frankensteins first reference to the creature is as the lifeless thing. Find all the other nouns and noun phrases that he uses to name his creation. What do these descriptions suggest about his feeling towards it? 3. How do Frankensteins emotions progress from the beginning of the extract to the horror he feels at the end of the passage? 4. How has Shelley portrayed Victors fears, expectations and reality in this passage? 5. Look at the behaviour of the monster in paragraph three. What do you think it was trying to express? How does Frankenstein react to it?
  • 20. How is Victors despair and horror captured as the extract progress? Create a PEEZL paragraph or two Point: - Evidence: We can see this in the quote, .. Explain: This suggests.. Zoom The word/phrase .. implies.
  • 21. Plenary 321 3things you have learned: - - - 2questions that you want to ask about your learning: - - 1way in which todays learning links with another subject or something in the wider- world.