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The Awakenings Project Visual Arts Literary Arts Music Dramatic Arts
Who or What is Awakenings? An award winning collective of artists, all with some psychiatric diagnosis . Some have been with us since we started, others are just beginning. The brainchild of Robert Lundin, who believed in the creativity of persons with mental illnesses. No formal membership, yet in 10 years, we have nurtured hundreds of artists in various arts.
What is Awakenings Mission? The mission of the Awakenings Project is to assist persons with mental health issues in developing their craft and finding an outlet for their creative abilities through art in all its forms. Awakenings also seeks to raise  public acceptance and awareness  of the creative talents of people living with psychiatric disorders.  We change hearts and minds.
What does Awakenings do? Awakenings has always been a grass-roots initiative. It shows that "consumers" can become  producers  of fabulous art exhibits, literary arts journals, music and theatrical events.油 We are very proud to have been the recipients of the  "Outstanding Contribution to Recovery by a Non-Profit Organization"  award by the  Irwin Foundation  at  Celebration Recovery  2006.
Can we see some of the art?
Can we meet some of the artists?
How can we end stigma with art? Media portrayals of people with mental illness emphasize violent behavior; understanding and acceptance of people with psychiatric disorders is raised through projects like Awakenings. We make a statement that persons with mental illness are capable, talented people wishing to contribute to society, and art is a healing activity. All art is therapeutic and healing.
Positive media counters negative There have been many articles that have already been written about the Awakenings Project, and we hope there will be many more. Whenever anything significant is happening, an opening, a new Awakenings Review, our new studio, we send out a press release to the news media. Sometimes the media touts our praises much more than we would ourselves.
Some of our successful projects: Mural painting on Psychiatric Units:
Other successful partnerships: First NAMI-IL, then NAMI-DuPage. AstraZeneca has been a big supporter. Madison Center in South Bend, IN. DuPage County Health Department. Irwin Foundations Celebration Recovery. Bodies of Work - CFDAC Equip for Equality (ILs P&A Agency) St. Isaac Jogues donates annual scholarships. University of Chicagos Recovery Press. Theater for Mental Health.
More pictures of successes
Obstacles or Opportunities? Spinning off from NAMI  getting a pro-bono attorney to help us obtain our own 501 c 3 status. (Helped by CEDLP) Some of us work full time and still try to give 110% to Awakenings also. Grant writing has been difficult, as a new 501 c 3 organization.  Also possibly feeling like funders may not trust us because of the old stereotype of the inmates running the asylum.
The results we have seen so far: The network we created reaches far beyond the walls of our studio/gallery, and the friendships we formed have been lasting. Over these 12 years of association with the Awakenings Project, we have received much positive feedback from parents, siblings and friends about how important Awakenings has been in their lives. This group volunteers many hours and much effort to make each exhibit, every journal, all the music and any plays we produce as professional and rewarding as possible.

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The Awakenings Project Copy

  • 1. The Awakenings Project Visual Arts Literary Arts Music Dramatic Arts
  • 2. Who or What is Awakenings? An award winning collective of artists, all with some psychiatric diagnosis . Some have been with us since we started, others are just beginning. The brainchild of Robert Lundin, who believed in the creativity of persons with mental illnesses. No formal membership, yet in 10 years, we have nurtured hundreds of artists in various arts.
  • 3. What is Awakenings Mission? The mission of the Awakenings Project is to assist persons with mental health issues in developing their craft and finding an outlet for their creative abilities through art in all its forms. Awakenings also seeks to raise public acceptance and awareness of the creative talents of people living with psychiatric disorders. We change hearts and minds.
  • 4. What does Awakenings do? Awakenings has always been a grass-roots initiative. It shows that "consumers" can become producers of fabulous art exhibits, literary arts journals, music and theatrical events.油 We are very proud to have been the recipients of the "Outstanding Contribution to Recovery by a Non-Profit Organization" award by the Irwin Foundation at Celebration Recovery 2006.
  • 5. Can we see some of the art?
  • 6. Can we meet some of the artists?
  • 7. How can we end stigma with art? Media portrayals of people with mental illness emphasize violent behavior; understanding and acceptance of people with psychiatric disorders is raised through projects like Awakenings. We make a statement that persons with mental illness are capable, talented people wishing to contribute to society, and art is a healing activity. All art is therapeutic and healing.
  • 8. Positive media counters negative There have been many articles that have already been written about the Awakenings Project, and we hope there will be many more. Whenever anything significant is happening, an opening, a new Awakenings Review, our new studio, we send out a press release to the news media. Sometimes the media touts our praises much more than we would ourselves.
  • 9. Some of our successful projects: Mural painting on Psychiatric Units:
  • 10. Other successful partnerships: First NAMI-IL, then NAMI-DuPage. AstraZeneca has been a big supporter. Madison Center in South Bend, IN. DuPage County Health Department. Irwin Foundations Celebration Recovery. Bodies of Work - CFDAC Equip for Equality (ILs P&A Agency) St. Isaac Jogues donates annual scholarships. University of Chicagos Recovery Press. Theater for Mental Health.
  • 11. More pictures of successes
  • 12. Obstacles or Opportunities? Spinning off from NAMI getting a pro-bono attorney to help us obtain our own 501 c 3 status. (Helped by CEDLP) Some of us work full time and still try to give 110% to Awakenings also. Grant writing has been difficult, as a new 501 c 3 organization. Also possibly feeling like funders may not trust us because of the old stereotype of the inmates running the asylum.
  • 13. The results we have seen so far: The network we created reaches far beyond the walls of our studio/gallery, and the friendships we formed have been lasting. Over these 12 years of association with the Awakenings Project, we have received much positive feedback from parents, siblings and friends about how important Awakenings has been in their lives. This group volunteers many hours and much effort to make each exhibit, every journal, all the music and any plays we produce as professional and rewarding as possible.

Editor's Notes

  • #2: We started out as The Awakenings Art Show at the NAMI-IL Conference in 1997. We planned for it to be a one weekend show. But it was so successful, it took on a life of its own, and it has grown and grown and grown.