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Young at Heart Project improves and enriches the quality of lives for seniors confined by age or infirmity
in convalscent and residental care facilities by providing the therapeutic benefits of live, professional
musical entertainment.
WhatWe Do
Established in 1985, Young at Heart Project performs over 1,100 shows yearly in the California counties
of Santa Clara, Monterey, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz. It reaches over 30,000 seniors in senior and day care
centers and skilled nursing, convalescent, memory disorder, Alzheimer, and residental community
facilities. Recognized as a national model by the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Council
on Aging,YAHP is working to expand nationally over the next few years.
WhoWe Serve - The Elderly: Unheard, Underseen, Underserved
America worries about every segment of its citizenry. Except for Medicare, however, it tends to give short
shrift to its seniors. And now the mostly out of sight elderly are quietly growing in numbers, becoming a
larger and larger underserved population.Your support forYoung at Heart Project is a way you can help
enrich the lives of our elders.
HowWe Are Supported
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Young at Heart Projects ability to sustain and grow depends on the financial
support of others. Nursing and assisted living facilities pay a small portion of each performance cost.
Young at Heart Project pays the remainder. It does so with contributions from individuals, grants from
trusts, foundations and corporations, fundraising events, product sales, charitable bequests, donated life
insurance, wills, etc.
Underserved Elderly
Society tends to overlook the elderly, assuming family or care facility staff attends
them. Reality often is quite different. Family members may work full time, live afar,
or care for a senior at home. Facility staff address physical needs but rarely
emotional, quality of life issues. As numbers grow in nursing homes, the degree of
the underserved elderly grows.This is creating a new, mostly unrecognized
problem for a society that prides itself on taking care of its citizenry from cradle to
the grave.
Established in 1985,Young at Heart Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation that depends on
financial support from foundations,individuals,corporations,businesses and concerned community leaders who
want to improve the quality of life for seniors in convalescent care.
Medical science is extending longevity. Poor
health, widowhood, declining finances, mental
decline,etc.will send many to a nursing or assisted
living facility.They will lose independence that will
reduce the quality of their daily lives, which can
lead to clinical depression and affect their mental
and physical well-being.
How does music improve the well-being of the elderly?
First of all,music speaks to the deepest emotional parts of
us. It is used in therapy.Young at Heart Project improves
upon this by bringing the music of former times to adults.
The music reawakens personal and historical memories
related to the era when it was popular,allowing our elderly
citizens to actively reminisce in a healthy fashion. The
reminiscing itself is a form of cognitive stimulation identi-
fied by psychological research as being critically impor-
tant for the mental capacities of the elderly.
Robert J. Moretti, Ph.d.
Associate Clinical Professor
Northwestern Medical School
The inspiration for Young at Heart
Project (YAHP) came to founder
Sean Seman in 1985 while
performing an impromptu concert
at a rest home. An elderly man who
had not spoken for two years
erupted into song during Seans
performance, much to the
amazement of the hospital staff.
After witnessing the positive
effects of music on seniors. Semans commitment to bring
lively, uplifting entertainment to the elderly motivated other
musicians and community leaders to join him to create
Young at Heart Project.The organization incorporated as a
non-profit 501 (c)(3) public benefit corporation in 1992 with
the sole purpose of enriching the lives of the underserved
Our professional musicians perform music of
the 1920s-1950s.
Each performance features a musicians songs
and commentary on the era in which they
were written. Combining music and history
brings the songs and times of yesterday
alive again. Some say magical things result
when seniors experience this double-
memory-revival package. Most all agree it
helps restore seniors sense of well-being. No
other organization does this.
Young at Heart Project Musicians Serve Needs of
the Elderly by Improving the Quality of Their Lives
I have seen a woman who seemed catatonic suddenly
come to life shouting lines from an almost forgotten song.
There is an electricity generated by a skilled professional
which is not usually equaled by even the most sincere
Jennifer Davis, Executive Director
Area Council on Aging
Personal contributions are tax-deductible.
Ask your employer to match your $ gift.
Ask your company, organization (e.g. Rotary), or
personal trust to supportYAHP.
NameYAHP as beneficiary in your Will, Living Trust, or
Life Insurance Policy.
Transfer stock shares to aYAHP Endowment Fund.
Set up a Charitable Remainder Trust: you keep income
now, later it goes toYAHP.
DesignateYAHP beneficiary of an IRA or Retirement
Encourage school, club, church and youth groups to hold
fundraising events to benefit us.
Mail Tax Deductible Donations Today!
Young At Heart Project
18488 Prospect Road, Suite 11, Saratoga, CA 95070
Phone 408.446.0402 | Fax 408.446.0497
www.young-at-heart.org | yahproj@young-at-heart.org
CA Tax ID 1803545YAHP | Fed Tax ID 77-0300050
If you should survive to 105...

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  • 1. Young at Heart Project improves and enriches the quality of lives for seniors confined by age or infirmity in convalscent and residental care facilities by providing the therapeutic benefits of live, professional musical entertainment. WhatWe Do Established in 1985, Young at Heart Project performs over 1,100 shows yearly in the California counties of Santa Clara, Monterey, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz. It reaches over 30,000 seniors in senior and day care centers and skilled nursing, convalescent, memory disorder, Alzheimer, and residental community facilities. Recognized as a national model by the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Council on Aging,YAHP is working to expand nationally over the next few years. WhoWe Serve - The Elderly: Unheard, Underseen, Underserved America worries about every segment of its citizenry. Except for Medicare, however, it tends to give short shrift to its seniors. And now the mostly out of sight elderly are quietly growing in numbers, becoming a larger and larger underserved population.Your support forYoung at Heart Project is a way you can help enrich the lives of our elders. HowWe Are Supported As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Young at Heart Projects ability to sustain and grow depends on the financial support of others. Nursing and assisted living facilities pay a small portion of each performance cost. Young at Heart Project pays the remainder. It does so with contributions from individuals, grants from trusts, foundations and corporations, fundraising events, product sales, charitable bequests, donated life insurance, wills, etc. Underserved Elderly Society tends to overlook the elderly, assuming family or care facility staff attends them. Reality often is quite different. Family members may work full time, live afar, or care for a senior at home. Facility staff address physical needs but rarely emotional, quality of life issues. As numbers grow in nursing homes, the degree of the underserved elderly grows.This is creating a new, mostly unrecognized problem for a society that prides itself on taking care of its citizenry from cradle to the grave. Established in 1985,Young at Heart Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation that depends on financial support from foundations,individuals,corporations,businesses and concerned community leaders who want to improve the quality of life for seniors in convalescent care.
  • 2. EVERYONE IS LIVING LONGER Medical science is extending longevity. Poor health, widowhood, declining finances, mental decline,etc.will send many to a nursing or assisted living facility.They will lose independence that will reduce the quality of their daily lives, which can lead to clinical depression and affect their mental and physical well-being. How does music improve the well-being of the elderly? First of all,music speaks to the deepest emotional parts of us. It is used in therapy.Young at Heart Project improves upon this by bringing the music of former times to adults. The music reawakens personal and historical memories related to the era when it was popular,allowing our elderly citizens to actively reminisce in a healthy fashion. The reminiscing itself is a form of cognitive stimulation identi- fied by psychological research as being critically impor- tant for the mental capacities of the elderly. Robert J. Moretti, Ph.d. Associate Clinical Professor Northwestern Medical School HOW YOUNG AT HEART PROJECT BEGAN The inspiration for Young at Heart Project (YAHP) came to founder Sean Seman in 1985 while performing an impromptu concert at a rest home. An elderly man who had not spoken for two years erupted into song during Seans performance, much to the amazement of the hospital staff. After witnessing the positive effects of music on seniors. Semans commitment to bring lively, uplifting entertainment to the elderly motivated other musicians and community leaders to join him to create Young at Heart Project.The organization incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c)(3) public benefit corporation in 1992 with the sole purpose of enriching the lives of the underserved elderly. YOUNG AT HEART PROJECT IS UNIQUE Our professional musicians perform music of the 1920s-1950s. Each performance features a musicians songs and commentary on the era in which they were written. Combining music and history brings the songs and times of yesterday alive again. Some say magical things result when seniors experience this double- memory-revival package. Most all agree it helps restore seniors sense of well-being. No other organization does this. Young at Heart Project Musicians Serve Needs of the Elderly by Improving the Quality of Their Lives I have seen a woman who seemed catatonic suddenly come to life shouting lines from an almost forgotten song. There is an electricity generated by a skilled professional which is not usually equaled by even the most sincere amateur. Jennifer Davis, Executive Director Area Council on Aging Personal contributions are tax-deductible. Ask your employer to match your $ gift. Ask your company, organization (e.g. Rotary), or personal trust to supportYAHP. NameYAHP as beneficiary in your Will, Living Trust, or Life Insurance Policy. Transfer stock shares to aYAHP Endowment Fund. Set up a Charitable Remainder Trust: you keep income now, later it goes toYAHP. DesignateYAHP beneficiary of an IRA or Retirement Plan. Encourage school, club, church and youth groups to hold fundraising events to benefit us. Mail Tax Deductible Donations Today! HOWYOU CAN SUPPORT YOUNG AT HEART PROJECT Young At Heart Project 18488 Prospect Road, Suite 11, Saratoga, CA 95070 Phone 408.446.0402 | Fax 408.446.0497 www.young-at-heart.org | yahproj@young-at-heart.org CA Tax ID 1803545YAHP | Fed Tax ID 77-0300050 If you should survive to 105...