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Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Steve Maguire, M.Ed
   Go Turnstone!
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
Must read to learn more about work ethic

Werner and
Thoughts on why work ethic
           appears to have changed?

   Group responses please
What are the key traits we want staff
to have when they work for us and

   Group responses please!
Kids work ethic has progressively gotten

However, we are all ultimately
  looking for the some basic
 characteristics that we must
        teach our kids!
                                     Demonstrated as...
hown in the form of...
                                     Staff shows up on

    Decreased lateness, higher staff morale, curb on in
  fighting, less resentment from the 100%ers, people are
Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013
      m                                Demonstrated as...
hown in the form of...                   Staff presents
   Appearance                           consistent brand
                                      image. (Staff shirts)

Increased appearance of team work, Easy identification of
   camp leaders, feeling of safety to all on the property,
Line of cars around the corner
waiting to get to the drive
As the line increases, two
employees (upper teens, low
twenties) come outside for a
smoke break
Im sposed to be on
like mega-psych meds,
but they make me feel
wicked retarded, so I
   dont take them.
     F&@k that
                                     Demonstrated as...
hown in the form of...
                                      Enthusiasm and

  Increased morale, sense of fun, contagious enthusiasm
Please watch this
video and find the
  people that are
QuickTime and a
are needed to see this picture.
                                       Demonstrated as...
hown in the form of...                 Going beyond basic
    Ambition                            expectations with
                                           no prompt

 More gets done, kids feel cared for and safe, less stressful
                   on leadership team
How do we see or want to see
     initiative at camp?
Shown in the form
       of...                          Demonstrated as...
 Acceptance of the                    Staff following the
 role of their job                         rules and

Decreased involuntary turnover (less people get fired!),
  Trust is built to admin team, parents, communities
What does respect look like at
                                         Demonstrated as...
hown in the form of...                       Staff are
  Accountability                           trustworthy

 More gets done, kids feel cared for and safe, less stressful
                   on leadership team
               Its what
                when others
                are not
                looking that
               Red light!
                                      Demonstrated as...
                                            Staff feel
Shown in the form of...                appreciated and
    Appreciation                      appreciate others.
                                      Staff give authentic
                                         service (care)

      Happier kids, families, communities, teams and
The Millenials/Generation Y:
 WHO are they? 1977-1994
Some basics...

*This Generation includes people
 born between 1977 and 1994
*There are over 70 million people
 belonging to Generation Y
*Generation Y is more than three
 times the size of Generation X
Some basics...
 *Generation Y is the most ethnically diverse
generation to date
 *One out of every three Generation Y members
is not Caucasian
 *Nine out of ten children under 12 have friends
outside their own ethnicity
Some basics...

 *One out of four lives in a
  single parent household
* Three out of four have
  working mothers
 *The child is the center of
  the household
Some basics...

 *One out of nine high schoolers
  have a credit card co-signed by a
* Teens have an average of
  $100/week disposable income
 *40% of teens have a part-time
Some basics...

 *They prefer directness over subtlety, action over
  observation and coolness over all else
No One Likes You!
 *They are heavily influenced by their peers and the
 Although technically advanced and saturated, they
  would prefer personal contact
                   Some basics...
*Generation Y seems to be less
 cynical and more concerned with
 social issues than
Generation X, although whether to
 act on those feelings is always a
*75%-90% have a computer at
Some basics...

*They feel crunched for time,
 always in a hurry
*They have direction and
 know what they want
What are their strengths?
 What we like...

Adaptability: Generation Y is used to adapting and being comfortable in
 various situations.

Technologically savvy: Growing up in the age of technology and taking
 advantage of it.

Ability to grasp new concepts: This is a learning-oriented generation.
How arebythey and instant gratification.
* Activity rich and relationship bankrupt.

*Impatient: Raised in world dominated technology

*Skeptical: In recent years there has been more scamming, cheating, lying and exploiting than
ever from the major figures in the media. This includes everyone from rock stars to the president.

*Blunt and expressive: Self expression is favored over self control. Making their point is most

*They are image-driven: Making personal statements with their image is very important.

*They are still young: Although they have a seen it all, done it all air about them, lack of life
experience means that they dont know everything yet. They are aware of this and are not afraid
to ask questions. For this generation, it is better and more time-saving to ask questions, than to
waste time trying to figure it out.
Bring the door to them.
   I have an open door policy. My doors
    always open. Lets talk later. Good
    for you, they dont care.

   A consistent check in by someone is
    very important to these kids.

   Build a bridge, cross the bridge, and go
    out and talk with them.

   These kids recognize your effort and
    understand you are going out of your
    way. Its a great way to help win them
Put them in charge and bring
     them into the fold...
   These kids want
    leadership/responsibility and they are
    more capable than ever to have it. This
    buy in will be a huge investment down
    the road.

   To them If there is no interest, their will
    be no investment.

   My classroom runs itself... weather
    report, class information, gather and
    comeback and share. Gone are the
    days of teach at a group of kids. They
    dont learn well that way.
Talk with them, not at them
   Common sense, but more so than ever with these kids.

   What asked what adults they respect the most, my kids
    overwhelming response... ones that talk with us and
    not at us. Give me respect, Ill give you respect

   Im the director/owner... most dont care!

   DNM - Standing on the chair, TONE!
Embrace their technology and
               their day to day...
   10,146 - facebook, myspace, linkedin, twitter, digg

   The cell phone phenomena. Asking kids if they
    have a facebook page or a cell phone is like asking
    them if they are breathing.

   What are you doing to embrace their technology?
    Are you still trying to stomp it out?

   Internet time, Chris Thurbers E-ssentials, cell
    phone use space
Multitaskers and multicultural
   Can do many tasks and can do them

   How does this show itself at camp?
    Campfire director, head counselor, chapel
    director, hours in the camp store...

   Can be observing many kids at once
    while teaching a group of kids and keep
    track of everyone...more so than ever

   Take advantage of this... they can/want to
    do more and do it well!
   They have been connected to rest of the world
    via the internet.

   Many have travelled as a result of school trips,
    community opportunities, etc.

   The world has been brought to them and they
    see where they fit into it

   This is an incredible asset as a staff member at
    your camp. Global diversity and the ability to
    show campers the rest of the world
 They will do their own thing and they are
OK with it... There are plenty of kids who
  dont mind being different. This can be
 used as a huge advantage for you! The
  kids LOVE this individualistic mentality.
Embrace and explain
                  their parents to them
   Parents and teachers micromanaged to them
                  their parents
    their schedules, planning things out
    for them, leaving very little
    unstructured free time. They were
    signed up for soccer camp, karate
    club, and ballet lessonsand their
    parents were called into service,
    shuttling them from one activity to
    the next. Some started carrying
    Daytimers when they were in
    elementary school.
More on parents...
    Be smartyou are special. Theyve been catered to since they
    were tiny. Think Nickolodeon, Baby Gap, and Sports Illustrated for

     Leave no one behind. They were taught to be inclusive and
    tolerant of other races, religions, and sexual orientations.
     Connect 24/7. They learned to be interdependenton family,
    friends, and teachers. More Millennials say they can live without the
    television than the computer. Many prefer chatting on line to talking
    on the phone.
     Achieve now! Some parents hired private agents to line up the
    right college; others got started choosing the right pre-school while
    the child was still in the womb.
     Serve your community. Fifty percent of high school students
    reported volunteering in their communities, many of their high
    schools requiring community service hours for graduation. On one
    Roper Survey, when Millennials were asked for the major cause of
    problems in the U.S., they answered selfishness.
We need to teach our staff the
     We need to teach our staff the
    They dont get it! Dont expect them
    to. Be clear with all expectations, lay
    things out, let there be no gray area.

   If campers are confused, it is the
    counselors issue to fix. If staff are
    confused it is the leadership team to fix.
Aspire with their amazing
   They want to have an amazing lifestyle... an
    amazing life is secondary

   How do we make their lifestyle amazing at
    camp?What do they enjoy that you can
    continue? Do you pull the plug on their life
Meet them halfway...
   The Negotiation Generation

   Everyone gets a trophy... whether you
    agree with this or not, it is what it is...

   Reward positive staff behavior and work
    with the work ethic they have. They will buy
    in if they feel like they are being met
    halfway and that you are carrying some of
    the load as well.
This is whats important to them
          in the workplace/camp
   1. Good relationships with bosss and co-
    workers - Friendship - (Camp)
   2. Income - Youre going to make a lot of
    money working at summer camp
   3. Opportunity for growth - prep the best!
This is whats important to them
         in the workplace/camp...
   4. Opportunity to show off skills and receiving recognition
    of a job well done (Camp)
   5. Challenging daily work (Camp)
   6. Flexible schedules for social and personal time (We need
    to get better at this)
   7. A casual dress environment (Camp)

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Their not lazy! NACCHO 2013

  • 2. 温姻艶稼t Lazy! Steve Maguire, M.Ed Go Turnstone!
  • 8. Must read to learn more about work ethic www.theagame.org
  • 10. Thoughts on why work ethic appears to have changed? Group responses please
  • 11. What are the key traits we want staff to have when they work for us and WHY? Group responses please!
  • 12. Kids work ethic has progressively gotten worse... However, we are all ultimately looking for the some basic characteristics that we must teach our kids!
  • 13. Reliability Demonstrated as... hown in the form of... Staff shows up on Attendance time Results... Decreased lateness, higher staff morale, curb on in fighting, less resentment from the 100%ers, people are
  • 15. Professionalis m Demonstrated as... hown in the form of... Staff presents Appearance consistent brand image. (Staff shirts) Results... Increased appearance of team work, Easy identification of camp leaders, feeling of safety to all on the property,
  • 16. Professionalism? Line of cars around the corner waiting to get to the drive through As the line increases, two employees (upper teens, low twenties) come outside for a smoke break
  • 17. Im sposed to be on like mega-psych meds, but they make me feel wicked retarded, so I dont take them. F&@k that
  • 18. Positivity Demonstrated as... hown in the form of... Enthusiasm and Attitude passion Results... Increased morale, sense of fun, contagious enthusiasm
  • 19. Please watch this video and find the people that are demonstrating positivity...
  • 20. QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 21. Initiative Demonstrated as... hown in the form of... Going beyond basic Ambition expectations with no prompt Results... More gets done, kids feel cared for and safe, less stressful on leadership team
  • 22. How do we see or want to see initiative at camp?
  • 23. Respect Shown in the form of... Demonstrated as... Acceptance of the Staff following the role of their job rules and regulations Results... Decreased involuntary turnover (less people get fired!), Trust is built to admin team, parents, communities
  • 24. What does respect look like at camp?
  • 25. Integrity Demonstrated as... hown in the form of... Staff are Accountability trustworthy Results... More gets done, kids feel cared for and safe, less stressful on leadership team
  • 26. Integrity Its what happens when others are not looking that counts Red light!
  • 27. Gratitude Demonstrated as... Staff feel Shown in the form of... appreciated and Appreciation appreciate others. Staff give authentic service (care) Results... Happier kids, families, communities, teams and administrators
  • 28. The Millenials/Generation Y: WHO are they? 1977-1994
  • 29. Some basics... Age *This Generation includes people born between 1977 and 1994 *There are over 70 million people belonging to Generation Y *Generation Y is more than three times the size of Generation X
  • 30. Some basics... Ethnicity *Generation Y is the most ethnically diverse generation to date *One out of every three Generation Y members is not Caucasian *Nine out of ten children under 12 have friends outside their own ethnicity
  • 31. Some basics... Home *One out of four lives in a single parent household * Three out of four have working mothers *The child is the center of the household
  • 32. Some basics... Money *One out of nine high schoolers have a credit card co-signed by a parent * Teens have an average of $100/week disposable income *40% of teens have a part-time job
  • 33. Some basics... Interaction *They prefer directness over subtlety, action over observation and coolness over all else No One Likes You! *They are heavily influenced by their peers and the media Although technically advanced and saturated, they would prefer personal contact
  • 34. Connectivity Some basics... *Generation Y seems to be less cynical and more concerned with social issues than Generation X, although whether to act on those feelings is always a question *75%-90% have a computer at home
  • 35. Some basics... Status *They feel crunched for time, always in a hurry *They have direction and know what they want
  • 36. What are their strengths? What we like... Adaptability: Generation Y is used to adapting and being comfortable in various situations. Technologically savvy: Growing up in the age of technology and taking advantage of it. Ability to grasp new concepts: This is a learning-oriented generation.
  • 37. How arebythey and instant gratification. difficult? * Activity rich and relationship bankrupt. *Impatient: Raised in world dominated technology *Skeptical: In recent years there has been more scamming, cheating, lying and exploiting than ever from the major figures in the media. This includes everyone from rock stars to the president. *Blunt and expressive: Self expression is favored over self control. Making their point is most important. *They are image-driven: Making personal statements with their image is very important. *They are still young: Although they have a seen it all, done it all air about them, lack of life experience means that they dont know everything yet. They are aware of this and are not afraid to ask questions. For this generation, it is better and more time-saving to ask questions, than to waste time trying to figure it out.
  • 38. Bring the door to them. I have an open door policy. My doors always open. Lets talk later. Good for you, they dont care. A consistent check in by someone is very important to these kids. Build a bridge, cross the bridge, and go out and talk with them. These kids recognize your effort and understand you are going out of your way. Its a great way to help win them over.
  • 39. Put them in charge and bring them into the fold... These kids want leadership/responsibility and they are more capable than ever to have it. This buy in will be a huge investment down the road. To them If there is no interest, their will be no investment. My classroom runs itself... weather report, class information, gather and comeback and share. Gone are the days of teach at a group of kids. They dont learn well that way.
  • 40. Talk with them, not at them Common sense, but more so than ever with these kids. What asked what adults they respect the most, my kids overwhelming response... ones that talk with us and not at us. Give me respect, Ill give you respect Im the director/owner... most dont care! DNM - Standing on the chair, TONE!
  • 41. Embrace their technology and their day to day... 10,146 - facebook, myspace, linkedin, twitter, digg The cell phone phenomena. Asking kids if they have a facebook page or a cell phone is like asking them if they are breathing. What are you doing to embrace their technology? Are you still trying to stomp it out? Internet time, Chris Thurbers E-ssentials, cell phone use space
  • 42. Multitaskers and multicultural Can do many tasks and can do them well... How does this show itself at camp? Campfire director, head counselor, chapel director, hours in the camp store... Can be observing many kids at once while teaching a group of kids and keep track of everyone...more so than ever Take advantage of this... they can/want to do more and do it well!
  • 43. Globalism... They have been connected to rest of the world via the internet. Many have travelled as a result of school trips, community opportunities, etc. The world has been brought to them and they see where they fit into it This is an incredible asset as a staff member at your camp. Global diversity and the ability to show campers the rest of the world
  • 44. Individualsitic They will do their own thing and they are OK with it... There are plenty of kids who dont mind being different. This can be used as a huge advantage for you! The kids LOVE this individualistic mentality.
  • 45. Embrace and explain their parents to them Parents and teachers micromanaged to them their parents their schedules, planning things out for them, leaving very little unstructured free time. They were signed up for soccer camp, karate club, and ballet lessonsand their parents were called into service, shuttling them from one activity to the next. Some started carrying Daytimers when they were in elementary school.
  • 46. More on parents... Be smartyou are special. Theyve been catered to since they were tiny. Think Nickolodeon, Baby Gap, and Sports Illustrated for Kids. Leave no one behind. They were taught to be inclusive and tolerant of other races, religions, and sexual orientations. Connect 24/7. They learned to be interdependenton family, friends, and teachers. More Millennials say they can live without the television than the computer. Many prefer chatting on line to talking on the phone. Achieve now! Some parents hired private agents to line up the right college; others got started choosing the right pre-school while the child was still in the womb. Serve your community. Fifty percent of high school students reported volunteering in their communities, many of their high schools requiring community service hours for graduation. On one Roper Survey, when Millennials were asked for the major cause of problems in the U.S., they answered selfishness.
  • 47. We need to teach our staff the obvious! We need to teach our staff the obvious! They dont get it! Dont expect them to. Be clear with all expectations, lay things out, let there be no gray area. If campers are confused, it is the counselors issue to fix. If staff are confused it is the leadership team to fix.
  • 48. Aspire with their amazing lifestyles They want to have an amazing lifestyle... an amazing life is secondary How do we make their lifestyle amazing at camp?What do they enjoy that you can continue? Do you pull the plug on their life style?
  • 49. Meet them halfway... The Negotiation Generation Everyone gets a trophy... whether you agree with this or not, it is what it is... Reward positive staff behavior and work with the work ethic they have. They will buy in if they feel like they are being met halfway and that you are carrying some of the load as well.
  • 50. This is whats important to them in the workplace/camp (retention)... 1. Good relationships with bosss and co- workers - Friendship - (Camp) 2. Income - Youre going to make a lot of money working at summer camp 3. Opportunity for growth - prep the best!
  • 51. This is whats important to them in the workplace/camp... 4. Opportunity to show off skills and receiving recognition of a job well done (Camp) 5. Challenging daily work (Camp) 6. Flexible schedules for social and personal time (We need to get better at this) 7. A casual dress environment (Camp)