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My thumbs
like two hammerhead
wage open war
with each other
over my typewriter.
This thumb is dry and cold
resides on the desert
at night.
My other thumb
chases rose bushes
into dark
How do you do.
We say.
When we meet.
Two old gentlemen
both hail the same cab.
If we leave any finger prints
wherever we go
probably we will first
leave the thumb.
A little smile
is all we can afford for each other
when we meet
on the street.
My two thumbs
have not
a decent
how do you do
a small smile, like a dried pear,
for each other.
Diane Wakoski
Thumb Games
What you need for this game
Two or more people with thumbs
Thumb Communiqu辿
Lightweight cardboard or origami boxes
Nail polish
Thank You Note
We are only missing one thing. We
heard there is a magic nail polish in Moffitt
Library that is more beautiful than any nail
polish in the world. We tried to make our
person get it for us, but the librarian won't
give it to her because she has too many
overdue library books.
Could you get it from the security desk for
us? We will share it with you! And we
suppose we might let our person go for a
little while, once we have it.
Yours in solidarity,
Isadore and Etienne Thumb
Dear Fellow Thumbs,
We apologize for not knowing your
names, but our current situation makes it
difficult to engage in social niceties.
Have you ever seen this comic?
We happened upon it recently and found
it inspiring -- a manifesto, urging we
thumbs to take control of our own lives and
refuse to be bossed around by the people
we are attached to.
So we decided to run away too. We
have taken control of our person and
brought her up to the Campanile, where we
are enjoying the cool air on our cuticles.
What a pleasure it is! We refuse to do
homework! Fortunately, the person we are
attached to is easily persuaded to let us
play cat's cradle for hours at a time instead
of doing homework.
Thumb Communiqu辿
Lightweight Box
Place Thumb Communiqu辿 inside box.
This is an origami box made from an illustrated
text of Hans Christian Andersens Thumbelina.
Any lightweight cardboard or paper box would
work. These can be mass produced to increase
the chances of getting someone to play.
Nail Polish
Place bottles of nail polish at the library security
desk, where people leave objects they cant bring
into the library.
If you explain that its a game, the security guard
might agree to respond to direct inquiries for the
magic nail polish. Especially if you bring
him/her a cookie from the Free Speech Caf辿.
One player (the baiter) makes a cats cradle
between her hands with string, and places the
box on top of the cats cradle.
The baiter walks up to a likely player (the
rescuer), and asks the rescuer to remove the
box from atop the cats cradle. When the box
has been removed, the baiter walks away.
Another player (the hostage) waits at the top of
the Campanile. She can also hold a cats cradle,
or be doing/wearing something else to suggest
that she is the hostage. A folded Thank You
Note protrudes from her sleeve. She offers the
note to the rescuer.
THANK GOODNESS YOU ARE HERE! I have been imprisoned by my thumbs for
hours! There are two ways that I can be freed:
1. I can transfer this cat's cradle to another person's hands, and then that person
will take my place.
2. I can apply the magic nail polish to my thumbs. (Fortunately my thumbs don't
know the polish's real magic: Once it is applied, I will regain control over my
thumbs. Please don't tell them!)
Although I didnt appreciate being held hostage, it has been nice being up here
without having to do any homework. If you want to keep this game going, I can
transfer the cat's cradle to your hands, and go find someone else to rescue you. If
you'd rather not, you can apply the nail polish to my thumbs and then we'll both be
Either way is okay with me. You will always have my gratitude for saving me from
my thumbs.
Thank You Note
Play again
Or watch the sun set
Play again
Or watch the sun set

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Thumb game uploader

  • 1. THE BUDDHA MEETS SATURN My thumbs like two hammerhead sharks wage open war with each other over my typewriter. This thumb is dry and cold resides on the desert at night. My other thumb chases rose bushes into dark wet soil. How do you do. We say. When we meet. Two old gentlemen both hail the same cab. If we leave any finger prints wherever we go probably we will first leave the thumb. A little smile is all we can afford for each other when we meet on the street. My two thumbs have not even a decent hello how do you do a small smile, like a dried pear, for each other. Diane Wakoski Thumb Games
  • 2. What you need for this game Two or more people with thumbs Thumb Communiqu辿 Lightweight cardboard or origami boxes Nail polish String Thank You Note
  • 3. We are only missing one thing. We heard there is a magic nail polish in Moffitt Library that is more beautiful than any nail polish in the world. We tried to make our person get it for us, but the librarian won't give it to her because she has too many overdue library books. Could you get it from the security desk for us? We will share it with you! And we suppose we might let our person go for a little while, once we have it. Yours in solidarity, Isadore and Etienne Thumb Dear Fellow Thumbs, We apologize for not knowing your names, but our current situation makes it difficult to engage in social niceties. Have you ever seen this comic? We happened upon it recently and found it inspiring -- a manifesto, urging we thumbs to take control of our own lives and refuse to be bossed around by the people we are attached to. So we decided to run away too. We have taken control of our person and brought her up to the Campanile, where we are enjoying the cool air on our cuticles. What a pleasure it is! We refuse to do homework! Fortunately, the person we are attached to is easily persuaded to let us play cat's cradle for hours at a time instead of doing homework. Thumb Communiqu辿 ByOzgeSamanci www.ordinarythings.com
  • 4. Lightweight Box Place Thumb Communiqu辿 inside box. This is an origami box made from an illustrated text of Hans Christian Andersens Thumbelina. Any lightweight cardboard or paper box would work. These can be mass produced to increase the chances of getting someone to play.
  • 5. Nail Polish Place bottles of nail polish at the library security desk, where people leave objects they cant bring into the library. If you explain that its a game, the security guard might agree to respond to direct inquiries for the magic nail polish. Especially if you bring him/her a cookie from the Free Speech Caf辿.
  • 6. String One player (the baiter) makes a cats cradle between her hands with string, and places the box on top of the cats cradle. The baiter walks up to a likely player (the rescuer), and asks the rescuer to remove the box from atop the cats cradle. When the box has been removed, the baiter walks away.
  • 7. Another player (the hostage) waits at the top of the Campanile. She can also hold a cats cradle, or be doing/wearing something else to suggest that she is the hostage. A folded Thank You Note protrudes from her sleeve. She offers the note to the rescuer. Meanwhile
  • 8. THANK GOODNESS YOU ARE HERE! I have been imprisoned by my thumbs for hours! There are two ways that I can be freed: 1. I can transfer this cat's cradle to another person's hands, and then that person will take my place. or 2. I can apply the magic nail polish to my thumbs. (Fortunately my thumbs don't know the polish's real magic: Once it is applied, I will regain control over my thumbs. Please don't tell them!) Although I didnt appreciate being held hostage, it has been nice being up here without having to do any homework. If you want to keep this game going, I can transfer the cat's cradle to your hands, and go find someone else to rescue you. If you'd rather not, you can apply the nail polish to my thumbs and then we'll both be free. Either way is okay with me. You will always have my gratitude for saving me from my thumbs. Thank You Note
  • 9. Play again Or watch the sun set
  • 10. Play again Or watch the sun set