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Time for God
   a Christian approach
   to time management

Time for God

     #1 reason people give for not reading the Bible:

               Not enough time.
                  Too busy.

Time for God

               Less time than in the past?

                Busier than in the past?

         Less disciplined than in the past?

                   No, not really

Time for God

      Two reasons people need time management today:

      1. Breakdown of ________.
      2. Breakout of _______.
          Choices attack systems.
          Choices require time.

Time for God

   Secular assumptions about time management:

   1. Time is ___________.
              yours to fill
    2. It doesnt matter
        what choices you make
        _____________________ but
        how you manage your choices

Time for God

   Christian assumptions about time management:

                       to God
   1. Our time belongs _______.
       Psalm 31:15, NIV
          My times are in your hands.

       Proverbs 16:3, NIV
          Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your
          plans will succeed.

Time for God

   Christian assumptions about time management:

   2. It does matter what we choose
      Deuteronomy 30:19, NIV
         Choose life, so that you and your children may live
      Joshua 24:15, NIV
        Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.
       Luke 10:42, NIV
          Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be
          taken away from her.

Time for God

   Christian assumptions about time management:

   2. It does matter what we choose.
   Our choices reflect what we believe.
   We spend time on what we consider
   In fact, the way we spend our time is
   evidence of what is important to us.

Time for God

   Typical (secular) planner:
                                Board meeting

                                Lunch with team

                                Call Jim
                                Dr. appt.

                                Praise team
                                Bible study prep

Time for God

   Connection Planner:
      God talks to you
       You talk to God
        Your activities fit into
        the context of that relationship
   Each daythe whole daybecomes a
     ____________ between you and God.

Time for God

   Conversation signifies ____________.
   All relationships are developed through:

Time for God

   A relationship with God is no different.
   Talking = _______
                Bible reading
   Listening = _____________
                daily devotions
   Repeatedly = ______________

Time for God

        These habits are not something we
        add to our relationship with God.

      They ARE the relationship!

Time for God

      You cant have a relationship without
             talking and listening.

     You cant have a relationship with God
          prayer and Bible reading.

    Your relationship wont grow any deeper

Time for God

      Repeatedly is whats difficult.
       (Because of the breakdown of systems
       and the breakout of choices.)

Time for God

      What systems can you establish to
      help you succeed at a new habit?

                       an existing habit
      1. Attach it to ________________.
          Planning, scheduling

Time for God

      What systems can you establish to
      help you succeed at a new habit?
      2. Invite ______________.
              Spouse or close friend
              Children or parents
              Community group

Time for God

      What systems can you establish to
      help you succeed at a new habit?

      3. Remember: its ____________, not

         (Relationships need to be
         __________ as well as familiar.)

Time for God

      Lets try it this week!
      1. Choose a ____.
      2. Choose your _____.
      3. Choose a _____.
      4. Find an ____ to provide accountability
                 ally            ____________.
      5. Come back next week whether you
       succeedor fail
         ________     ____!

Time for God
   a Christian approach
   to time management

Time for God

                 How did it go?
                Reports from the front lines
                Learning from each other

Time for God

      How can you handle the choices that
      threaten your systems?

                           ahead of time
      1. Make your choices _____________.

      2. Make your choices _____.

      3. Anticipate the walls you will ____.
                        _____          face
         Wall = anything that stands between
         you and your time with God.

Time for God

      What walls do you face?
       Boredom? Lack of interest?
       Lack of understanding?
       Lack of visible results?
       No accountability partners?

Time for God

      How will you get over them?
      1. ______ your walls.
          To _____.
               Psalm 32:5, TLB My strength evaporated like water
               on a sunny day until I finally admitted all my sins to
               you and stopped trying to hide them.

          To ______.
               James 5:16, TLB Admit your faults to one
               another and pray for each other so that you
               may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous
               man has great power and wonderful results.

Time for God

      How will you get over them?
      2. _____ your walls.
         Hebrews 10:39, NIV But we are not of those
         who shrink back and are destroyed, but of
         those who believe and are saved.

Time for God

      How will you get over them?
      3. ___ your walls.
         Mark 14:72, NIV Immediately the rooster crowed
         the second time. Then Peter remembered the word
         Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows
         twice you will disown me three times." And he broke
         down and wept.

         John 21:17, NIV The third time he said to him,
         "Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was hurt
         because Jesus asked him the third time, Do you love
         me? He said, Lord, you know all things; you know
         that I love you. Jesus said, Feed my sheep.

Time for God

      How will you get over them?
      4. Find a ______.
         Romans 12:21, NIV Do not be overcome by
         evil, but overcome evil with good.

Time for God

      For every wall theres a ladder.
         Procrastination? ______________
         Interruptions? ________________
         Boredom? ___________________
         Choices? ____________________
         Lack of visible results? ________
         No accountability partners?

Time for God

      How will you get over them?
             God      help
      5. Ask ____ for _____.
         Philippians 4:13, TLB I can do everything God
         asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me
         the strength and power.

Time for God

  Hosea 10:12, NIV
   Sow for yourselves righteousness,
   reap the fruit of unfailing love,
   and break up your unplowed ground;
   For it is time to seek the Lord,
   until he comes and showers
   righteousness on you.


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Time For God

  • 1. Time for God a Christian approach to time management 1
  • 2. Time for God #1 reason people give for not reading the Bible: Not enough time. Too busy. 2
  • 3. Time for God Less time than in the past? Busier than in the past? Less disciplined than in the past? No, not really 3
  • 4. Time for God Two reasons people need time management today: systems 1. Breakdown of ________. choices 2. Breakout of _______. Choices attack systems. Choices require time. 4
  • 5. Time for God Secular assumptions about time management: 1. Time is ___________. yours to fill 2. It doesnt matter what choices you make _____________________ but how you manage your choices ___________________________. 5
  • 6. Time for God Christian assumptions about time management: to God 1. Our time belongs _______. Psalm 31:15, NIV My times are in your hands. Proverbs 16:3, NIV Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 6
  • 7. Time for God Christian assumptions about time management: 2. It does matter what we choose ______________. Deuteronomy 30:19, NIV Choose life, so that you and your children may live Joshua 24:15, NIV Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Luke 10:42, NIV Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. 7
  • 8. Time for God Christian assumptions about time management: 2. It does matter what we choose. Our choices reflect what we believe. We spend time on what we consider important. In fact, the way we spend our time is evidence of what is important to us. 8
  • 9. Time for God Typical (secular) planner: Devotions Board meeting Lunch with team Call Jim Dr. appt. groceries Praise team Bible study prep 9
  • 10. Time for God Connection Planner: God talks to you You talk to God Your activities fit into the context of that relationship Each daythe whole daybecomes a conversation ____________ between you and God. 10
  • 11. Time for God relationship Conversation signifies ____________. All relationships are developed through: Talking __________ __________ Listening __________ Repeatedly 11
  • 12. Time for God A relationship with God is no different. prayer Talking = _______ Bible reading Listening = _____________ daily devotions Repeatedly = ______________ 12
  • 13. Time for God These habits are not something we add to our relationship with God. They ARE the relationship! 13
  • 14. Time for God You cant have a relationship without talking and listening. You cant have a relationship with God without prayer and Bible reading. Your relationship wont grow any deeper without repeatedly. 14
  • 15. Time for God Repeatedly is whats difficult. (Because of the breakdown of systems and the breakout of choices.) 15
  • 16. Time for God What systems can you establish to help you succeed at a new habit? an existing habit 1. Attach it to ________________. Meals Bedtime Commute Planning, scheduling ______________ 16
  • 17. Time for God What systems can you establish to help you succeed at a new habit? accountability 2. Invite ______________. Spouse or close friend Children or parents Community group Church 17
  • 18. Time for God What systems can you establish to help you succeed at a new habit? relationship 3. Remember: its ____________, not regulations ____________. (Relationships need to be intentional __________ as well as familiar.) 18
  • 19. Time for God Lets try it this week! tool 1. Choose a ____. track 2. Choose your _____. time 3. Choose a _____. 4. Find an ____ to provide accountability ally ____________. 5. Come back next week whether you succeedor fail ________ ____! 19
  • 20. Time for God a Christian approach to time management 20
  • 21. Time for God How did it go? Reports from the front lines Learning from each other 21
  • 22. Time for God How can you handle the choices that threaten your systems? ahead of time 1. Make your choices _____________. once 2. Make your choices _____. 3. Anticipate the walls you will ____. _____ face Wall = anything that stands between you and your time with God. 22
  • 23. Time for God What walls do you face? Procrastination? Interruptions? Boredom? Lack of interest? Choices? Lack of understanding? Lack of visible results? No accountability partners? ______________? 23
  • 24. Time for God How will you get over them? Admit 1. ______ your walls. God To _____. Psalm 32:5, TLB My strength evaporated like water on a sunny day until I finally admitted all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. others To ______. James 5:16, TLB Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results. 24
  • 25. Time for God How will you get over them? Face 2. _____ your walls. Hebrews 10:39, NIV But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. 25
  • 26. Time for God How will you get over them? Hit 3. ___ your walls. Mark 14:72, NIV Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times." And he broke down and wept. John 21:17, NIV The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, Do you love me? He said, Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you. Jesus said, Feed my sheep. 26
  • 27. Time for God How will you get over them? ladder 4. Find a ______. Romans 12:21, NIV Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 27
  • 28. Time for God For every wall theres a ladder. Procrastination? ______________ Interruptions? ________________ Boredom? ___________________ Choices? ____________________ Lack of visible results? ________ No accountability partners? _____________________________ 28
  • 29. Time for God How will you get over them? God help 5. Ask ____ for _____. Philippians 4:13, TLB I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. 29
  • 30. Time for God Hosea 10:12, NIV Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; For it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you. 30