Træn dig til en god eksamenspinepapeDisse materialer blev vist til foredraget Træn dig til en god eksamen med Thomas Pape fra for Fredericia HF og VUC.
WohlersMecklerMediaThis document summarizes a presentation on 3D printing given in Melbourne, Australia in 2015. It discusses recent growth trends in the 3D printing industry, with revenues quadrupling over the past 5 years to $4.1 billion in 2014. New machine technologies allow for more control at the voxel level and properties like strength, elasticity, and conductivity of printed parts. Major aerospace companies like Airbus and GE Aviation are significantly increasing production of metal and composite parts using 3D printing. The supply chain for additive manufacturing, especially of metals, is still in its early stages of development. The presentation predicts continued strong growth in the 3D printing industry, with revenues projected to reach $21.2 billion by 2020.
qwest communications Q3 04finance19Qwest reported third quarter 2004 results with improved revenue trends driven by wireline and wireless segments. Revenue increased slightly compared to last quarter but decreased year-over-year. Cost reduction initiatives expanded margins while cash from operations exceeded capital expenditures. Key growth areas like DSL subscribers and long-distance lines increased significantly.
Anesthesia Business Consultants: Communique spring12Anesthesia Business ConsultantsCommuniqué features articles focusing on the latest hot topics for anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, pain management specialists and anesthesia practice administrators.
Communique is created by Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), the largest physician billing and practice management company specializing exclusively in the practice of anesthesia and pain management.
ABC serves several thousand anesthesiologists and CRNAs nationwide with anesthesia billing software solutions.
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2009: Særmagasin: Kina - det nye nærmarked. Opgøret med VestenAnders RostgaardKinas transformation fra underudviklet land mod verdensmagt går stærkt – og stærkere end de fleste tror. Danske virksomheder som Vestas, Grundfos og Danfoss kæmper for at følge med i det høje tempo. Tag i syv kapitler med på besøg hos danske firmaer i Kina, der i øjeblikket tager del i “Kinas renæssance.”
Cloud on PureSystems, Botond KissIBMSERBIABotond Kiss, BLADE & HIGH END BUSINESS LINE MANAGER Business Line Manager, IBM Pure Systems, System x Growth Markets
Pharma Market 45Pharma MarketEl documento presenta una propuesta de "insourcing", donde una compañía especializada en efectividad de fuerza de ventas comparte los riesgos de explotación con la compañía propietaria de los productos farmacéuticos. El insourcing permitiría a ambas compañías sumar recursos para ser más eficientes, optimizando la inversión y evitando inmovilizados financieros. El beneficio obtenido por las ventas incrementales se repartiría entre ambas compañías. El insourcing es una tendencia moderna que se está imponiendo
Rethinking wicked problemsLeif RasmussenRittel and Webber introduced the concept of "wicked problems" in 1973 to describe a certain type of complex problem that existing problem-solving approaches could not adequately address. They defined wicked problems as having unclear requirements and solutions that are difficult to identify and involve complex interdependencies. While others had previously discussed increasingly complex problems, Rittel and Webber distinguished wicked problems as a unique problem domain requiring a new approach focused on problem understanding rather than definitive solutions. Rittel suggested dialogue among stakeholders as a "second generation" approach to address wicked problems.
Marina_Loenning_MORGENDAGENS_BEDRIFTSKUNDER_SETT_MED_TELENORS_OYNE_IT-tinget_...Conference_by_EVRYMarina Lønning er divisjonsdirektør i Telenor Norge med ansvar for bedriftsmarkedet. Hun vil presentere Telenors strategi med hovedfokus på hvordan Telenor møter endringene i bedriftsmarkedet hvor den enkelte medarbeider stadig får større makt og innflytelse.
2010: Særmagasin: KINA - TRUSSEL ELLER MULIGHED?Anders RostgaardRå, balstyrisk og æggende. Velkommen til eksperimentet Kina SIDE 10
Guide: Her er de danske virksomheder i Kina SIDE 46
Advarsel: Derfor skal du tage Kina alvorligt SIDE 30
qwest communications 1Q 03_Earnings_Releasefinance19Qwest Communications reported first quarter earnings of $0.09 per diluted share. Total debt was reduced by $333 million in the first quarter and $500 million year-to-date through debt payments and exchanges. Operational highlights included signing up 530,000 access lines for long-distance service and a third consecutive quarter of improved consumer access line losses. Qwest provided updates on its financial restatement process and debt reduction activities.
Dedication clemmensenTrimed Media Group1) This study compared long-term outcomes of 626 STEMI patients treated with primary PCI who were randomized to drug-eluting stents (DES, n=313) or bare-metal stents (BMS, n=313).
2) At 3 years, the rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), including death, MI, and target lesion revascularization (TLR), was significantly lower in the DES group compared to the BMS group (10.5% vs 16.3%, p=0.024).
3) Rates of cardiac death (4.2% vs 6.1%), MI (6.1% vs 8.9%), and TLR (3
Book In EnglishAristoteles LakkasThe Danish flexicurity model combines high flexibility in the labor market through easy hiring and firing of employees, with a strong social safety net and active labor market policies. Collective bargaining between unions and employers plays a key role in providing both flexibility arrangements as well as security measures for workers. While the model has supported Denmark's competitiveness, critics argue it may undermine training investments and social responsibility of companies. Maintaining the delicate balance between flexibility and security requires ongoing cooperation between social partners and the political system.
Lakhvir singh 30 octlakhvirsingh87Bharti is in talks to sell its 25% stake in its mutual fund joint venture with AXA to Bank of India. Tata Indicom launched the Blackberry Bold 9650, the first CDMA-GSM smartphone for CDMA users, offering global roaming and free data packs for two months. Apple sold more iPhones than Blackberry maker RIM in Q3, with Apple shipping 14.1 million iPhones and RIM shipping 12.4 million Blackberries. RIM has temporarily agreed to allow lawful interception of its messenger services by Indian security agencies, affecting over 1 million Blackberry subscribers in India.
TEX07ARfinance42Terex Corporation is a global manufacturer of equipment for construction and other industries. In 2007, the company achieved record financial results including $9.1 billion in net sales and $614 million in net income. However, Terex views this as just the beginning and remains committed to delivering even stronger performance in the future. Key commitments include achieving $12 billion in annual sales with a 12% operating margin by 2010, improving return on invested capital, and becoming the most customer responsive company as determined by customers.
Noise Networks in Europe - Colin Nugent [en]Medi Ambient. Generalitat de CatalunyaThe European Environment Agency (EEA) provides information to support environmental policy in Europe. It works through a network of organizations called Eionet that includes National Focal Points and European Topic Centres. One topic centre focuses on noise and advises the EEA and EU organizations on noise-related issues. This includes implementing the Environmental Noise Directive, developing common noise assessment methods, and publishing reports on recommended noise guidelines and health impacts of road traffic noise in Europe. The EEA also collaborates with the EPA Network, an informal group of environmental agencies, to share experiences and work towards harmonization of noise monitoring, reduction measures, and limit values across Europe.
Solution57 company presentationBrian MøllerSolution57 ApS is an embedded software solutions company, specializing in multimedia technologies on Android and other embedded Linux platforms and optimizing communication between devices to reduce bandwidth and improve responsiveness. Founded by a small group of senior SW specialists with 60+ years of experience in embedded development and consumer electronics.
The role of robotic innovation in ore characterization, mineralogy and geomet...Mining On TopThe role of robotic innovation in ore characterization, mineralogy and geometallurgy
Mette Dobel,Global Product Manager, Laboratory solutions, FLSmidth, Denmark
Mining On Top: Helsinki
16-17 September 2013 | Helsinki
Hanne Leth Andersen: Uddannelse og arbejdsliv: en eller to verdener?Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas LärandeKeynote Hanne Leth, Rektor og professor i universitetspædagogik
MMV Annual_Report_2015, My InterviewAlexis Noel KAMDJOU, PMPMedicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) is a leading product development partnership focused on developing new antimalarial drugs. In 2015, MMV brought forward its second pediatric antimalarial treatment approved by the European Medicines Agency. MMV supported 65 drug development projects in 2015, with 8 advancing to clinical trials targeting needs like treatments for children, pregnant women, and drug resistant malaria. MMV is expanding partnerships and pursuing new initiatives like open access drug discovery to accelerate progress toward the goal of eradicating malaria.
States of Fragility reportAlison BurtThe document discusses how fragility and fragile states will be addressed in the post-2015 development framework. It asks how fragile states fared in meeting the Millennium Development Goals, how fragility should be assessed post-2015, and what obstacles fragility may pose to achieving the new development agenda. It also examines sources of development finance available to fragile countries and how aid is currently allocated in fragile states and to reducing fragility. The document aims to inform policies on fragile states and ensure fragility remains a priority issue.
Baltic Institute of Corporate GovernancekkmbicgThe document summarizes a corporate governance initiative in the Baltic states. It establishes the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance to advance corporate governance principles, educate board members, and provide guidance to companies. It outlines the executive committee and board members, and describes executive education programs to certify professional board members. The programs are led by experienced international experts and focus on practical workshops and examinations. The goal is to improve understanding of corporate governance and its benefits, such as better access to capital and growth.
Programma di sala novembre 2011VerdipordenoneGli spettacoli da vivere insieme. Il programma di sala del Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi di Pordenone. Spettacoli di Novembre 2011
Lead With Intent on Linked InpedersThis document provides biographical information about Arne Pedersen and summarizes his book "Lead with Intent". Pedersen is a former Army officer who served in the Persian Gulf War and later worked in corporate management. He founded a leadership training company and authored "Lead with Intent", which shares lessons on leadership drawn from his military and business experiences. The document outlines some of Pedersen's leadership philosophies and styles discussed in the book.
Den gode gembaRN ConsultingJeg har udarbejdet denne lille drejebog til brug for, at hjælpe med udførelsen af det arbejde vi i LEAN verdenen kalder for "Go Gemba". der er såvel teori, som arbejdsskemaer.
Den er klar til brug, kan printes ud og er optimal hvis du sætter en spiralryg i den.
God arbejdslyst.
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Pharma Market 45Pharma MarketEl documento presenta una propuesta de "insourcing", donde una compañía especializada en efectividad de fuerza de ventas comparte los riesgos de explotación con la compañía propietaria de los productos farmacéuticos. El insourcing permitiría a ambas compañías sumar recursos para ser más eficientes, optimizando la inversión y evitando inmovilizados financieros. El beneficio obtenido por las ventas incrementales se repartiría entre ambas compañías. El insourcing es una tendencia moderna que se está imponiendo
Rethinking wicked problemsLeif RasmussenRittel and Webber introduced the concept of "wicked problems" in 1973 to describe a certain type of complex problem that existing problem-solving approaches could not adequately address. They defined wicked problems as having unclear requirements and solutions that are difficult to identify and involve complex interdependencies. While others had previously discussed increasingly complex problems, Rittel and Webber distinguished wicked problems as a unique problem domain requiring a new approach focused on problem understanding rather than definitive solutions. Rittel suggested dialogue among stakeholders as a "second generation" approach to address wicked problems.
Marina_Loenning_MORGENDAGENS_BEDRIFTSKUNDER_SETT_MED_TELENORS_OYNE_IT-tinget_...Conference_by_EVRYMarina Lønning er divisjonsdirektør i Telenor Norge med ansvar for bedriftsmarkedet. Hun vil presentere Telenors strategi med hovedfokus på hvordan Telenor møter endringene i bedriftsmarkedet hvor den enkelte medarbeider stadig får større makt og innflytelse.
2010: Særmagasin: KINA - TRUSSEL ELLER MULIGHED?Anders RostgaardRå, balstyrisk og æggende. Velkommen til eksperimentet Kina SIDE 10
Guide: Her er de danske virksomheder i Kina SIDE 46
Advarsel: Derfor skal du tage Kina alvorligt SIDE 30
qwest communications 1Q 03_Earnings_Releasefinance19Qwest Communications reported first quarter earnings of $0.09 per diluted share. Total debt was reduced by $333 million in the first quarter and $500 million year-to-date through debt payments and exchanges. Operational highlights included signing up 530,000 access lines for long-distance service and a third consecutive quarter of improved consumer access line losses. Qwest provided updates on its financial restatement process and debt reduction activities.
Dedication clemmensenTrimed Media Group1) This study compared long-term outcomes of 626 STEMI patients treated with primary PCI who were randomized to drug-eluting stents (DES, n=313) or bare-metal stents (BMS, n=313).
2) At 3 years, the rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), including death, MI, and target lesion revascularization (TLR), was significantly lower in the DES group compared to the BMS group (10.5% vs 16.3%, p=0.024).
3) Rates of cardiac death (4.2% vs 6.1%), MI (6.1% vs 8.9%), and TLR (3
Book In EnglishAristoteles LakkasThe Danish flexicurity model combines high flexibility in the labor market through easy hiring and firing of employees, with a strong social safety net and active labor market policies. Collective bargaining between unions and employers plays a key role in providing both flexibility arrangements as well as security measures for workers. While the model has supported Denmark's competitiveness, critics argue it may undermine training investments and social responsibility of companies. Maintaining the delicate balance between flexibility and security requires ongoing cooperation between social partners and the political system.
Lakhvir singh 30 octlakhvirsingh87Bharti is in talks to sell its 25% stake in its mutual fund joint venture with AXA to Bank of India. Tata Indicom launched the Blackberry Bold 9650, the first CDMA-GSM smartphone for CDMA users, offering global roaming and free data packs for two months. Apple sold more iPhones than Blackberry maker RIM in Q3, with Apple shipping 14.1 million iPhones and RIM shipping 12.4 million Blackberries. RIM has temporarily agreed to allow lawful interception of its messenger services by Indian security agencies, affecting over 1 million Blackberry subscribers in India.
TEX07ARfinance42Terex Corporation is a global manufacturer of equipment for construction and other industries. In 2007, the company achieved record financial results including $9.1 billion in net sales and $614 million in net income. However, Terex views this as just the beginning and remains committed to delivering even stronger performance in the future. Key commitments include achieving $12 billion in annual sales with a 12% operating margin by 2010, improving return on invested capital, and becoming the most customer responsive company as determined by customers.
Noise Networks in Europe - Colin Nugent [en]Medi Ambient. Generalitat de CatalunyaThe European Environment Agency (EEA) provides information to support environmental policy in Europe. It works through a network of organizations called Eionet that includes National Focal Points and European Topic Centres. One topic centre focuses on noise and advises the EEA and EU organizations on noise-related issues. This includes implementing the Environmental Noise Directive, developing common noise assessment methods, and publishing reports on recommended noise guidelines and health impacts of road traffic noise in Europe. The EEA also collaborates with the EPA Network, an informal group of environmental agencies, to share experiences and work towards harmonization of noise monitoring, reduction measures, and limit values across Europe.
Solution57 company presentationBrian MøllerSolution57 ApS is an embedded software solutions company, specializing in multimedia technologies on Android and other embedded Linux platforms and optimizing communication between devices to reduce bandwidth and improve responsiveness. Founded by a small group of senior SW specialists with 60+ years of experience in embedded development and consumer electronics.
The role of robotic innovation in ore characterization, mineralogy and geomet...Mining On TopThe role of robotic innovation in ore characterization, mineralogy and geometallurgy
Mette Dobel,Global Product Manager, Laboratory solutions, FLSmidth, Denmark
Mining On Top: Helsinki
16-17 September 2013 | Helsinki
Hanne Leth Andersen: Uddannelse og arbejdsliv: en eller to verdener?Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas LärandeKeynote Hanne Leth, Rektor og professor i universitetspædagogik
MMV Annual_Report_2015, My InterviewAlexis Noel KAMDJOU, PMPMedicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) is a leading product development partnership focused on developing new antimalarial drugs. In 2015, MMV brought forward its second pediatric antimalarial treatment approved by the European Medicines Agency. MMV supported 65 drug development projects in 2015, with 8 advancing to clinical trials targeting needs like treatments for children, pregnant women, and drug resistant malaria. MMV is expanding partnerships and pursuing new initiatives like open access drug discovery to accelerate progress toward the goal of eradicating malaria.
States of Fragility reportAlison BurtThe document discusses how fragility and fragile states will be addressed in the post-2015 development framework. It asks how fragile states fared in meeting the Millennium Development Goals, how fragility should be assessed post-2015, and what obstacles fragility may pose to achieving the new development agenda. It also examines sources of development finance available to fragile countries and how aid is currently allocated in fragile states and to reducing fragility. The document aims to inform policies on fragile states and ensure fragility remains a priority issue.
Baltic Institute of Corporate GovernancekkmbicgThe document summarizes a corporate governance initiative in the Baltic states. It establishes the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance to advance corporate governance principles, educate board members, and provide guidance to companies. It outlines the executive committee and board members, and describes executive education programs to certify professional board members. The programs are led by experienced international experts and focus on practical workshops and examinations. The goal is to improve understanding of corporate governance and its benefits, such as better access to capital and growth.
Programma di sala novembre 2011VerdipordenoneGli spettacoli da vivere insieme. Il programma di sala del Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi di Pordenone. Spettacoli di Novembre 2011
Lead With Intent on Linked InpedersThis document provides biographical information about Arne Pedersen and summarizes his book "Lead with Intent". Pedersen is a former Army officer who served in the Persian Gulf War and later worked in corporate management. He founded a leadership training company and authored "Lead with Intent", which shares lessons on leadership drawn from his military and business experiences. The document outlines some of Pedersen's leadership philosophies and styles discussed in the book.
Den gode gembaRN ConsultingJeg har udarbejdet denne lille drejebog til brug for, at hjælpe med udførelsen af det arbejde vi i LEAN verdenen kalder for "Go Gemba". der er såvel teori, som arbejdsskemaer.
Den er klar til brug, kan printes ud og er optimal hvis du sætter en spiralryg i den.
God arbejdslyst.
Den gode gembaRN ConsultingGEMBA is a LEAN tool, which we use in the beginning of a project and after we have implemented the project.
Before or in the beginning of a project it is to find out, how the processes and the work stream is today and what the employees can see have to be changed.
After a project the GEMBA tool will be used of the manager to find the continuous improvement and to make the next step to operations excellence in the company.
Iværksætter DNA Modul 3 - DriftNicolaj HansenSom en del af Mere Fart, et projekt under SET, har vi udviklet et kompetenceforløb for unge med iværksætter DNA. Forløbet består af fire moduler hvor dette er modul 3 og handler om drift fasen.
Ny leder anders amstrup - september 2017Ledernes KompetenceCenterPræsentation fra Morgenmøde om ledelse: Ny leder - de første 100 dage ved Anders Amstrup
2. FormålEfterdagen I dag skulle du gerne have forståetbaggrunden for Time Management ogkunne:Identificere de primæreforhindringerfor, at du kanstyre din egentidBrugeværktøjerogteknikkertil Time ManagementAnvendeværktøjerogteknikkernetil at øge din produktivitetogmindske din stress
4. Time Management &organisationenSet fraorganisationens side erfordeleneved Time Management:Forbedretproduktivitetved at optimeredetpersonligetidsforbrugHurtigereekspeditionstiderForbedret over-all profitabilitet (I Jerestilfældeeffektivitet)Reduktionaf stress deropstårsomresultataf de krisersomudløsesveddårligplanlægning – eller – for lidttidtil at løse en opgave
6. Hvader Time Management? Time managementhar 5 primæreegenskaber:Planlægning&MålsætningSelvledelse“Håndtering” afandreDin egentidOpnåresultaterDe 4 førstepunkterskullevelgennemført give det 5 punktRESULTATER
7. Tidsom en vareTiderdetmestdyrebare vi har (ellerer den bare vigtigt??)Tiderultimativt den vigtigsteressource vi harDerforbør vi forholdeoskritisktilhvordan vi brugervorestidVi kanikkefå den tidtilbage vi harbrugtTidkanikkeliggespå lager (vi kanmåskesovelidtpåforskud)
8. “VigtigeVaner”Vigtigevanernårdetdrejer sig omtidsstyringer:Find udafhvadtidenbliverbrugttil (lavevt. en log I løbetaf en uge)HavfokuspåslutresultatetArbejdefterhvadderervigtigstPlanlægvigtigeaktiviteterDelegerrutineopgaver (hvis du erleder)Tag ansvaroverfor din egenubeslutsomhedogforsinkelserHusk vanerne!!
11. Time ManagementCoveyidentificerede 4 trin I Time Management1 NoterogChecklisterAnerkende at dettagertidogenergi2 KalenderPlanlæg med fokuspå “fremtiden”3 PrioritiseringSammenligne den relative værdiaf at gennemføre de forskelligeaktiviteter4 SelvledelseIndse at TID KAN IKKE HÅNDTERES – DET ER DIG SELV DU SKAL LEDE!Realization that time cannot be managed - it is ourselves that we have to manage!The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
16. Kvadrant2At være I kvadrant 2 giver:VisionPerspektivBalanceDisciplinKontrolThe Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
17. Karakteristikaf en kvadrant 2 personDerer 6 kriterier for at en person kanvære I kvadrant 2:Kunne se sammenhængmellemmål, rolle, ønsker, prioriteterBalance mellemarbejde/fritidFokuspåopgaverneEmpatiFleksibilitet, ditplanlægningsværktøjskalvære din tjenerogikke din herreFlytbar, ditplanlægningsværktøjskalkunnefølge dig
18. Kvadrant 2 ogevnentil at sige NEJFor at kunneopholde dig I kvadrant 2 erdetnødvendigt at du kansigenej:På en professionelmådeNåropgaverligger I kvadrant 3 eller 4Ikkevigtig, hasterikkeIkkkevigtig, men hasterVilaldrig give konkurrencefordel ( I Jerestilfælde, vildetværenoget med at ledeJertætterepåJeresmål)
22. OverarbejdeHvis du harmegetoverarbejdekan du prøvefølgendeForsøg at forståhvorfor du hartravltLad være med at blivepressetoggå I panikLad være med at bebrejde dig selvGå en tur, ogrenshovedetForsøg at estimereopgaverogtidPrioritiseropgaverogoverholddemHusk på at du kun harbegrændettid (Paretosregel)
23. HastervsVigtigSkelnmellemHasteopgaverEr en opgavevigtigfordi den haster? VigtigeopgaverKan blivehasteopgaverhvis man ikkeudførerdemHarsædvanligvis en langvarigeffekt (someks. At arbejde med tidsstyring)For at vurdereHastervsVigtighed, kan du vurdereopgaver I forholdtil:Hvadereffektenaf at udføreopgavenEffektenafikke at udføredem
26. TravlvsProduktivProblem Nr 1: UdsættelseUdskydelseaf de ting du burdegøre nu!LøsningLav en liste over alle de ting du udsætterlige nuFjern 2 fra listen ved at lave dem nu Lav en plan for hvornår de andreskaludføresBeløn dig selvnår du hargennemførtopgavenStraf dig selvhvisopgaverneikkeblivergennemførtsomplanlagt
27. TravlvsProduktivProblem Nr 2: ForblændelseafperfektionismeAnerkendforskellenmellem excellence ogperfektionExcellenceOpnåeligTilfredsstillendeRealistiskPerfektionismeUopnåeligtFrustrerendeUrealistiskLøsningBrugParetosregel, ogfokuserpådetder giver værdi
28. Den daglige planGuidelinesLægtidtil at planlæggeind I startenogslutningenafdagenPrioritiseropgaver/handlingerefter SKAL-BURDE-KAN, ogfokuserpå SKALLad derværepladstildetuventedeLad være med at liggemøderlige op ad hinandenSamltelefonopkaldIndbyg “arbejdstid/kvalitetstid” dvs. tidudenafbrydelser
29. HåndterafbrydelserTeknikkertil at minimereantalletafafbrydelser:Forsøg at skabe en usynlig “mur” omditarbejdsrum for at minimereantalletaf “gæster” Lad være med at have stole ståendeforanditskrivebord med mindredeternødvendigtFortæl folk at du hartravlt, og “arranger” andettidspunkthvor I kansludre