El documento habla sobre el uso de blogs en la educaci¨®n. Explica que un blog es una herramienta flexible para la interacci¨®n entre docentes y estudiantes que permite publicar contenido sin necesidad de experiencia en inform¨¢tica. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo los blogs permiten la actualizaci¨®n frecuente de contenido, la colaboraci¨®n y facilitan a?adir contenido de forma r¨¢pida. Finalmente, propone diversas formas de usar blogs educativos como difundir informaci¨®n escolar, publicar trabajos de estudiantes y promover el aprendizaje colaborativo.
Nelson Mandela pledges to liberate the people of South Africa from poverty, deprivation, suffering, and discrimination. He commits to building a just and lasting peace after achieving freedom. Mandela calls for national reconciliation, nation building, and a new world through united action. He calls for justice, peace, work and sustenance for all, and for all people to be free to fulfill themselves. After leaving prison, Mandela's mission was to liberate both the oppressed and oppressor, but recognizes true freedom requires living in a way that respects others' freedom. He has walked a long road to freedom but knows the journey is not yet over and responsibilities continue.
Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion that can be used as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete. Using fly ash provides environmental benefits by reducing CO2 emissions from cement production and providing an outlet to dispose of the large amounts of fly ash produced annually. Fly ash improves the properties of concrete by increasing workability, reducing water demand, improving strength development over time, and decreasing permeability. The pozzolanic reaction of fly ash with lime from cement hydration leads to increased amounts of calcium silicate hydrate, enhancing the durability of the concrete.
This document provides an introduction to multinational corporations (MNCs) and discusses some of the largest MNCs like Microsoft and McDonald's. It explains that MNCs engage in production and services across multiple nations. Microsoft and McDonald's are two examples that are explained in more detail, covering their CEOs, founders, operations in India, and products/services offered. The document also discusses advantages of MNCs in India like foreign direct investment and job creation, and disadvantages such as political risks and loss of local businesses.