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22 GPSOLO | May/June 2014
Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
GO . . .
ull disclosure, Im a
Trekkie. So, you may
ask, what does that have
to do with outsourcing
in the 21st century?
Well, just about everything. Look
around your workspace, what do
you see? Devices and gizmos whose
creation was undoubtedly influ-
enced by the Star Trek seriesflash
drives, smartphones, Bluetooth,
tablets, computers, Skype, GPS,
voice recognition apps, wikis, and
so much more. The mobile nature
of technology has made it possible
for legal professionals to become
more self-sufficient and less office-
centric. It is technology that allows
my imagination to transport me, if
only for a nanosecond, light years
away from my basement office to
the bridge of the Enterprise. The
portability of my 21st-century lap-
top, tablet, smartphone, and Blue-
tooth provides me with the same
mobility and efficiency as a 24th-
century Starfleet crew member
technology to effectively complete
the job whether at my station or
away on a mission.
By Pamela J. Starr
GPSOLO | ambar.org/gpsolomag
Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
Although its not quite holograms
and holodecks (yet), the ever-adaptive
legal industry continues to acclimate to
working remotely. Attorneys can run
effective practices without the restric-
tions and expenses of conventional of-
fice space or full-time, in-house support
staff. When one considers the evolution
of the practice of law, working virtually
is, simply, logical. It is a world in which
bring your own device (BYOD) is the
norm and the paralegal down the hall
may very well be on the other side of
the continent.
And who is this paralegal? Whether
in-office or virtual, he/she is often a fu-
sion of Uhura and Scotty, with a dash
of Kirk: a poised, professional, ethical,
multi-tasking miracle-worker striving
against seemingly impossible odds.
Many of todays virtual paralegals began
their careers in Big Law or corporate
America, never imagining they would
become self-employed entrepreneurs,
the owners of their own virtual parale-
gal companies. These 21st-century free-
lancers work remotely, linking to their
clients via electronic media instead of
coming into the office to collect proj-
ects. They are trained, certificated (and
often certified), experienced paralegals
who have taken their substantial skills
out of bricks-and-mortar law offices, via
the profusion of available technology, to
deliver a cost-saving alternative for solos
and small firms. These innovative indi-
viduals provide something their in-house
counterparts dont: They are (virtually)
available 24/7.
The legal profession continues to
embrace and realize the value of work-
ing with and in the cloud. This technol-
ogy makes it possible for Small Law to
flourish and has created the perfect niche
for enterprising paralegals to hang their
virtual shingles and offer cost-effective
support to the solos and small firms who
understand and appreciate their value.
Attorneys want to maintain an image of
professionalism, decrease their overhead,
and increase the value of their billable
dollars. Solos and small firms need sup-
port to manage the practical side of their
law practicesespecially if their budgets
cannot sustain full-time assistance. Their
clients (rightfully) expect the same level
of expertise and service as their Big Law
counterparts, but without Big Law fees.
In todays competitive marketplace, Small
Law needs paralegal support to provide
these services. Outsourcing allows solos
and small firms to work directly with
paralegals, on a transactional basis, with-
out the burden of salaries and overhead or
the limitations of regular business hours.
Virtual paralegals offer attorneys a seam-
Outsourcing to
paralegals can
help solos compete
with Big Law.
less, remote staffing alternative while
maximizing the value of each billable
hour. Realistically, attorneys just want
to get back to the business of practicing
law. Anyone in the industry will agree
there are some tasks better handled by a
paralegal and billed at a lower rate so at-
torneys can make better use of their time.
Not only are attorneys who out-
source more productive, but they also
realize higher revenues because they
pay only for the work being done. Lets
compare the cost of a full-time employee
to a virtual paralegal. A full-time, sala-
ried paralegal averages $62,700 annually,
which breaks down to about $30 per
hour. The employer, however, is on the
hook for an additional 35 percent in taxes
and benefits (paid lunches, overtime,
personal leave, overhead, professional
dues, and non-productive time) for a
total budget expense of about $84,600
per year. On the other hand, a savvy solo
or small firm may need only ten hours
of paralegal support over the course of
each week. Assuming a flat rate of $55
per hour for 52 weeks (520 hours total)
for virtual paralegal assistancewith-
out the extra expenses associated with
payroll taxes, insurance, benefits, over-
head, and other hidden coststhe annual
cost to the firm would be just $28,600.
This yields a relative savings of about
$56,000almost the cost of the base sal-
ary of the full-time employee.
Its all about the bottom line. Tech-
nology merely provides new avenues
by which paralegals may continue to
provide exceptional, professional, and
cost-effective services to attorneys in
need. To maintain a competitive edge, at-
torneys must utilize all the tools in their
technology tool kits, remembering that
sometimes technology is embodied in an
individual who can deploy it expertly on
the attorneys behalf.
You must be clear about what you need
and want for your practice. Are you
looking for a virtual paralegal to fill in a
gap, or are you really looking for some-
one to provide dedicated assistance to
your practice? If you are considering a
home-based paralegal to work solely for
the benefit of your practice, then you
may have a telecommuting employee on
your payroll instead of an independent
That being said, always treat hiring
a virtual paralegal the same way you
would treat hiring someone to work in
your physical space. This person will be
acting on your behalf and under your
supervision, so its best to hire some-
body with experience and established
credentials. Keep in mind, there are
many qualified paralegals just enter-
ing virtual practice who may not have
established themselves as independent
contractors but still bring experience
and knowledge to the table. Certain
legal specialties require unique skills
and proficiency; however, there are
some situations in which it makes just
as much sense to hire a virtual paralegal
with verifiable training that you can
mold to your own specifications. In any
case, the appropriate person is a quali-
fied, experienced, well-trained, career
paralegal who is the right match for you
and your practice.
Ask questions, request references,
GPSOLO | May/June 2014
Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
do your due diligence. An established
virtual paralegal will have a visible web
presence. Consider all the details: edu-
cation, background, and experience, af-
filiations with professional associations.
Confirmand this is importantthat
the individual is indeed a credentialed
paralegal (or legal assistant).
Reputable virtual paralegals will dis-
cuss, in detail, their fees, billing prac-
tices, availability/hours of operation,
and respective expectations, and will
provide you with a service agreement
or contract that formalizes the terms of
your business arrangement. The contract
protects all parties. (You are an attorney,
you already know that.) They will also
have all the equipment necessary to do
the job: phone, computer, printer, scan-
ner/copier, external hard drive, secure
Internet connection, licensed software
(document processing, e-mail, financial
tracking, specialty software related to
their service offering, etc.), up-to-date
antivirus software, and offsite back-up.
Many have the ability to integrate with
their clients technology and securely
transfer files and information. The lux-
ury of working virtually is that virtual
paralegals have remote access to their
offices and/or can work anytime and
Most paralegals, virtual or in-office,
are college-educated professionals who
may or may not have also completed a
course of formal paralegal training; many
have been certified by one or more of
the nationally recognized paralegal as-
sociations; and a growing number are
seeking secondary degrees. Generally
speaking, there are no mandatory CLE
requirements for paralegals, although
truly dedicated paralegals do undertake
such continuing education in order to be
more valuable to attorneys. Like their
in-office counterparts, virtual paralegals
can provide their services to attorneys
in every type of law practice, although
many focus their services in the areas of
Social Security, immigration, intellectual
property, and bankruptcy simply be-
cause the federal system is the most con-
ducive to the utilization of their skills.
It might be true that a chimpanzee and
two trainees can file documents elec-
tronically, but e-filing requires a special
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GPSOLO | ambar.org/gpsolomag
Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
successfully completed certain established requirements and passed a certification
exam. The ABA does not certify paralegals.
Certificated: A degree or certificate of completion verifying that a student has
successfully completed a paralegal educational program.
skill set and a certain level of patience in
order to properly process, assemble, and
submit the required documents in their
proper sequence and under the correct
event codes.
Paralegals have certain limitations. The
most important is that paralegals must
not engage in the unauthorized practice
of law. Although the definitions and
comments regarding the unauthorized
practice of law by non-lawyer assistants
vary from state to state, the standard has
been set by the ABA Model Guidelines
for the Utilization of Paralegal Services
(tinyurl.com/pv72p4u) and refers to
Rule 5.5 of the ABA Model Rules of
Professional Conduct (tinyurl.com/
cxgb56u). In general, paralegals may not
accept cases, set fees, give legal advice,
plan strategy, make legal decisions, take
depositions, or appear in court. Obvi-
ously, with respect to running their own
businesses, virtual paralegals may set the
fees they charge their attorney clients;
they are, however, prohibited from set-
ting fees for the attorneys clients.
One of the lesser-known benefits of
working virtually, especially in terms of
bankruptcy and other federal practices,
is that a paralegal does not have the same
jurisdictional restrictions as those im-
posed on attorneys. As long as a paralegal
is working under the direct supervision
of an attorney who is duly admitted to
practice before the bar in the jurisdiction
in which he or she is practicing, it does
not matter where that paralegal is physi-
cally located. It is important for both
the attorney and the virtual paralegal to
know of, and adhere to, the rules of each
jurisdiction. These issues and concerns
continue to be addressed by the ABA
Commission on Ethics 20/20 (tinyurl.
com/3op6tx3) and are sure to be modi-
fied as technology changes the ways in
which legal professionals work.
If nothing else, the controversy over
snooping by the National Security
Agency has reminded us that privacy,
confidentiality, and security are always
an issue. The vulnerabilities exposed by
these recent disclosures make me long
for our former zinc-plated, vacuum-
tubed culture.
We know that technology makes it
possible to work virtually, but it also
makes it easier to inadvertently cross eth-
ical lines. Virtual legal professionals have
the same legal and ethical constraints as
their bricks-and-mortar counterparts. In
terms of all things Internet, web-based,
or cloud, the reputable virtual paralegal
will utilize firewalls, secure Internet
connections, and encryption; institute
security protocols for the storage and
retention of paper and digital files; and
implement backup and retrieval systems
for file recovery.
Unless you can figure out how to
get back to the time of stone knives and
bear skins, we have to accept that com-
munications are no longer inviolable.
Consider the nature of the information
being transmitted from client to attor-
ney and attorney to paralegal, and so
on. For instance, in bankruptcy mat-
ters, paralegals are often given access to
a debtors credit report, Social Security
Number, and other forms of personal
identifying information. For that rea-
son, it is of paramount importance, not
only for the paralegals protection but
also to protect client information, that
the paralegal and attorney establish and
enforce security policies and protocols.
In light of current revelations, the
opinion of the ABA Standing Committee
on Ethics and Professional Responsibil-
ity regarding the Duty to Protect the
Confidentiality of E-mail Communica-
tions with Ones Client (tinyurl.com/
mzhzrqs) has taken on a new dimen-
sion. Among other things, the opinion
addresses concerns as to the risk of any
third-party access to any online com-
munication. Obviously, the legal and
ethical obligation to protect client data
applies to virtual paralegals as well as
the attorneys to which the opinion was
originally directed.
As with any form of legal practice,
there are always concerns regarding con-
flicts of interest and jurisdiction. This
becomes a more pronounced issue when
working virtually with multiple clients
in various jurisdictions. Most attorneys
and law firms, as standard practice, have
a process by which they evaluate new
clients and matters for potential con-
flicts. The responsible virtual paralegal
will have instituted similar processes.
The ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20
has noted that when outsourcing, it is
important to have systems employ[ing]
conflicts checking procedures . . . main-
taining extensive databases for existing
and former clients and screening the
work history of new recruits and existing
employees against both the information
contained in the databases and informa-
tion supplied by the client.
As we look toward the second quarter
of the new millennium, we recognize
that technology will continue to influ-
ence how law is practiced. We operate
in the midst of a technological universe
of infinite diversity, with innumerable
options to stock your technology tool
box. Sometimes, however, the best tech
in your arsenal is the person who knows
how to implement technology on your
behalf, helping you to boldly go where
you have never gone before.
virtual paralegal of StarrParalegals, LLC,
GPSOLO | May/June 2014
Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof
may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.

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  • 1. TO BOLDLY Outsourcing Virtual 22 GPSOLO | May/June 2014 Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
  • 2. GO . . . to Paralegals Veer F ull disclosure, Im a Trekkie. So, you may ask, what does that have to do with outsourcing in the 21st century? Well, just about everything. Look around your workspace, what do you see? Devices and gizmos whose creation was undoubtedly influ- enced by the Star Trek seriesflash drives, smartphones, Bluetooth, tablets, computers, Skype, GPS, voice recognition apps, wikis, and so much more. The mobile nature of technology has made it possible for legal professionals to become more self-sufficient and less office- centric. It is technology that allows my imagination to transport me, if only for a nanosecond, light years away from my basement office to the bridge of the Enterprise. The portability of my 21st-century lap- top, tablet, smartphone, and Blue- tooth provides me with the same mobility and efficiency as a 24th- century Starfleet crew member technology to effectively complete the job whether at my station or away on a mission. By Pamela J. Starr GPSOLO | ambar.org/gpsolomag Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. 23
  • 3. Although its not quite holograms and holodecks (yet), the ever-adaptive legal industry continues to acclimate to working remotely. Attorneys can run effective practices without the restric- tions and expenses of conventional of- fice space or full-time, in-house support staff. When one considers the evolution of the practice of law, working virtually is, simply, logical. It is a world in which bring your own device (BYOD) is the norm and the paralegal down the hall may very well be on the other side of the continent. And who is this paralegal? Whether in-office or virtual, he/she is often a fu- sion of Uhura and Scotty, with a dash of Kirk: a poised, professional, ethical, multi-tasking miracle-worker striving against seemingly impossible odds. WHERE FEW PARALEGALS HAD GONE BEFORE Many of todays virtual paralegals began their careers in Big Law or corporate America, never imagining they would become self-employed entrepreneurs, the owners of their own virtual parale- gal companies. These 21st-century free- lancers work remotely, linking to their clients via electronic media instead of coming into the office to collect proj- ects. They are trained, certificated (and often certified), experienced paralegals who have taken their substantial skills out of bricks-and-mortar law offices, via the profusion of available technology, to deliver a cost-saving alternative for solos and small firms. These innovative indi- viduals provide something their in-house counterparts dont: They are (virtually) available 24/7. The legal profession continues to embrace and realize the value of work- ing with and in the cloud. This technol- ogy makes it possible for Small Law to flourish and has created the perfect niche for enterprising paralegals to hang their virtual shingles and offer cost-effective support to the solos and small firms who understand and appreciate their value. A PIECE OF THE ACTION Attorneys want to maintain an image of professionalism, decrease their overhead, and increase the value of their billable dollars. Solos and small firms need sup- port to manage the practical side of their law practicesespecially if their budgets cannot sustain full-time assistance. Their clients (rightfully) expect the same level of expertise and service as their Big Law counterparts, but without Big Law fees. In todays competitive marketplace, Small Law needs paralegal support to provide these services. Outsourcing allows solos and small firms to work directly with paralegals, on a transactional basis, with- out the burden of salaries and overhead or the limitations of regular business hours. Virtual paralegals offer attorneys a seam- Outsourcing to paralegals can help solos compete with Big Law. less, remote staffing alternative while maximizing the value of each billable hour. Realistically, attorneys just want to get back to the business of practicing law. Anyone in the industry will agree there are some tasks better handled by a paralegal and billed at a lower rate so at- torneys can make better use of their time. Not only are attorneys who out- source more productive, but they also realize higher revenues because they pay only for the work being done. Lets compare the cost of a full-time employee to a virtual paralegal. A full-time, sala- ried paralegal averages $62,700 annually, which breaks down to about $30 per hour. The employer, however, is on the hook for an additional 35 percent in taxes and benefits (paid lunches, overtime, personal leave, overhead, professional dues, and non-productive time) for a total budget expense of about $84,600 per year. On the other hand, a savvy solo or small firm may need only ten hours of paralegal support over the course of each week. Assuming a flat rate of $55 per hour for 52 weeks (520 hours total) for virtual paralegal assistancewith- out the extra expenses associated with payroll taxes, insurance, benefits, over- head, and other hidden coststhe annual cost to the firm would be just $28,600. This yields a relative savings of about $56,000almost the cost of the base sal- ary of the full-time employee. Its all about the bottom line. Tech- nology merely provides new avenues by which paralegals may continue to provide exceptional, professional, and cost-effective services to attorneys in need. To maintain a competitive edge, at- torneys must utilize all the tools in their technology tool kits, remembering that sometimes technology is embodied in an individual who can deploy it expertly on the attorneys behalf. SELECTING YOUR AWAY TEAM You must be clear about what you need and want for your practice. Are you looking for a virtual paralegal to fill in a gap, or are you really looking for some- one to provide dedicated assistance to your practice? If you are considering a home-based paralegal to work solely for the benefit of your practice, then you may have a telecommuting employee on your payroll instead of an independent contractor. That being said, always treat hiring a virtual paralegal the same way you would treat hiring someone to work in your physical space. This person will be acting on your behalf and under your supervision, so its best to hire some- body with experience and established credentials. Keep in mind, there are many qualified paralegals just enter- ing virtual practice who may not have established themselves as independent contractors but still bring experience and knowledge to the table. Certain legal specialties require unique skills and proficiency; however, there are some situations in which it makes just as much sense to hire a virtual paralegal with verifiable training that you can mold to your own specifications. In any case, the appropriate person is a quali- fied, experienced, well-trained, career paralegal who is the right match for you and your practice. Ask questions, request references, GPSOLO | May/June 2014 Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. 24
  • 4. filler do your due diligence. An established virtual paralegal will have a visible web presence. Consider all the details: edu- cation, background, and experience, af- filiations with professional associations. Confirmand this is importantthat the individual is indeed a credentialed paralegal (or legal assistant). Reputable virtual paralegals will dis- cuss, in detail, their fees, billing prac- tices, availability/hours of operation, and respective expectations, and will provide you with a service agreement or contract that formalizes the terms of your business arrangement. The contract protects all parties. (You are an attorney, you already know that.) They will also have all the equipment necessary to do the job: phone, computer, printer, scan- ner/copier, external hard drive, secure Internet connection, licensed software (document processing, e-mail, financial tracking, specialty software related to their service offering, etc.), up-to-date antivirus software, and offsite back-up. Many have the ability to integrate with their clients technology and securely transfer files and information. The lux- ury of working virtually is that virtual paralegals have remote access to their offices and/or can work anytime and anywhere. Most paralegals, virtual or in-office, are college-educated professionals who may or may not have also completed a course of formal paralegal training; many have been certified by one or more of the nationally recognized paralegal as- sociations; and a growing number are seeking secondary degrees. Generally speaking, there are no mandatory CLE requirements for paralegals, although truly dedicated paralegals do undertake such continuing education in order to be more valuable to attorneys. Like their in-office counterparts, virtual paralegals can provide their services to attorneys in every type of law practice, although many focus their services in the areas of Social Security, immigration, intellectual property, and bankruptcy simply be- cause the federal system is the most con- ducive to the utilization of their skills. It might be true that a chimpanzee and two trainees can file documents elec- tronically, but e-filing requires a special A M E R I C A N B A R A S S O C I A T I O N RUN YOUR FIRM LIKE A BUSINESS AN OPERATIONS GUIDE FOR THE SOLO PRACTITIONER AND SMALL FIRM FRANK T. LOCKWOOD If the tension between the actual practice of law and the administrative or business demands seems never ending, Product Code: 5150462 Regular Price: $79.95this guide is for you. In this GPSolo Members: $65.95 concise and useful text, former attorney and successful business owner Frank Lockwood shares powerful systems he has developed and refined over the years that will help you resolve the tension between the tasks of the business and actually doing the legal work for which you were trained. Mr. Lockwoods revolutionary systems dealing with information management, employee relations, marketing, timekeeping, billing collection, business operations, and more are all included in this helpful guide. He has divided the practice into several areas that can stand by themselves and for which changes can be implemented in varying degrees according to the readers needs and available resources. Adoption of any one of the systems described in this book will significantly improve the operations of your law firm. So what are you waiting for? Order your copy today. 2013 140 pages 2013 140 pages To order, call the ABA Service Center at (800) 285-2221 or visit our website at www.ShopABA.org. Publication Orders, P.O. Box 10892, Chicago, IL 60610 GPSOLO | ambar.org/gpsolomag Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. 25
  • 5. CERTIFIED OR CERTIFICATED? Certified: successfully completed certain established requirements and passed a certification exam. The ABA does not certify paralegals. Certificated: A degree or certificate of completion verifying that a student has successfully completed a paralegal educational program. skill set and a certain level of patience in order to properly process, assemble, and submit the required documents in their proper sequence and under the correct event codes. VIOLATIONS OF THE PRIME DIRECTIVE Paralegals have certain limitations. The most important is that paralegals must not engage in the unauthorized practice of law. Although the definitions and comments regarding the unauthorized practice of law by non-lawyer assistants vary from state to state, the standard has been set by the ABA Model Guidelines for the Utilization of Paralegal Services (tinyurl.com/pv72p4u) and refers to Rule 5.5 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct (tinyurl.com/ cxgb56u). In general, paralegals may not accept cases, set fees, give legal advice, plan strategy, make legal decisions, take depositions, or appear in court. Obvi- ously, with respect to running their own businesses, virtual paralegals may set the fees they charge their attorney clients; they are, however, prohibited from set- ting fees for the attorneys clients. One of the lesser-known benefits of working virtually, especially in terms of bankruptcy and other federal practices, is that a paralegal does not have the same jurisdictional restrictions as those im- posed on attorneys. As long as a paralegal is working under the direct supervision of an attorney who is duly admitted to practice before the bar in the jurisdiction in which he or she is practicing, it does not matter where that paralegal is physi- cally located. It is important for both the attorney and the virtual paralegal to know of, and adhere to, the rules of each jurisdiction. These issues and concerns continue to be addressed by the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 (tinyurl. com/3op6tx3) and are sure to be modi- fied as technology changes the ways in which legal professionals work. SHIELDS UP! If nothing else, the controversy over snooping by the National Security Agency has reminded us that privacy, confidentiality, and security are always an issue. The vulnerabilities exposed by these recent disclosures make me long for our former zinc-plated, vacuum- tubed culture. We know that technology makes it possible to work virtually, but it also makes it easier to inadvertently cross eth- ical lines. Virtual legal professionals have the same legal and ethical constraints as their bricks-and-mortar counterparts. In terms of all things Internet, web-based, or cloud, the reputable virtual paralegal will utilize firewalls, secure Internet connections, and encryption; institute security protocols for the storage and retention of paper and digital files; and implement backup and retrieval systems for file recovery. Unless you can figure out how to get back to the time of stone knives and bear skins, we have to accept that com- munications are no longer inviolable. Consider the nature of the information being transmitted from client to attor- ney and attorney to paralegal, and so on. For instance, in bankruptcy mat- ters, paralegals are often given access to a debtors credit report, Social Security Number, and other forms of personal identifying information. For that rea- son, it is of paramount importance, not only for the paralegals protection but also to protect client information, that the paralegal and attorney establish and enforce security policies and protocols. In light of current revelations, the opinion of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibil- ity regarding the Duty to Protect the Confidentiality of E-mail Communica- tions with Ones Client (tinyurl.com/ mzhzrqs) has taken on a new dimen- sion. Among other things, the opinion addresses concerns as to the risk of any third-party access to any online com- munication. Obviously, the legal and ethical obligation to protect client data applies to virtual paralegals as well as the attorneys to which the opinion was originally directed. As with any form of legal practice, there are always concerns regarding con- flicts of interest and jurisdiction. This becomes a more pronounced issue when working virtually with multiple clients in various jurisdictions. Most attorneys and law firms, as standard practice, have a process by which they evaluate new clients and matters for potential con- flicts. The responsible virtual paralegal will have instituted similar processes. The ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 has noted that when outsourcing, it is important to have systems employ[ing] conflicts checking procedures . . . main- taining extensive databases for existing and former clients and screening the work history of new recruits and existing employees against both the information contained in the databases and informa- tion supplied by the client. YOUR ONGOING MISSION As we look toward the second quarter of the new millennium, we recognize that technology will continue to influ- ence how law is practiced. We operate in the midst of a technological universe of infinite diversity, with innumerable options to stock your technology tool box. Sometimes, however, the best tech in your arsenal is the person who knows how to implement technology on your behalf, helping you to boldly go where you have never gone before. virtual paralegal of StarrParalegals, LLC, pamelatheparalegal.com. GPSOLO | May/June 2014 Published in GP Solo, Volume 31, Number 3, May/June 2014 息 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. 26