Business situations are increasingly complex. Decision-making requires debate between all stakeholders, which should be consolidated by sophisticated and factual analysis of data masses available. GPS 束 enlightens 損 your data universe, making it intelligent and usable. The resulting interpretation is fully aligned with your performance objectives, and is adjusted to suit your needs in terms of risk management.
This document discusses the author's emerging theoretical orientation of cognitive behavioral therapy. The author describes how their experiences volunteering with therapeutic horseback riding influenced their belief that people are goal-oriented and strive for acceptance. The author favors CBT because it is practical, structured, and goal-oriented. CBT views thoughts, feelings and behaviors as connected, and aims to identify and replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Key CBT techniques include thought records and homework assignments to help clients gain skills to cope with stress independently.
Why GPS is the next big thing and what it can do for your business
Does your Company always deliver top numbers, using the most efficient methods and its resources to their highest potential?
Can you anticipate risks down to each processes before they affect your business?
Do you have clarity and certainty on how to thrive, easily face tougher regulations, rising Domestic and Global competition, constant changes, as well as an increasingly overwhelming volume of information?
Existing tools and solutions beside being costly have showed their limitation. Today Directors, Managers need more. They want to be further empowered with an instant assessment of company position in its current environment as well as the next.
We came up with the precise and perfect solution for you. We offer an enhanced management style with GPS (Global Performance System) as your personalized guide.
With GPS to guide you, your vision is accurate. Your company generates and capitalizes wealth, creates opportunities to further invest where investments are needed. You are able to offer better products and services to your customers. With this new level of excellence your customers satisfaction rates at its highest. And Consequently, your companys reputation and position on the market are solidified.
Whether you wish to migrate further towards digitalization, make acquisitions, please or attract investors, as well as generate growth and enhance your customer experience, GPS is designed to guide you and lead you to success!
Presentation Acme engineering- Two Stage Turbo Shaft Engine- Pratt and WhittneySiddharth Salkar
Design and Analysis of Two Stage Turbofan Gas Turbine Engine-Pratt and Whitney
-Design, Manufacture, Cost, Performance analysis of Gas Turbine based on blades, material, operation, overhaul cost and market analysis and product Survival.
-Presented to delegates of Pratt and Whitney Canada
Simulation Modelling: Costa Coffee (London, UK)Alejandro Duke
Simulation Modelling: development of a Monte Carlo simulation model for evaluating the constraints of the system identifying bottlenecks, forecasting loss of customers and revenue and providing possible solutions through alternative simulated scenarios.
Business situations are increasingly complex. Decision-making requires debate between all stakeholders, which should be consolidated by sophisticated and factual analysis of data masses available. GPS 束 enlightens 損 your data universe, making it intelligent and usable. The resulting interpretation is fully aligned with your performance objectives, and is adjusted to suit your needs in terms of risk management.
This document discusses the author's emerging theoretical orientation of cognitive behavioral therapy. The author describes how their experiences volunteering with therapeutic horseback riding influenced their belief that people are goal-oriented and strive for acceptance. The author favors CBT because it is practical, structured, and goal-oriented. CBT views thoughts, feelings and behaviors as connected, and aims to identify and replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Key CBT techniques include thought records and homework assignments to help clients gain skills to cope with stress independently.
Why GPS is the next big thing and what it can do for your business
Does your Company always deliver top numbers, using the most efficient methods and its resources to their highest potential?
Can you anticipate risks down to each processes before they affect your business?
Do you have clarity and certainty on how to thrive, easily face tougher regulations, rising Domestic and Global competition, constant changes, as well as an increasingly overwhelming volume of information?
Existing tools and solutions beside being costly have showed their limitation. Today Directors, Managers need more. They want to be further empowered with an instant assessment of company position in its current environment as well as the next.
We came up with the precise and perfect solution for you. We offer an enhanced management style with GPS (Global Performance System) as your personalized guide.
With GPS to guide you, your vision is accurate. Your company generates and capitalizes wealth, creates opportunities to further invest where investments are needed. You are able to offer better products and services to your customers. With this new level of excellence your customers satisfaction rates at its highest. And Consequently, your companys reputation and position on the market are solidified.
Whether you wish to migrate further towards digitalization, make acquisitions, please or attract investors, as well as generate growth and enhance your customer experience, GPS is designed to guide you and lead you to success!
Presentation Acme engineering- Two Stage Turbo Shaft Engine- Pratt and WhittneySiddharth Salkar
Design and Analysis of Two Stage Turbofan Gas Turbine Engine-Pratt and Whitney
-Design, Manufacture, Cost, Performance analysis of Gas Turbine based on blades, material, operation, overhaul cost and market analysis and product Survival.
-Presented to delegates of Pratt and Whitney Canada
Simulation Modelling: Costa Coffee (London, UK)Alejandro Duke
Simulation Modelling: development of a Monte Carlo simulation model for evaluating the constraints of the system identifying bottlenecks, forecasting loss of customers and revenue and providing possible solutions through alternative simulated scenarios.
Nurdan ahin-Genel M端d端r: "......Dr. Emre Erdoan ve 聴nfakto Arat脹rma irketi ile ge巽tiimiz y脹llarda birbirini takip eden 3 arat脹rma 巽al脹mas脹 yapt脹k. 2008 y脹l脹nda T端rkiyede Gen巽lik, G旦n端ll端l端k ve Sosyal Sermaye; 2009 y脹l脹nda G旦n端ll端l端k ve Kazan脹mlar脹; 2010 y脹l脹nda S端rd端r端lebilir G旦n端ll端l端k bal脹klar脹 alt脹nda yap脹lan bu 巽al脹malar, ilgili y脹llar脹n, yine TEGV taraf脹ndan d端zenlenen D端nya G旦n端ll端ler G端n端 Konferanslar脹nda kamuoyu ile payla脹ld脹, web sitemize kondu, k端巽端k bir k脹sm脹 da TEGV ETK聴 ARATIRMASI adl脹 巽al脹mam脹zda yay脹nland脹. Ancak, konu ile ilgili kaynaklar脹n azl脹脹n脹 da g旦z 旦n端ne alarak, 3 arat脹rmay脹 bir b端t端nl端k i巽inde ve geneli ilgilendirecek k脹s脹mlar脹yla kitaplat脹rarak, t端m ilgilenenlerin yararlanmas脹n脹 arzu ettik.Bu 巽al脹man脹n hem T端rkiyede g旦n端ll端l端端n yayg脹nlamas脹na hem de STKlardaki g旦n端ll端 koordinasyonuna katk脹 yapmas脹n脹 umuyor, arat脹rmalar脹 y端r端ten ve kitaplat脹ran Dr. Emre Erdoana; arat脹rmalar脹 ger巽ekletiren 聴nfakto ekibine ve b端y端k destek salayan
TEGV merkez ve saha personeline y端rekten teekk端r ediyoruz. Teekk端r端n en b端y端端n端 ise, hi巽bir kar脹l脹k beklemeden emeklerini ve zamanlar脹n脹 toplum yarar脹na sunan ve bu 旦nemli 巽al脹man脹n ger巽ekletirilmesinde katk脹 salayan, en b端y端k g端c端m端z, g旦n端ll端lerimiz hak ediyor."
Sosyal sermaye 旦zellikle 1980lerden sonra pop端ler bir kavram olarak bir巽ok arat脹rmaya konu olmutur (Woolcock ve Narayan, 2000). Sosyolojiden iletmeye, ekonomiden yoksulluu 旦nlemeye, eitimden sosyal politikalara ve siyaset bilimine kadar geni bir alanda uzun d旦nemli tart脹ma ve arat脹rmalara konu olan bu kavram, bir toplumun veya kurumun zenginlik kayna脹 olarak g旦r端lmektedir. Bu bak脹mdan sosyal sermayenin ne olduu, tespiti, gelitirilmesi ve kullan脹lmas脹 konusu sosyal sermaye alan脹nda yap脹lan 巽al脹malar脹n temel hareket noktas脹n脹 tekil etmektedir (Ekinci, 2008).
Xsights Arat脹rma ve Dan脹manl脹k, sosyal deiim yaratan gelimeleri yak脹ndan takip etmek, gelecei 旦n g旦rebilmek ve aktif rol al脹m脹nda etkili olabilmek i巽in Sosyal Arat脹rmalara 旦zellikle 旦nem vermektedir. Bu dorultuda ger巽ekletirmi olduu geni arat脹rma deneyimleri, belirtilen temalarla 旦zetlenebilir; Etnik Gruplar, G旦巽, Din, Dezavantajl脹 Gruplar, K端lt端rel Alg脹, ocuklar, Gen巽ler, Yaam Tarz脹, S端rd端r端lebilir Enerji, Liderler
Mersin Engelsiz Yaam Platformu Projesi T.C. D脹ileri Bakanl脹脹 Avrupa Birlii Bakanl脹脹 taraf脹ndan Avrupa Birlii mali desteiyle uygulanan Sivil Toplum Destek Program脹n脹n 端巽端nc端 d旦nemi kapsam脹nda hibe destei alan projemizdir. Program脹n S旦zleme Makam脹 Merkezi Finans ve 聴hale Birimidir. Sivil Toplum Destek Program脹 STKlar脹n kapasitelerinin g端巽lendirilmesine y旦nelik y端r端t端len bir hibe program脹d脹r ve Sivil Toplum Destek Program脹n脹n 端巽端nc端 d旦neminde verilen desteklerle STKlar脹n kurumsal kapasitesinin art脹r脹lmas脹 ve STKlar aras脹 ortakl脹klar脹n tevik edilmesi; aktif vatandal脹k ve STKlar脹n karar alma s端re巽lerine kat脹l脹m脹n脹n desteklenmesi ve son olarak aktif vatandal脹k i巽in yasal 巽er巽evenin gelitirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. STK Y旦netimi ve Kurumsallama proje kapsam脹nda engelli derneklere verdiimiz bir eitimdir ve bu sunumda eitimin i巽eriinden olumaktad脹r.
Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve 聴nsan Kaynaklar脹 Uygulamalar脹zkan G旦z端tok
Bu 巽al脹mada 旦nce sosyal sorumluluk kavram脹 tan脹mlanarak, sosyal sorumlulua ilikin teoriler a巽脹klanacak, sosyal sorumluluk uygulamalar脹n脹n aamalar脹 anlat脹lacak ve insan kaynaklar脹 a巽脹s脹ndan sosyal sorumluluun 旦nemi ele al脹nacakt脹r.
al脹man脹n Yay脹n Linki;
1. 2672080-804545<br />Hedefler: <br />Gen巽lerin 端niversitelerde kul端p ve topluluk olarak ya da 端niversite d脹脹nda grup olarak 旦rg端tlendikleri Toplum G旦n端ll端leri 旦rg端tlenmeleri yaratmak, <br />Gen巽lerin toplumsal deiim, dayan脹ma ve bar脹脹 destekleyen sosyal sorumluluk proje ve etkinliklerini hayata ge巽irmelerini salamak, <br />Akran eitimi yoluyla gen巽leri sosyal sorumluluk, proje y旦netimi, ekip 巽al脹mas脹, sal脹k, 端reme sal脹脹, insan haklar脹, sosyal haklar ve sahan脹n deien ihtiya巽lar脹na g旦re dier konular脹nda eitimlerle desteklemek, <br />Gen巽lii ilgilendiren konularda arat脹rma ve izleme 巽al脹malar脹 yapmak, <br />Gen巽lerle ilgili karar alma s端re巽lerini desteklemek, <br />Uluslararas脹 hareketlilii salayan gen巽lik deiimleri, staj ve g旦n端ll端l端k programlar脹 ile gen巽ler aras脹nda diyalogu gelitirmek, <br />Gen巽lik Konseyi, TOG ATAK ve D旦nemsel Yaz Projesi gibi etkinlikler d端zenleyerek gen巽lerin hareketliliini salamak ve toplumsal meselelere ilgi 巽ekmek, <br />3443605400685G旦n端ll端l端k yapan gen巽leri burs ve staj yoluyla g端巽lendirmektir.<br /> KK ADIMLAR BYK YARINLAR ATAY ASLAN<br />