Metasploit (Module-1) - Getting Started With MetasploitAnurag Srivastava
Metasploit is a vulnerability and exploitation framework used by security professionals to ease the burden of performing security assessments. It contains modules divided into exploits, auxiliary, payloads, and post exploitation that allow penetration testing functionality. Some techniques demonstrated in the document include browser, PDF, and executable exploitation using Metasploit payloads to gain remote access shells on target systems.
This document provides information about social media graphics for four platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. It discusses creating visual content to engage audiences and drive interactions on social networks.
ETHEkWInI Municipalitys Metro
Police offi cers went out in full
force on 8 september during a law
enforcement operation, targeting
unroadworthy trucks and those that
contravened City by-laws.
The roadblocks which were set up on
Bayhead Road, the M7 and south Coast
Road were in response to complaints by
residents and motorists that the trucks
were a nuisance, unroadworthy and causing
damage to roads.
During the blitz, Metro Police arrested 22
truck drivers who had outstanding warrants
of arrest.
Metro Police superintendent, Anand
Maharaj said the operation resulted in the
issuing of six warrants of arrests amounting
to R8 100 and outstanding summons
totalling R83 800.
Maharaj said the operation also yielded
positive results such as the prosecution of
trucks with unroadworthy tyres, hooters that
did not work, drivers found driving without
Professional Driving Permits, unlicensed
vehicles and
This document is Neha Raut's design portfolio from 2016. It includes her contact information, education background in computer science engineering from 2010-2014. Her design skills include Autodesk Alias and Luxion Keyshot. Her personal projects remodel various products using Alias, Keyshot and Fotor and include evaluations. Her hobbies and interests include drawing, 3D modeling and visualization. She is seeking an internship or job.
Threats to the Grid | Cyber Challenges Impacting the Energy Sector Invincea, Inc.
Nowhere is the cyber threat more immediate than the energy sector where attacks have moved from hypothetical to reality. Todays cyber challenges are impacting the entire industry, posing threats to the grid and other critical infrastructure. While there is much work to be done, the industry has been making great strides by learning from recent events, such as the attack on Ukraines electric grid, to better understand how to prepare for the threats of tomorrow.
Listen to the OnDemand Webcast hosted by Richard Ward, Senior Manager, National Security Policy at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and Norm Laudermilch, Chief Operation Officer at Invincea, as they discuss the cyber challenges impacting the energy sector. Among the topics, they discuss:
What did we learn from the Ukrainian attack and Belgium threats? Can it happen here?
How prepared is the energy sector against cyber threats? Are we at risk for a major attack?
What can we leverage from physical threat response to prepare for cyber threats?
How are attackers taking advantage of security blind spots and what can we do to stop them?
OnDemand Webcast Link:
La investigaci坦n cient鱈fica: la ruta del educador innovadorVladimir Estrada
El documento describe la ruta que debe seguir un educador para convertirse en un investigador innovador. Explica que un educador debe comenzar con una pr叩ctica educativa innovadora, luego realizar investigaci坦n educativa sobre su propia pr叩ctica a trav辿s de m辿todos como la investigaci坦n-acci坦n, y finalmente convertir su investigaci坦n en una contribuci坦n cient鱈fica mediante la aplicaci坦n de m辿todos cient鱈ficos.
Presentaci坦n tem叩tica sobre marca personal docente, ofrecida en el Primer Seminario Internacional de la Escuela de Educaci坦n de la Universidad Abierta para Adultos, de la Rep炭blica Dominicana.
Un perif辿rico de entrada proporciona datos y se単ales de control a la unidad central de procesamiento de una computadora. Aunque los perif辿ricos no son esenciales, muchos son fundamentales para un sistema inform叩tico. Los dispositivos de entrada incluyen teclados, ratones, micr坦fonos y m叩s, y forman la interfaz entre el hardware y el usuario.
Modern devices with spread spectrum application opportunities for wireless co...仍亠从舒仆亟 舒亰亠仆从仂
Presentation for BIT16 Kyiv Grand Forum. WLAN Academy.
- Technologies and devices of Covert Wireless Communications.
- Test results of new devices of the company.
- Features of new devices of the company.
- Opportunities and prospects of wireless communication services based on products of the company.
ETHEkWInI Municipalitys Metro
Police offi cers went out in full
force on 8 september during a law
enforcement operation, targeting
unroadworthy trucks and those that
contravened City by-laws.
The roadblocks which were set up on
Bayhead Road, the M7 and south Coast
Road were in response to complaints by
residents and motorists that the trucks
were a nuisance, unroadworthy and causing
damage to roads.
During the blitz, Metro Police arrested 22
truck drivers who had outstanding warrants
of arrest.
Metro Police superintendent, Anand
Maharaj said the operation resulted in the
issuing of six warrants of arrests amounting
to R8 100 and outstanding summons
totalling R83 800.
Maharaj said the operation also yielded
positive results such as the prosecution of
trucks with unroadworthy tyres, hooters that
did not work, drivers found driving without
Professional Driving Permits, unlicensed
vehicles and
This document is Neha Raut's design portfolio from 2016. It includes her contact information, education background in computer science engineering from 2010-2014. Her design skills include Autodesk Alias and Luxion Keyshot. Her personal projects remodel various products using Alias, Keyshot and Fotor and include evaluations. Her hobbies and interests include drawing, 3D modeling and visualization. She is seeking an internship or job.
Threats to the Grid | Cyber Challenges Impacting the Energy Sector Invincea, Inc.
Nowhere is the cyber threat more immediate than the energy sector where attacks have moved from hypothetical to reality. Todays cyber challenges are impacting the entire industry, posing threats to the grid and other critical infrastructure. While there is much work to be done, the industry has been making great strides by learning from recent events, such as the attack on Ukraines electric grid, to better understand how to prepare for the threats of tomorrow.
Listen to the OnDemand Webcast hosted by Richard Ward, Senior Manager, National Security Policy at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and Norm Laudermilch, Chief Operation Officer at Invincea, as they discuss the cyber challenges impacting the energy sector. Among the topics, they discuss:
What did we learn from the Ukrainian attack and Belgium threats? Can it happen here?
How prepared is the energy sector against cyber threats? Are we at risk for a major attack?
What can we leverage from physical threat response to prepare for cyber threats?
How are attackers taking advantage of security blind spots and what can we do to stop them?
OnDemand Webcast Link:
La investigaci坦n cient鱈fica: la ruta del educador innovadorVladimir Estrada
El documento describe la ruta que debe seguir un educador para convertirse en un investigador innovador. Explica que un educador debe comenzar con una pr叩ctica educativa innovadora, luego realizar investigaci坦n educativa sobre su propia pr叩ctica a trav辿s de m辿todos como la investigaci坦n-acci坦n, y finalmente convertir su investigaci坦n en una contribuci坦n cient鱈fica mediante la aplicaci坦n de m辿todos cient鱈ficos.
Presentaci坦n tem叩tica sobre marca personal docente, ofrecida en el Primer Seminario Internacional de la Escuela de Educaci坦n de la Universidad Abierta para Adultos, de la Rep炭blica Dominicana.
Un perif辿rico de entrada proporciona datos y se単ales de control a la unidad central de procesamiento de una computadora. Aunque los perif辿ricos no son esenciales, muchos son fundamentales para un sistema inform叩tico. Los dispositivos de entrada incluyen teclados, ratones, micr坦fonos y m叩s, y forman la interfaz entre el hardware y el usuario.
Modern devices with spread spectrum application opportunities for wireless co...仍亠从舒仆亟 舒亰亠仆从仂
Presentation for BIT16 Kyiv Grand Forum. WLAN Academy.
- Technologies and devices of Covert Wireless Communications.
- Test results of new devices of the company.
- Features of new devices of the company.
- Opportunities and prospects of wireless communication services based on products of the company.
10. 丿舒亞 (2): 亳从亠亳亰舒亳. 丐
Basic Sampling Theorem:
Exact reconstruction of a continuous-time
baseband signal from its samples is possible if
the signal is bandlimited and the sampling
frequency is greater than twice the signal
弌仗亠从 亳亞仆舒仍舒 亟仂仍亢亠仆 弍
从仂仆亠仆仄 (亳仍舒亳)
弌仗亠从 亟仂仍亢亠仆 仍亠亢舒 于
仆舒舒仍仆仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳 舒仂
丐仂亞亟舒 亟仍 Fs2fmax: ADA ok
Introduction To Telecommunications 2012 - 息 Alexander Eltsov, SPbSPU 10
11. 仂舒仆仂于仍亠仆亳亠 亳亞仆舒仍舒 仗仂
sinc(x) = sin(x) / (x)
亠从仂仆亠仆仂亠 于亠仄
丐仂仆仂亠 亟仂于仍亠于仂亠仆亳亠
亠舒仍仆仂亳: 丕 仆舒: (PCM)
仂亞舒仆亳亠仆仆仂亠 于亠仄 Fs = 8kHz
舒亰仍亳仆亠 仄亠仂亟 result - PAM
Introduction To Telecommunications 2012 - 息 Alexander Eltsov, SPbSPU 11