Las tortugas tienen una caparaz坦n dura que las protege, cuatro patas y una cola. Viven en la tierra, agua dulce, r鱈os y mares. Se alimentan con un pico en lugar de dientes y no pueden retraer su cabeza o patas dentro de la caparaz坦n.
Power point educatiu damunt els taurons, hi ha dues versions m辿s ampliades en aquesta mateixa plana. Podeu descarregar-vos totes les que volgueu, per aix嘆 estan.
The document provides information about rabbits. It describes their physical characteristics such as having 2 eyes, long ears, a short tail, whiskers, and 4 feet with the back feet being longer and stronger. It discusses what rabbits eat, including pellets, carrots, grass, corn, apples, dried bread, and that they need fresh water and branches to gnaw on. It also notes that rabbits live in cages, woods, or burrows and describes the skeleton of a rabbit.
The students in the class chose to learn about sharks. They brainstormed what they already knew about sharks and questions they had. They discussed the best ways to research sharks, such as looking at books, websites, and potentially visiting an aquarium. The class then worked together to organize what they learned about sharks' appearance, diet, habitat, behaviors and more. They began learning about different shark species and characteristics.
- Seahorses are very small fish that live in warm waters at the bottom of the sea, fitting on the palm of a hand.
- Seahorse pairs are always together, holding tails. Seahorses can also turn each eye independently to watch both sides at once.
- Baby seahorses develop in the male's pouch for 50-60 days before leaving, though they want to return if feeling threatened.
This document discusses many different types of animals that live in the sea. It describes sea turtles that breathe air and lay eggs on land. It also mentions penguins that have feathers but also lay eggs and breathe air. The document then discusses different types of fish like clownfish, lionfish, manta rays and eels. It provides information on various shellfish, crustaceans, and marine mammals like whales, dolphins and seals that live in the ocean.
Dolphins eat fish, squid and shellfish. When young, they drink their mother's milk. Dolphins live in groups in oceans around the world. They are mammals that give birth to live calves, which stay with their mothers for up to 18 months. Dolphins have streamlined bodies with fins, blowholes for breathing air, and echolocation abilities to hunt prey. However, they are endangered due to getting caught in fishing nets.
The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
Xicoteta presentaci坦 que he fet per a la meva aula d'Educaci坦 Infantil per tal de classificar els animals en ov鱈pars i viv鱈pars, dins d'un projecte de treball dels animals
Projecte ELS CAVALLETS DE MAR P5-A 2014-15 CEIP Ca n'Alzamora de Rub鱈ceipalzamora
Projecte de treball elaborat a partir del nom de la classe realitzat pels infants de P5-A de l'Escola Ca n'Alzamora de Rub鱈.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo se puede determinar la edad de las tortugas contando las rayitas en su caparaz坦n, aunque esto se vuelve dif鱈cil para tortugas muy viejas que tienen demasiadas rayitas para contar.
Power point educatiu damunt els taurons, hi ha dues versions m辿s ampliades en aquesta mateixa plana. Podeu descarregar-vos totes les que volgueu, per aix嘆 estan.
The document provides information about rabbits. It describes their physical characteristics such as having 2 eyes, long ears, a short tail, whiskers, and 4 feet with the back feet being longer and stronger. It discusses what rabbits eat, including pellets, carrots, grass, corn, apples, dried bread, and that they need fresh water and branches to gnaw on. It also notes that rabbits live in cages, woods, or burrows and describes the skeleton of a rabbit.
The students in the class chose to learn about sharks. They brainstormed what they already knew about sharks and questions they had. They discussed the best ways to research sharks, such as looking at books, websites, and potentially visiting an aquarium. The class then worked together to organize what they learned about sharks' appearance, diet, habitat, behaviors and more. They began learning about different shark species and characteristics.
- Seahorses are very small fish that live in warm waters at the bottom of the sea, fitting on the palm of a hand.
- Seahorse pairs are always together, holding tails. Seahorses can also turn each eye independently to watch both sides at once.
- Baby seahorses develop in the male's pouch for 50-60 days before leaving, though they want to return if feeling threatened.
This document discusses many different types of animals that live in the sea. It describes sea turtles that breathe air and lay eggs on land. It also mentions penguins that have feathers but also lay eggs and breathe air. The document then discusses different types of fish like clownfish, lionfish, manta rays and eels. It provides information on various shellfish, crustaceans, and marine mammals like whales, dolphins and seals that live in the ocean.
Dolphins eat fish, squid and shellfish. When young, they drink their mother's milk. Dolphins live in groups in oceans around the world. They are mammals that give birth to live calves, which stay with their mothers for up to 18 months. Dolphins have streamlined bodies with fins, blowholes for breathing air, and echolocation abilities to hunt prey. However, they are endangered due to getting caught in fishing nets.
The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
Xicoteta presentaci坦 que he fet per a la meva aula d'Educaci坦 Infantil per tal de classificar els animals en ov鱈pars i viv鱈pars, dins d'un projecte de treball dels animals
Projecte ELS CAVALLETS DE MAR P5-A 2014-15 CEIP Ca n'Alzamora de Rub鱈ceipalzamora
Projecte de treball elaborat a partir del nom de la classe realitzat pels infants de P5-A de l'Escola Ca n'Alzamora de Rub鱈.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo se puede determinar la edad de las tortugas contando las rayitas en su caparaz坦n, aunque esto se vuelve dif鱈cil para tortugas muy viejas que tienen demasiadas rayitas para contar.
Federico Garc鱈a Lorca (Milana y Victoria)maestraanabel
Federico Garc鱈a Lorca naci坦 en Granada en 1898, estudi坦 filosof鱈a y letras y derecho en Granada. Sus padres eran propietarios agr鱈colas y ten鱈a 3 hermanos. De adulto se dedic坦 a la poes鱈a, m炭sica y dibujo. Algunas de sus obras m叩s importantes fueron La Yerma, Romancero Gitano y gan坦 un premio de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes. Muri坦 asesinado cerca de Granada en 1936 y form坦 parte de la generaci坦n del 27.
A les classes de Primer de Primria amb tota la informaci坦 apresa sobre els animals que donen nom a les classes: Tortugues de mar i Dracs de komodo, vam fer una confer竪ncia als pares per explicar-los-ho tot. Aqu鱈 teniu el que sanava veient a la pantalla cada vegada que parlava alg炭.
Mar鱈a Fernanda Mac鱈as D鱈az cre坦 un infogr叩fico sobre los arrecifes de coral en febrero de 2016, trabajando en colorearlo y terminar el resultado final para exponerlo y socializarlo con sus compa単eros.
La autora realiz坦 una actividad manual sobre el ciclo de vida de las tortugas para reforzar el tema. Us坦 un molde, tijeras y pegamento para armar una tortuga de papel. A la autora le gust坦 la actividad y cree que es vers叩til para usarla con ni単os en la escuela primaria para ense単ar sobre el ciclo de vida de las tortugas.
Las tortugas viven en el mar, r鱈os y lagos, y se alimentan de caracoles, peque単os animales acu叩ticos y algas. Las tortugas terrestres tienen cuatro patas y comen frutas y verduras como lechuga, tomate y zanahoria. Las tortugas nacen de huevos y crecen hasta alcanzar la edad adulta, aunque algunas especies son muy grandes. Desafortunadamente, muchas tortugas est叩n en peligro de extinci坦n, por lo que es importante protegerlas.
Las tortugas marinas son una especie que ha sobrevivido por m叩s de 200 millones de a単os. Se reproducen depositando entre 50 y 200 huevos en nidos cavados en la arena, y se alimentan de una amplia variedad de organismos marinos como medusas, corales y peces. Habitan los oc辿anos tropicales y templados de todo el mundo, y aunque se han adaptado a los cambios clim叩ticos, estos parecen estar sucediendo con demasiada rapidez.
El koala es un animal herb鱈voro nativo de Australia. Se caracteriza por comer principalmente hojas de eucalipto, tener cinco dedos con u単as y huellas digitales similares a las humanas. Los koalas tienen un metabolismo lento y pasan hasta 18 horas al d鱈a sin hacer nada. Estuvieron casi extintos debido a la caza por su piel, pero actualmente su mayor amenaza son los accidentes con veh鱈culos y ataques de perros.
Los Reyes Cat坦licos, Fernando II de Arag坦n e Isabel I de Castilla, iniciaron el proceso de unificaci坦n de la pen鱈nsula ib辿rica a trav辿s de la uni坦n din叩stica de Castilla y Arag坦n y la conquista de Granada en 1492. Establecieron una monarqu鱈a autoritaria que someti坦 a la nobleza y unific坦 a Espa単a religiosamente a trav辿s de la Inquisici坦n. Adem叩s, el descubrimiento de Am辿rica por Crist坦bal Col坦n en el mismo a単o marc坦 el inicio del Imperio espa単ol
3. Les tortugues descendeixen duns
r竪ptils primitius que van viure fa uns
250 milions danys i que en alguns
casos feien 4 metres de llarg.
4. Fa uns 50 milions danys, van
apar竪ixer unes b竪sties molt
semblants a les tortugues, per嘆
es van extingir. Sabien nedar.
5. Fa 200 milions danys, els primers animals
dels quals procedeix la tortuga tenien dents
que despr辿s evolucionaren en un bec. No
podien amagar les potes ni el cap.
8. Les potes davanteres de les tortugues marines
han evolucionat cap en una mena de rems. La
cuirassa, molt m辿s hidrodinmica, els
impedeix amagar el cap a sota.
9. Quan van desapar竪ixer els dinosaures van proliferar
moltes tortugues, sobretot terrestres.
africanaTortuga hind炭
10. Testudo atlas, la tortuga terrestre
m辿s gran del m坦n i la Hist嘆ria
Va viure a la ndia fa 250.000 anys i la seva
cuirassa era tan gran com un Volkswagen
Beetle, lescarabat.
27. La cria dhipop嘆tam creu que la tortuga 辿s la seva mare. I
la tortuga ha adoptat lhipop嘆tam.
28. Ignoro quin incentiu parasitari
porta la tortuga a viure en la
proximitat de lhome. El gos 辿s
un comensal de lhome en totes
les latituds i en tots els climes.
La rata 辿s un parsit de
lesp竪cie humana. El gat 辿s un
parsit de les rates. Lhome es
rodeja danimals dom竪stics per
devorar-los a taula, amb la
forquilla i el ganivet, en la
tranquil揃litat i la pau de la vida
familiar. 多Qu竪 troba la tortuga
en les proximitats dels homes i
de les dones per a aclimatar-
shi tan perfectament?
Fragment de Quadren gris, del gran escriptor
Josep Pla, escrit el dia 23 de maig de
29. La
de Pla informa:
Pla ens parla de la tortuga mediterrnia (Testudo hermanni, a la foto), una
esp竪cie aut嘆ctona de la nostra terra i freq端ent als jardins i masos de gran
part de Catalunya (tot i que ara escasseja m辿s).
La tortuga pot viure a les proximitats de les persones per un motiu bsic:
lalimentaci坦. En la majoria de cases de poble hi havia hagut sempre un
hort, i 辿s aqu鱈 on la tortuga es podia alimentar de diferents vegetals (cols,
Curiosament, aquest text va ser escrit el dia 23 de maig, dia en qu竪
actualment celebrem el Dia Mundial de les Tortugues.